com.ecfront.ez.framework.service.email.EMailProcessor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ecfront.ez.framework.service.email
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import com.ecfront.common.Resp
import com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.EZContext
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
import io.vertx.core.{AsyncResult, Handler}
import io.vertx.ext.mail._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, Promise}
* Email处理类
object EmailProcessor extends LazyLogging {
private var mailClient: MailClient = _
private var mailConfig: MailConfig = _
// 最大连接数
private var maxPoolSize: Int = _
// 当前发送错误次数
private val currentErrorCounter: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
* 初始化
* @param config 配置项
* @return 结果
def init(config: MailConfig): Resp[String] = {
mailConfig = config
maxPoolSize = mailConfig.getMaxPoolSize
init(MailClient.createShared(EZContext.vertx, mailConfig))
* 初始化
* @param _mailClient email client实例
def init(_mailClient: MailClient): Unit = {
mailClient = _mailClient
* 发送email
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(to: String, title: String, content: String): Resp[Void] = {
send(mailConfig.getUsername, List(to), null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(to: List[String], title: String, content: String): Resp[Void] = {
send(mailConfig.getUsername, to, null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: String, title: String, content: String): Resp[Void] = {
send(from, List(to), null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: List[String], title: String, content: String): Resp[Void] = {
send(from, to, null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param cc cc
* @param bcc bcc
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @param attachments 附件,格式:Name - ContentType - Data
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: List[String], cc: List[String], bcc: List[String],
title: String, content: String, attachments: List[(String, String, Buffer)]): Resp[Void] = {
Await.result(Async.send(from, to, cc, bcc, title, content, attachments), Duration.Inf)
object Async {
* 发送email
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(to: String, title: String, content: String): Future[Resp[Void]] = {
send(mailConfig.getUsername, List(to), null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(to: List[String], title: String, content: String): Future[Resp[Void]] = {
send(mailConfig.getUsername, to, null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: String, title: String, content: String): Future[Resp[Void]] = {
send(from, List(to), null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: List[String], title: String, content: String): Future[Resp[Void]] = {
send(from, to, null, null, title, content, List())
* 发送email
* @param from from
* @param to to
* @param cc cc
* @param bcc bcc
* @param title 标题
* @param content 正文
* @param attachments 附件,格式:Name - ContentType - Data
* @return 发送结果
def send(from: String, to: List[String], cc: List[String], bcc: List[String],
title: String, content: String, attachments: List[(String, String, Buffer)]): Future[Resp[Void]] = {
val p = Promise[Resp[Void]]()
if (from == null) {
logger.warn("FROM not empty.")
p.success(Resp.badRequest("FROM not empty."))
} else if (to == null || to.isEmpty) {
logger.warn("TO not empty.")
p.success(Resp.badRequest("TO not empty."))
} else if (title == null || title.trim.isEmpty) {
logger.warn("TITLE not empty.")
p.success(Resp.badRequest("TITLE not empty."))
} else {
val message = new MailMessage()
if (cc != null) message.setCc(cc)
if (bcc != null) message.setBcc(bcc)
if (attachments != null) {
attachments.foreach {
attach =>
val attachment = new MailAttachment()
logger.trace(s"Send mail [$title]")
mailClient.sendMail(message, new Handler[AsyncResult[MailResult]] {
override def handle(event: AsyncResult[MailResult]): Unit = {
if (event.succeeded()) {
} else {
if (currentErrorCounter.incrementAndGet() == maxPoolSize) {
// 解决连接错误时不会释放连接池的bug
logger.debug(s"Send mail error times equals max pool size , reinitialize mail client.")
logger.error(s"Send mail [$title] error : ${event.cause().getMessage}", event.cause())
p.success(Resp.serverUnavailable(s"Send mail [$title] error : ${event.cause().getMessage}"))
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