verify.Result.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package verify
import java.lang.System.{ lineSeparator => EOL }
import scala.Console.{ GREEN, RED, YELLOW, RESET }
import verify.sourcecode.SourceLocation
sealed trait Result[+T] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String
object Result {
final case class Success[+T](value: T) extends Result[T] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String = {
val color = if (withColors) GREEN else ""
val reset = if (withColors) RESET else ""
color + "- " + name + reset + EOL
final case class Ignored(reason: Option[String], location: Option[SourceLocation]) extends Result[Nothing] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String = {
val color = if (withColors) YELLOW else ""
val reset = if (withColors) RESET else ""
val reasonStr = reason.fold("")(msg => formatDescription(msg, location, color, reset, " "))
color + "- " + name + " !!! IGNORED !!!" + reset + EOL + reasonStr
final case class Canceled(reason: Option[String], location: Option[SourceLocation]) extends Result[Nothing] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String = {
val color = if (withColors) YELLOW else ""
val reset = if (withColors) RESET else ""
val reasonStr = reason.fold("")(msg => formatDescription(msg, location, color, reset, " "))
color + "- " + name + " !!! CANCELED !!!" + reset + EOL + reasonStr
final case class Failure(msg: String, source: Option[Throwable], location: Option[SourceLocation])
extends Result[Nothing] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String =
formatError(name, msg, source, location, Some(20), withColors)
final case class Exception(source: Throwable, location: Option[SourceLocation]) extends Result[Nothing] {
def formatted(name: String, withColors: Boolean): String = {
val description = {
val name = source.getClass.getName
val className = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
.fold(className)(m => s"$className: $m")
formatError(name, description, Some(source), location, None, withColors)
def from(error: Throwable): Result[Nothing] = error match {
case ex: AssertionError =>
Result.Failure(ex.getMessage, Some(ex), None)
case ex: UnexpectedException =>
Result.Exception(ex.reason, Some(ex.location))
case ex: InterceptException =>
Result.Exception(ex, Some(ex.location))
case ex: IgnoredException =>
Result.Ignored(ex.reason, ex.location)
case ex: CanceledException =>
Result.Canceled(ex.reason, ex.location)
case other =>
Result.Exception(other, None)
private def formatError(
name: String,
msg: String,
source: Option[Throwable],
location: Option[SourceLocation],
traceLimit: Option[Int],
withColors: Boolean
): String = {
val color = if (withColors) RED else ""
val reset = if (withColors) RESET else ""
val stackTrace = source.fold("") { ex =>
val trace: Array[String] = {
val tr =
traceLimit.fold(tr) { limit =>
if (tr.length <= limit) tr
tr.take(limit) :+ "..."
formatDescription(trace.mkString("\n"), None, color, reset, " ")
val formattedMessage =
formatDescription(if (msg != null && msg.nonEmpty) msg else "Test failed", location, color, reset, " ")
color + s"- $name *** FAILED ***" + reset + EOL +
formattedMessage + stackTrace
private def formatDescription(
message: String,
location: Option[SourceLocation],
color: String,
reset: String,
prefix: String
): String = {
val lines = message.split("\\r?\\n") { case (line, index) =>
if (index == 0)
color + prefix + line +
location.fold("")(l => s" (${l.fileName}:${l.line})") +
reset +
color + prefix + line + reset + EOL
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