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package com.etsy.conjecture.scalding
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.pipe.joiner.InnerJoin
import com.twitter.scalding.{Args, Job, Mode, SequenceFile}
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear._
* An abstract job class to implement alternating least squares for matrix factorization.
* Since the method is iterative, this job overrides rather than trying to
* build a single massive cascading flow. This means that the job is more robust to failure, and
* also doesn't crash the cascading planner with a giant graph.
* The concrete job class which extends this just has to override the function s() which returns a pipe
* having fields ('row, 'col, 'value) representing the matrix to factorize. This is only computed on the
* first iteration, and then written to disk. Therefore the function should be self contained, so that the
* job doesnt try to do pointless work on every iteration.
* There are some other fields which the child class can override in order to get specific behavior from
* the method:
* - zero_weight: the weight of zeros in the matrix, where nonzeros are given weight 1.
* - norm_constraint: whether to force the norms of rows of the factors to 1 (useful for doing LSH for max-product search).
* - lambda_row, lambda_col: L2 regularization parameters on the two factors.
abstract class ALSJob[R, C](args : Args) extends Job(args) {
override def config: Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] =
super.config + ("" -> "-Xmx3G")
// Dimension of latent factors.
val n = args.getOrElse("dim", "200").toInt
val iter = args.getOrElse("iter", "0").toInt
val max_iter = args.getOrElse("max_iter", "15").toInt
val parallelism = args.getOrElse("parallelism", "500").toInt
val base_dir = args.getOrElse("base_dir", "als")
// The weight of zero terms in the matrices.
val zero_weight = 0.001
// data for s matrix, must have fields ('row, 'col, 'value)
def s() : Pipe
def norm_constraint : Boolean = false
def lambda_row : Double = 0.0f
def lambda_col : Double = 0.0f
val incremental = args.boolean("incremental")
// allow overriding input and output paths.
val input_u_path = args.getOrElse("input_u_path", base_dir+"/U/"+(iter-1))
val output_u_path = args.getOrElse("output_u_path", base_dir+"/U/"+iter)
val output_v_path = args.getOrElse("output_v_path", base_dir+"/V/"+iter)
// technique to initialize the vector
def initial_vector(row : R) : RealVector = {
val rand = new scala.util.Random(row.hashCode)
val vec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector((0 until n).map{i => rand.nextGaussian}.toArray)
val S = if(iter == 0 || args.boolean("update_matrix")) {
s().project('row, 'col, 'value).write(SequenceFile(base_dir + "/S"))
} else {
SequenceFile(base_dir+"/S", ('row, 'col, 'value)).read
if(iter == 0 && !incremental) {
// Initial item factors.
.map('row -> 'u_vec)(initial_vector)
.project('row, 'u_vec)
} else {
// Perform iteration of dual alternating least squares.
val U = SequenceFile(input_u_path, ('row, 'u_vec)).read
// -- Update V first.
// Compute U'U
val UU = U.mapTo('u_vec -> 'UU){u : RealVector => u.outerProduct(u)}
.groupAll{_.reduce[RealMatrix]('UU){(a, b) => a.add(b)}}
val V = S.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row, U, new InnerJoin(), parallelism)
.groupBy('col){_.toList[(RealVector, Double)](('u_vec, 'value) -> 'u_list).reducers(parallelism).forceToReducers}
.mapTo(('col, 'u_list, 'UU) -> ('col, 'v_vec)){
x : (C, List[(RealVector, Double)], RealMatrix) =>
val col_id = x._1
var XX = x._3.scalarMultiply(zero_weight)
var Xy ={t => t._1.mapMultiply(t._2)}.reduce{(a,b) => a.add(b)}.mapMultiply(1.0 + zero_weight)
x._2.foreach{t => XX = XX.add(t._1.outerProduct(t._1))}
val lambda = if(norm_constraint) compute_lambda(XX, Xy) else lambda_col
val res = new LUDecomposition(XX.add(MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(XX.getRowDimension).scalarMultiply(lambda))).getSolver.getInverse.operate(Xy)
(col_id, res)
// -- Finally update U.
val VV = V.mapTo('v_vec -> 'VV){u : RealVector => u.outerProduct(u)}
.groupAll{_.reduce[RealMatrix]('VV){(a, b) => a.add(b)}}
.joinWithSmaller('col -> 'col, V, new InnerJoin(), parallelism)
.groupBy('row){_.toList[(RealVector, Double)](('v_vec, 'value) -> 'v_list).reducers(parallelism).forceToReducers}
.mapTo(('row, 'v_list, 'VV) -> ('row, 'u_vec)){
x : (R, List[(RealVector, Double)], RealMatrix) =>
val row_id = x._1
var XX = x._3.scalarMultiply(zero_weight)
var Xy ={t => t._1.mapMultiply(t._2)}.reduce{(a,b) => a.add(b)}.mapMultiply(1.0 + zero_weight)
x._2.foreach{t => XX = XX.add(t._1.outerProduct(t._1))}
val lambda = if(norm_constraint) compute_lambda(XX, Xy) else lambda_row
val res = new LUDecomposition(XX.add(MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(XX.getRowDimension).scalarMultiply(lambda))).getSolver.getInverse.operate(Xy)
(row_id, res)
// for the norm constrained version, compute the lambda necessary so that the output vector has unit norm.
def compute_lambda(XX : RealMatrix, Xy : RealVector) : Double = {
val eigen = new EigenDecomposition(XX)
val u = eigen.getVT.operate(Xy)
// approximate the lagrange multiplier
var lambda_max = math.sqrt(u.dotProduct(u))
var lambda_min = -eigen.getRealEigenvalues.min+0.000000001
var norm_max = (0 until u.getDimension).map{i => val ui = u.getEntry(i); val ei = eigen.getRealEigenvalue(i); ui*ui / ((ei+lambda_max)*(ei+lambda_max))}.sum
var norm_min = (0 until u.getDimension).map{i => val ui = u.getEntry(i); val ei = eigen.getRealEigenvalue(i); ui*ui / ((ei+lambda_min)*(ei+lambda_min))}.sum
while(math.abs(norm_max - norm_min) > 0.0001) {
val lambda_mid = (lambda_max + lambda_min) / 2.0
val norm_mid = (0 until u.getDimension).map{i => val ui = u.getEntry(i); val ei = eigen.getRealEigenvalue(i); ui*ui / ((ei+lambda_mid)*(ei+lambda_mid))}.sum
if(norm_mid < 1) {
lambda_max = lambda_mid
norm_max = norm_mid
} else {
lambda_min = lambda_mid
norm_min = norm_mid
val lambda = (lambda_max + lambda_min) / 2
override def next : Option[Job] = {
val new_args = args + ("iter", Some((iter+1).toString))
if(iter < max_iter && !incremental) {
} else {