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package com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.subscriptions.result
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO.ModifyKind
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.LocalizedValueMap
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.subscriptions.enums.PriceModifierType
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.subscriptions.enums.ProductOptionType
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.subscriptions.enums.SubscriptionInterval
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.subscriptions.enums.SubscriptionStatus
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.jsontransformer.JsonFieldName
import java.util.*
data class FetchedSubscription(
val subscriptionId: Int = 0,
val customerId: Int = 0,
val status: SubscriptionStatus = SubscriptionStatus.ACTIVE,
val statusUpdated: Date = Date(),
val created: Date = Date(),
val cancelled: Date? = null,
val nextCharge: Date = Date(),
val nextChargeFormatted: String = "",
val createTimestamp: Long? = null,
val updateTimestamp: Long? = null,
val chargeSettings: ChargeSettings = ChargeSettings(),
val paymentMethod: PaymentMethod? = null,
val orderTemplate: OrderTemplate = OrderTemplate(),
val orders: List = emptyList(),
) : ApiFetchedDTO {
data class ChargeSettings(
val recurringInterval: SubscriptionInterval = SubscriptionInterval.MONTH,
val recurringIntervalCount: Int = 1,
data class PaymentMethod(
val creditCardMaskedNumber: String? = null,
val creditCardBrand: String? = null
data class OrderTemplate(
val id: String? = null,
val email: String? = null,
val additionalInfo: AdditionalInfo? = null,
val orderComments: String? = null,
val paymentMethod: String? = null,
val paymentModule: String? = null,
val total: Double? = null,
val subtotal: Double? = null,
val usdTotal: Double? = null,
val tax: Double? = null,
val customerTaxExempt: Boolean? = null,
val customerTaxId: String? = null,
val customerTaxIdValid: Boolean? = null,
val reversedTaxApplied: Boolean? = null,
val items: List? = null,
val billingPerson: PersonInfo? = null,
val shippingPerson: PersonInfo? = null,
val shippingOption: ShippingOption? = null,
val handlingFee: HandlingFee? = null,
val pricesIncludeTax: Boolean? = null,
data class AdditionalInfo(
val creditCard: String? = null,
val creditCardExpirationMonth: String? = null,
val creditCardExpirationYear: String? = null,
val googleCustomerId: String? = null,
val stripeCardId: String? = null,
val stripeCreditCardBrand: String? = null,
val stripeCreditCardLast4Digit: String? = null,
val stripeCustomerId: String? = null,
val stripeFingerprint: String? = null,
val stripeLiveMode: Boolean? = null,
data class ShippingOption(
val shippingMethodName: String? = null,
val shippingRate: Double? = null,
data class HandlingFee(
val name: String? = null,
val value: Double? = null,
val description: String? = null,
data class PersonInfo(
val name: String? = null,
val companyName: String? = null,
val street: String? = null,
val city: String? = null,
val countryCode: String? = null,
val countryName: String? = null,
val postalCode: String? = null,
val stateOrProvinceCode: String? = null,
val stateOrProvinceName: String? = null,
val phone: String? = null,
data class OrderItem(
val id: Int? = null,
val productId: Int? = null,
val categoryId: Int? = null,
val price: Double? = null,
val productPrice: Double? = null,
val shipping: Double? = null,
val tax: Double? = null,
val fixedShippingRate: Double? = null,
val sku: String? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val nameTranslated: LocalizedValueMap? = null,
val shortDescription: String? = null,
val quantity: Int? = null,
val quantityInStock: Int? = null,
val weight: Double? = null,
val trackQuantity: Boolean? = null,
val fixedShippingRateOnly: Boolean? = null,
val digital: Boolean? = null,
val productAvailable: Boolean? = null,
val imageUrl: String? = null,
val smallThumbnailUrl: String? = null,
val hdThumbnailUrl: String? = null,
val recurringChargeSettings: RecurringChargeSettings? = null,
val selectedOptions: List? = null,
val taxes: List? = null,
val dimensions: Dimensions? = null,
data class SelectedOptions(
val name: String? = null,
val type: ProductOptionType? = null,
val value: String? = null,
val valuesArray: List? = null,
val selections: List? = null
data class Selections(
val selectionTitle: String? = null,
val selectionModifier: Double? = null,
val selectionModifierType: PriceModifierType? = null
data class Taxes(
val name: String? = null,
val value: Double? = null,
val total: Double? = null,
val taxOnDiscountedSubtotal: Double? = null,
val taxOnShipping: Double? = null,
val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null
data class Dimensions(
val length: Double? = null,
val width: Double? = null,
val height: Double? = null
data class RecurringChargeSettings(
val recurringInterval: SubscriptionInterval = SubscriptionInterval.MONTH,
val intervalCount: Int = 0,
data class Orders(
val id: Long = 0,
val total: Double = 0.0,
val createDate: Date = Date(),
override fun getModifyKind() = ModifyKind.ReadOnly