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verify.asserts.RecorderMacro.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package verify
package asserts
import scala.quoted._
class RecorderMacro(using qctx0: Quotes) {
import qctx0.reflect._
import util._
private[this] val runtimeSym: Symbol = TypeRepr.of[RecorderRuntime[_, _]].typeSymbol
def apply[A: Type, R: Type](
recording: Expr[A],
message: Expr[String],
listener: Expr[RecorderListener[A, R]]
): Expr[R] = {
val termArg = recording.asTerm.underlyingArgument.asExprOf[A] // TODO remove use of underlyingArgument
val recorderRuntime: RecorderRuntime[A, R] = new RecorderRuntime($listener)
${ recordExpressions('recorderRuntime, termArg) }
def apply2[A: Type, R: Type](
expected: Expr[A],
found: Expr[A],
message: Expr[String],
listener: Expr[RecorderListener[A, R]]
): Expr[R] = {
val recorderRuntime: RecorderRuntime[A, R] = new RecorderRuntime($listener)
${ recordExpressions('recorderRuntime, expected) }
${ recordExpressions('recorderRuntime, found) }
private[this] def recordExpressions[A: Type, R: Type](
runtime: Expr[RecorderRuntime[A, R]],
recording: Expr[A]
): Expr[Any] = {
val source = getSourceCode(recording)
val ast = Printer.TreeStructure)
try {
List('{ $runtime.resetValues() }),
recordExpression(runtime, source, ast, recording)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw new RuntimeException("Expecty: Error rewriting expression.\nText: " + source + "\nAST : " + ast, e)
// emit recorderRuntime.recordExpression(, , instrumented)
private[this] def recordExpression[R: Type, A: Type](
runtime: Expr[RecorderRuntime[A, R]],
source: String,
ast: String,
expr: Expr[A]
): Expr[Any] = {
val instrumented = recordAllValues(runtime, expr.asTerm).asExprOf[A]
val sourceExpr = Expr(source)
val astExpr = Expr(ast)
'{ $runtime.recordExpression($sourceExpr, $astExpr, $instrumented) }
private[this] def recordAllValues[R, A](runtime: Expr[RecorderRuntime[A, R]], expr: Term): Term =
// TODO use an TreeMap or an ExprMap
expr match {
case New(_) => expr
case Literal(_) => expr
case Typed(r @ Repeated(xs, y), tpe) => Typed.copy(r)(recordSubValues(runtime, r), tpe)
// don't record value of implicit "this" added by compiler; couldn't find a better way to detect implicit "this" than via point
case Select(x @ This(_), y) if expr.pos.start == x.pos.start => expr
// case x: Select if x.symbol.isModule => expr // don't try to record the value of packages
case Inlined(call, Nil, t) => Inlined.copy(expr)(call, Nil, recordAllValues(runtime, t))
case _ => recordValue(runtime, recordSubValues(runtime, expr), expr)
private[this] def recordSubValues[R, A](runtime: Expr[RecorderRuntime[A, R]], expr: Term): Term =
expr match {
case Apply(x, ys) =>
try {
Apply(recordAllValues(runtime, x),, _)))
} catch {
case e: AssertionError => expr
// case TypeApply(x, ys) => recordValue(TypeApply.copy(expr)(recordSubValues(x), ys), expr)
case TypeApply(x, ys) => TypeApply.copy(expr)(recordSubValues(runtime, x), ys)
case Select(x, y) => Select.copy(expr)(recordAllValues(runtime, x), y)
case Typed(x, tpe) => Typed.copy(expr)(recordSubValues(runtime, x), tpe)
case Repeated(xs, y) => Repeated.copy(expr)(, _)), y)
case _ => expr
private[this] def recordValue[R, A](runtime: Expr[RecorderRuntime[A, R]], expr: Term, origExpr: Term): Term = {
// debug
// println("recording " + expr.showExtractors + " at " + getAnchor(expr))
val recordValueSel: Term = {
val m = runtimeSym.memberMethod("recordValue").head
def skipIdent(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
sym match {
case sym if sym.isDefDef => sym.signature.paramSigs.nonEmpty
case _ =>
sym.fullName match {
case "scala" | "java" => true
case fullName if fullName.startsWith("scala.") => true
case fullName if fullName.startsWith("java.") => true
case _ => false
def skipSelect(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
(sym match {
case sym if sym.isDefDef => skipIdent(sym)
case sym if sym.isValDef => skipIdent(sym)
case _ => true
expr match {
case Select(_, _) if skipSelect(expr.symbol) => expr
case TypeApply(_, _) => expr
case Ident(_) if skipIdent(expr.symbol) => expr
case _ =>
// TODO:
// expr.asExpr match { case '{ $e: t } => '{ $runtime.recordValue[t]($e, ${Expr(getAnchor(expr))}) } }
// Then remove `runtimeSym`
val tapply = recordValueSel.appliedToType(expr.tpe)
private[this] def getSourceCode(expr: Expr[Any]): String = {
val pos = expr.asTerm.pos
(" " * pos.startColumn) + pos.sourceCode.get
private[this] def getAnchor(expr: Term): Int =
expr match {
case Apply(x, ys) if x.symbol.fullName == "verify.asserts.RecorderRuntime.recordValue" && ys.nonEmpty =>
case Apply(x, ys) => getAnchor(x) + 0
case TypeApply(x, ys) => getAnchor(x) + 0
case Select(x, y) =>
expr.pos.startColumn + math.max(0, expr.pos.sourceCode.get.indexOf(y))
case _ => expr.pos.startColumn
object RecorderMacro {
def apply[A: Type, R: Type](recording: Expr[A], listener: Expr[RecorderListener[A, R]])(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[R] =
new RecorderMacro().apply(recording, '{ "" }, listener)
/** captures a method invocation in the shape of assert(expr, message). */
def apply[A: Type, R: Type](recording: Expr[A], message: Expr[String], listener: Expr[RecorderListener[A, R]])(using
qctx: Quotes
): Expr[R] =
new RecorderMacro().apply(recording, message, listener)
object StringRecorderMacro {
/** captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found). */
def apply[R: Type](expected: Expr[String], found: Expr[String], listener: Expr[RecorderListener[String, R]])(using
qctx: Quotes
): Expr[R] =
new RecorderMacro().apply2[String, R](expected, found, '{ "" }, listener)
/** captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found). */
def apply[R: Type](
expected: Expr[String],
found: Expr[String],
message: Expr[String],
listener: Expr[RecorderListener[String, R]]
)(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[R] =
new RecorderMacro().apply2[String, R](expected, found, message, listener)