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clojure.test.check.clojure_test.cljc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey, Reid Draper, and contributors.
;   All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns clojure.test.check.clojure-test
  (:require #?(:clj  [clojure.test :as ct]
               :cljs [cljs.test :as ct :include-macros true])
            [clojure.test.check.impl :refer [get-current-time-millis

(defn assert-check
  [{:keys [result] :as m}]
  (prn m)
  (if (exception-like? result)
    (throw result)
    (ct/is result)))

(def ^:dynamic *default-test-count* 100)

(defn process-options
  {:no-doc true}
  (cond (nil? options) {:num-tests *default-test-count*}
        (number? options) {:num-tests options}
        (map? options) (if (:num-tests options)
                         (assoc options :num-tests *default-test-count*))
        :else (throw (ex-info (str "Invalid defspec options: " (pr-str options))
                              {:bad-options options}))))

(defmacro defspec
  "Defines a new clojure.test test var that uses `quick-check` to verify
  [property] with the given [args] (should be a sequence of generators),
  [default-times] times by default.  You can call the function defined as [name]
  with no arguments to trigger this test directly (i.e., without starting a
  wider clojure.test run), with a single argument that will override
  [default-times], or with a map containing any of the keys
  [:seed :max-size :num-tests]."
  {:arglists '([name property] [name num-tests? property] [name options? property])}
  ([name property] `(defspec ~name nil ~property))
  ([name options property]
     ;; consider my shame for introducing a cyclical dependency like this...
     ;; Don't think we'll know what the solution is until clojure.test.check
     ;; integration with another test framework is attempted.
     (require 'clojure.test.check)
     `(defn ~(vary-meta name assoc
                        ::defspec true
                        :test `#(clojure.test.check.clojure-test/assert-check
                                   (assoc (~name) :test-var (str '~name))))
        ([] (let [options# (process-options ~options)]
              (apply ~name (:num-tests options#) (apply concat options#))))
        ([~'times & {:keys [~'seed ~'max-size] :as ~'quick-check-opts}]
          (vary-meta ~property assoc :name (str '~property))
          (apply concat ~'quick-check-opts)))))))

(def ^:dynamic *report-trials*
  "Controls whether property trials should be reported via clojure.test/report.
  Valid values include:

  * false - no reporting of trials (default)
  * a function - will be passed a clojure.test/report-style map containing
  :clojure.test.check/property and :clojure.test.check/trial slots
  * true - provides quickcheck-style trial reporting (dots) via

  (Note that all reporting requires running `quick-check` within the scope of a
  clojure.test run (via `test-ns`, `test-all-vars`, etc.)

  Reporting functions offered by clojure.test.check include `trial-report-dots` and
  `trial-report-periodic` (which prints more verbose trial progress information
  every `*trial-report-period*` milliseconds."

(def ^:dynamic *report-shrinking*
  "If true, a verbose report of the property being tested, the
  failing return value, and the arguments provoking that failure is emitted
  prior to the start of the shrinking search."

(def ^:dynamic *trial-report-period*
  "Milliseconds between reports emitted by `trial-report-periodic`."

(def ^:private last-trial-report (atom 0))

(let [begin-test-var-method (get-method ct/report #?(:clj  :begin-test-var
                                                     :cljs [::ct/default :begin-test-var]))]
  (defmethod ct/report #?(:clj  :begin-test-var
                          :cljs [::ct/default :begin-test]) [m]
    (reset! last-trial-report (get-current-time-millis))
    (when begin-test-var-method (begin-test-var-method m))))

(defn- get-property-name
  [{property-fun ::property :as report-map}]
  (or (-> property-fun meta :name) (ct/testing-vars-str report-map)))

(defn with-test-out* [f]
  #?(:clj  (ct/with-test-out (f))
     :cljs (f)))

(defn trial-report-periodic
  "Intended to be bound as the value of `*report-trials*`; will emit a verbose
  status every `*trial-report-period*` milliseconds, like this one:

  Passing trial 3286 / 5000 for (your-test-var-name-here) (:)"
  (let [t (get-current-time-millis)]
    (when (> (- t *trial-report-period*) @last-trial-report)
        (fn []
          (println "Passing trial"
                   (-> m ::trial first) "/" (-> m ::trial second)
                   "for" (get-property-name m))))
      (reset! last-trial-report t))))

(defn trial-report-dots
  "Intended to be bound as the value of `*report-trials*`; will emit a single
  dot every 1000 trials reported."
  [{[so-far total] ::trial}]
  (when (pos? so-far)
    (when (zero? (mod so-far 1000))
      (print ".")
    (when (== so-far total) (println))))

(defmethod ct/report #?(:clj ::trial :cljs [::ct/default ::trial]) [m]
  (when-let [trial-report-fn (and *report-trials*
                                  (if (true? *report-trials*)
    (trial-report-fn m)))

(defmethod ct/report #?(:clj ::shrinking :cljs [::ct/default ::shrinking]) [m]
  (when *report-shrinking*
      (fn []
        (println "Shrinking" (get-property-name m)
                 "starting with parameters" (pr-str (::params m)))))))

(defn report-trial
  [property-fun so-far num-tests]
  (ct/report {:type ::trial
              ::property property-fun
              ::trial [so-far num-tests]}))

(defn report-failure
  [property-fun result trial-number failing-params]
  ;; TODO this is wrong, makes it impossible to clojure.test quickchecks that
  ;; should fail...
  #_(ct/report (if (exception-like? result)
                 {:type :error
                  :message (.getMessage result)
                  :actual result}
                 {:type :fail
                  :expected true
                  :actual result}))
  (ct/report {:type ::shrinking
              ::property property-fun
              ::params (vec failing-params)}))

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