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xsd.2_1.SDMXRegistrySubscription.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy


		SDMX Subscription Registry Module
		The subscription registry module defines the constructs that are used for the maintenance and usage of notification subscriptions in a registry.

			SubmitSubscriptionsRequestType defines the payload of a request message used to submit addtions, updates, or deletions of subscriptions. Subscriptions are submitted to the registry to subscribe to registration and change events for specific registry resources.

			SubscriptionType describes the details of a subscription to a registration or change event for registry resources. When it occurs as the content of a response message, the registry URN must be provide, unless the response is a failure notification for the creation of a new subscription.
					Organisation provides a reference to the organisation that owns this subscription. The reference is provided via a URN and/or a complete set of reference fields.
					RegistryURN is used to identify the subscription in the case of deletion or modification. This should be provided in all response messages, unless the response it a notification of the failure to create a newly submitted subscription - in which case there will be no registry assigned URN.
					NotificationMailTo holds an e-mail address (the "mailto:" protocol). Multiple email address can be notified for a single subscription.
					NotificationHTTP holds an http address to which notifications can be addressed as POSTs. Multiple http address may be notified for a single subscription event.
					SubscriberAssignedID allows the subscriber to specify an identification which will be returned as part of the notification for the subscribed events. This should be used if multiple new requests are made, so that the responses can be accurately correlated to the requests.
					Validity period sets a start and end date for the subscription.
					EventSelector indicates an event or events for the subscription.
			SubscriptionRequestType describes the structure of a single subscription request. It contains subscription details and an action field to indicate the action to be taken on the contained subscription. Note that if the action is update or delete, then the registry supplied URN for the subscription must be included.
					Subscription contains the details of the subscription to be added, updated, or deleted.
				The action attribute indicates whether this is an addition, a modification, or a deletion of a subscription.
			SubmitSubscriptionsResponseType describes the structure of the response to a new subscription submission. A status is provided for each subscription in the request.
					SubscriptionStatus contains information which describes the success or failure of a subscription request, providing any error messages in the event of failure. The statuses should occur in the same order as the requests when responding to a message with multiple subscription requests. If a subscriber-assigned identification for the subscription is provided, it will be returned to allow for accurate matching of the responses to the requests. A registry assigned URN will be returned for any successfully created, updated, or deleted subscription.
			SubscriptionStatusType describes the structure a status for a single subscription request.
					SubscriptionURN contains the registry generated URN for the subscription, and will be returned for any successfully created, updated, or deleted subscription. 
					SubscriberAssignedID is the id assigned by the subscriber to the subscription. If it existed in the subscription request, it will be returned.
					StatusMessage provides that status for the subscription request, and if necessary, any error or warning information.
			QuerySubscriptionRequestType describes the structure of a query for subscriptions. Subscriptions for a given organisation may be retrieved.
					Organisation provides a reference to the data consumer for which the subscription details should be returned.
			QuerySubscriptionResponseType describes the structure of a subscription query response. A status will describe the success or failure of the request (and provide error or warning messages if necessary). If the query was successful, details of all of the organisation's subscriptions will be provided.
					StatusMessage provides that status for the query subscription request, and if necessary, any error or warning information.
					Subscription contains the details of a subscription for the organisation. This may occur multiple times for each subscription.
			NotifyRegistryEventType describes the structure a registry notification, in response to a subscription to a registry event. At a minimum, the event time, a reference to the change object, a reference to the underlying subscription triggering the notification, and the action that took place on the object are sent. In addition, the full details of the object may be provided at the discretion of the registry. In the event that the details are not sent, it will be possible to query for the details of the changed object using the reference provided.
					EventTime specifies the time of the triggering event.
						ObjectURN provides the URN of the object on which the event occurred, unless the event is related to a registration, in which case the RegistrationID element should be used.
						RegistrationID provides the id of the registration that underwent an event.
					SubscriptionURN provides the registry/repository URN of the subscription that is the cause of this notification being sent.
					EventAction indicates the nature of the event - whether the action was an addition, a modification, or a deletion.
						StructuralEvent is used to provide the details of the structural object that has changed.
						RegistrationEvent is used to provide the details or the registration object that has changed.
			NotificationURLType describes the structure of an http or email address. The content holds the addresses while an attribute indicates whether or not is expects the contents in a SOAP message.
						The isSOAP attribute, if true, indicates the provided URL expects the notification to be sent in a SOAP message.
			ValidityPeriodType specifies inclusive start and end-dates for the subscription period.
					StartDate is an inclusive start date for the subscription.
					EndDate is an inclusive end date for the subscription.

			EventSelectorType describes the details of the events for a subscription. It allows subscribers to specify registry and repository events for which they wish to receive notifications.
					StructuralRepositoryEvents details structural events for the subscription.
					DataRegistrationEvents details the data registration events for the subscription.
					MetadataRegistrationEvents details the metadata registration events for the subscription.

			StructuralRepositoryEventsType details the structural events for the subscription. At least one maintenance agency must be specified, although it may be given a wildcard value (meaning the subscription is for the structural events of all agencies). This can also be a list of agencies to allow the subscription to subscribe the events of more than one agency. It should be noted that when doing so, all of the subsequent objects are assumed to apply to every agency in the list. The subscription is then refined by detailing the structural objects maintained by the agency for which the subscription should apply. It is possible to explicitly select all object events, all objects of given types, or to individually list out specific objects. Note that for any object, it is also possible to provide an explicit URN to reference a distinct object. In this case, the reference to maintenance agency described above is ignored. Although it is not required, if specific objects are being referenced by explicit URNs, it is good practice to list the agencies.
					AgencyID specifies a maintenance agency for the object or objects indicated in the other fields. This can be either a specific ID, or a single wildcard character ("%"). A wild card character can be used to select all agencies, allowing a subscription to all events for particular object types. This can occur multiple times to list a of group of maintenance agencies, creating event subscriptions for all of the subsequent objects for each agency in the group. Note that if multiple agencies are supplied, then the wildcard character should not be used for any of them.
						AllEvents creates a subscription to structural events for all structural objects maintained by the agencies referenced.
							AgencyScheme is used to subscribe to changes of agency schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							DataConsmerScheme is used to subscribe to changes of data consumer schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							DataProviderScheme is used to subscribe to changes of data provider schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							OrganisationUnitScheme is used to subscribe to changes of organisation unit schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							Dataflow is used to subscribe to changes of data flows. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							Metadataflow is used to subscribe to changes of metadata flows. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							CategoryScheme is used to subscribe to changes of category schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							Categorisation is used to subscribe to changes of categorizations. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id field can be selected.
							Codelist is used to subscribe to changes of code lists. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							HierarchicalCodelist is used to subscribe to changes of hierarchical code lists. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							ConceptScheme is used to subscribe to changes of concept schemes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							MetadataStructureDefinition is used to subscribe to changes of metadata structure definitions. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							KeyFamily is used to subscribe to changes of key families. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							StructureSet is used to subscribe to changes of structure sets. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							ReportingTaxonomy is used to subscribe to changes of reporting taxonomies. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							Process is used to subscribe to changes of processes. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							AttachmentConstraint is used to subscribe to changes of attachment constraints. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							ContentConstraint is used to subscribe to changes of content constraints. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
							ProvisionAgreement is used to subscribe to changes of a provision agreement. The maintenance agencies of the object are those identified in the AgencyID collection, effectively making separate version of this query for each agency specified. The agency is ignored if the content of this is a URN, which references an explicit object. Otherwise, either all objects of this type or specific object according to the id and version fields can be selected.
				TYPE is a fixed attribute that is used to ensure only of each event selector may be provided, when it is referenced in a uniqueness constraint.

			IdentifiableObjectEventType describes the structure of a reference to an identifiable object's events. Either all instances of the object matching the inherited criteria, a specific instance, or specific instances of the object may be selected.
					All subscribes to the events all instances of the containing object meeting the other criteria specified.
					URN subscribes to the events of the specific instance of the object type referenced by this URN. Note that when this field is used, the agency information inherited from the structural repository event container is ignored.
						ID subscribes to the events of the specific instance of the object type where the value provided here matches the id of the object. The default value is the wildcard character("%").

			VersionableObjectEventType describes the structure of a reference to a versionable object's events. Either all instances of the object matching the inherited criteria, a specific instance, or specific instances of the object may be selected.
					All subscribes to the events all instances of the containing object meeting the other criteria specified.
					URN subscribes to the events of the specific instance of the object type referenced by this URN. Note that when this field is used, the agency information inherited from the structural repository event container is ignored.
						ID subscribes to the events of the specific instance of the object type where the value provided here matches the id of the object and the value provided in the version field matches the version of the object. The default value is the wildcard character("%").
						Version subscribes to the events of the specific instance of the object type where the value provided in the id field matches the id of the object and the value here matches the version of the object. The default value is the wildcard character("%"). Note that in addition to being wild-carded, this can also be bound to the latest version of the object with the late-bound character("*").

			DataRegistrationEventsType details the data registration events for the subscription. It is possible to subscribe to all data registration events in the repository, or specific events for; single registrations, provision agreements, data providers, data flows, key families, and categories that categorize data flows or key families.
					AllEvents subscribes to all data registration events in the repository.
						RegistrationID subscribes to all the data registration events for the unique registration referenced.
						ProvisionAgreementReference subscribes to all data registration events for the explicitly referenced provision agreement.
						DataProviderReference subscribes to all data registration events for the explicitly referenced data provider.
						DataflowReference subscribes to all data registration events for the data flows referenced by this object. This may reference one or more data flows, as the specific references fields allow for a wild-carded value.
						KeyFamilyReference subscribes to all data registration events for the key families referenced by this object. This may reference one or more key families, as the specific references fields allow for a wild-carded value.
						Category subscribes to all data registration events for any data flows or key families that are categorized by the referenced category.
				TYPE is a fixed attribute that is used to ensure only of each event selector may be provided, when it is referenced in a uniqueness constraint.

			MetadataRegistrationEventsType details the metadata registration events for the subscription. It is possible to subscribe to all metadata registration events in the repository, or specific events for; single registrations, provision agreements, data providers, metadata flows, metadata structure definitions, and categories that categorize metadata flows or metadata structure definitions.
					AllEvents subscribes to all metadata registration events in the repository.
						RegistrationID subscribes to all the metadata registration events for the unique registration referenced.
						ProvisionAgreementReference subscribes to all metadata registration events for the explicitly referenced provision agreement.
						DataProvider subscribes to all metadata registration events for the explicitly referenced data provider.
						MetadataflowReference subscribes to all metadata registration events for the metadata flows referenced by this object. This may reference one or more metadata flows, as the specific references fields allow for a wild-carded value.
						MetadataStructureDefinitionReference subscribes to all metadata registration events for the metadata structure definitions referenced by this object. This may reference one or more metadata structure definitions, as the specific references fields allow for a wild-carded value.
						Category subscribes to all metadata registration events for any metadata flows or metadata structure definitions that are categorized by the referenced category.
				TYPE is a fixed attribute that is used to ensure only of each event selector may be provided, when it is referenced in a uniqueness constraint.
			MaintainableEventType provides a reference to a maintainable object's event with either the URN of the specific object, or a set of potentially wild-carded reference fields.
					URN provides an explicit reference to a single object.
					Ref provides a reference to potentially many object through the use of possible wild-carded reference fields.
			StructuralEventType provides the details of a structure event, specifically the object that changed.
					Structures contains the details of the structural object that has triggered the event. Although this container allows for multiple structural object, it should only contain the one changed object.

			This provides the details of a data or metadata registration event for the purposes of notification.
					Registration provides the changed details of the data or metadata registration.

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