sjsonnew.Unbuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Scala library for JSON (de)serialization
The newest version!
package sjsonnew
import scala.collection.mutable
import UnbuilderState._
* Builder is an mutable structure to write JSON into.
class Unbuilder[J](facade: Facade[J]) {
private var _state: UnbuilderState = UnbuilderState.Begin
private var contexts: List[UnbuilderContext[J]] = Nil
private var precontext: Option[UnbuilderPrecontext[J]] = None
/** Read `Int` value to the current context. */
def readInt(js: J): Int = readJ[Int](js, facade.extractInt)
/** Read `Long` value to the current context. */
def readLong(js: J): Long = readJ[Long](js, facade.extractLong)
/** Read `Double` value to the current context. */
def readDouble(js: J): Double = readJ[Double](js, facade.extractDouble)
/** Read `Float` value to the current context. */
def readFloat(js: J): Float = readJ[Float](js, facade.extractFloat)
/** Read `BigDecimal` value to the current context. */
def readBigDecimal(js: J): BigDecimal = readJ[BigDecimal](js, facade.extractBigDecimal)
/** Read `Boolean` value to the current context. */
def readBoolean(js: J): Boolean = readJ[Boolean](js, facade.extractBoolean)
/** Read `String` value to the current context. */
def readString(js: J): String = readJ[String](js, facade.extractString)
/** Check if js is null */
def isJnull(js: J): Boolean = facade.isJnull(js)
/** Check if js is an object */
def isObject(js: J): Boolean = facade.isObject(js)
/** Begin reading JSON array. Returns the size.
* Call `nextElement` n-times, and then call `endArray`.
def beginArray(js: J): Int =
state match {
case Begin | InArray | InObject =>
val context = UnbuilderContext.ArrayContext(facade.extractArray(js))
contexts ::= context
state = InArray
case End => stateError(End)
def nextElement: J =
state match {
case InArray =>
contexts.head match {
case ctx: UnbuilderContext.ArrayContext[J] => ctx.next
case x => deserializationError(s"Unexpected context: $x")
case x => stateError(x)
/** End reading JSON array. Returns the size. */
def endArray(): Unit =
state match {
case InArray =>
contexts = contexts.tail
if (contexts.isEmpty) state = End
else contexts.head match {
case _: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => state = InObject
case _ => state = InArray
case x => stateError(x)
def state: UnbuilderState = _state
private def state_=(newState: UnbuilderState) = _state = newState
def isInObject: Boolean = state == InObject
/** The unbuilder counterpart for beginPreObject.
* This is used to filter out the type field.
def beginPreObject(js: J): Int =
state match {
case Begin | InArray | InObject =>
val (fields, names) = facade.extractObject(js)
val context = UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext(fields, names)
contexts ::= context
precontext = Some(UnbuilderPrecontext(js, mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty))
state = InObject
case End => stateError(End)
def endPreObject(): Unit =
state match {
case InObject =>
contexts = contexts.tail
if (contexts.isEmpty) state = Begin
else contexts.head match {
case _: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => state = InObject
case _ => state = InArray
case x => stateError(x)
/** Begin reading JSON object. Returns the size.
* Call `nextField` n-times, and then call `endObject`.
def beginObject(js: J, fieldNames: Option[Vector[String]]): Int =
state match {
case Begin | InArray | InObject =>
val (fields, names) = facade.extractObject(js)
val context0 =
precontext match {
case Some(pre) if pre.js == js =>
precontext = None
val excludeKeys = pre.names.toSet
UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext(fields.filterKeys { k => !excludeKeys(k) }.toMap, names diff excludeKeys.toVector)
case _ => UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext(fields, names)
val context =
fieldNames match {
case Some(fn) => context0.copy(names = fn)
case _ => context0
contexts ::= context
state = InObject
case End => stateError(End)
/** Begin reading JSON object. Returns the size.
* Call `nextField` n-times, and then call `endObject`.
def beginObject(js: J): Int = beginObject(js, None)
def hasNextField: Boolean =
state match {
case InObject =>
contexts.head match {
case ctx: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => ctx.hasNext
case x => deserializationError(s"Unexpected context: $x")
case x => stateError(x)
def nextFieldOpt(): (String, Option[J]) =
state match {
case InObject =>
contexts.head match {
case ctx: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => ctx.next
case x => deserializationError(s"Unexpected context: $x")
case x => stateError(x)
def nextFieldOptWithJString(): (J, Option[J]) =
nextFieldOpt() match {
case (k, v) => (facade.jstring(k), v)
@deprecated("Use nextFieldOpt that returns (String, Option[J]). nextField uses JNull to encode elided fields.", "0.8.0")
def nextField(): (String, J) =
nextFieldOpt() match {
case (k, Some(v)) => (k, v)
case (k, None) => (k, facade.jnull())
@deprecated("Use nextFieldOpt that returns (J, Option[J]). nextFieldOptWithJString uses JNull to encode elided fields.", "0.8.0")
def nextFieldWithJString(): (J, J) =
nextField() match {
case (k, v) => (facade.jstring(k), v)
def lookupField(name: String): Option[J] =
state match {
case InObject =>
precontext match {
case Some(pre) => pre.names += name
case None => // do nothing
contexts.head match {
case ctx: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => ctx.fields.get(name)
case x => deserializationError(s"Unexpected context: $x")
case x => stateError(x)
def readField[A: JsonReader](name: String): A = jsonReader[A].read(lookupField(name), this)
/** End reading JSON object. Returns the size. */
def endObject(): Unit =
state match {
case InObject =>
contexts = contexts.tail
if (contexts.isEmpty) state = End
else contexts.head match {
case _: UnbuilderContext.ObjectContext[J] => state = InObject
case _ => state = InArray
case x => stateError(x)
private def readJ[A](js: J, f: J => A): A =
state match {
case Begin =>
val x = f(js)
state = End
case InArray =>
if (contexts.isEmpty) deserializationError("The unbuilder state is InArray, but the context is empty.")
else f(js)
case InObject =>
if (contexts.isEmpty) deserializationError("The unbuilder state is InField, but the context is empty.")
else f(js)
case End => stateError(End)
private def stateError(x: UnbuilderState) = deserializationError(s"Unexpected builder state: $x")
sealed trait UnbuilderState
object UnbuilderState {
case object Begin extends UnbuilderState
case object End extends UnbuilderState
case object InArray extends UnbuilderState
case object InObject extends UnbuilderState
private[sjsonnew] trait UnbuilderContext[J]
private[sjsonnew] object UnbuilderContext {
case class ObjectContext[J](fields: Map[String, J], names: Vector[String]) extends UnbuilderContext[J] {
private val size = names.size
private var idx: Int = 0
def hasNext: Boolean = idx < size
def next: (String, Option[J]) = {
val name = names(idx)
val x = fields.get(names(idx))
idx = idx + 1
(name, x)
case class ArrayContext[J](elements: Vector[J]) extends UnbuilderContext[J] {
private var idx: Int = 0
def next: J = {
val x = elements(idx)
idx = idx + 1
private[sjsonnew] case class UnbuilderPrecontext[J](js: J, names: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String])
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