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clojure.spec__init.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
????1?clojure/spec__initjava/lang/Objectload()Vconst__0Lclojure/lang/Var;		clojure/lang/Var

clojure/lang/IFnconst__1Lclojure/lang/AFn;	invoke&(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;)clojure/spec$loading__7732__auto____13443
 clojure/lang/Symbol"const__2$	%equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z'(
,java/util/concurrent/Callable.clojure/lang/LockingTransaction0runInTransaction3(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Ljava/lang/Object;23
14const__36	7const__49	:const__5<	=8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;?@const__6B	Cjava/lang/BooleanETRUELjava/lang/Boolean;GH	FIsetK
Lconst__8N	O
setDynamic(Z)Lclojure/lang/Var;QR
S	const__16U	Vclojure/lang/IPersistentMapXsetMeta (Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)VZ[
\	const__17Ljava/lang/Object;^_	`bindRoot(Ljava/lang/Object;)Vbc
d	const__18f	g	const__20i	j	const__21l_	m	const__22o	p	const__24r	s	const__25u_	v	const__26x	y	const__28{	|	const__29~_	clojure/spec$fn__13459?
?	const__30?_	?	const__31?	?	const__32?	?	const__33?	?	const__15Lclojure/lang/Keyword;??	?\(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;??	const__34?	?	const__35Lclojure/lang/ISeq;??	?	const__36?	?	const__37?	?	const__41?	?	const__42??	?	const__43?	?	const__44??	?	const__45??	?	const__52?	?	const__53??	?	const__54?	?	const__55?	?get?
?	const__56?	?	const__57?	?	const__58?	?	const__59??	?clojure/lang/RT?
mapUniqueKeys2([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;??
?	const__60?	?	const__61?	?clojure/spec$fn__13475?
?	const__62?	?	const__63?	?clojure/spec$fn__13486?
?	const__64?	?	const__65?	?clojure/spec$fn__13505?
?	const__66?	?	const__67?	?clojure/spec$fn__13522?
?	const__68?	?	const__69?	?clojure/spec$fn__13535
map?
??(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;J(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
		const__71	clojure/spec$fn__13548
	const__72		const__77	clojure/spec$deep_resolve
	const__78	 	const__81"	#clojure/spec$reg_resolve%
&	const__82(	)	const__85+	,clojure/spec$reg_resolve_BANG_.
/	const__861	2	const__894	5clojure/spec$spec_QMARK_7
8	const__90:	;	const__93=	>clojure/spec$regex_QMARK_@
A	const__94C	D	const__97F	Gclojure/spec$with_nameI
J	const__98L	M
const__101O	Pclojure/spec$spec_nameR
const__102U	V
const__105X	Y
const__106[	\
const__108^	_
const__109a	b
const__112d	eclojure/spec$maybe_specg
const__113j	k
const__116m	nclojure/spec$the_specp
const__117v_	w
const__118y	z
const__119|?	}
const__121	?
const__122?	?
const__124?	?
const__125?	?
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const__127?	?
const__128?	?
const__129?_	?
const__123??	?clojure/spec$fn__13589?
const__130?_	?clojure/spec$fn__13591?
const__131?_	?clojure/spec$fn__13593?
const__132?	?
const__135?	?clojure/spec$specize?
const__136?	?
const__139?	?clojure/spec$invalid_QMARK_?
const__140?	?
const__143?	?clojure/spec$conform?
const__144?	?
const__147?	?clojure/spec$unform?
const__148?	?
const__151?	?clojure/spec$form?
const__152?	?
const__155?	?clojure/spec$abbrev?
const__156?	?
const__159?	?clojure/spec$describe?
const__160?	?
const__163?	?clojure/spec$with_gen?
const__164?	?
const__167?	?clojure/spec$explain_data_STAR_?
const__168?	?
const__171	clojure/spec$explain_data


const__182	clojure/spec$explain_out

const__186!	"clojure/spec$explain$
const__187'	(
const__190*	+clojure/spec$explain_str-
const__1910	1
const__1933	4
const__1946	7
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const__198?	@
const__201B	Cclojure/spec$genE
const__202H	I
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const__206Q	R
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const__210Z	[
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const__214c	d
const__218f	gclojure/spec$def_impli
const__219l	m
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sconst__7u	v
const__225x	yclojure/spec$def{
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const__226?	?
const__229?	?clojure/spec$registry?
const__230?	?
const__233?	?clojure/spec$get_spec?
const__234?	?
const__236?	?
const__237?	?
const__240?	?clojure/spec$spec?
const__241?	?
const__244?	?clojure/spec$multi_spec?
const__245?	?
const__248?	?clojure/spec$keys?
const__249?	?
const__252?	?clojure/spec$or?
const__253?	?
const__256?	?clojure/spec$and?
const__257?	?
const__260?	?clojure/spec$merge?
const__261?	?
const__264?	?clojure/spec$every?
const__265?	?
const__268?	?clojure/spec$every_kv?
const__269?	?
const__272?	?clojure/spec$coll_of?
const__273?	?
const__276?	?clojure/spec$map_of?
const__277?	?
const__280?	?clojure/spec$_STAR_?
const__281?	?
const__284?	clojure/spec$_PLUS_

const__288		clojure/spec$_QMARK_
const__292	clojure/spec$alt

const__296	clojure/spec$cat

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const__301)	*
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const__3052	3
const__3085	6clojure/spec$fspec8
const__309;	<
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const__313D	E
const__316G	Hclojure/spec$macroexpand_checkJ
const__317M	N
const__320P	Qclojure/spec$fdefS
const__321V	W
const__324Y	Zclojure/spec$recur_limit_QMARK_\
const__325_	`
const__328b	cclojure/spec$incke
const__329h	i
const__332k	lclojure/spec$dtn
const__335q	rclojure/spec$valid_QMARK_t
const__336w	x
const__339z	{clojure/spec$pvalid_QMARK_}
const__340?	?
const__343?	?clojure/spec$explain_1?
const__344?	?
const__347?	?clojure/spec$map_spec_impl?
const__350?	?clojure/spec$spec_impl?
const__351?	?
const__354?	?clojure/spec$multi_spec_impl?
const__355?	?
const__358?	?clojure/spec$tuple_impl?
const__359?	?
const__362?	?clojure/spec$tagged_ret?
const__363?	?
const__366?	?clojure/spec$or_spec_impl?
const__367?	?
const__370?	?clojure/spec$and_preds?
const__371?	?
const__374?	?clojure/spec$explain_pred_list?
const__375?	?
const__378?	?clojure/spec$and_spec_impl?
const__379?	?
const__382?	?clojure/spec$merge_spec_impl?
const__383?	?
const__386?	?clojure/spec$coll_prob?
const__387?	?
const__390?	?clojure/spec$every_impl?
const__391?	?
const__394?	?clojure/spec$accept?
const__395?	?
const__398?	?clojure/spec$accept_QMARK_

const__402	clojure/spec$pcat_STAR_

const__406	clojure/spec$pcat

const__410	clojure/spec$cat_impl

const__414"	#clojure/spec$rep_STAR_%
const__415(	)
const__418+	,clojure/spec$rep_impl.
const__4191	2
const__4224	5clojure/spec$rep_PLUS_impl7
const__423:	;
const__426=	>clojure/spec$amp_impl@
const__427C	D
const__430F	Gclojure/spec$filter_altI
const__431L	M
const__434O	Pclojure/spec$alt_STAR_R
const__435U	V
const__438X	Yclojure/spec$alts[
const__439^	_
const__442a	bclojure/spec$alt2d
const__443g	h
const__446j	kclojure/spec$alt_implm
const__447p	q
const__450s	tclojure/spec$maybe_implv
const__451y	z
const__454|	}clojure/spec$noret_QMARK_
const__455?	?
const__457?	?
const__458?	?
const__461?	?clojure/spec$accept_nil_QMARK_?
const__462?	?
const__464?	?
const__467?	?clojure/spec$preturn?
const__468?	?
const__471?	?clojure/spec$op_unform?
const__474?	?clojure/spec$add_ret?
const__475?	?
const__478?	?clojure/spec$deriv?
const__479?	?
const__482?	?clojure/spec$op_describe?
const__483?	?
const__486?	?clojure/spec$op_explain?
const__487?	?
const__490?	?clojure/spec$re_gen?
const__491?	?
const__494?	?clojure/spec$re_conform?
const__495?	?
const__498?	?clojure/spec$re_explain?
const__501?	?clojure/spec$regex_spec_impl?
const__502?	?
const__505?	?clojure/spec$call_valid_QMARK_?
const__506?	?
const__509?	?clojure/spec$validate_fn?
const__510?	?
const__513?	?clojure/spec$fspec_impl

const__514?	
const__515_	
const__516	_	

const__520	clojure/spec$keys_STAR_

const__524!	"clojure/spec$nonconforming$
const__525'	(
const__528*	+clojure/spec$nilable_impl-
const__5290	1
const__5323	4clojure/spec$nilable6
const__5339	:
const__536<	=clojure/spec$exercise?
const__537B	C
const__540E	Fclojure/spec$exercise_fnH
const__541K	L
const__544N	O!clojure/spec$inst_in_range_QMARK_Q
const__545T	U
const__548W	Xclojure/spec$inst_inZ
const__549]	^
const__552`	a clojure/spec$int_in_range_QMARK_c
const__553f	g
const__556i	jclojure/spec$int_inl
const__557o	p
const__560r	sclojure/spec$double_inu
const__561{	|
const__564~	!clojure/spec$check_asserts_QMARK_?
const__565?	?
const__568?	?clojure/spec$check_asserts?
const__569?	?
const__572?	?clojure/spec$assert_STAR_?
const__573?	?
const__576?	?clojure/spec$assert?
?__init0clojure.core?in-ns?var8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Var;??
??clojure.spec?intern;(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Symbol;??
#?clojure/lang/AFn?alias?c?*warn-on-reflection*?def?*recursion-limit*?doc?keyword<(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Keyword;??
??clojure/lang/Keyword?dynamic?line?java/lang/Integer?valueOf(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;??
??column?file?clojure/spec.clj??A soft limit on how many times a branching spec (or/alt/*/opt-keys/multi-spec)
  can be recursed through during generation. After this a
  non-recursive branch will be chosen.?java/lang/Long?(J)Ljava/lang/Long;??
??*fspec-iterations*?cThe number of times an anonymous fn specified by fspec will be (generatively) tested during conform?*coll-check-limit*?EThe number of elements validated in a collection spec'ed with 'every'?e*coll-error-limit*?MThe number of errors reported by explain in a collection spec'ed with 'every'?clojure.spec.Spec?classForName%(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;??

withMeta2(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)Lclojure/lang/IObj;?unform*yexplain*path via"in$|(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;&
'gen*)	overrides+rmap-j(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;/
0	with-gen*2gfn4	describe*64(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;8
9clojure/lang/ISeq;alter-var-root=merge?onAon-interfaceCsigsEnameG?
method-mapJmethod-buildersL?*ns*O	with-metaQprotocolS-reset-methodsUdeep-resolveWprivateYreg[k]reg-resolve_`returns the spec/regex at end of alias chain starting with k, nil if not found, k if k not identareg-resolve!ccreturns the spec/regex at end of alias chain starting with k, throws if not found, k if k not identespec?g3returns x if x is a spec object, else logical falseiregex?k?returns x if x is a (clojure.spec) regex op, else logical falsem	with-nameo	spec-nameq__init1	spec-impltdeclaredvregex-spec-implx
maybe-specz	spec-or-k|Gspec-or-k must be a spec, regex or resolvable kw/sym, else returns nil.~the-spec?Zspec-or-k must be a spec, regex or kw/sym, else returns nil. Throws if unresolvable kw/sym?clojure.spec.Specize?Specize?specize*?_?form?extend?clojure.lang.Keyword?clojure.lang.Symbol?java.lang.Object?specize?s?invalid??ret?,tests the validity of a conform return value?conform?Given a spec and a value, returns :clojure.spec/invalid if value does not match spec,
  else the (possibly destructured) value.?unform??Given a spec and a value created by or compliant with a call to
  'conform' with the same spec, returns a value with all conform
  destructuring undone.?returns the spec as data?abbrev?describe?6returns an abbreviated description of the spec as data?with-gen?gen-fn?mTakes a spec and a no-arg, generator-returning fn and returns a version of that spec that uses that generator?
explain-data*?explain-data?(Given a spec and a value x which ought to conform, returns nil if x
  conforms, else a map with at least the key ::problems whose value is
  a collection of problem-maps, where problem-map has at least :path :pred and :val
  keys describing the predicate and the value that failed at that
  path.?explain-printer?ed?HDefault printer for explain-data. nil indicates a successful validation.?
*explain-out*?explain-out?xPrints explanation data (per 'explain-data') to *out* using the printer in *explain-out*,
   by default explain-printer.?explain?OGiven a spec and a value that fails to conform, prints an explanation to *out*.?explain-str?SGiven a spec and a value that fails to conform, returns an explanation as a string.?valid??gensub?gen?__init2EGiven a spec, returns the generator for it, or throws if none can
  be constructed. Optionally an overrides map can be provided which
  should map spec names or paths (vectors of keywords) to no-arg
  generator-creating fns. These will be used instead of the generators at those
  names/paths. Note that parent generator (in the spec or overrides
  map) will supersede those of any subtrees. A generator for a regex
  op must always return a sequential collection (i.e. a generator for
  s/? should return either an empty sequence/vector or a
  sequence/vector with one item in it)?->sym?%Returns a symbol from a symbol or var?unfn?expr?res?def-impl?	skip-wiki?X(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;?
?$Do not call this directly, use 'def'?
ns-qualify?;Qualify symbol s by resolving it or using the current *ns*.?	spec-form??Given a namespace-qualified keyword or resolvable symbol k, and a
  spec, spec-name, predicate or regex-op makes an entry in the
  registry mapping k to the spec?registry?"()Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;?
?Dreturns the registry map, prefer 'get-spec' to lookup a spec by name?get-spec?9Returns spec registered for keyword/symbol/var k, or nil.?map-spec?&keys9Takes a single predicate form, e.g. can be the name of a predicate,
  like even?, or a fn literal like #(< % 42). Note that it is not
  generally necessary to wrap predicates in spec when using the rest
  of the spec macros, only to attach a unique generator

  Can also be passed the result of one of the regex ops -
  cat, alt, *, +, ?, in which case it will return a regex-conforming
  spec, useful when nesting an independent regex.

  Optionally takes :gen generator-fn, which must be a fn of no args that
  returns a test.check generator.

  Returns a spec.
multi-specmm	retag~Takes the name of a spec/predicate-returning multimethod and a
  tag-restoring keyword or fn (retag).  Returns a spec that when
  conforming or explaining data will pass it to the multimethod to get
  an appropriate spec. You can e.g. use multi-spec to dynamically and
  extensibly associate specs with 'tagged' data (i.e. data where one
  of the fields indicates the shape of the rest of the structure).

  (defmulti mspec :tag)

  The methods should ignore their argument and return a predicate/spec:
  (defmethod mspec :int [_] (s/keys :req-un [::tag ::i]))

  retag is used during generation to retag generated values with
  matching tags. retag can either be a keyword, at which key the
  dispatch-tag will be assoc'ed, or a fn of generated value and
  dispatch-tag that should return an appropriately retagged value.

  Note that because the tags themselves comprise an open set,
  the tag key spec cannot enumerate the values, but can e.g.
  test for keyword?.

  Note also that the dispatch values of the multimethod will be
  included in the path, i.e. in reporting and gen overrides, even
  though those values are not evident in the spec.

reqreq-unoptopt-un?Creates and returns a map validating spec. :req and :opt are both
  vectors of namespaced-qualified keywords. The validator will ensure
  the :req keys are present. The :opt keys serve as documentation and
  may be used by the generator.

  The :req key vector supports 'and' and 'or' for key groups:

  (s/keys :req [::x ::y (or ::secret (and ::user ::pwd))] :opt [::z])

  There are also -un versions of :req and :opt. These allow
  you to connect unqualified keys to specs.  In each case, fully
  qualfied keywords are passed, which name the specs, but unqualified
  keys (with the same name component) are expected and checked at
  conform-time, and generated during gen:

  (s/keys :req-un [:my.ns/x :my.ns/y])

  The above says keys :x and :y are required, and will be validated
  and generated by specs (if they exist) named :my.ns/x :my.ns/y 

  In addition, the values of *all* namespace-qualified keys will be validated
  (and possibly destructured) by any registered specs. Note: there is
  no support for inline value specification, by design.

  Optionally takes :gen generator-fn, which must be a fn of no args that
  returns a test.check generator.orkey-pred-forms7Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.

  (s/or :even even? :small #(< % 42))

  Returns a destructuring spec that returns a map entry containing the
  key of the first matching pred and the corresponding value. Thus the
  'key' and 'val' functions can be used to refer generically to the
  components of the tagged return.and
pred-forms!?Takes predicate/spec-forms, e.g.

  (s/and even? #(< % 42))

  Returns a spec that returns the conformed value. Successive
  conformed values propagate through rest of predicates.#?Takes map-validating specs (e.g. 'keys' specs) and
  returns a spec that returns a conformed map satisfying all of the
  specs.  Unlike 'and', merge can generate maps satisfying the
  union of the predicates.%every'pred)into+kind-count/	max-count1	min-count3distinct5gen-max7vector5([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;9:
?;as=opts??takes a pred and validates collection elements against that pred.

  Note that 'every' does not do exhaustive checking, rather it samples
  *coll-check-limit* elements. Nor (as a result) does it do any
  conforming of elements. 'explain' will report at most *coll-error-limit*
  problems.  Thus 'every' should be suitable for potentially large

  Takes several kwargs options that further constrain the collection:

  :kind - a pred/spec that the collection type must satisfy, e.g. vector?
        (default nil) Note that if :kind is specified and :into is
        not, this pred must generate in order for every to generate.
  :count - specifies coll has exactly this count (default nil)
  :min-count, :max-count - coll has count (<= min-count count max-count) (defaults nil)
  :distinct - all the elements are distinct (default nil)

  And additional args that control gen

  :gen-max - the maximum coll size to generate (default 20)
  :into - one of [], (), {}, #{} - the default collection to generate into
      (default: empty coll as generated by :kind pred if supplied, else [])
  Optionally takes :gen generator-fn, which must be a fn of no args that
  returns a test.check generator

  See also - coll-of, every-kv
Aevery-kvCkpredEvpredG?like 'every' but takes separate key and val preds and works on associative collections.

  Same options as 'every', :into defaults to {}

  See also - map-ofIcoll-ofKEReturns a spec for a collection of items satisfying pred. Unlike
  'every', coll-of will exhaustively conform every value.

  Same options as 'every'. conform will produce a collection
  corresponding to :into if supplied, else will match the input collection,
  avoiding rebuilding when possible.

  See also - every, map-ofMmap-ofO1Returns a spec for a map whose keys satisfy kpred and vals satisfy
  vpred. Unlike 'every-kv', map-of will exhaustively conform every

  Same options as 'every', :kind defaults to map?, with the addition of:

  :conform-keys - conform keys as well as values (default false)

  See also - every-kvQ*S	pred-formU?Returns a regex op that matches zero or more values matching
  pred. Produces a vector of matches iff there is at least one matchW+Y`Returns a regex op that matches one or more values matching
  pred. Produces a vector of matches[?]yReturns a regex op that matches zero or one value matching
  pred. Produces a single value (not a collection) if matched._alta-Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.

  (s/alt :even even? :small #(< % 42))

  Returns a regex op that returns a map entry containing the key of the
  first matching pred and the corresponding value. Thus the
  'key' and 'val' functions can be used to refer generically to the
  components of the tagged returnccate?Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.

  (s/cat :e even? :o odd?)

  Returns a regex op that matches (all) values in sequence, returning a map
  containing the keys of each pred and the corresponding value.g__init3rejpredsl?takes a regex op re, and predicates. Returns a regex-op that consumes
  input as per re but subjects the resulting value to the
  conjunction of the predicates, and any conforming they might perform.n	conformerpfrunft
takes a predicate function with the semantics of conform i.e. it should return either a
  (possibly converted) value or :clojure.spec/invalid, and returns a
  spec that uses it as a predicate/conformer. Optionally takes a
  second fn that does unform of result of firstvfspecxargszfn|^takes :args :ret and (optional) :fn kwargs whose values are preds
  and returns a spec whose conform/explain take a fn and validates it
  using generative testing. The conformed value is always the fn itself.

  See 'fdef' for a single operation that creates an fspec and
  registers it, as well as a full description of :args, :ret and :fn

  fspecs can generate functions that validate the arguments and
  fabricate a return value compliant with the :ret spec, ignoring
  the :fn spec if present.

  Optionally takes :gen generator-fn, which must be a fn of no args
  that returns a test.check generator.~tuple??takes one or more preds and returns a spec for a tuple, a vector
  where each element conforms to the corresponding pred. Each element
  will be referred to in paths using its ordinal.?macroexpand-check?v?fdef?fn-sym?specs?
Takes a symbol naming a function, and one or more of the following:

  :args A regex spec for the function arguments as they were a list to be
    passed to apply - in this way, a single spec can handle functions with
    multiple arities
  :ret A spec for the function's return value
  :fn A spec of the relationship between args and ret - the
    value passed is {:args conformed-args :ret conformed-ret} and is
    expected to contain predicates that relate those values

  Qualifies fn-sym with resolve, or using *ns* if no resolution found.
  Registers an fspec in the global registry, where it can be retrieved
  by calling get-spec with the var or fully-qualified symbol.

  Once registered, function specs are included in doc, checked by
  instrument, tested by the runner clojure.spec.test/check, and (if
  a macro) used to explain errors during macroexpansion.

  Note that :fn specs require the presence of :args and :ret specs to
  conform values, and so :fn specs will be ignored if :args or :ret
  are missing.

  Returns the qualified fn-sym.

  For example, to register function specs for the symbol function:

  (s/fdef clojure.core/symbol
    :args (s/alt :separate (s/cat :ns string? :n string?)
                 :str string?
                 :sym symbol?)
    :ret symbol?)?recur-limit??id?inck?m?dt?cpred??;Helper function that returns true when x is valid for spec.?pvalid??Dinternal helper function that returns true when x is valid for spec.?	explain-1??(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;?
map-spec-impl?	keys-pred?
pred-exprs?opt-keys?	req-specs?req-keys?	opt-specs?argm?9Do not call this directly, use 'spec' with a map argument?unc?%Do not call this directly, use 'spec'?multi-spec-impl?mmvar?+Do not call this directly, use 'multi-spec'?
tuple-impl?forms?&Do not call this directly, use 'tuple'?
tagged-ret?tag?or-spec-impl?#Do not call this directly, use 'or'?	and-preds?explain-pred-list?
and-spec-impl?$Do not call this directly, use 'and'?merge-spec-impl?&Do not call this directly, use 'merge'?	coll-prob?kfn?kform?
every-impl?gen-into?	kind-form?cpred?conform-keys?conform-all?IDo not call this directly, use 'every', 'every-kv', 'coll-of' or 'map-of'?accept?accept??op?pcat*?__init4p1?pr?ps?k1krksf1frrep+
pcatcat-impl$Do not call this directly, use 'cat'rep*p2splicerep-implp"Do not call this directly, use '*'rep+impl"Do not call this directly, use '+' amp-impl""Do not call this directly, use '&'$
filter-alt&alt*(alts*alt2,alt-impl.$Do not call this directly, use 'alt'0
maybe-impl2"Do not call this directly, use '?'4noret?6pret8preturn:accept-nil?<add-ret>	op-unform@rBderivDop-describeF
re-explainT__init5>Do not call this directly, use 'spec' with a regex op argumentWcall-valid?Yvalidate-fn[iters]!returns f if valid, else smallest_
fspec-implaargspeccaformeretspecgrformifnspeckfformm&Do not call this directly, use 'fspec'okvs->mapqfn*s
p1__14293#zkeys*|kspecs~*takes the same arguments as spec/keys and returns a regex op that matches sequences of key/values,
  converts them into a map, and conforms that map with a corresponding
  spec/keys call:

  user=> (s/conform (s/keys :req-un [::a ::c]) {:a 1 :c 2})
  {:a 1, :c 2}
  user=> (s/conform (s/keys* :req-un [::a ::c]) [:a 1 :c 2])
  {:a 1, :c 2}

  the resulting regex op can be composed into a larger regex:

  user=> (s/conform (s/cat :i1 integer? :m (s/keys* :req-un [::a ::c]) :i2 integer?) [42 :a 1 :c 2 :d 4 99])
  {:i1 42, :m {:a 1, :c 2, :d 4}, :i2 99}?
nonconforming??takes a spec and returns a spec that has the same properties except
  'conform' returns the original (not the conformed) value. Note, will specize regex ops.?nilable-impl?(Do not call this directly, use 'nilable'?nilable?:returns a spec that accepts nil and values satisfying pred?exercise?n??generates a number (default 10) of values compatible with spec and maps conform over them,
  returning a sequence of [val conformed-val] tuples. Optionally takes
  a generator overrides map as per gen?exercise-fn?sym?sym-or-f??exercises the fn named by sym (a symbol) by applying it to
  n (default 10) generated samples of its args spec. When fspec is
  supplied its arg spec is used, and sym-or-f can be a fn.  Returns a
  sequence of tuples of [args ret]. ?inst-in-range??start?end?inst?4Return true if inst at or after start and before end?inst-in?[Returns a spec that validates insts in the range from start
(inclusive) to end (exclusive).?
int-in-range??val?)Return true if start <= val and val < end?int-in?ZReturns a spec that validates ints in the range from start
(inclusive) to end (exclusive).?	double-in?	infinite??NaN??min?max?Specs a 64-bit floating point number. Options:

    :infinite? - whether +/- infinity allowed (default true)
    :NaN?      - whether NaN allowed (default true)
    :min       - minimum value (inclusive, default none)
    :max       - maximum value (inclusive, default none)?check-asserts??'Returns the value set by check-asserts.?
check-asserts?flag??Enable or disable spec asserts that have been compiled
with '*compile-asserts*' true.  See 'assert'.

Initially set to boolean value of clojure.spec.check-asserts
system property. Defaults to false.?assert*?(Do not call this directly, use 'assert'.?assert?3spec-checking assert expression. Returns x if x is valid? according
to spec, else throws an ex-info with explain-data plus ::failure of

Can be disabled at either compile time or runtime:

If *compile-asserts* is false at compile time, compiles to x. Defaults
to value of 'clojure.spec.compile-asserts' system property, or true if
not set.

If (check-asserts?) is false at runtime, always returns x. Defaults to
value of 'clojure.spec.check-asserts' system property, or false if not
set. You can toggle check-asserts? with (check-asserts bool).??
?s
??
?i
??
?V
?clojure.spec__init?java/lang/Class?getClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;??
??clojure/lang/Compiler?pushNSandLoader(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V??
?popThreadBindings?
"(+14:=CFLOUX[^adjmv_y|??????????_?_?_???????????????????	!'*0369?BHKQTZ]cflox?????????????????????????????? #),25;>DGMPVY_bhkqwz?????????????????????????????
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ϸ?SY?S??????Ҹ????
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ϸ?SY?S??????޸????
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ϸ?SY?S???????????
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ϸ?SY?S????-?????3?Y??SY?JSY??SY?Y??????
ϸ?SY?S????6?#????<?Y??SY?JSY??SY?Yk??m??"????S??SY???SY%SYŸ?SY???SY͸?SY	??SY
ϸ?SY?S??????'????E
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S??SYŸ?SY???SY͸?SY??SYϸ?SY	?S?????
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ϸ?SY?S??????Z?????
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S??SY???SY?SYŸ?SY???SY͸?SY??SYϸ?SY	?S?????????? ?Y??SY?JSY??SY?Y???:S??SY???SY?SYŸ?SY˸?SY͸?SY	??SY
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ϸ?SY?S????,??????2
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