clojure.test.check.cljc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey, Reid Draper, and contributors.
; All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns clojure.test.check
(:require [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
[clojure.test.check.clojure-test :as ct]
[clojure.test.check.random :as random]
[clojure.test.check.rose-tree :as rose]
[clojure.test.check.impl :refer [get-current-time-millis
(declare shrink-loop failure)
(defn- make-rng
(if seed
[seed (random/make-random seed)]
(let [non-nil-seed (get-current-time-millis)]
[non-nil-seed (random/make-random non-nil-seed)])))
(defn- complete
[property num-trials seed]
(ct/report-trial property num-trials num-trials)
{:result true :num-tests num-trials :seed seed})
(defn- not-falsey-or-exception?
"True if the value is not falsy or an exception"
(and value (not (exception-like? value))))
(defn quick-check
"Tests `property` `num-tests` times.
Takes optional keys `:seed` and `:max-size`. The seed parameter
can be used to re-run previous tests, as the seed used is returned
after a test is run. The max-size can be used to control the 'size'
of generated values. The size will start at 0, and grow up to
max-size, as the number of tests increases. Generators will use
the size parameter to bound their growth. This prevents, for example,
generating a five-thousand element vector on the very first test.
(def p (for-all [a gen/pos-int] (> (* a a) a)))
(quick-check 100 p)
[num-tests property & {:keys [seed max-size] :or {max-size 200}}]
(let [[created-seed rng] (make-rng seed)
size-seq (gen/make-size-range-seq max-size)]
(loop [so-far 0
size-seq size-seq
rstate rng]
(if (== so-far num-tests)
(complete property num-tests created-seed)
(let [[size & rest-size-seq] size-seq
[r1 r2] (random/split rstate)
result-map-rose (gen/call-gen property r1 size)
result-map (rose/root result-map-rose)
result (:result result-map)
args (:args result-map)]
(if (not-falsey-or-exception? result)
(ct/report-trial property so-far num-tests)
(recur (inc so-far) rest-size-seq r2))
(failure property result-map-rose so-far size created-seed)))))))
(defn- smallest-shrink
[total-nodes-visited depth smallest]
{:total-nodes-visited total-nodes-visited
:depth depth
:result (:result smallest)
:smallest (:args smallest)})
(defn- shrink-loop
"Shrinking a value produces a sequence of smaller values of the same type.
Each of these values can then be shrunk. Think of this as a tree. We do a
modified depth-first search of the tree:
Do a non-exhaustive search for a deeper (than the root) failing example.
Additional rules added to depth-first search:
* If a node passes the property, you may continue searching at this depth,
but not backtrack
* If a node fails the property, search its children
The value returned is the left-most failing example at the depth where a
passing example was found."
(let [shrinks-this-depth (rose/children rose-tree)]
(loop [nodes shrinks-this-depth
current-smallest (rose/root rose-tree)
total-nodes-visited 0
depth 0]
(if (empty? nodes)
(smallest-shrink total-nodes-visited depth current-smallest)
(let [[head & tail] nodes
result (:result (rose/root head))]
(if (not-falsey-or-exception? result)
;; this node passed the test, so now try testing its right-siblings
(recur tail current-smallest (inc total-nodes-visited) depth)
;; this node failed the test, so check if it has children,
;; if so, traverse down them. If not, save this as the best example
;; seen now and then look at the right-siblings
;; children
(if-let [children (seq (rose/children head))]
(recur children (rose/root head) (inc total-nodes-visited) (inc depth))
(recur tail (rose/root head) (inc total-nodes-visited) depth))))))))
(defn- failure
[property failing-rose-tree trial-number size seed]
(let [root (rose/root failing-rose-tree)
result (:result root)
failing-args (:args root)]
(ct/report-failure property result trial-number failing-args)
{:result result
:seed seed
:failing-size size
:num-tests (inc trial-number)
:fail (vec failing-args)
:shrunk (shrink-loop failing-rose-tree)}))
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