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com.emc.atmos.api.jersey.EsuApiJerseyAdapter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.emc.atmos.api.jersey;
import com.emc.atmos.AtmosException;
import com.emc.atmos.api.*;
import com.emc.atmos.api.bean.*;
import com.emc.atmos.api.request.*;
import com.emc.esu.api.Acl;
import com.emc.esu.api.BufferSegment;
import com.emc.esu.api.*;
import com.emc.esu.api.DirectoryEntry;
import com.emc.esu.api.Metadata;
import com.emc.esu.api.ObjectId;
import com.emc.esu.api.ObjectInfo;
import com.emc.esu.api.ObjectMetadata;
import com.emc.esu.api.ObjectPath;
import com.emc.esu.api.ServiceInformation;
import com.emc.util.StreamUtil;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import java.util.*;
public class EsuApiJerseyAdapter extends AbstractEsuRestApi {
private JAXBContext jaxbContext;
private ThreadLocal marshaller = new ThreadLocal();
private AtmosApi adaptee;
public EsuApiJerseyAdapter( AtmosConfig config )
throws URISyntaxException, UnsupportedEncodingException, JAXBException {
super( config.getEndpoints()[0].getHost(), config.getEndpoints()[0].getPort(), config.getTokenId(),
new String( Base64.encodeBase64( config.getSecretKey() ), "UTF-8" ) );
adaptee = new AtmosApiClient( config );
jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ObjectInfo.class );
public long calculateServerOffset() {
return adaptee.calculateServerClockSkew();
public ObjectId createObjectFromStream( Acl acl, MetadataList metadata, InputStream data,
long length, String mimeType ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest();
request.acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) )
.content( data ).contentLength( length ).contentType( mimeType );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectId createObjectFromStreamOnPath( ObjectPath path, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
InputStream data, long length, String mimeType ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( adaptIdentifier( path ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) )
.userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).content( data ).contentLength( length )
.contentType( mimeType );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectId createObjectFromSegment( Acl acl, MetadataList metadata, BufferSegment data,
String mimeType, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest();
request.acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).content( adaptBuffer( data ) )
.contentType( mimeType ).wsChecksum( adaptChecksum( checksum, data ) );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectId createObjectFromSegmentOnPath( ObjectPath path, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
BufferSegment data, String mimeType, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( adaptIdentifier( path ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) )
.userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).content( adaptBuffer( data ) ).contentType( mimeType )
.wsChecksum( adaptChecksum( checksum, data ) );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void updateObjectFromStream( Identifier id, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata, Extent extent,
InputStream data, long length, String mimeType ) {
try {
UpdateObjectRequest request = new UpdateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( adaptIdentifier( id ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) )
.range( adaptExtent( extent ) ).content( data ).contentLength( length ).contentType( mimeType );
adaptee.updateObject( request );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void updateObjectFromSegment( Identifier id, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata, Extent extent,
BufferSegment data, String mimeType, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
UpdateObjectRequest request = new UpdateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( adaptIdentifier( id ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) )
.range( adaptExtent( extent ) ).content( adaptBuffer( data ) ).contentType( mimeType )
.wsChecksum( adaptChecksum( checksum, data ) );
adaptee.updateObject( request );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void setUserMetadata( Identifier id, MetadataList metadata ) {
try {
adaptee.setUserMetadata( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptMetadata( metadata ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void setAcl( Identifier id, Acl acl ) {
try {
adaptee.setAcl( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptAcl( acl ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void deleteObject( Identifier id ) {
try {
adaptee.delete( adaptIdentifier( id ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void deleteVersion( ObjectId id ) {
try {
adaptee.deleteVersion( (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( id ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataList getUserMetadata( Identifier id, MetadataTags tags ) {
try {
return adaptMetadata( adaptee.getUserMetadata( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptNames( tags ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataList getSystemMetadata( Identifier id, MetadataTags tags ) {
try {
return adaptMetadata( adaptee.getSystemMetadata( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptNames( tags ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public byte[] readObject( Identifier id, Extent extent, byte[] buffer, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
return readObject( adaptIdentifier( id ), extent, buffer, checksum );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public InputStream readObjectStream( Identifier id, Extent extent ) {
try {
return adaptee.readObjectStream( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptExtent( extent ) ).getObject();
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public Acl getAcl( Identifier id ) {
try {
return adaptAcl( adaptee.getAcl( adaptIdentifier( id ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void deleteUserMetadata( Identifier id, MetadataTags tags ) {
try {
adaptee.deleteUserMetadata( adaptIdentifier( id ), adaptNames( tags ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public List listVersions( Identifier id ) {
try {
List identifiers = new ArrayList();
List versions = listVersions( (ObjectId) id, null );
for ( Version version : versions ) {
identifiers.add( version.getId() );
return identifiers;
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public List listVersions( ObjectId id, ListOptions options ) {
try {
List versions = new ArrayList();
ListVersionsRequest request = new ListVersionsRequest();
request.setObjectId( (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( id ) );
if ( options != null ) request.limit( options.getLimit() ).token( options.getToken() );
ListVersionsResponse response = adaptee.listVersions( request );
if ( response.getVersions() != null ) {
for ( ObjectVersion version : response.getVersions() ) {
versions.add( adaptVersion( version ) );
if ( options != null ) options.setToken( request.getToken() );
return versions;
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectId versionObject( Identifier id ) {
try {
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createVersion( adaptIdentifier( id ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public List listObjects( String tag, ListOptions options ) {
try {
List results = new ArrayList();
ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest().metadataName( tag );
if ( options != null ) {
request.limit( options.getLimit() );
request.token( options.getToken() ).includeMetadata( options.isIncludeMetadata() );
if ( options.getUserMetadata() != null )
request.userMetadataNames( options.getUserMetadata()
.toArray( new String[options.getUserMetadata().size()] ) );
if ( options.getSystemMetadata() != null )
request.systemMetadataNames( options.getSystemMetadata()
.toArray( new String[options.getSystemMetadata().size()] ) );
for ( ObjectEntry entry : adaptee.listObjects( request ).getEntries() ) {
results.add( adaptObjectEntry( entry ) );
if ( options != null ) options.setToken( request.getToken() );
return results;
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataTags getListableTags( MetadataTag tag ) {
try {
return getListableTags( tag.getName() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataTags getListableTags( String tag ) {
try {
return adaptTags( adaptee.listMetadata( tag ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataTags listUserMetadataTags( Identifier id ) {
try {
return adaptTags( adaptee.getUserMetadataNames( adaptIdentifier( id ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public List queryObjects( String xquery ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This implementation does not support object query" );
public List listDirectory( ObjectPath path, ListOptions options ) {
try {
List entries = new ArrayList();
ListDirectoryRequest request = new ListDirectoryRequest();
request.path( (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath) adaptIdentifier( path ) );
if ( options != null ) {
request.limit( options.getLimit() ).token( options.getToken() )
.includeMetadata( options.isIncludeMetadata() );
if ( options.getUserMetadata() != null )
request.userMetadataNames( options.getUserMetadata()
.toArray( new String[options.getUserMetadata().size()] ) );
if ( options.getSystemMetadata() != null )
request.systemMetadataNames( options.getSystemMetadata()
.toArray( new String[options.getSystemMetadata().size()] ) );
for ( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.DirectoryEntry entry : adaptee.listDirectory( request ).getEntries() ) {
entries.add( adaptDirectoryEntry( entry, (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath) adaptIdentifier( path ) ) );
if ( options != null ) options.setToken( request.getToken() );
return entries;
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectMetadata getAllMetadata( Identifier id ) {
try {
return adaptObjectMetadata( adaptee.getObjectMetadata( adaptIdentifier( id ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void rename( ObjectPath source, ObjectPath destination, boolean force ) {
try {
adaptee.move( (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath) adaptIdentifier( source ),
(com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath) adaptIdentifier( destination ),
force );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void restoreVersion( ObjectId id, ObjectId vId ) {
try {
adaptee.restoreVersion( (com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( id ),
(com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( vId ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ServiceInformation getServiceInformation() {
try {
return adaptServiceInformation( adaptee.getServiceInformation() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectInfo getObjectInfo( Identifier id ) {
try {
return adaptObjectInfo( adaptee.getObjectInfo( adaptIdentifier( id ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
} catch ( JAXBException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not marshall result to XML", e );
public void hardLink( ObjectPath source, ObjectPath target ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This implementation does not support hard link" );
public ObjectId createObjectWithKeyFromSegment( String keyPool, String key, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
BufferSegment data, String mimeType, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest().identifier( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) );
request.acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).content( adaptBuffer( data ) );
request.contentType( mimeType ).wsChecksum( adaptChecksum( checksum, data ) );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectId createObjectWithKeyFromStream( String keyPool, String key, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
InputStream data, long length, String mimeType ) {
try {
CreateObjectRequest request = new CreateObjectRequest().identifier( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) );
request.acl( adaptAcl( acl ) ).userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).content( data );
request.contentLength( length ).contentType( mimeType );
return (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( adaptee.createObject( request ).getObjectId() );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void deleteObjectWithKey( String keyPool, String key ) {
try {
adaptee.delete( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public ObjectMetadata getAllMetadata( String keyPool, String key ) {
try {
return adaptObjectMetadata( adaptee.getObjectMetadata( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public MetadataList getSystemMetadata( String keyPool, String key, MetadataTags tags ) {
try {
return adaptMetadata( adaptee.getSystemMetadata( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ), adaptNames( tags ) ) );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public byte[] readObjectWithKey( String keyPool, String key, Extent extent, byte[] buffer, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
return readObject( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ), extent, buffer, checksum );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public InputStream readObjectStreamWithKey( String keyPool, String key, Extent extent ) {
try {
return adaptee.readObjectStream( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ), adaptExtent( extent ) ).getObject();
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void updateObjectWithKeyFromStream( String keyPool, String key, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
Extent extent, InputStream data, long length, String mimeType ) {
try {
UpdateObjectRequest request = new UpdateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) )
.userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).range( adaptExtent( extent ) ).content( data )
.contentLength( length ).contentType( mimeType );
adaptee.updateObject( request );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
public void updateObjectWithKeyFromSegment( String keyPool, String key, Acl acl, MetadataList metadata,
Extent extent, BufferSegment data, String mimeType,
Checksum checksum ) {
try {
UpdateObjectRequest request = new UpdateObjectRequest();
request.identifier( new ObjectKey( keyPool, key ) ).acl( adaptAcl( acl ) )
.userMetadata( adaptMetadata( metadata ) ).range( adaptExtent( extent ) )
.content( adaptBuffer( data ) ).contentType( mimeType )
.wsChecksum( adaptChecksum( checksum, data ) );
adaptee.updateObject( request );
} catch ( AtmosException e ) {
throw adaptException( e );
private byte[] readObject( ObjectIdentifier identifier, Extent extent, byte[] buffer, Checksum checksum ) {
try {
if ( buffer != null && extent != null && extent.getSize() > (long) buffer.length ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The buffer is smaller than the requested extent" );
ReadObjectResponse response = adaptee.readObjectStream( identifier, adaptExtent( extent ) );
long contentLength = response.getContentLength();
if ( buffer != null && contentLength > -1 ) {
if ( (long) buffer.length < contentLength ) {
throw new EsuException( "The response buffer was not long enough to hold the response: "
+ buffer.length + "<" + contentLength );
int read, c = 0;
InputStream in = response.getObject();
while ( c < contentLength ) {
read = buffer, c, (int) contentLength - c );
if ( read == -1 ) {
throw new EOFException(
"EOF reading response at position " + c + " size " + (contentLength - c) );
c += read;
} else {
if ( contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
throw new EsuException( "Object is too large to hold in a byte array" );
buffer = StreamUtil.readAsBytes( response.getObject() );
if ( checksum != null && response.getWsChecksum() != null ) {
checksum.setExpectedValue( response.getWsChecksum().toString() );
if ( contentLength > -1 ) checksum.update( buffer, 0, (int) contentLength );
else checksum.update( buffer, 0, buffer.length );
return buffer;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new EsuException( "Error connecting to server", e );
private ObjectIdentifier adaptIdentifier( Identifier identifier ) {
if ( identifier == null ) return null;
if ( identifier instanceof ObjectId ) return new com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId( identifier.toString() );
if ( identifier instanceof ObjectPath ) return new com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath( identifier.toString() );
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to convert identifier " + identifier + " (" + identifier.getClass().getName() + ")" );
private Identifier adaptIdentifier( ObjectIdentifier identifier ) {
if ( identifier == null ) return null;
if ( identifier instanceof com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectId ) return new ObjectId( identifier.toString() );
if ( identifier instanceof com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath ) return new ObjectPath( identifier.toString() );
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to convert identifier " + identifier + " (" + identifier.getClass().getName() + ")" );
private com.emc.atmos.api.Acl adaptAcl( Acl acl ) {
if ( acl == null ) return null;
com.emc.atmos.api.Acl newAcl = new com.emc.atmos.api.Acl();
for ( Grant grant : acl ) {
switch ( grant.getGrantee().getType() ) {
case GROUP:
newAcl.addGroupGrant( grant.getGrantee().getName(),
com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Permission.valueOf( grant.getPermission() ) );
case USER:
newAcl.addUserGrant( grant.getGrantee().getName(),
com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Permission.valueOf( grant.getPermission() ) );
return newAcl;
private Acl adaptAcl( com.emc.atmos.api.Acl acl ) {
if ( acl == null ) return null;
Acl newAcl = new Acl();
for ( String name : acl.getGroupAcl().keySet() ) {
newAcl.addGrant( new Grant( new Grantee( name, Grantee.GRANT_TYPE.GROUP ),
acl.getGroupAcl().get( name ).toString() ) );
for ( String name : acl.getUserAcl().keySet() ) {
newAcl.addGrant( new Grant( new Grantee( name, Grantee.GRANT_TYPE.USER ),
acl.getUserAcl().get( name ).toString() ) );
return newAcl;
private com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Metadata[] adaptMetadata( MetadataList metadataList ) {
if ( metadataList == null ) return null;
List newMetadata = new ArrayList();
for ( Metadata metadata : metadataList ) {
newMetadata.add( new com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Metadata( metadata.getName(),
metadata.isListable() ) );
return newMetadata.toArray( new com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Metadata[newMetadata.size()] );
private MetadataList adaptMetadata( Map metadataMap ) {
if ( metadataMap == null ) return null;
MetadataList metadataList = new MetadataList();
for ( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.Metadata oneMetadata : metadataMap.values() ) {
metadataList.addMetadata( new Metadata( oneMetadata.getName(),
oneMetadata.isListable() ) );
return metadataList;
private String[] adaptNames( MetadataTags tags ) {
if ( tags == null ) return null;
List names = new ArrayList();
for ( MetadataTag tag : tags ) {
names.add( tag.getName() );
return names.toArray( new String[names.size()] );
private MetadataTags adaptTags( Set names ) {
if ( names == null ) return null;
MetadataTags newTags = new MetadataTags();
for ( String name : names ) {
newTags.addTag( new MetadataTag( name, false ) );
return newTags;
private MetadataTags adaptTags( Map tags ) {
if ( tags == null ) return null;
MetadataTags newTags = new MetadataTags();
for ( String name : tags.keySet() ) {
newTags.addTag( new MetadataTag( name, tags.get( name ) ) );
return newTags;
private Range adaptExtent( Extent extent ) {
if ( extent == null ) return null;
return new Range( extent.getOffset(), extent.getOffset() + extent.getSize() - 1 );
private com.emc.atmos.api.BufferSegment adaptBuffer( BufferSegment bufferSegment ) {
if ( bufferSegment == null ) return null;
return new com.emc.atmos.api.BufferSegment( bufferSegment.getBuffer(),
bufferSegment.getSize() );
private ChecksumValue adaptChecksum( Checksum checksum, BufferSegment bufferSegment ) {
if ( checksum == null ) return null;
checksum.update( bufferSegment.getBuffer(), bufferSegment.getOffset(), bufferSegment.getSize() );
return new ChecksumValueImpl( checksum.toString() );
private Version adaptVersion( ObjectVersion version ) {
if ( version == null ) return null;
return new Version( (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( version.getVersionId() ),
version.getItime() );
private ObjectResult adaptObjectEntry( ObjectEntry entry ) {
if ( entry == null ) return null;
ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult();
result.setId( (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( entry.getObjectId() ) );
Map allMetadata = new TreeMap();
if ( entry.getSystemMetadata() != null ) allMetadata.putAll( entry.getSystemMetadataMap() );
if ( entry.getUserMetadata() != null ) allMetadata.putAll( entry.getUserMetadataMap() );
if ( !allMetadata.isEmpty() ) result.setMetadata( adaptMetadata( allMetadata ) );
return result;
private DirectoryEntry adaptDirectoryEntry( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.DirectoryEntry entry,
com.emc.atmos.api.ObjectPath parentPath ) {
if ( entry == null ) return null;
String path = parentPath.getPath() + entry.getFilename();
if ( entry.isDirectory() ) path += "/";
DirectoryEntry newEntry = new DirectoryEntry();
newEntry.setId( (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( entry.getObjectId() ) );
newEntry.setPath( new ObjectPath( path ) );
newEntry.setType( entry.getFileType().toString() );
newEntry.setSystemMetadata( adaptMetadata( entry.getSystemMetadataMap() ) );
newEntry.setUserMetadata( adaptMetadata( entry.getUserMetadataMap() ) );
return newEntry;
private ObjectMetadata adaptObjectMetadata( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ObjectMetadata objectMetadata ) {
if ( objectMetadata == null ) return null;
ObjectMetadata newMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
newMetadata.setAcl( adaptAcl( objectMetadata.getAcl() ) );
newMetadata.setMimeType( objectMetadata.getContentType() );
newMetadata.setMetadata( adaptMetadata( objectMetadata.getMetadata() ) );
return newMetadata;
private ObjectInfo adaptObjectInfo( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ObjectInfo objectInfo ) throws JAXBException {
if ( objectInfo == null ) return null;
ObjectInfo newObjectInfo = new ObjectInfo();
newObjectInfo.setObjectId( (ObjectId) adaptIdentifier( objectInfo.getObjectId() ) );
newObjectInfo.setSelection( objectInfo.getSelection() );
if ( objectInfo.getExpiration() != null ) {
ObjectExpiration objectExpiration = new ObjectExpiration();
objectExpiration.setEnabled( objectInfo.getExpiration().isEnabled() );
objectExpiration.setEndAt( objectInfo.getExpiration().getEndAt() );
newObjectInfo.setExpiration( objectExpiration );
if ( objectInfo.getRetention() != null ) {
ObjectRetention objectRetention = new ObjectRetention();
objectRetention.setEnabled( objectInfo.getRetention().isEnabled() );
objectRetention.setEndAt( objectInfo.getRetention().getEndAt() );
newObjectInfo.setRetention( objectRetention );
if ( objectInfo.getReplicas() != null ) {
List replicas = new ArrayList();
for ( Replica replica : objectInfo.getReplicas() ) {
ObjectReplica newReplica = new ObjectReplica();
newReplica.setId( "" + replica.getId() );
newReplica.setCurrent( replica.isCurrent() );
newReplica.setLocation( replica.getLocation() );
newReplica.setReplicaType( replica.getType() );
newReplica.setStorageType( replica.getStorageType() );
replicas.add( newReplica );
newObjectInfo.setReplicas( replicas );
StringWriter xmlString = new StringWriter();
getMarshaller().marshal( objectInfo, xmlString );
newObjectInfo.setRawXml( xmlString.toString() );
return newObjectInfo;
private ServiceInformation adaptServiceInformation( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ServiceInformation serviceInformation ) {
if ( serviceInformation == null ) return null;
ServiceInformation newServiceInformation = new ServiceInformation();
newServiceInformation.setAtmosVersion( serviceInformation.getAtmosVersion() );
newServiceInformation.setUnicodeMetadataSupported( serviceInformation.hasFeature( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ServiceInformation.Feature.Utf8 ) );
for ( com.emc.atmos.api.bean.ServiceInformation.Feature feature : serviceInformation.getFeatures() ) {
newServiceInformation.addFeature( feature.getHeaderName() );
return newServiceInformation;
private EsuException adaptException( AtmosException e ) {
return new EsuException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause(), e.getHttpCode(), e.getErrorCode() );
private Marshaller getMarshaller() throws JAXBException {
Marshaller m = marshaller.get();
if ( m == null ) {
m = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
marshaller.set( m );
return m;