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com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.profile.result.FetchedStoreProfile.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.profile.result

import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO.ModifyKind
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiResultDTO
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.LocalizedValueMap
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ProductCondition
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.profile.enums.ProductFilterType
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.profile.request.UpdatedPaymentOption
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.profile.request.UpdatedStoreProfile
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.jsontransformer.JsonFieldName
import java.util.*

data class FetchedStoreProfile(
	val generalInfo: GeneralInfo? = null,
	val account: Account? = null,
	val settings: Settings? = null,
	val mailNotifications: MailNotifications? = null,
	val company: Company? = null,
	val formatsAndUnits: FormatsAndUnits? = null,
	val languages: Languages? = null,
	val shipping: Shipping? = null,
	val taxSettings: TaxSettings? = null,
	val zones: List? = null,
	val businessRegistrationID: BusinessRegistrationID? = null,
	val legalPagesSettings: LegalPagesSettingsDetails? = null,
	val payment: PaymentInfo? = null,
	val featureToggles: List? = null,
	val designSettings: DesignSettings? = null,
	val productFiltersSettings: ProductFiltersSettings = ProductFiltersSettings(),
	val fbMessengerSettings: FBMessengerSettings? = null,
	val orderInvoiceSettings: OrderInvoiceSettings? = null,
	val giftCardSettings: GiftCardSettings? = null,
	val registrationAnswers: RegistrationAnswers? = null,
) : ApiFetchedDTO, ApiResultDTO {

	data class GeneralInfo(
		val storeId: Int = 0,
		val storeUrl: String? = null,
		val starterSite: InstantSiteInfo? = null,
		val websitePlatform: WebsitePlatform? = null

	data class InstantSiteInfo(
		val ecwidSubdomain: String? = null,
		val customDomain: String? = null,
		val generatedUrl: String? = null,
		val storeLogoUrl: String? = null,
		val ecwidSubdomainSuffix: String? = null,
		val slugsWithoutIdsEnabled: Boolean? = null,

	enum class WebsitePlatform {


	data class Account(
		val accountName: String? = null,
		val accountNickName: String? = null,
		val accountEmail: String? = null,
		val availableFeatures: List? = null,
		val whiteLabel: Boolean? = null,
		val brandName: String? = null,
		val supportEmail: String? = null,
		val registrationDate: Date = Date(),

	data class RegistrationAnswers(
		val goods: String? = null,
		val alreadySelling: String? = null,
		val forSomeone: String? = null,
		val website: String? = null,
		val platform: String? = null,
		val facebook: String? = null,
		val otherGoods: String? = null

	data class Settings(
		val abandonedSales: AbandonedSalesSettings? = null,
		val acceptMarketingCheckboxCustomText: String? = null,
		val acceptMarketingCheckboxDefaultValue: Boolean? = null,
		val askCompanyName: Boolean? = null,
		val askConsentToTrackInStorefront: Boolean? = null,
		val askTaxId: Boolean = false,
		val closed: Boolean? = null,
		val defaultProductSortOrder: ProductSortOrder? = null,
		val emailLogoUrl: String? = null,
		val favoritesEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val fbPixelId: String? = null,
		val googleAnalyticsId: String? = null,
		val googleEventId: String? = null,
		val googleProductCategory: Int? = null,
		val googleProductCategoryName: String? = null,
		val googleRemarketingEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val googleTagId: String? = null,
		val hideOutOfStockProductsInStorefront: Boolean? = null,
		val invoiceLogoUrl: String? = null,
		val openBagOnAddition: Boolean = false,
		val orderCommentsCaption: String? = null,
		val orderCommentsEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val orderCommentsRequired: Boolean? = null,
		val pinterestTagId: String? = null,
		val productCondition: ProductCondition = ProductCondition.NEW,
		val productReviewsFeatureEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val rootCategorySeoDescription: String? = null,
		val rootCategorySeoDescriptionTranslated: LocalizedValueMap? = null,
		val rootCategorySeoTitle: String? = null,
		val rootCategorySeoTitleTranslated: LocalizedValueMap? = null,
		val salePrice: SalePriceSettings? = null,
		val showAcceptMarketingCheckbox: Boolean? = null,
		val showPricePerUnit: Boolean = false,
		val showRepeatOrderButton: Boolean = false,
		val snapPixelId: String? = null,
		val storeDescription: String? = null,
		val storeDescriptionTranslated: LocalizedValueMap? = null,
		val storeName: String? = null,
		val tikTokPixel: TikTokPixelSettings? = null,

	data class TikTokPixelSettings(
		val code: String? = null,
		val advancedMatching: Boolean = false

	enum class ProductSortOrder {

	data class AbandonedSalesSettings(
		val autoAbandonedSalesRecovery: Boolean? = null

	data class SalePriceSettings(
		val displayOnProductList: Boolean? = null,
		val oldPriceLabel: String? = null,
		val displayDiscount: DisplayDiscount? = null,
		val displayLowestPrice: Boolean? = null
	) {

		enum class DisplayDiscount {

	data class MailNotifications(
		val adminNotificationEmails: List? = null,
		val customerNotificationFromEmail: String? = null

	data class Company(
		val companyName: String? = null,
		val email: String? = null,
		val street: String? = null,
		val city: String? = null,
		val countryCode: String? = null,
		val postalCode: String? = null,
		val stateOrProvinceCode: String? = null,
		val phone: String? = null

	data class FormatsAndUnits(
		val currency: String? = null,
		val currencyPrefix: String? = null,
		val currencySuffix: String? = null,
		val currencyPrecision: Int? = null,
		val currencyGroupSeparator: String? = null,
		val currencyDecimalSeparator: String? = null,
		val currencyTruncateZeroFractional: Boolean? = null,
		val currencyRate: Double? = null,
		val weightUnit: WeightUnit? = null,
		val weightPrecision: Int? = null,
		val weightGroupSeparator: String? = null,
		val weightDecimalSeparator: String? = null,
		val weightTruncateZeroFractional: Boolean? = null,
		val dateFormat: String? = null,
		val timeFormat: String? = null,
		val timezone: String? = null,
		val dimensionsUnit: DimensionUnit? = null,
		val volumeUnit: VolumeUnit = VolumeUnit.ML,
		val orderNumberPrefix: String? = null,
		val orderNumberSuffix: String? = null,
		val orderNumberMinDigitsAmount: Int? = null,
		val orderNumberNextNumber: Int? = null,

	enum class WeightUnit {

	enum class DimensionUnit {
		MM, CM, IN, YD

	enum class VolumeUnit {
		L, ML, OZ

	data class Languages(
		val enabledLanguages: List? = null,
		val facebookPreferredLocale: String? = null,
		val defaultLanguage: String? = null

	data class Shipping(
		val handlingFee: HandlingFee? = null,
		val shippingOrigin: ShippingOrigin? = null,
		val shippingOptions: List? = null

	data class HandlingFee(
		val name: String? = null,
		val value: Double? = null,
		val description: String? = null

	data class ShippingOrigin(
		val companyName: String? = null,
		val email: String? = null,
		val street: String? = null,
		val city: String? = null,
		val countryCode: String? = null,
		val postalCode: String? = null,
		val stateOrProvinceCode: String? = null,
		val phone: String? = null

	data class ShippingOption(
		val id: String? = null,
		val title: String? = null,
		val enabled: Boolean? = null,
		val orderBy: Int? = null,
		val fulfilmentType: FulfilmentType? = null,
		val destinationZone: Zone? = null,
		val deliveryTimeDays: String? = null,
		val description: String? = null,
		val carrier: String? = null,
		val carrierMethods: List? = null,
		val carrierSettings: CarrierSettings? = null,
		val ratesCalculationType: RatesCalculationType? = null,
		val shippingCostMarkup: Double? = null,
		val flatRate: FlatRate? = null,
		val ratesTable: TableRatesDetails? = null,
		val appClientId: String? = null,
		val locationId: String? = null,
		val pickupInstruction: String? = null,
		val scheduledPickup: Boolean? = null,
		val pickupPreparationTimeHours: Int? = null,
		val pickupBusinessHours: String? = null,
		val scheduled: Boolean? = null,
		val scheduledTimePrecisionType: ScheduledTimePrecisionType? = null,

	enum class ScheduledTimePrecisionType {

	enum class FulfilmentType {
		pickup, shipping, delivery

	data class Zone(
		val id: String? = null,
		val name: String? = null,
		val countryCodes: List? = null,
		val stateOrProvinceCodes: List? = null,
		val postCodes: List? = null

	data class CarrierMethod(
		val id: String? = null,
		val name: String? = null,
		val enabled: Boolean? = null,
		val orderBy: Int? = null

	data class CarrierSettings(
		val defaultCarrierAccountEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val defaultPostageDimensions: DefaultPostageDimensions? = null

	data class DefaultPostageDimensions(
		val length: Double? = null,
		val width: Double? = null,
		val height: Double? = null

	enum class RatesCalculationType {


		override fun toString(): String {
			return super.toString().replace("_", "-")

	data class FlatRate(
		val rateType: RateType? = null,
		val rate: Double? = null
	) {

		enum class RateType {

	data class TableRatesDetails(
		val tableBasedOn: RateBase? = null,
		val rates: List? = null
	) {

		enum class RateBase {

	data class TableRate(
		val tableRateConditions: TableRateConditions? = null,
		val rate: TableRateDetails? = null

	data class TableRateConditions(
		val weightFrom: Double? = null,
		val weightTo: Double? = null,
		val subtotalFrom: Double? = null,
		val subtotalTo: Double? = null,
		val discountedSubtotalFrom: Double? = null,
		val discountedSubtotalTo: Double? = null

	data class TableRateDetails(
		val perOrderAbs: Double? = null,
		val perOrderPercent: Double? = null,
		val perItem: Double? = null,
		val perWeightUnitRate: Double? = null

	data class TaxSettings(
		val automaticTaxEnabled: Boolean? = null,
		val taxes: List? = null,
		val pricesIncludeTax: Boolean? = null,
		val taxExemptBusiness: Boolean = false
	) {
		data class Taxes(
			val id: Int? = null,
			val name: String? = null,
			val enabled: Boolean? = null,
			val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null,
			val useShippingAddress: Boolean? = null,
			val taxShipping: Boolean? = null,
			val appliedByDefault: Boolean? = null,
			val defaultTax: Double? = null,
			val rules: List? = null

		data class TaxRule(
			val zoneId: String? = null,
			val tax: Double? = null

	data class BusinessRegistrationID(
		val name: String? = null,
		val value: String? = null

	data class LegalPagesSettingsDetails(
		val requireTermsAgreementAtCheckout: Boolean? = null,
		val legalPages: List? = null

	data class LegalPagesInfo(
		val type: Type? = null,
		val enabled: Boolean? = null,
		val title: String? = null,
		val display: Display? = null,
		val text: String? = null,
		val externalUrl: String? = null
	) {
		enum class Type {

		enum class Display {

	data class PaymentInfo(
		val paymentOptions: List? = null,
		val applePay: ApplePay? = null,
		val applePayOptions: List = emptyList(),
		val countryCode: String? = null,

	data class PaymentOptionInfo(
		val appClientId: String? = null,
		val appNamespace: String? = null,
		val checkoutDescription: String? = null,
		val checkoutTitle: String? = null,
		val configured: Boolean? = null,
		val enabled: Boolean? = null,
		val id: String? = null,
		val instructionsForCustomer: InstructionsForCustomerInfo? = null,
		val methods: List? = null,
		val orderBy: Int? = null,
		val paymentProcessorId: String? = null,
		val paymentProcessorTitle: String? = null,
		val shippingSettings: ShippingSettings? = null,
		val supportsSubtypes: Boolean? = null,
	) : ApiFetchedDTO {
		override fun getModifyKind() = ModifyKind.ReadWrite(UpdatedPaymentOption::class)

	data class ApplePay(
		val enabled: Boolean = false,
		val available: Boolean = false,
		val gateway: String? = null,
		val verificationFileUrl: String? = null

	data class InstructionsForCustomerInfo(
		val instructionsTitle: String? = null,
		val instructions: String? = null

	data class ShippingSettings(
		val enabledShippingMethods: List? = null

	data class PaymentMethod(
		val cards: List? = null,
		val subtype: String? = null,
		val subtypeMethodName: String? = null,

	data class FeatureTogglesInfo(
		val name: String? = null,
		val visible: Boolean? = null,
		val enabled: Boolean? = null

	data class DesignSettings(
		val breadcrumbsHaveHomeItem: Boolean? = null,

		val breadcrumbsHomeUrl: String? = null,

		val breadcrumbsSeparator: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetFixed: Boolean? = null,

		val cartWidgetFixedPosition: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetFixedShape: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetHorizontalIndent: Int? = null,

		val cartWidgetIcon: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetIsResponsive: Boolean? = null,

		val cartWidgetLayout: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetShowBuyAnimation: Boolean? = null,

		val cartWidgetShowEmptyCart: Boolean? = null,

		val cartWidgetStoreCustomIconUrl: String? = null,

		val cartWidgetVerticalIndent: Int? = null,

		val checkoutProductsCollapsedOnDesktop: Boolean? = null,

		val checkoutProductsCollapsedOnMobile: Boolean? = null,

		val checkoutShowAddressLine2: Boolean? = null,

		val checkoutShowStateInput: Boolean? = null,

		val enableCatalogOnOnePage: Boolean? = null,

		val enablePageTransitions: Boolean? = null,

		val enableSimpleCategoryList: Boolean? = null,

		val feedbackMessagePosition: String? = null,

		val legalPagesShowPageLinks: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsAdditionalImagesHasShadow: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsAdditionalImagesPreviewOnClick: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsCutProductDescriptionInSidebar: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsGalleryLayout: String? = null,

		val productDetailsHidePriceModifiers: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsImageCarousel: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsLayout: String? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionBreadcrumbs: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionBuyButton: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionDeliveryTime: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionProductDescription: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionProductName: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionProductOptions: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionProductPrice: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionProductSku: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionSaveForLater: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionShareButtons: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionSubtitle: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsPositionWholesalePrices: Int? = null,

		val productDetailsShowAttributes: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowBreadcrumbs: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowBreadcrumbsPosition: String? = null,

		val productDetailsShowBuyButton: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowDeliveryTime: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowFacebookShareButton: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowInStockLabel: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowNavigationArrows: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowNumberOfItemsInStock: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowPinterestShareButton: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowPricePerUnit: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductDescription: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductName: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductNameAlwaysFirstOnMobile: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductOptions: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductPhotoZoom: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductPrice: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowProductSku: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowQty: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowSalePrice: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowSaveForLater: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowShareButtons: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowSubtitle: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowTax: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowTwitterShareButton: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowVkShareButton: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowWeight: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowWholesalePrices: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsShowZoomedImageInGallery: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsThumbnailsAspectRatio: String? = null,

		val productDetailsTwoColumnsWithLeftSidebarShowProductDescriptionOnSidebar: Boolean? = null,

		val productDetailsTwoColumnsWithRightSidebarShowProductDescriptionOnSidebar: Boolean? = null,

		val productFiltersOpenedByDefaultOnCategoryPage: Boolean? = null,

		val productFiltersPositionCategoryPage: String? = null,

		val productFiltersPositionSearchPage: String? = null,

		val productListBuyNowBehaviour: String? = null,

		val productListCardLayout: String? = null,

		val productListCategoryCellSpacing: Int? = null,

		val productListCategoryImageLayout: String? = null,

		val productListCategoryImagePosition: String? = null,

		val productListCategoryImageSize: String? = null,

		val productListCategoryNameBehaviour: String? = null,

		val productListCellSpacing: Int? = null,

		val productListImageHasShadow: Boolean? = null,

		val productListImageLayout: String? = null,

		val productListImagePosition: String? = null,

		val productListImageSize: String? = null,

		val productListNameBehaviour: String? = null,

		val productListPriceBehaviour: String? = null,

		val productListSKUBehaviour: String? = null,

		val productListShowAdditionalImage: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowBreadcrumbs: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowCardFrame: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowFooterMenu: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowOnSaleLabel: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowPayWhatYouWantLabel: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowProductImages: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowSignInLink: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowSoldOutLabel: Boolean? = null,

		val productListShowSortViewAsOptions: Boolean? = null,

		val productListSubtitlesBehavior: String? = null,

		val shoppingCartProductsCollapsedOnDesktop: Boolean? = null,

		val shoppingCartProductsCollapsedOnMobile: Boolean? = null,

		val shoppingCartShowSku: Boolean? = null,

		val shoppingCartShowQtyInputs: Boolean? = null,

		val shoppingCartShowWeight: Boolean? = null,

		val showCartWidget: Boolean? = null,

		val showRootCategories: Boolean? = null,

		val showSigninLinkWithUnifiedAccountPage: Boolean? = null,

	data class ProductFilterItem(
		val name: String? = null,
		val type: ProductFilterType = ProductFilterType.IN_STOCK,
		val enabled: Boolean = false,

	data class ProductFiltersSettings(
		val enabledInStorefront: Boolean = false,
		val filterSections: List = listOf(),

	data class FBMessengerSettings(
		val enabled: Boolean? = null,
		val fbMessengerPageId: String? = null,
		val fbMessengerThemeColor: String? = null,
		val fbMessengerMessageUsButtonColor: String? = null

	data class OrderInvoiceSettings(
		val displayOrderInvoices: Boolean? = null,
		val attachInvoiceToOrderEmailNotifications: AttachValue? = null,
		val invoiceLogoUrl: String? = null
	) {
		enum class AttachValue {

	data class GiftCardSettings(
		val products: List? = null,
		val displayLocation: String? = null

	data class GiftCardProducts(
		val id: Int? = null,
		val name: String? = null,
		val url: String? = null

	override fun getModifyKind() = ModifyKind.ReadWrite(UpdatedStoreProfile::class)

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