riddley.compiler.clj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
(ns riddley.compiler
(defn- stub-method []
(proxy [Compiler$ObjMethod] [(Compiler$ObjExpr. nil) nil]))
(defn tag-of
"Returns a symbol representing the tagged class of the symbol, or `nil` if none exists."
(when-let [tag (-> x meta :tag)]
(let [sym (symbol
(if (instance? Class tag)
(.getName ^Class tag)
(name tag)))]
(when-not (= 'java.lang.Object sym)
(let [n (atom 0)]
(defn- local-id []
(swap! n inc)))
(defn locals
"Returns the local binding map, equivalent to the value of `&env`."
(when (.isBound Compiler/LOCAL_ENV)
(defmacro with-base-env [& body]
`(binding [*warn-on-reflection* false]
(with-bindings (if (locals)
{Compiler/LOCAL_ENV {}})
(defmacro with-lexical-scoping
"Defines a lexical scope where new locals may be registered."
[& body]
`(with-bindings {Compiler/LOCAL_ENV (locals)}
(defmacro with-stub-vars [& body]
`(with-bindings {Compiler/CLEAR_SITES nil
Compiler/METHOD (stub-method)}
;; if we don't do this in Java, the checkcasts emitted by Clojure cause an
;; IllegalAccessError on Compiler$Expr. Whee.
(defn register-local
"Registers a locally bound variable `v`, which is being set to form `x`."
[v x]
(.set ^Var Compiler/LOCAL_ENV
;; we want to allow metadata on the symbols to persist, so remove old symbols first
(-> (locals)
(dissoc v)
(assoc v (try
(Util/localBinding (local-id) v (tag-of v) x)
(catch Exception _
(defn register-arg
"Registers a function argument `x`."
(.set ^Var Compiler/LOCAL_ENV
(-> (locals)
(dissoc x)
(assoc x (Util/localArgument (local-id) x (tag-of x)))))))
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