com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan.NStreamOuterQueryPlanBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license *
* a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. *
package com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EventType;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprEvaluatorContext;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprNode;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprValidationException;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.assemble.AssemblyStrategyTreeBuilder;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.assemble.BaseAssemblyNode;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.table.HistoricalStreamIndexList;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.spec.OuterJoinDesc;
import com.espertech.esper.type.OuterJoinType;
import com.espertech.esper.util.CollectionUtil;
import com.espertech.esper.util.DependencyGraph;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.*;
* Builds a query plan for 3 or more streams in a outer join.
public class NStreamOuterQueryPlanBuilder
* Build a query plan based on the stream property relationships indicated in queryGraph.
* @param queryGraph - navigation info between streams
* @param streamNames - stream names
* @param outerJoinDescList - descriptors for all outer joins
* @param typesPerStream - event types for each stream
* @param hasHistorical - indicator if there is one or more historical streams in the join
* @param isHistorical - indicator for each stream if it is a historical streams or not
* @param dependencyGraph - dependencies between historical streams
* @param historicalStreamIndexLists - index management, populated for the query plan
* @param exprEvaluatorContext context for expression evalauation
* @return query plan
* @throws ExprValidationException if the query planning failed
protected static QueryPlan build(QueryGraph queryGraph,
List outerJoinDescList,
String[] streamNames,
EventType[] typesPerStream,
boolean hasHistorical,
boolean[] isHistorical,
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph,
HistoricalStreamIndexList[] historicalStreamIndexLists,
ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
throws ExprValidationException
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(".build queryGraph=" + queryGraph);
int numStreams = queryGraph.getNumStreams();
QueryPlanNode[] planNodeSpecs = new QueryPlanNode[numStreams];
// Build index specifications
QueryPlanIndex[] indexSpecs = QueryPlanIndexBuilder.buildIndexSpec(queryGraph, typesPerStream);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(".build Index build completed, indexes=" + QueryPlanIndex.print(indexSpecs));
// any historical streams don't get indexes, the lookup strategy accounts for cached indexes
if (hasHistorical)
for (int i = 0; i < isHistorical.length; i++)
if (isHistorical[i])
indexSpecs[i] = null;
// Build graph of the outer join to inner table relationships.
// Build a map of inner joins.
OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph;
InnerJoinGraph innerJoinGraph;
if (!outerJoinDescList.isEmpty()) {
outerInnerGraph = graphOuterJoins(numStreams, outerJoinDescList);
innerJoinGraph = InnerJoinGraph.graphInnerJoins(numStreams, outerJoinDescList);
else {
// all inner joins - thereby no (or empty) directional graph
outerInnerGraph = new OuterInnerDirectionalGraph(numStreams);
innerJoinGraph = new InnerJoinGraph(numStreams, true);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(".build directional graph=" + outerInnerGraph.print());
// For each stream determine the query plan
for (int streamNo = 0; streamNo < numStreams; streamNo++)
// no plan for historical streams that are dependent upon other streams
if ((isHistorical[streamNo]) && (dependencyGraph.hasDependency(streamNo)))
planNodeSpecs[streamNo] = new QueryPlanNodeNoOp();
QueryPlanNode queryPlanNode = buildPlanNode(numStreams, streamNo, streamNames, queryGraph, outerInnerGraph, outerJoinDescList, innerJoinGraph, indexSpecs, typesPerStream, isHistorical, dependencyGraph, historicalStreamIndexLists, exprEvaluatorContext);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(".build spec for stream '" + streamNames[streamNo] +
"' number " + streamNo + " is " + queryPlanNode);
planNodeSpecs[streamNo] = queryPlanNode;
QueryPlan queryPlan = new QueryPlan(indexSpecs, planNodeSpecs);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(".build query plan=" + queryPlan.toString());
return queryPlan;
private static QueryPlanNode buildPlanNode(int numStreams,
int streamNo,
String[] streamNames,
QueryGraph queryGraph,
OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph,
List outerJoinDescList,
InnerJoinGraph innerJoinGraph,
QueryPlanIndex[] indexSpecs,
EventType[] typesPerStream,
boolean[] ishistorical,
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph,
HistoricalStreamIndexList[] historicalStreamIndexLists,
ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
throws ExprValidationException
// For each stream build an array of substreams, considering required streams (inner joins) first
// The order is relevant therefore preserving order via a LinkedHashMap.
LinkedHashMap substreamsPerStream = new LinkedHashMap();
boolean[] requiredPerStream = new boolean[numStreams];
// Recursive populating the required (outer) and optional (inner) relationships
// of this stream and the substream
Set completedStreams = new HashSet();
// keep track of tree path as only those stream events are always available to historical streams
Stack streamCallStack = new Stack();
// For all inner-joins, the algorithm is slightly different
if (innerJoinGraph.isAllInnerJoin()) {
Arrays.fill(requiredPerStream, true);
recursiveBuildInnerJoin(streamNo, streamCallStack, queryGraph, completedStreams, substreamsPerStream, dependencyGraph);
// compute a best chain to see if all streams are handled and add the remaining
NStreamQueryPlanBuilder.BestChainResult bestChain = NStreamQueryPlanBuilder.computeBestPath(streamNo, queryGraph, dependencyGraph);
addNotYetNavigated(streamNo, numStreams, substreamsPerStream, bestChain);
else {
recursiveBuild(streamNo, streamCallStack, queryGraph, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph, completedStreams, substreamsPerStream, requiredPerStream, dependencyGraph);
// verify the substreamsPerStream, all streams must exists and be linked
verifyJoinedPerStream(streamNo, substreamsPerStream);
// build list of instructions for lookup
List lookupInstructions = buildLookupInstructions(streamNo, substreamsPerStream, requiredPerStream,
streamNames, queryGraph, indexSpecs, typesPerStream, outerJoinDescList, ishistorical, historicalStreamIndexLists, exprEvaluatorContext);
// build strategy tree for putting the result back together
BaseAssemblyNode assemblyTopNode =, substreamsPerStream, requiredPerStream);
List assemblyInstructions = BaseAssemblyNode.getDescendentNodesBottomUp(assemblyTopNode);
return new LookupInstructionQueryPlanNode(streamNo, streamNames[streamNo], numStreams, requiredPerStream,
lookupInstructions, assemblyInstructions);
private static void addNotYetNavigated(int streamNo, int numStreams, LinkedHashMap substreamsPerStream, NStreamQueryPlanBuilder.BestChainResult bestChain) {
// sum up all substreams (the query plan for each stream: nested iteration or cardinal)
Set streams = new HashSet();
recursiveAdd(streamNo, streamNo, substreamsPerStream, streams, false);
// we are done, all have navigated
if (streams.size() == numStreams) {
int previous = streamNo;
for (int stream : bestChain.getChain()) {
if (streams.contains(stream)) {
previous = stream;
// add node as a nested join to the previous stream
int[] substreams = substreamsPerStream.get(previous);
if (substreams == null) {
substreams = new int[0];
int[] added = CollectionUtil.addValue(substreams, stream);
substreamsPerStream.put(previous, added);
if (!substreamsPerStream.containsKey(stream)) {
substreamsPerStream.put(stream, new int[0]);
previous = stream;
private static List buildLookupInstructions(
int rootStreamNum,
LinkedHashMap substreamsPerStream,
boolean[] requiredPerStream,
String[] streamNames,
QueryGraph queryGraph,
QueryPlanIndex[] indexSpecs,
EventType[] typesPerStream,
List outerJoinDescList,
boolean[] isHistorical,
HistoricalStreamIndexList[] historicalStreamIndexLists,
ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
List result = new LinkedList();
for (int fromStream : substreamsPerStream.keySet())
int[] substreams = substreamsPerStream.get(fromStream);
// for streams with no substreams we don't need to look up
if (substreams.length == 0)
TableLookupPlan plans[] = new TableLookupPlan[substreams.length];
HistoricalDataPlanNode historicalPlans[] = new HistoricalDataPlanNode[substreams.length];
for (int i = 0; i < substreams.length; i++)
int toStream = substreams[i];
if (isHistorical[toStream])
// There may not be an outer-join descriptor, use if provided to build the associated expression
ExprNode outerJoinExpr = null;
if (!outerJoinDescList.isEmpty()) {
OuterJoinDesc outerJoinDesc;
if (toStream == 0)
outerJoinDesc = outerJoinDescList.get(0);
outerJoinDesc = outerJoinDescList.get(toStream - 1);
outerJoinExpr = outerJoinDesc.makeExprNode(exprEvaluatorContext);
if (historicalStreamIndexLists[toStream] == null)
historicalStreamIndexLists[toStream] = new HistoricalStreamIndexList(toStream, typesPerStream, queryGraph);
historicalPlans[i] = new HistoricalDataPlanNode(toStream, rootStreamNum, fromStream, typesPerStream.length, outerJoinExpr);
plans[i] = NStreamQueryPlanBuilder.createLookupPlan(queryGraph, fromStream, toStream, indexSpecs[toStream], typesPerStream);
String fromStreamName = streamNames[fromStream];
LookupInstructionPlan instruction = new LookupInstructionPlan(fromStream, fromStreamName, substreams, plans, historicalPlans, requiredPerStream);
return result;
* Recusivly builds a substream-per-stream ordered tree graph using the
* join information supplied for outer joins and from the query graph (where clause).
* Required streams are considered first and their lookup is placed first in the list
* to gain performance.
* @param streamNum is the root stream number that supplies the incoming event to build the tree for
* @param queryGraph contains where-clause stream relationship info
* @param outerInnerGraph contains the outer join stream relationship info
* @param completedStreams is a temporary holder for streams already considered
* @param substreamsPerStream is the ordered, tree-like structure to be filled
* @param requiredPerStream indicates which streams are required and which are optional
* @param streamCallStack the query plan call stack of streams available via cursor
* @param dependencyGraph - dependencies between historical streams
* @throws ExprValidationException if the query planning failed
protected static void recursiveBuild(int streamNum,
Stack streamCallStack,
QueryGraph queryGraph,
OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph,
InnerJoinGraph innerJoinGraph,
Set completedStreams,
LinkedHashMap substreamsPerStream,
boolean[] requiredPerStream,
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph
throws ExprValidationException
// add this stream to the set of completed streams
// check if the dependencies have been satisfied
if (dependencyGraph.hasDependency(streamNum))
Set dependencies = dependencyGraph.getDependenciesForStream(streamNum);
for (Integer dependentStream : dependencies)
if (!streamCallStack.contains(dependentStream))
throw new ExprValidationException("Historical stream " + streamNum + " parameter dependency originating in stream " + dependentStream + " cannot or may not be satisfied by the join");
// Determine the streams we can navigate to from this stream
Set navigableStreams = queryGraph.getNavigableStreams(streamNum);
// remove those already done
// Which streams are inner streams to this stream (optional), which ones are outer to the stream (required)
Set requiredStreams = getOuterStreams(streamNum, navigableStreams, outerInnerGraph);
// Add inner joins, if any, unless already completed for this stream
innerJoinGraph.addRequiredStreams(streamNum, requiredStreams, completedStreams);
Set optionalStreams = getInnerStreams(streamNum, navigableStreams, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph, completedStreams);
// Remove from the required streams the optional streams which places 'full' joined streams
// into the optional stream category
// if we are a leaf node, we are done
if (navigableStreams.isEmpty())
substreamsPerStream.put(streamNum, new int[0]);
// First the outer (required) streams to this stream, then the inner (optional) streams
int[] substreams = new int[requiredStreams.size() + optionalStreams.size()];
substreamsPerStream.put(streamNum, substreams);
int count = 0;
for (int stream : requiredStreams)
substreams[count++] = stream;
requiredPerStream[stream] = true;
for (int stream : optionalStreams)
substreams[count++] = stream;
// next we look at all the required streams and add their dependent streams
for (int stream : requiredStreams)
for (int stream : requiredStreams)
recursiveBuild(stream, streamCallStack, queryGraph, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph,
completedStreams, substreamsPerStream, requiredPerStream, dependencyGraph);
// look at all the optional streams and add their dependent streams
for (int stream : optionalStreams)
recursiveBuild(stream, streamCallStack, queryGraph, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph,
completedStreams, substreamsPerStream, requiredPerStream, dependencyGraph);
* Recusivly builds a substream-per-stream ordered tree graph using the
* join information supplied for outer joins and from the query graph (where clause).
* Required streams are considered first and their lookup is placed first in the list
* to gain performance.
* @param streamNum is the root stream number that supplies the incoming event to build the tree for
* @param queryGraph contains where-clause stream relationship info
* @param completedStreams is a temporary holder for streams already considered
* @param substreamsPerStream is the ordered, tree-like structure to be filled
* @param streamCallStack the query plan call stack of streams available via cursor
* @param dependencyGraph - dependencies between historical streams
* @throws ExprValidationException if the query planning failed
protected static void recursiveBuildInnerJoin(int streamNum,
Stack streamCallStack,
QueryGraph queryGraph,
Set completedStreams,
LinkedHashMap substreamsPerStream,
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph)
throws ExprValidationException
// add this stream to the set of completed streams
// check if the dependencies have been satisfied
if (dependencyGraph.hasDependency(streamNum))
Set dependencies = dependencyGraph.getDependenciesForStream(streamNum);
for (Integer dependentStream : dependencies)
if (!streamCallStack.contains(dependentStream))
throw new ExprValidationException("Historical stream " + streamNum + " parameter dependency originating in stream " + dependentStream + " cannot or may not be satisfied by the join");
// Determine the streams we can navigate to from this stream
Set navigableStreams = queryGraph.getNavigableStreams(streamNum);
// remove streams with a dependency on other streams not yet processed
Integer[] navigableStreamArr = navigableStreams.toArray(new Integer[navigableStreams.size()]);
for (int navigableStream : navigableStreamArr) {
if (dependencyGraph.hasUnsatisfiedDependency(navigableStream, completedStreams)) {
// remove those already done
// if we are a leaf node, we are done
if (navigableStreams.isEmpty())
substreamsPerStream.put(streamNum, new int[0]);
// First the outer (required) streams to this stream, then the inner (optional) streams
int[] substreams = new int[navigableStreams.size()];
substreamsPerStream.put(streamNum, substreams);
int count = 0;
for (int stream : navigableStreams)
substreams[count++] = stream;
for (int stream : navigableStreams)
recursiveBuildInnerJoin(stream, streamCallStack, queryGraph, completedStreams, substreamsPerStream, dependencyGraph);
private static Set getInnerStreams(int fromStream, Set toStreams, OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph,
InnerJoinGraph innerJoinGraph,
Set completedStreams)
Set innerStreams = new HashSet();
for (int toStream : toStreams)
if (outerInnerGraph.isInner(fromStream, toStream))
// if the to-stream, recursively, has an inner join itself, it becomes a required stream and not optional
boolean hasInnerJoin = false;
if (!innerJoinGraph.isEmpty())
HashSet doNotUseStreams = new HashSet(completedStreams);
hasInnerJoin = recursiveHasInnerJoin(toStream, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph, doNotUseStreams);
if (!hasInnerJoin)
return innerStreams;
private static boolean recursiveHasInnerJoin(int toStream, OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph, InnerJoinGraph innerJoinGraph, Set completedStreams)
// Check if the to-stream is in any of the inner joins
boolean hasInnerJoin = innerJoinGraph.hasInnerJoin(toStream);
if (hasInnerJoin)
return true;
Set innerToToStream = outerInnerGraph.getInner(toStream);
if (innerToToStream != null)
for (int nextStream : innerToToStream)
if (completedStreams.contains(nextStream))
HashSet notConsider = new HashSet(completedStreams);
boolean result = recursiveHasInnerJoin(nextStream, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph, notConsider);
if (result)
return true;
Set outerToToStream = outerInnerGraph.getOuter(toStream);
if (outerToToStream != null)
for (int nextStream : outerToToStream)
if (completedStreams.contains(nextStream))
HashSet notConsider = new HashSet(completedStreams);
boolean result = recursiveHasInnerJoin(nextStream, outerInnerGraph, innerJoinGraph, notConsider);
if (result)
return true;
return false;
// which streams are to this table an outer stream
private static Set getOuterStreams(int fromStream, Set toStreams, OuterInnerDirectionalGraph outerInnerGraph)
Set outerStreams = new HashSet();
for (int toStream : toStreams)
if (outerInnerGraph.isOuter(toStream, fromStream))
return outerStreams;
* Builds a graph of outer joins given the outer join information from the statement.
* Eliminates right and left joins and full joins by placing the information in a graph object.
* @param numStreams - is the number of streams
* @param outerJoinDescList - list of outer join stream numbers and property names
* @return graph object
protected static OuterInnerDirectionalGraph graphOuterJoins(int numStreams, List outerJoinDescList)
if ((outerJoinDescList.size() + 1) != numStreams)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of outer join descriptors and number of streams not matching up");
OuterInnerDirectionalGraph graph = new OuterInnerDirectionalGraph(numStreams);
for (int i = 0; i < outerJoinDescList.size(); i++)
OuterJoinDesc desc = outerJoinDescList.get(i);
int streamMax = i + 1; // the outer join must references streams less then streamMax
// Check outer join
int streamOne = desc.getLeftNode().getStreamId();
int streamTwo = desc.getRightNode().getStreamId();
if ((streamOne > streamMax) || (streamTwo > streamMax) ||
(streamOne == streamTwo))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Outer join descriptors reference future streams, or same streams");
// Determine who is the first stream in the streams listed
int lowerStream = streamOne;
int higherStream = streamTwo;
if (streamOne > streamTwo)
lowerStream = streamTwo;
higherStream = streamOne;
// Add to graph
if (desc.getOuterJoinType() == OuterJoinType.FULL)
graph.add(streamOne, streamTwo);
graph.add(streamTwo, streamOne);
else if (desc.getOuterJoinType() == OuterJoinType.LEFT)
graph.add(lowerStream, higherStream);
else if (desc.getOuterJoinType() == OuterJoinType.RIGHT)
graph.add(higherStream, lowerStream);
else if (desc.getOuterJoinType() == OuterJoinType.INNER)
// no navigability for inner joins
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Outer join descriptors join type not handled, type=" + desc.getOuterJoinType());
return graph;
* Verifies that the tree-like structure representing which streams join (lookup) into which sub-streams
* is correct, ie. all streams are included and none are listed twice.
* @param rootStream is the stream supplying the incoming event
* @param streamsJoinedPerStream is keyed by the from-stream number and contains as values all
* stream numbers of lookup into to-streams.
public static void verifyJoinedPerStream(int rootStream, Map streamsJoinedPerStream)
Set streams = new HashSet();
recursiveAdd(rootStream, rootStream, streamsJoinedPerStream, streams, true);
if (streams.size() != streamsJoinedPerStream.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not all streams found, streamsJoinedPerStream=" +
private static void recursiveAdd(int validatedStream, int currentStream, Map streamsJoinedPerStream, Set streams, boolean verify)
if (currentStream >= streamsJoinedPerStream.size() && verify)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in stream " + currentStream + " streamsJoinedPerStream=" +
int[] joinedStreams = streamsJoinedPerStream.get(currentStream);
for (int i = 0; i < joinedStreams.length; i++)
int addStream = joinedStreams[i];
if (streams.contains(addStream))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stream " + addStream + " found twice when validating " + validatedStream);
recursiveAdd(validatedStream, addStream, streamsJoinedPerStream, streams, verify);
* Returns textual presentation of stream-substream relationships.
* @param streamsJoinedPerStream is the tree-like structure of stream-substream
* @return textual presentation
public static String print(Map streamsJoinedPerStream)
StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(buf);
for (int stream : streamsJoinedPerStream.keySet())
int[] substreams = streamsJoinedPerStream.get(stream);
printer.println("stream " + stream + " : " + Arrays.toString(substreams));
return buf.toString();
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NStreamOuterQueryPlanBuilder.class);