com.techventus.server.voice.Voice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Show all versions of google-voice-java Show documentation
* Created: Sat Mar 13 14:41:11 2010
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Techventus, LLC
* Techventus, LLC is not responsible for any use or misuse of this product.
* In using this software you agree to hold harmless Techventus, LLC and any other
* contributors to this project from any damages or liabilities which might result
* from its use.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.techventus.server.voice;
import com.techventus.server.voice.datatypes.AllSettings;
import com.techventus.server.voice.datatypes.Greeting;
import com.techventus.server.voice.datatypes.Group;
import com.techventus.server.voice.datatypes.Phone;
import com.techventus.server.voice.datatypes.records.SMSThread;
import com.techventus.server.voice.exception.AuthenticationException;
import com.techventus.server.voice.exception.ERROR_CODE;
import com.techventus.server.voice.util.ParsingUtil;
import com.techventus.server.voice.util.SMSParser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* The Class Voice. This class is the basis of the entire API and contains all
* the components necessary to connect and authenticate with Google Voice, place
* calls and SMS, and pull in the raw data from the account.
* @author Techventus, LLC
public class Voice {
* The Constant GOOGLE.
public final static String GOOGLE = "GOOGLE";
* The Constant HOSTED.
public final static String HOSTED = "HOSTED";
* The Constant HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE.
public final static String HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE = "HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE";
* The Constant enc.
final static String enc = "UTF-8";
* The Constant USER_AGENT.
final static String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/0.A.B.C Safari/525.13";
* Name of the Google service you're requesting authorization for. Each service using the Authorization
* service is assigned a name value; for example, the name associated with Google Calendar is 'cl'.
* This parameter is required when accessing services based on Google Data APIs. For specific service
* names, refer to the service documentation.
final static String SERVICE = "grandcentral";
* The Constant generalURLString.
final static String generalURLString = "";
* The Constant loginURLString.
final static String loginURLString = "";
* The Constant inboxURLString.
final static String inboxURLString = "";
* The Constant starredURLString.
final static String starredURLString = "";
* The Constant recentAllURLString.
final static String recentAllURLString = "";
* The Constant spamURLString.
final static String spamURLString = "";
* The Constant trashURLString.
final static String trashURLString = "";
* The Constant voicemailURLString.
final static String voicemailURLString = "";
* The Constant smsURLString.
final static String smsURLString = "";
* The Constant recordedURLString.
final static String recordedURLString = "";
* The Constant placedURLString.
final static String placedURLString = "";
* The Constant receivedURLString.
final static String receivedURLString = "";
* The Constant missedURLString.
final static String missedURLString = "";
* The Constant phoneEnableURLString.
final static String phoneEnableURLString = "";
* The Constant generalSettingsURLString.
final static String generalSettingsURLString = "";
* The Constant editForwardingSMSURLString.
final static String editForwardingSMSURLString = "";
* The Constant phonesInfoURLString.
final static String phonesInfoURLString = "";
* The Constant groupsInfoURLString.
final static String groupsInfoURLString = "";
* The Constant voicemailInfoURLString.
final static String voicemailInfoURLString = "";
* The Constant groupsSettingsURLString.
final static String groupsSettingsURLString = "";
* The Constant voicemailDownloadURLString.
final static String voicemailDownloadURLString = "";
* The Constant markAsReadString.
final static String markAsReadString = "";
* The Constant unreadSMSString.
final static String unreadSMSString = "";
* Maximum amount of redirects before we throw an exception.
private static int MAX_REDIRECTS = 5;
* The PRINT to Console FLAG setting.
public boolean PRINT_TO_CONSOLE;
* The general.
String general = null;
* The phones info.
String phonesInfo = null;
* The rnr see.
String rnrSEE = null;
* Short string identifying your application, for logging purposes. This string should take the form:
* "companyName-applicationName-versionID". See:
String source = null;
* keeps the list of phones - lazy.
private AllSettings settings;
* The error.
private ERROR_CODE error;
* User's full email address. It must include the domain (i.e. [email protected]).
private String user = null;
* User's password.
private String pass = null;
* Google Voice Phone Number.
private String phoneNumber = null;
* Once the login information has been successfully authenticated, Google returns a token, which your
* application will reference each time it requests access to the user's account.
* This token must be included in all subsequent requests to the Google service for this account.
* Authorization tokens should be closely guarded and should not be given to any other application,
* as they represent access to the user's account. The time limit on the token varies depending on
* which service issued it.
private String authToken = null;
* (optional) Token representing the specific CAPTCHA challenge. Google supplies this token and the
* CAPTCHA image URL in a login failed response with the error code "CaptchaRequired".
private String captchaToken = null;
* Url of the image with the captcha - only filled after a captacha response to a login try.
private String captchaUrl = null;
* The captcha url2.
private String captchaUrl2 = null;
* Counts the amount of redirects we are doing in the get(String url) method to avoid infinite loop.
private int redirectCounter = 0;
* Type of account to request authorization for. Possible values are:
* -GOOGLE (get authorization for a Google account only)
* -HOSTED (get authorization for a hosted account only)
* -HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE (get authorization first for a hosted account; if attempt fails, get
* authorization for a Google account)
* Use HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE if you're not sure which type of account you want authorization for.
* If the user information matches both a hosted and a Google account, only the hosted account is authorized.
private String account_type = GOOGLE;
//Experimental keyFlag is just there to overload method
public Voice(String authToken) throws IOException {
this.authToken = authToken;
this.pass = "UNKNOWN";
this.user = "UNKNOWN";
this.source = "GoogleVoiceJava";
this.general = getGeneral();
String response = this.getRawPhonesInfo();
int phoneIndex = response.indexOf("gc-user-number-value\">");
this.phoneNumber = response.substring(phoneIndex + 22, phoneIndex + 36);
this.phoneNumber = this.phoneNumber.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
if (this.phoneNumber.indexOf("+") == -1) {
this.phoneNumber = "+1" + this.phoneNumber;
* Instantiates a new voice. This constructor is deprecated. Try
* Voice(String user, String pass) which automatically determines rnrSee and
* assigns a source.
* @param user the user
* @param pass the pass
* @param source the source
* @param rnrSee the rnr see
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass, String source, String rnrSee)
throws IOException {
this.user = user;
this.pass = pass;
this.rnrSEE = rnrSee;
this.source = source;
* A constructor which which allows a custom source.
* This Constructor enables verbose output.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the password
* @param source Short string identifying your application, for logging purposes. This string should take the form:
* "companyName-applicationName-versionID". See:
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass, String source) throws IOException {
init(user, pass, source, true, GOOGLE, null, null);
* Instantiates a new Voice Object. This is generally the simplest and
* preferred constructor. This Constructor enables verbose output.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the pass
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass) throws IOException {
init(user, pass, null, true, GOOGLE, null, null);
* Instantiates a new voice. Custom Source Variable allowed, and
* printDebugIntoSystemOut which allows for Verbose output.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the password
* @param source the arbitrary source identifier. Can be anything.
* @param printDebugIntoToSystemOut the print debug into to system out
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass, String source,
boolean printDebugIntoToSystemOut) throws IOException {
init(user, pass, source, printDebugIntoToSystemOut, GOOGLE, null, null);
* Instantiates a new voice. Custom Source Variable allowed, and
* printDebugIntoSystemOut which allows for Verbose output.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the password
* @param source the arbitrary source identifier. Can be anything.
* @param printDebugIntoToSystemOut the print debug into to system out
* @param accountType Type of account to request authorization for. Possible values are:
* Voice.GOOGLE (get authorization for a Google account only)
* Voice.HOSTED (get authorization for a hosted account only)
* Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE (get authorization first for a hosted account; if attempt fails, get authorization for a Google account)
* Use Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE if you're not sure which type of account you want authorization for. If the user information matches both a hosted and a Google account, only the hosted account is authorized.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass, String source,
boolean printDebugIntoToSystemOut, String accountType) throws IOException {
init(user, pass, source, printDebugIntoToSystemOut, accountType, null, null);
* Instantiates a new voice. Custom Source Variable allowed, and
* printDebugIntoSystemOut which allows for Verbose output.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the password
* @param source the arbitrary source identifier. Can be anything.
* @param printDebugIntoToSystemOut the print debug into to system out
* @param accountType Type of account to request authorization for. Possible values are:
* Voice.GOOGLE (get authorization for a Google account only)
* Voice.HOSTED (get authorization for a hosted account only)
* Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE (get authorization first for a hosted account; if attempt fails, get authorization for a Google account)
* Use Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE if you're not sure which type of account you want authorization for. If the user information matches both a hosted and a Google account, only the hosted account is authorized.
* @param captchaResponse response to a captcha challenge, set to null if normal login
* @param captchaToken (optional) token which matches the response/url from the captcha challenge
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Voice(String user, String pass, String source,
boolean printDebugIntoToSystemOut, String accountType, String captchaResponse, String captchaToken) throws IOException {
init(user, pass, source, printDebugIntoToSystemOut, accountType, captchaResponse, captchaToken);
* Place a call.
* @param originNumber the origin number
* @param destinationNumber the destination number
* @param phoneType the phone type, this is a number such as 1,2,7 formatted as a String
* @return the raw response string received from Google Voice.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String call(String originNumber, String destinationNumber,
String phoneType) throws IOException {
String out = "";
StringBuffer calldata = new StringBuffer();
// POST /voice/call/connect/
// outgoingNumber=[number to call]
// &forwardingNumber=[forwarding number]
// &subscriberNumber=undefined
// &phoneType=[phone type from google]
// &remember=0
// &_rnr_se=[pull from page]
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(destinationNumber, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(originNumber, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(phoneType, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc));
URL callURL = new URL("");
URLConnection callconn = callURL.openConnection();
callconn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
callconn.setRequestProperty("User-agent", USER_AGENT);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(callconn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Cancel a call that was just placed.
* @param originNumber the origin number
* @param destinationNumber the destination number
* @param phoneType the phone type
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String cancelCall(String originNumber, String destinationNumber,
String phoneType) throws IOException {
String out = "";
String calldata = "";
calldata += URLEncoder.encode("outgoingNumber", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("undefined", enc);
calldata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("forwardingNumber", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("undefined", enc);
calldata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("cancelType", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("C2C", enc);
calldata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
// POST /voice/call/connect/ outgoingNumber=[number to
// call]&forwardingNumber=[forwarding
// number]&subscriberNumber=undefined&remember=0&_rnr_se=[pull from
// page]
URL callURL = new URL("");
URLConnection callconn = callURL.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(callconn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Delete message.
* @param msgID the msg id
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String deleteMessage(String msgID) throws IOException {
String out = "";
StringBuffer calldata = new StringBuffer();
// POST /voice/inbox/deleteMessages/
// messages=[messageID]
// &trash=1
// &_rnr_se=[pull from page]
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(msgID, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc));
URL callURL = new URL("");
URLConnection callconn = callURL.openConnection();
callconn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
callconn.setRequestProperty("User-agent", USER_AGENT);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(callconn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Downloads a voicemail.
* @param msgID the msg id
* @return byte output stream
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public ByteArrayOutputStream downloadVoicemail(String msgID) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
URL u = new URL(voicemailDownloadURLString + msgID);
HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();
huc.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
huc.setRequestProperty("User-agent", USER_AGENT);
InputStream is = huc.getInputStream();
if (huc.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytes = 0;
while (true) {
bytes =;
if (bytes <= 0) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
return outputStream;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception\n" + e);
return null;
* HTTP GET request for a given URL String and a given page number.
* @param urlString the url string
* @param page number must be a natural number
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String get(String urlString, int page) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(urlString + "?page=p" + page);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
// Get the response
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + "\n\r");
String result = sb.toString();
return result;
// public Voice(){
// authToken = "abcde";
// }
* Gets the captcha token.
* @return the captcha token
public String getCaptchaToken() {
return captchaToken;
* Gets the captcha url.
* @return the captcha url
public String getCaptchaUrl() {
return captchaUrl;
* Gets the error.
* @return the error
public ERROR_CODE getError() {
return error;
* Fetches the page Source Code for the Voice homepage. This file contains
* most of the useful information for the Google Voice Account such as
* attached PhoneOld info and Contacts.
* @return the general
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getGeneral() throws IOException {
return get(generalURLString);
* The main Google Voice section is paginated. Access the raw HTML for
* specific page of the main section.
* @param page the page
* @return the general page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getGeneralPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(generalURLString, page);
* Returns the Group list - Lazy. Not yet Implemented
* @param forceUpdate the force update
* @return List of Greeting objects
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public List getGroupSettingsList(boolean forceUpdate) throws IOException {
// return getSettings(forceUpdate).getGroupSettingsList();
// List lGList = new ArrayList();
// String[] lGArray = getSettings(forceUpdate).getSettings().getGroups().;
// for (int i = 0; i < lGArray.length; i++) {
// lGList.add(lGArray[i]);
// }
// return lGList;
//TODO implement getGroupSettingsList
return null;
* Fetches and returns the raw page source code for the Inbox.
* @return the inbox
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getInbox() throws IOException {
return get(inboxURLString);
* Gets the inbox page.
* @param page the page
* @return the inbox page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getInboxPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(inboxURLString, page);
* Gets the missed calls source code.
* @return the missed
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getMissed() throws IOException {
return get(missedURLString);
* Gets the missed page.
* @param page the page
* @return the missed page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getMissedPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(missedURLString, page);
* Gets the phone number.
* @return the phone number
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return this.phoneNumber;
* Gets the raw source code for the placed calls page.
* @return the placed calls source code
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getPlaced() throws IOException {
return get(placedURLString);
* Gets the placed page.
* @param page the page
* @return the placed page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getPlacedPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(placedURLString, page);
* Gets the rNRSEE.
* @return the rNRSEE
public String getRNRSEE() {
return rnrSEE;
* Gets the raw phones info.
* @return the raw phones info
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getRawPhonesInfo() throws IOException {
return get(phonesInfoURLString);
* Gets the received calls source code.
* @return the received
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getReceived() throws IOException {
return get(receivedURLString);
* Gets the received page.
* @param page the page
* @return the received page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getReceivedPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(receivedURLString, page);
* Gets the raw page source code for the recent items.
* @return the recent raw source code
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getRecent() throws IOException {
return get(recentAllURLString);
* Gets the recent page.
* @param page the page
* @return the recent page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getRecentPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(recentAllURLString, page);
* Gets the page source for the recorded calls.
* @return the recorded
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getRecorded() throws IOException {
return get(recordedURLString);
* Gets the recorded page.
* @param page the page
* @return the recorded page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getRecordedPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(recordedURLString, page);
* Gets the SMS page raw source code.
* @return the sMS
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getSMS() throws IOException {
return get(smsURLString);
* Gets the SMS page.
* @param page the page
* @return the sMS page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getSMSPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(smsURLString, page);
* Gets a collection of SMS threads. Each SMS thread has a collection of SMS
* objects which contains contact, text and timestamp information.
* @return a collection of SMS threads.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Collection getSMSThreads() throws IOException {
SMSParser parser = new SMSParser(get(smsURLString), phoneNumber);
return parser.getSMSThreads();
* Gets a collection of SMS threads. Each SMS thread has a collection of SMS
* objects which contains contact, text and timestamp information.
* @param page Page number
* @return a collection of SMS threads.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public Collection getSMSThreads(int page) throws IOException {
SMSParser parser = new SMSParser(get(smsURLString, page), phoneNumber);
return parser.getSMSThreads();
* Gets the SMS threads from a given Response Page.
* @param response the response
* @return the SMS threads
public Collection getSMSThreads(String response) {
SMSParser parser = new SMSParser(response, phoneNumber);
return parser.getSMSThreads();
* returns all users settings - lazy.
* @param forceUpdate the force update
* @return the settings
* @throws JSONException the jSON exception
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public AllSettings getSettings(boolean forceUpdate) throws JSONException, IOException {
if (settings == null || forceUpdate) {
if (isLoggedIn() == false || forceUpdate) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Fetching Settings.");
// remove html overhead
String lJson = ParsingUtil.removeUninterestingParts(get(groupsInfoURLString), " ", false);
try {
settings = new AllSettings(lJson);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new JSONException(e.getMessage() + lJson);
return settings;
* Gets the page source for the spam.
* @return the spam
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getSpam() throws IOException {
return get(spamURLString);
* Gets the spam page.
* @param page the page
* @return the spam page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getSpamPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(spamURLString, page);
* Gets the raw page source code for the starred items.
* @return the starred item page source
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getStarred() throws IOException {
return get(starredURLString);
* Gets the starred page.
* @param page the page
* @return the starred page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getStarredPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(starredURLString, page);
//TODO Combine with or replace setPhoneInfo
* Gets the unread sms.
* @return the unread sms
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getUnreadSMS() throws IOException {
return get(unreadSMSString);
* Gets the unread sms page.
* @param page the page
* @return the unread sms page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getUnreadSMSPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(unreadSMSString, page);
* Returns the username
* @return username for gvoice account
public String getUsername() {
return this.user;
* Gets the Voicemail page raw source code.
* @return the Voicemail
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getVoicemail() throws IOException {
return get(voicemailURLString);
* Returns the Greeting list - Lazy
* @param forceUpdate set to true to force a List update from the server
* @return List of Greeting objects
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
* @throws JSONException the jSON exception
public List getVoicemailList(boolean forceUpdate) throws IOException, JSONException {
List lGList = new ArrayList();
Greeting[] lGArray = getSettings(forceUpdate).getSettings().getGreetings();
for (int i = 0; i < lGArray.length; i++) {
return lGList;
* Gets the voicemail page.
* @param page the page
* @return the voicemail page
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String getVoicemailPage(int page) throws IOException {
return get(voicemailURLString, page);
* Fires a Get request for Recent Items. If the Response requests login
* authentication or if an exception is thrown, a false is returned,
* otherwise if arbitrary text is contained for a logged in account, a true
* is returned.
* TODO Examine methodology. Perhaps Could Establish greater persistence with
* an option to force an update. Currently this is an expensive
* and slow method.
* @return true, if is logged in
public boolean isLoggedIn() {
String res;
try {
res = getRecent();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
if (res
this.phoneNumber = response.substring(phoneIndex + 22, phoneIndex + 36);
this.phoneNumber = this.phoneNumber.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
if (this.phoneNumber.indexOf("+") == -1) {
this.phoneNumber = "+1" + this.phoneNumber;
* Mark a Conversation with a known Message ID as read.
* @param msgID the msg id
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String markAsRead(String msgID) throws IOException {
String out = "";
StringBuffer calldata = new StringBuffer();
// POST /voice/inbox/mark/
// messages=[messageID]
// &read=1
// &_rnr_se=[pull from page]
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(msgID, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc));
URL callURL = new URL(markAsReadString);
URLConnection callconn = callURL.openConnection();
callconn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
callconn.setRequestProperty("User-agent", USER_AGENT);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(callconn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Mark a Conversation with a known Message ID as unread.
* @param msgID the msg id
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String markUnRead(String msgID) throws IOException {
String out = "";
StringBuffer calldata = new StringBuffer();
// POST /voice/inbox/mark/
// messages=[messageID]
// &read=0
// &_rnr_se=[pull from page]
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(msgID, enc));
calldata.append(URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc));
URL callURL = new URL("");
URLConnection callconn = callURL.openConnection();
callconn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
callconn.setRequestProperty("User-agent", USER_AGENT);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(callconn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Disable one of the the phones attached to the account from ringing.
* Requires the internal ID for that phone, as an integer, usually 1,2,3,
* etc.
* @param ID the iD
* @return the raw response of the disable action.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String phoneDisable(int ID) throws IOException {
String paraString = URLEncoder.encode("enabled", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("0", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(ID), enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return phonesEnableDisableApply(paraString);
* Enables one of the the phones attached to the account from ringing.
* Requires the internal ID for that phone, as an integer, usually 1,2,3,
* etc.
* @param ID the iD
* @return the raw response of the enable action.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String phoneEnable(int ID) throws IOException {
String paraString = URLEncoder.encode("enabled", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("1", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(ID), enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return phonesEnableDisableApply(paraString);
* Disables multiple phones in one post
* TODO Test this with multiple phones in an account
* Make faster - spawn threads
* Best would be to be able to construct a url which can switch multiple phones at a time.
* @param IDs Array of Phones to disable
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public void phonesDisable(int[] IDs) throws IOException {
if (IDs.length < 1) {
} else if (IDs.length == 1) {
//launch single (no thread overhead)
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < IDs.length; i++) {
//TODO spawn threads!
int j = IDs[i];
String paraString = URLEncoder.encode("enabled", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("0", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(j), enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
* Enables multiple phones in one post
* TODO Test this with multiple phones in an account
* Best would be to be able to construct a url which can switch multiple phones at a time.
* @param IDs Array of Phones to enable
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public void phonesEnable(int[] IDs) throws IOException {
if (IDs.length < 1) {
} else if (IDs.length == 1) {
//launch single (no thread overhead)
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < IDs.length; i++) {
//TODO spawn threads!
int j = IDs[i];
String paraString = URLEncoder.encode("enabled", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("1", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(j), enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
* Send an SMS.
* @param destinationNumber the destination number
* @param txt the Text of the message. Messages longer than the allowed
* character length will be split into multiple messages.
* @param id the Text of the message. Messages longer than the allowed
* character length will be split into multiple messages.
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String sendSMS(String destinationNumber, String txt, String id)
throws IOException {
String out = "";
String smsdata = "";
smsdata += URLEncoder.encode("id", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(id, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneNumber", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(destinationNumber, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("conversationId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(id, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("text", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(txt, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
System.out.println("smsdata: " + smsdata);
URL smsurl = new URL("");
URLConnection smsconn = smsurl.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(smsconn.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Send an SMS.
* @param destinationNumber the destination number
* @param txt the Text of the message. Messages longer than the allowed
* character length will be split into multiple messages.
* @param thread SMS thread to attach current message to
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String sendSMS(String destinationNumber, String txt, SMSThread thread)
throws IOException {
String id = thread.getId();
return sendSMS(destinationNumber, txt, id);
* Send an SMS.
* @param destinationNumber the destination number
* @param txt the Text of the message. Messages longer than the allowed
* character length will be split into multiple messages.
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String sendSMS(String destinationNumber, String txt)
throws IOException {
String out = "";
String smsdata = "";
smsdata += URLEncoder.encode("phoneNumber", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(destinationNumber, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("text", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(txt, enc);
smsdata += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
URL smsurl = new URL("");
URLConnection smsconn = smsurl.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(smsconn.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Enables/disables the call Announcement setting (general for all phones).
* @param announceCaller true Announces caller's name and gives answering options
* false Directly connects calls when phones are answered
* @return the raw response of the disable action.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String setCallPresentation(boolean announceCaller) throws IOException {
String out = "";
URL requestURL = new URL(generalSettingsURLString);
/** 0 for enable, 1 for disable **/
String announceCallerStr = "";
if (announceCaller) {
announceCallerStr = "0";
System.out.println("Turning caller announcement on.");
} else {
announceCallerStr = "1";
System.out.println("Turning caller announcement off.");
String paraString = "";
paraString += URLEncoder.encode("directConnect", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(announceCallerStr, enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
URLConnection conn = requestURL.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Activated or deactivated the Do Not disturb function.
* Enable this to send to voicemail all calls made to your Google number.
* @param dndEnabled true to enable dnd, false to disable it
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String setDoNotDisturb(boolean dndEnabled) throws IOException {
URL requestURL = new URL(generalSettingsURLString);
String enabled;
if (dndEnabled) {
System.out.println("Enabling dnd");
enabled = "1";
} else {
System.out.println("Disabling dnd");
enabled = "0";
String paraString = "";
// URLEncoder.encode("auth", enc) + "="+ URLEncoder.encode(authToken, enc);
paraString += URLEncoder.encode("doNotDisturb", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(enabled + "", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return postSettings(requestURL, paraString);
* Applies the settings for this group.
* @param group the group
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String setNewGroupSettings(Group group) throws IOException {
URL requestURL = new URL(groupsSettingsURLString);
String paraString = "";
// URLEncoder.encode("auth", enc) + "="+ URLEncoder.encode(authToken, enc);;
// 1=true 0=false
int isCustomGreeting = 0;
if (group.isCustomGreeting()) {
isCustomGreeting = 1;
paraString += URLEncoder.encode("isCustomGreeting", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(isCustomGreeting + "", enc);
int greetingId = group.getGreetingId();
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("greetingId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(greetingId + "", enc);
for (int i = 0; i < group.getDisabledForwardingIds().size(); i++) {
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("disabledPhoneIds", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(group.getDisabledForwardingIds().get(i).getId(), enc);
int directConnect = 0;
if (group.isDirectConnect()) {
directConnect = 1;
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("directConnect", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(directConnect + "", enc);
int isCustomDirectConnect = 0;
if (group.isCustomDirectConnect()) {
isCustomDirectConnect = 1;
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("isCustomDirectConnect", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(isCustomDirectConnect + "", enc);
int isCustomForwarding = 0;
if (group.isCustomForwarding()) {
isCustomForwarding = 1;
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("isCustomForwarding", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(isCustomForwarding + "", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("id", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(group.getId(), enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return postSettings(requestURL, paraString);
* Activated or deactivated the SMS Forwarding for a particular phone
* @param smsEnable true to enable sms forwarding, false to disable it
* @param ID The id of the phone to enable/disable
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String setSmsEnabled(boolean smsEnable, int ID) throws IOException {
// only allow editing of type 2 phones
for (int i = 0; i < settings.getPhones().length; i++) {
Phone ph = settings.getPhones()[i];
if (ph.getId() == ID) {
if (ph.getType() != 2) {
System.out.println("Cannot change sms Enabled on phone of type " + ph.getType() + " only availible on type 2");
return null;
String enabled;
if (smsEnable & !settings.isPhoneSmsEnabled(ID)) {
System.out.println("Enabling sms for phone " + ID);
enabled = "1";
} else if (settings.isPhoneSmsEnabled(ID)) {
System.out.println("Disabling sms for phone " + ID);
enabled = "0";
} else {
// do not make changes to phones that are already in the same state
System.out.println("Phone " + ID + " is already in the requested state. " + smsEnable);
return null;
URL requestURL = new URL(editForwardingSMSURLString);
String paraString = "";
paraString += URLEncoder.encode("enabled", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(enabled + "", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("phoneId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(ID + "", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return postSettings(requestURL, paraString);
* This is the general voicemail greeting callers hear.
* @param greetingToSet new greeint to use
* number of the greeting to choose
* @return the raw response of the disable action.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public String setVoicemailGreetingId(String greetingToSet) throws IOException {
URL requestURL = new URL(generalSettingsURLString);
System.out.println("Activating Greeting#" + greetingToSet);
String paraString = "";
// URLEncoder.encode("auth", enc) + "="+ URLEncoder.encode(authToken, enc);
paraString += URLEncoder.encode("greetingId", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(greetingToSet + "", enc);
paraString += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("_rnr_se", enc) + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode(rnrSEE, enc);
return postSettings(requestURL, paraString);
* HTTP GET request for a given URL String.
* @param urlString the url string
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
String get(String urlString) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
//+ "?auth=" + URLEncoder.encode(authToken, enc));
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); // will follow redirects of same protocol http to http, but does not follow from http to https for example if set to true
// Get the response
int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
System.out.println(urlString + " - " + conn.getResponseMessage());
InputStream is;
if (responseCode == 200) {
is = conn.getInputStream();
} else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER || responseCode == 307) {
if (redirectCounter > MAX_REDIRECTS) {
redirectCounter = 0;
throw new IOException(urlString + " : " + conn.getResponseMessage() + "(" + responseCode + ") : Too manny redirects. exiting.");
String location = conn.getHeaderField("Location");
if (location != null && !location.equals("")) {
System.out.println(urlString + " - " + responseCode + " - new URL: " + location);
return get(location);
} else {
throw new IOException(urlString + " : " + conn.getResponseMessage() + "(" + responseCode + ") : Received moved answer but no Location. exiting.");
} else {
is = conn.getErrorStream();
redirectCounter = 0;
if (is == null) {
throw new IOException(urlString + " : " + conn.getResponseMessage() + "(" + responseCode + ") : InputStream was null : exiting.");
String result = "";
try {
// Get the response
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + "\n\r");
result = sb.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(urlString + " - " + conn.getResponseMessage() + "(" + responseCode + ") - " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return result;
* Gets the error enum by code.
* @param pErrorCodeString the error code string
* @return the error enum by code
private ERROR_CODE getErrorEnumByCode(String pErrorCodeString) {
if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.AccountDeleted;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.AccountDisabled;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.BadAuthentication;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.CaptchaRequired;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.NotVerified;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.ServiceDisabled;
} else if (pErrorCodeString.equals( {
return ERROR_CODE.TermsNotAgreed;
} else {
return ERROR_CODE.Unknown;
* Internal function used by all constructors to fully initiate the Voice
* Object without chaptcha Response.
* @param user the username in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]
* @param pass the password for the google account
* @param source the source
* @param printDebugIntoToSystemOut the print debug into to system out
* @param accountType Type of account to request authorization for. Possible values are:
* Voice.GOOGLE (get authorization for a Google account only)
* Voice.HOSTED (get authorization for a hosted account only)
* Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE (get authorization first for a hosted account; if attempt fails, get authorization for a Google account)
* Use Voice.HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE if you're not sure which type of account you want authorization for. If the user information matches both a hosted and a Google account, only the hosted account is authorized.
* @param captchaResponse response to a captcha challenge, set to null if normal login
* @param captchaToken token which matches the response/url from the captcha challenge
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private void init(String user, String pass, String source,
boolean printDebugIntoToSystemOut, String accountType, String captchaResponse, String captchaToken) throws IOException {
if (accountType == GOOGLE || accountType == HOSTED || accountType == HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE) {
this.account_type = accountType;
this.PRINT_TO_CONSOLE = printDebugIntoToSystemOut;
this.user = user;
this.pass = pass;
// this.rnrSEE = rnrSee;
if (source != null) {
this.source = source;
} else {
this.source = "GoogleVoiceJava";
login(captchaResponse, captchaToken);
this.general = getGeneral();
} else {
throw new IOException("AccountType not valid");
* Executes the enable/disable action with the provided url params.
* @param paraString the URL Parameters (encoded), ie ?auth=3248sdf7234&enable=0&phoneId=1&enable=1&phoneId=2&_rnr_se=734682ghdsf
* @return the raw response of the disable action.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private String phonesEnableDisableApply(String paraString) throws IOException {
String out = "";
// POST /voice/call/connect/ outgoingNumber=[number to
// call]&forwardingNumber=[forwarding
// number]&subscriberNumber=undefined&remember=0&_rnr_se=[pull from
// page]
URL requestURL = new URL(phoneEnableURLString);
URLConnection conn = requestURL.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Posts a settings change.
* @param requestURL the request url
* @param paraString the para string
* @return the string
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private String postSettings(URL requestURL, String paraString)
throws IOException {
String out = "";
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) requestURL.openConnection();
"GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
OutputStreamWriter callwr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
// Get the response
int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
System.out.println(requestURL + " - " + conn.getResponseMessage());
InputStream is;
if (responseCode == 200) {
is = conn.getInputStream();
} else {
is = conn.getErrorStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader callrd = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
while ((line = callrd.readLine()) != null) {
out += line + "\n\r";
if (out.equals("")) {
throw new IOException("No Response Data Received.");
return out;
* Internal method which parses the Homepage source code to determine the
* rnrsee variable, this variable is passed into most fuctions for placing
* calls and sms.
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private void setRNRSEE() throws IOException {
if (general != null) {
if (general.contains("'_rnr_se': '")) {
String p1 = general.split("'_rnr_se': '", 2)[1];
rnrSEE = p1.split("',", 2)[0];
System.out.println("Successfully Received rnr_se.");
p1 = null;
} else if (general.contains("
")) {
String gcNotice = ParsingUtil.removeUninterestingParts(general, "", "", false);
System.out.println(gcNotice + "(Answer did not contain rnr_se)");
throw new IOException(gcNotice + "(Answer did not contain rnr_se)");
} else {
System.out.println("Answer did not contain rnr_se! " + general);
throw new IOException("Answer did not contain rnr_se! " + general);
} else {
System.out.println("setRNRSEE(): Answer was null!");
throw new IOException("setRNRSEE(): Answer was null!");
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