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com.esri.core.geometry.GeoDist Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data.

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package com.esri.core.geometry;

import com.esri.core.geometry.PeDouble;

final class GeoDist {
	private static final double PE_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;
	private static final double PE_PI2 = 1.57079632679489661923132;
	private static final double PE_2PI = 6.283185307179586476925287;
	private static final double PE_EPS = 3.55271367880050092935562e-15;

	/** Get the absolute value of a number */
	static private double PE_ABS(double a) {
		return (a < 0) ? -a : a;

	/** Assign the sign of the second number to the first */
	static private double PE_SGN(double a, double b) {
		return (b >= 0) ? PE_ABS(a) : -PE_ABS(a);

	/** Determine if two doubles are equal within a default tolerance */
	static private boolean PE_EQ(double a, double b) {
		return (a == b)
				|| PE_ABS(a - b) <= PE_EPS * (1 + (PE_ABS(a) + PE_ABS(b)) / 2);

	/** Determine if a double is within a given tolerance of zero */
	static private boolean PE_ZERO(double a) {
		return (a == 0.0) || (PE_ABS(a) <= PE_EPS);

	static private double lam_delta(double lam) {
		double d = Math.IEEEremainder(lam, PE_2PI);

		return (PE_ABS(d) <= PE_PI) ? d : ((d < 0) ? d + PE_2PI : d - PE_2PI);

	static private void lam_phi_reduction(PeDouble p_lam, PeDouble p_phi) {
		p_lam.val = lam_delta(p_lam.val);
		p_phi.val = lam_delta(p_phi.val);

		if (PE_ABS(p_phi.val) > PE_PI2) {
			p_lam.val = lam_delta(p_lam.val + PE_PI);
			p_phi.val = PE_SGN(PE_PI, p_phi.val) - p_phi.val;

	static private double q90(double a, double e2) {
		 * Rapp // Geometric Geodesy (Part I) // p. 39. Adams, O.S. // Latitude
		 * Developments ... // pp. 122-127. Terms extended past n4 by David
		 * Burrows, ESRI

		/* Calculate meridional arc distance from equator to pole */

		 * q90 = a * PE_PI2 * (1 + 1/4 n2 + 1/64 n4 + 1/256 n6 + 25/16384 n8 +
		 * 49/65536 n10 + ...)/(1.0 + n)

		double t = Math.sqrt(1.0 - e2);
		double n = (1.0 - t) / (1.0 + t);
		double n2 = n * n;

		return a / (1.0 + n)
				* (1.0 + n2 * (1.0 / 4.0 + n2 * (1.0 / 64.0 + n2 * (1.0 / 256.0))))
				* PE_PI2;

	static public void geodesic_distance_ngs(double a, double e2, double lam1,
			double phi1, double lam2, double phi2, PeDouble p_dist,
			PeDouble p_az12, PeDouble p_az21) {
		/* Highly edited version (plus lots of additions) of NGS FORTRAN code */

		 * inverse for long-line and antipodal cases.* latitudes may be 90
		 * degrees exactly.* latitude positive north, longitude positive east,
		 * radians.* azimuth clockwise from north, radians.* original programmed
		 * by thaddeus vincenty, 1975, 1976* removed back side solution option,
		 * debugged, revised -- 2011may01 -- dgm* this version of code is
		 * interim -- antipodal boundary needs work
		 * * output (besides az12, az21, and dist):* These have been removed
		 * from this esri version of the ngs code* it, iteration count* sigma,
		 * spherical distance on auxiliary sphere* lam_sph, longitude difference
		 * on auxiliary sphere* kind, solution flag: kind=1, long-line; kind=2,
		 * antipodal
		 * All references to Rapp are Part II

		double tol = 1.0e-14;
		double eps = 1.0e-15;

		double boa = 0.0;
		double dlam = 0.0;
		double eta1 = 0.0, sin_eta1 = 0.0, cos_eta1 = 0.0;
		double eta2 = 0.0, sin_eta2 = 0.0, cos_eta2 = 0.0;
		double prev = 0.0, test = 0.0;
		double sin_lam_sph = 0.0, cos_lam_sph = 0.0, temp = 0.0, sin_sigma = 0.0, cos_sigma = 0.0;
		double sin_azeq = 0.0, cos2_azeq = 0.0, costm = 0.0, costm2 = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0;
		double tem1 = 0.0, tem2 = 0.0, ep2 = 0.0, bige = 0.0, bigf = 0.0, biga = 0.0, bigb = 0.0, z = 0.0, dsigma = 0.0;
		boolean q_continue_looping;

		double f = 0.0;

		double az12 = 0.0, az21 = 0.0, dist = 0.0;
		double sigma = 0.0, lam_sph = 0.0;
		int it = 0, kind = 0;

		PeDouble lam = new PeDouble();
		PeDouble phi = new PeDouble();

		/* Are there any values to calculate? */
		if (p_dist == null && p_az12 == null && p_az21 == null) {

		/* Normalize point 1 and 2 */
		lam.val = lam1;
		phi.val = phi1;
		lam_phi_reduction(lam, phi);
		lam1 = lam.val;
		phi1 = phi.val;

		lam.val = lam2;
		phi.val = phi2;
		lam_phi_reduction(lam, phi);
		lam2 = lam.val;
		phi2 = phi.val;

		dlam = lam_delta(lam2 - lam1); /* longitude difference [-Pi, Pi] */

		if (PE_EQ(phi1, phi2) && (PE_ZERO(dlam) || PE_EQ(PE_ABS(phi1), PE_PI2))) {
			/* Check that the points are not the same */
			if (p_dist != null)
				p_dist.val = 0.0;
			if (p_az12 != null)
				p_az12.val = 0.0;
			if (p_az21 != null)
				p_az21.val = 0.0;

		} else if (PE_EQ(phi1, -phi2)) {
			/* Check if they are perfectly antipodal */
			if (PE_EQ(PE_ABS(phi1), PE_PI2)) {
				/* Check if they are at opposite poles */
				if (p_dist != null)
					p_dist.val = 2.0 * q90(a, e2);

				if (p_az12 != null)
					p_az12.val = phi1 > 0.0 ? lam_delta(PE_PI - lam_delta(lam2))
							: lam_delta(lam2);

				if (p_az21 != null)
					p_az21.val = phi1 > 0.0 ? lam_delta(lam2) : lam_delta(PE_PI
							- lam_delta(lam2));

			} else if (PE_EQ(PE_ABS(dlam), PE_PI)) {
				/* Other antipodal */
				if (p_dist != null)
					p_dist.val = 2.0 * q90(a, e2);
				if (p_az12 != null)
					p_az12.val = 0.0;
				if (p_az21 != null)
					p_az21.val = 0.0;

		if (PE_ZERO(e2)) /* Sphere */
			double cos_phi1, cos_phi2;
			double sin_phi1, sin_phi2;

			cos_phi1 = Math.cos(phi1);
			cos_phi2 = Math.cos(phi2);
			sin_phi1 = Math.sin(phi1);
			sin_phi2 = Math.sin(phi2);

			if (p_dist != null) {
				tem1 = Math.sin((phi2 - phi1) / 2.0);
				tem2 = Math.sin(dlam / 2.0);
				sigma = 2.0 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(tem1 * tem1 + cos_phi1
						* cos_phi2 * tem2 * tem2));
				p_dist.val = sigma * a;

			if (p_az12 != null) {
				if (PE_EQ(PE_ABS(phi1), PE_PI2)) /* Origin at N or S Pole */
					p_az12.val = phi1 < 0.0 ? lam2 : lam_delta(PE_PI - lam2);
				} else {
					p_az12.val = Math.atan2(cos_phi2 * Math.sin(dlam), cos_phi1
							* sin_phi2 - sin_phi1 * cos_phi2 * Math.cos(dlam));

			if (p_az21 != null) {
				if (PE_EQ(PE_ABS(phi2), PE_PI2)) /* Destination at N or S Pole */
					p_az21.val = phi2 < 0.0 ? lam1 : lam_delta(PE_PI - lam1);
				} else {
					p_az21.val = Math.atan2(cos_phi1 * Math.sin(dlam), sin_phi2
							* cos_phi1 * Math.cos(dlam) - cos_phi2 * sin_phi1);
					p_az21.val = lam_delta(p_az21.val + PE_PI);


		f = 1.0 - Math.sqrt(1.0 - e2);
		boa = 1.0 - f;

		eta1 = Math.atan(boa * Math.tan(phi1)); /* better reduced latitude */
		sin_eta1 = Math.sin(eta1);
		cos_eta1 = Math.cos(eta1);

		eta2 = Math.atan(boa * Math.tan(phi2)); /* better reduced latitude */
		sin_eta2 = Math.sin(eta2);
		cos_eta2 = Math.cos(eta2);

		prev = dlam;
		test = dlam;
		it = 0;
		kind = 1;
		lam_sph = dlam; /* v13 (Rapp ) */

		/* top of the long-line loop (kind = 1) */

		q_continue_looping = true;
		while (q_continue_looping && it < 100) {
			it = it + 1;

			if (kind == 1) {
				sin_lam_sph = Math.sin(lam_sph);

				 * if ( PE_ABS(PE_PI - PE_ABS(dlam)) < 2.0e-11 ) sin_lam_sph =
				 * 0.0 no--troublesome

				cos_lam_sph = Math.cos(lam_sph);
				tem1 = cos_eta2 * sin_lam_sph;
				temp = cos_eta1 * sin_eta2 - sin_eta1 * cos_eta2 * cos_lam_sph;
				sin_sigma = Math.sqrt(tem1 * tem1 + temp * temp); /*
																 * v14 (Rapp
																 * 1.87)
				cos_sigma = sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 + cos_eta1 * cos_eta2
						* cos_lam_sph; /* v15 (Rapp 1.88) */
				sigma = Math.atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma); /* (Rapp 1.89) */

				if (PE_ABS(sin_sigma) < eps) /* avoid division by 0 */
					sin_azeq = cos_eta1 * cos_eta2 * sin_lam_sph
							/ PE_SGN(eps, sin_sigma);
				} else {
					sin_azeq = cos_eta1 * cos_eta2 * sin_lam_sph / sin_sigma;
					/* v17 (Rapp 1.90) */

				cos2_azeq = 1.0 - sin_azeq * sin_azeq;

				if (PE_ABS(cos2_azeq) < eps) /* avoid division by 0 */
					costm = cos_sigma - 2.0
							* (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / PE_SGN(eps, cos2_azeq));
				} else {
					costm = cos_sigma - 2.0 * (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / cos2_azeq);
					/* v18 (Rapp 1.91) */
				costm2 = costm * costm;
				c = ((-3.0 * cos2_azeq + 4.0) * f + 4.0) * cos2_azeq * f / 16.0; /*
																				 * v10
																				 * (
																				 * Rapp
																				 * 1.83
																				 * )

			/* entry point of the antipodal loop (kind = 2) */
			d = (1.0 - c)
					* f
					* (sigma + c * sin_sigma
							* (costm + cos_sigma * c * (2.0 * costm2 - 1.0)));
			/* v11 (Rapp 1.84) */

			if (kind == 1) {
				lam_sph = dlam + d * sin_azeq;
				if (PE_ABS(lam_sph - test) < tol) {
					q_continue_looping = false;

				if (PE_ABS(lam_sph) > PE_PI) {
					kind = 2;
					lam_sph = PE_PI;
					if (dlam < 0.0) {
						lam_sph = -lam_sph;
					sin_azeq = 0.0;
					cos2_azeq = 1.0;
					test = 2.0;
					prev = test;

					sigma = PE_PI
							- PE_ABS(Math.atan(sin_eta1 / cos_eta1)
									+ Math.atan(sin_eta2 / cos_eta2));
					sin_sigma = Math.sin(sigma);
					cos_sigma = Math.cos(sigma);
					c = ((-3.0 * cos2_azeq + 4.0) * f + 4.0) * cos2_azeq * f
							/ 16.0; /* v10 (Rapp 1.83) */

					if (PE_ABS(sin_azeq - prev) < tol) {
						q_continue_looping = false;
					if (PE_ABS(cos2_azeq) < eps) /* avoid division by 0 */
						costm = cos_sigma
								- 2.0
								* (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / PE_SGN(eps, cos2_azeq));
					} else {
						costm = cos_sigma - 2.0
								* (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / cos2_azeq);
						/* v18 (Rapp 1.91) */
					costm2 = costm * costm;

				if (((lam_sph - test) * (test - prev)) < 0.0 && it > 5) {
					/* refined converge */
					lam_sph = (2.0 * lam_sph + 3.0 * test + prev) / 6.0;
				prev = test;
				test = lam_sph;
			} else /* kind == 2 */
				sin_azeq = (lam_sph - dlam) / d;
				if (((sin_azeq - test) * (test - prev)) < 0.0 && it > 5) {
					/* refined converge */
					sin_azeq = (2.0 * sin_azeq + 3.0 * test + prev) / 6.0;
				prev = test;
				test = sin_azeq;
				cos2_azeq = 1.0 - sin_azeq * sin_azeq;
				sin_lam_sph = sin_azeq * sin_sigma / (cos_eta1 * cos_eta2);
				cos_lam_sph = -Math
						.sqrt(PE_ABS(1.0 - sin_lam_sph * sin_lam_sph));
				lam_sph = Math.atan2(sin_lam_sph, cos_lam_sph);
				tem1 = cos_eta2 * sin_lam_sph;
				temp = cos_eta1 * sin_eta2 - sin_eta1 * cos_eta2 * cos_lam_sph;
				sin_sigma = Math.sqrt(tem1 * tem1 + temp * temp);
				cos_sigma = sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 + cos_eta1 * cos_eta2
						* cos_lam_sph;
				sigma = Math.atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma);
				c = ((-3.0 * cos2_azeq + 4.0) * f + 4.0) * cos2_azeq * f / 16.0; /*
																				 * v10
																				 * (
																				 * Rapp
																				 * 1.83
																				 * )
				if (PE_ABS(sin_azeq - prev) < tol) {
					q_continue_looping = false;
				if (PE_ABS(cos2_azeq) < eps) /* avoid division by 0 */
					costm = cos_sigma - 2.0
							* (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / PE_SGN(eps, cos2_azeq));
				} else {
					costm = cos_sigma - 2.0 * (sin_eta1 * sin_eta2 / cos2_azeq);
					/* v18 (Rapp 1.91) */
				costm2 = costm * costm;
		} /* End of while q_continue_looping */

		/* Convergence */

		if (p_dist != null) {
			 * Helmert 1880 from Vincenty's
			 * "Geodetic inverse solution between antipodal points"

			ep2 = 1.0 / (boa * boa) - 1.0;
			bige = Math.sqrt(1.0 + ep2 * cos2_azeq); /* 15 */
			bigf = (bige - 1.0) / (bige + 1.0); /* 16 */
			biga = (1.0 + bigf * bigf / 4.0) / (1.0 - bigf); /* 17 */
			bigb = bigf * (1.0 - 0.375 * bigf * bigf); /* 18 */
			z = bigb / 6.0 * costm * (-3.0 + 4.0 * sin_sigma * sin_sigma)
					* (-3.0 + 4.0 * costm2);
			dsigma = bigb
					* sin_sigma
					* (costm + bigb / 4.0
							* (cos_sigma * (-1.0 + 2.0 * costm2) - z)); /* 19 */
			dist = (boa * a) * biga * (sigma - dsigma); /* 20 */

			p_dist.val = dist;

		if (p_az12 != null || p_az21 != null) {
			if (kind == 2) /* antipodal */
				az12 = sin_azeq / cos_eta1;
				az21 = Math.sqrt(1.0 - az12 * az12);
				if (temp < 0.0) {
					az21 = -az21;
				az12 = Math.atan2(az12, az21);
				tem1 = -sin_azeq;
				tem2 = sin_eta1 * sin_sigma - cos_eta1 * cos_sigma * az21;
				az21 = Math.atan2(tem1, tem2);
			} else /* long-line */
				tem1 = cos_eta2 * sin_lam_sph;
				tem2 = cos_eta1 * sin_eta2 - sin_eta1 * cos_eta2 * cos_lam_sph;
				az12 = Math.atan2(tem1, tem2);
				tem1 = -cos_eta1 * sin_lam_sph;
				tem2 = sin_eta1 * cos_eta2 - cos_eta1 * sin_eta2 * cos_lam_sph;
				az21 = Math.atan2(tem1, tem2);

			if (p_az12 != null) {
				p_az12.val = lam_delta(az12);
			if (p_az21 != null) {
				p_az21.val = lam_delta(az21);

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