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package com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.order.result
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiFetchedDTO.ModifyKind
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ApiResultDTO
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.ExtendedOrderTax
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.OrderedStringToListStringMap
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.common.OrderedStringToStringMap
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.order.enums.*
import com.ecwid.apiclient.v3.dto.order.request.UpdatedOrder
import java.util.*
data class FetchedOrder(
val id: String? = null,
val internalId: Long? = null,
val orderNumber: Int = 0,
val vendorOrderNumber: String? = null,
val publicUid: String? = null,
val email: String? = null,
val ipAddress: String? = null,
val hidden: Boolean? = null,
val createDate: Date? = null,
val createTimestamp: Long? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val updateDate: Date? = null,
val updateTimestamp: Long? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val refererUrl: String? = null,
val refererId: String? = null,
val globalReferer: String? = null,
val affiliateId: String? = null,
val additionalInfo: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val extraFields: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val orderExtraFields: List? = null,
val orderComments: String? = null,
val privateAdminNotes: String? = null,
val fulfillmentStatus: OrderFulfillmentStatus? = null,
val externalFulfillment: Boolean? = null,
val externalOrderId: String? = null,
val latestShipDate: Date? = null,
val latestDeliveryDate: Date? = null,
val trackingNumber: String? = null,
val trackingUrl: String? = null,
val pickupTime: Date? = null,
val paymentStatus: OrderPaymentStatus? = null,
val paymentMethod: String? = null,
val paymentModule: String? = null,
val paymentParams: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val paymentMessage: String? = null,
val paymentSubtype: String? = null,
val creditCardStatus: CreditCardStatus? = null,
val externalTransactionId: String? = null,
val externalTransactionUrl: String? = null,
val referenceTransactionId: String? = null,
val ticket: Int? = null,
val ebayId: String? = null,
val customerId: Int? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val customerGroup: String? = null,
val customerGroupId: Long? = null,
val acceptMarketing: Boolean? = null,
val giftCardRedemption: Double? = null,
val totalBeforeGiftCardRedemption: Double? = null,
val giftCardDoubleSpending: Boolean? = null,
val giftCardCode: String? = null,
val giftCardId: Int? = null,
val giftCardUuid: String? = null,
val total: Double? = null,
val totalWithoutTax: Double? = null,
val subtotal: Double? = null,
val subtotalWithoutTax: Double? = null,
val usdTotal: Double? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val tax: Double? = null,
val availableTaxes: List? = null,
val customerTaxExempt: Boolean? = null,
val customerTaxId: String? = null,
val customerTaxIdValid: Boolean? = null,
val reversedTaxApplied: Boolean? = null,
val couponDiscount: Double? = null,
val volumeDiscount: Double? = null,
val membershipBasedDiscount: Double? = null,
val totalAndMembershipBasedDiscount: Double? = null,
val discount: Double? = null,
val discountInfo: List? = null,
val discountCoupon: DiscountCouponInfo? = null,
val customDiscount: List? = null,
val items: List? = null,
val billingPerson: PersonInfo? = null,
val shippingPerson: PersonInfo? = null,
val shippingOption: ShippingOption? = null,
val availableShippingOptions: List? = null,
val taxesOnShipping: List = listOf(),
val handlingFee: HandlingFee? = null,
val shipments: List? = null,
val customSurcharges: List = listOf(),
val refundedAmount: Double? = null,
val refunds: List? = null,
val utmData: UtmData? = null,
val invoices: List? = null,
val predictedPackage: List? = null,
val pricesIncludeTax: Boolean? = null,
val disableAllCustomerNotifications: Boolean? = null,
val externalOrderData: ExternalOrderData? = null,
val paymentReference: String? = null,
val shippingLabelAvailableForShipment: Boolean = false,
val loyalty: Loyalty? = null,
val customerFiscalCode: String? = null,
) : ApiFetchedDTO, ApiResultDTO {
data class CreditCardStatus(
val avsMessage: String? = null,
val cvvMessage: String? = null
data class DiscountInfo(
val value: Double? = null,
val type: DiscountType? = null,
val base: DiscountBase? = null,
val orderTotal: Double? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val appliesToProducts: List? = null,
val appliesToItems: List? = null,
data class DiscountCouponInfo(
val id: Int? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val name: String? = null,
val code: String? = null,
val discountType: DiscountCouponType? = null,
val status: DiscountCouponStatus? = null,
val discount: Double? = null,
val launchDate: Date? = null,
val expirationDate: Date? = null,
val totalLimit: Double? = null,
val usesLimit: DiscountCouponUsesLimit? = null,
val repeatCustomerOnly: Boolean? = null,
val creationDate: Date? = null,
val updateDate: Date? = null,
val orderCount: Int? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val catalogLimit: DiscountCouponCatalogLimit? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val applicationLimit: DiscountCouponApplicationLimit? = null // TODO Add to docs?
data class DiscountCouponCatalogLimit(
val products: List? = null,
val categories: List? = null
data class OrderItem(
val id: Long? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val productId: Int? = null,
val categoryId: Int? = null,
val price: Double? = null,
val productPrice: Double? = null,
val isCustomerSetPrice: Boolean? = null,
val selectedPrice: SelectedPrice? = null,
val priceWithoutTax: Double? = null,
val shipping: Double? = null,
val tax: Double? = null,
val fixedShippingRate: Double? = null,
val couponAmount: Double? = null,
val sku: String? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val nameTranslated: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val shortDescription: String? = null,
val shortDescriptionTranslated: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val quantity: Int? = null,
val quantityInStock: Int? = null,
val weight: Double? = null,
val imageUrl: String? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val smallThumbnailUrl: String? = null,
val hdThumbnailUrl: String? = null,
val isShippingRequired: Boolean? = null,
val trackQuantity: Boolean? = null,
val fixedShippingRateOnly: Boolean? = null,
val digital: Boolean? = null,
val productAvailable: Boolean? = null, // TODO Probably this field is always true
val couponApplied: Boolean? = null,
val giftCard: Boolean? = null,
val recurringChargeSettings: RecurringChargeSettings? = null,
val subscriptionId: Long? = null,
val selectedOptions: List? = null,
val combinationId: Int? = null,
val files: List? = null,
val taxable: Boolean? = null,
val taxes: List? = null,
val dimensions: ProductDimensions? = null,
val discountsAllowed: Boolean? = null,
val discounts: List? = null,
val externalReferenceId: String? = null,
val isPreorder: Boolean? = null,
val attributes: List? = null
data class RecurringChargeSettings(
val recurringInterval: RecurringSubscriptionInterval = RecurringSubscriptionInterval.MONTH,
val recurringIntervalCount: Int = 1,
val subscriptionPriceWithSignUpFee: Double? = null,
val signUpFee: Double? = null
data class OrderItemSelectedOption(
val name: String? = null,
val nameTranslated: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val type: ProductOptionType? = null,
val value: String? = null,
val valueTranslated: OrderedStringToStringMap? = null,
val valuesArray: List? = null,
val valuesArrayTranslated: OrderedStringToListStringMap? = null,
val selections: List? = null,
val files: List? = null
data class OrderItemSelectionInfo(
val selectionTitle: String? = null,
val selectionModifier: Double? = null,
val selectionModifierType: PriceModifierType? = null
data class BaseOrderItemTax(
override val name: String? = null,
override val value: Double? = null,
override val total: Double? = null,
override val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null,
val taxType: OrderItemTaxType? = null,
) : ExtendedOrderTax
data class OrderItemTax(
override val name: String? = null,
override val value: Double? = null,
override val total: Double? = null,
val taxOnDiscountedSubtotal: Double? = null,
val taxOnShipping: Double? = null,
override val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null,
val sourceTaxRateId: Int? = null,
val sourceTaxRateType: RateType? = null,
val taxType: OrderItemTaxType? = null,
) : ExtendedOrderTax {
enum class RateType {
data class HandlingFeeTax(
override val name: String? = null,
override val value: Double? = null,
override val total: Double? = null,
override val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null,
) : ExtendedOrderTax
data class ProductDimensions(
val length: Double? = null,
val width: Double? = null,
val height: Double? = null
data class OrderItemDiscounts(
val discountInfo: DiscountInfo? = null,
val total: Double? = null
data class OrderItemOptionFile(
val id: Int? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val size: Int? = null,
val url: String? = null
data class OrderItemAttributeValue(
val id: Int? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val nameTranslated: HashMap? = null,
val value: String? = null,
val valueTranslated: HashMap? = null,
data class OrderItemProductFile(
val productFileId: Long? = null,
val maxDownloads: Int? = null,
val remainingDownloads: Int? = null,
val expire: Date? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val size: Long? = null,
val adminUrl: String? = null,
val customerUrl: String? = null
data class PersonInfo(
val name: String? = null,
val firstName: String? = null,
val lastName: String? = null,
val companyName: String? = null,
val street: String? = null,
val city: String? = null,
val countryCode: String? = null,
val countryName: String? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val postalCode: String? = null,
val stateOrProvinceCode: String? = null,
val stateOrProvinceName: String? = null, // TODO Figure out how to test
val phone: String? = null
data class ShippingOption(
val shippingMethodId: String? = null,
val shippingCarrierName: String? = null,
val shippingMethodName: String? = null,
val shippingRate: Double? = null,
val shippingRateWithoutTax: Double = 0.0,
val estimatedTransitTime: String? = null,
val isPickup: Boolean? = null,
val pickupInstruction: String? = null,
val fulfillmentType: FulfillmentType? = null,
val locationId: String? = null,
val localizedLabel: String? = null,
val isShippingLimit: Boolean? = null,
val scheduled: Boolean? = null,
val scheduledTimePrecisionType: ScheduledTimePrecisionType? = null,
data class HandlingFee(
val name: String? = null,
val value: Double? = null,
val valueWithoutTax: Double = 0.0,
val description: String? = null,
val taxes: List = listOf()
data class RefundInfo(
val date: Date? = null,
val source: String? = null,
val reason: String? = null,
val amount: Double? = null
data class UtmData(
val source: String? = null,
val campaign: String? = null,
val medium: String? = null,
val mcEid: String? = null,
val mcCid: String? = null
data class Surcharge(
val id: String = "",
val value: Double = 0.0,
val type: SurchargeType = SurchargeType.PERCENT,
val total: Double = 0.0,
val totalWithoutTax: Double = 0.0,
val description: String = "",
val descriptionTranslated: String? = null,
val taxable: Boolean = true,
val taxes: List = listOf()
data class SelectedPrice(
val value: Double? = null
data class Shipment(
val id: String? = null,
val created: String? = null,
val shipFrom: PersonInfo? = null,
val shipTo: PersonInfo? = null,
val parcel: Parcel? = null,
val shippingService: ShippingServiceInfo? = null,
val tracking: TrackingInfo? = null,
val label: ShippingLabelInfo? = null
data class Parcel(
val length: Double? = null,
val width: Double? = null,
val height: Double? = null,
val weight: Double? = null,
val dimensionUnit: DimensionUnit? = null,
val weightUnit: WeightUnit? = null,
val template: ParcelTemplate? = null
enum class WeightUnit {
enum class DimensionUnit {
enum class ParcelTemplate {
data class ShippingServiceInfo(
val carrier: String? = null,
val carrierName: String? = null,
val carrierServiceCode: String? = null,
val carrierServiceName: String? = null
data class TrackingInfo(
val trackingNumber: String? = null,
val trackingUrl: String? = null,
val estimatedDays: Int? = null
data class ShippingLabelInfo(
val labelUrl: String? = null,
val labelFileType: LabelFileType? = null,
val commercialInvoiceUrl: String? = null,
val billingTransactionId: String? = null
enum class LabelFileType {
data class ExtraFieldsInfo(
val customerInputType: String? = null,
val title: String? = null,
val id: String? = null,
val value: String? = null,
val orderDetailsDisplaySection: String? = null,
val orderBy: String? = null
data class Taxes(
val id: Int? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val enabled: Boolean? = null,
val includeInPrice: Boolean? = null,
val useShippingAddress: Boolean? = null,
val taxShipping: Boolean? = null,
val appliedByDefault: Boolean? = null,
val defaultTax: Double? = null,
val rules: List? = null
data class TaxRule(
val zoneId: String? = null,
val tax: Double? = null
data class TaxInvoice(
val internalId: Long? = null,
val id: String? = null,
val created: String? = null,
val link: String? = null,
val type: Type? = null
) {
enum class Type {
data class PredictedPackage(
val height: Double? = null,
val width: Double? = null,
val length: Double? = null,
val weight: Double? = null,
val declaredValue: Double? = null
override fun getModifyKind() = ModifyKind.ReadWrite(UpdatedOrder::class)
data class ExternalOrderData(
val externalFulfillment: Boolean? = null,
val externalOrderId: String? = null,
val refererId: String? = null,
val platformSpecificFields: HashMap? = null,
val refererChannel: String? = null
data class Loyalty(
val earned: Double? = null,
val redemption: LoyaltyRedemption? = null,
val balance: Double? = null
data class LoyaltyRedemption(
val id: String? = null,
val amount: Double? = null,
val cancelled: Boolean? = null,