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package com.etsy.conjecture.scalding
import collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.pipe.joiner.InnerJoin
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.{MatrixUtils, RealVector}
object FastKNN extends Serializable {
import com.twitter.scalding.Dsl._
// The basic idea is that we do KNN on arbitrary types.
// These can be objects containing e.g., identifiers (user_id etc) and also correspond to some point in a metric space.
// Examples are objects like (user_id, vector from matrix factorization model).
// Typically when we do the KNN procedure, we dont actually care about returning the entire object for all the neighbors,
// but only the list of the ids, and their distances.
// E.g., we would return the list of (user_id, distance) rather than (user_id, vector, distance).
// This allows having larger lists of stuff in ram since the vector etc may be large.
// The main entry point for knn in a single pipe.
// X: Type of the element on which the distance is defined (the thing in the vec_field).
// Y: Type of id for the element (thing in the id_field).
// p: Pipe of stuff to knn
// id_field: Field name for id
// vec_field: field name for vec.
// neighb_field: field name for result (neighbors).
// k: the k from knn.
// dist: the distance function for X. If the thing you give isnt a real distance function then probably this method will give you garbage results.
// init_num_centers: Number of blocks to partition the data into, should be probably around sqrt(n).
// bin_per_point: how many blocks to put each point into (increasing quality of the approximation).
def knn[X, Y](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, neighb_field : Symbol, k : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double,
init_num_centers : Int = 10000, bins_per_point : Int = 5, max_bin_size : Int = 20000) : Pipe = {
val centers = initialize_bins[X](p, id_field, vec_field, dist, init_num_centers, bins_per_point, max_bin_size)
// Do knn in each cluster, and aggregate.
construct_bins[X, Y](p, id_field, vec_field, 'list, centers, bins_per_point, max_bin_size, dist)
.filter('count){c : Int => c <= max_bin_size}
.flatMapTo('list -> (id_field, neighb_field)){l : List[(Y, X)] =>
println(l.size){t => (t._1, knn_id[X, Y](t._2, l, k+1, dist).filter{_._1 != t._1})}
.groupBy(id_field){_.reduce[List[(Y, Double)]](neighb_field){(a, b) => (a++b).groupBy{_._1}{t => (t._1,{_._2}.min)}.sortBy{_._2}.take(k)}.reducers(1000).forceToReducers}
.project(id_field, neighb_field)
// The entry point for the 2 pipe version of knn.
// Z is the type for the id field of the candidates.
def knn2[X, Y, Z](targets : Pipe, target_id_field : Symbol, target_vec_field : Symbol,
candidates : Pipe, candidate_id_field : Symbol, candidate_vec_field : Symbol, neighb_field : Symbol, k : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double,
init_num_centers : Int, bins_per_point : Int, max_bin_size : Int) : Pipe = {
// Tesselate the candidates.
val candidate_centers = initialize_bins[X](candidates, candidate_id_field, candidate_vec_field, dist, init_num_centers, 1, max_bin_size)
val candidate_assignments = construct_bins[X, Y](candidates, candidate_id_field, candidate_vec_field, 'candidate_list,
candidate_centers, 1, max_bin_size, dist)
// Assign targets to same bins as candidates.
val target_assignments = assign_bins[X](targets, target_id_field, target_vec_field, candidate_centers, bins_per_point, dist)
// Replicate the candidates, and fragment the targets.
val bin_replicates = target_assignments
.map('count -> 'num_fragments){c : Int => 1 + (c / max_bin_size)}
.groupAll{_.toList[(Int, Int)](('bin, 'num_fragments) -> 'bin_replicates)}
.mapTo('bin_replicates -> 'bin_replicates){l : List[(Int, Int)] => l.toMap}
val targets_fragmented = target_assignments
.map((target_id_field, 'bin, 'bin_replicates) -> ('rep_bin, 'rep)){x : (Z, Int, Map[Int, Int]) => (x._2, math.abs(x._1.hashCode) % x._3.getOrElse(x._2, 1))}
.groupBy('rep_bin, 'rep){_.toList[(Z, X)]((target_id_field, target_vec_field) -> 'target_list).reducers(1000)}
val candidates_replicated = candidate_assignments
.flatMap(('bin, 'bin_replicates) -> ('rep_bin, 'rep)){x : (Int, Map[Int, Int]) => (0 until x._2.getOrElse(x._1, 1)).map{i => (x._1, i)}}
.project('rep_bin, 'rep, 'candidate_list)
// Do knn in each cluster, and aggregate.
.joinWithSmaller(('rep_bin, 'rep) -> ('rep_bin, 'rep), targets_fragmented, new InnerJoin(), 1000)
.flatMapTo(('target_list, 'candidate_list) -> (target_id_field, neighb_field)){x : (List[(Z, X)], List[(Y, X)]) =>
println(x._1.size + " " + x._2.size){t => (t._1, knn_id[X, Y](t._2, x._2, k, dist))}
.groupBy(target_id_field){_.reduce[List[(Y, Double)]](neighb_field){(a, b) => (a++b).groupBy{_._1}{t => (t._1,{_._2}.min)}.sortBy{_._2}.take(k)}.reducers(1000)}
.project(target_id_field, neighb_field)
// Return the ids of the closest elements to the target.
// X is the type of the element on which the distance is defined.
// Y is the type of the identifier for each element.
def knn_id[X, Y](target : X, candidates : List[(Y, X)], K : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double) : List[(Y, Double)] = {
if(K > 250) {{s => (s._1, dist(target, s._2))}.sortBy{_._2}.take(K)
} else {
val q = new PriorityQueue[(Y, Double)]()([(Y, Double), Double](_._2))
var worst = 0.0
var size = 0
candidates.foreach{s =>
val ds = dist(target, s._2)
if(size < K || ds < worst) {
size += 1
q.enqueue((s._1, ds))
if(size > K) {
size -= 1
worst = q.head._2
// Return the indices of the closest elements.
def knn_idx[X](vec : X, l : List[X], K : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double) : List[Int] = {
val q = new PriorityQueue[(Int, Double)]()([(Int, Double), Double](_._2))
var worst = 0.0
var size = 0
var idx = 0
l.foreach{r : X =>
val di = dist(vec, r)
if(size < K || di < worst) {
size += 1
q.enqueue((idx, di))
if(size > K) {
size -= 1
worst = q.head._2
idx += 1
def initialize_bins[X](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, dist : (X, X) => Double,
init_num_centers : Int, bins_per_point : Int, max_bin_size : Int) : Pipe = {
// Choose init_num_centers points at random.
val centers = p
.map(vec_field -> 'rand){r : X => new scala.util.Random(r.toString.hashCode).nextDouble}
.groupRandomly(math.min(1000, init_num_centers)){_.sortWithTake[(X, Double)]((vec_field, 'rand) -> 'centers, 1 + (init_num_centers / 1000)){(a, b) => a._2 > b._2}}
.groupAll{_.reduce[List[(X, Double)]]('centers){(a, b) => a++b}}
.mapTo('centers -> 'centers){l : List[(X, Double)] => l.sortBy{-_._2}.take(init_num_centers).map{_._1}}
val centers_new = p.crossWithTiny(centers)
.flatMap(('centers, vec_field) -> 'bin){x : (List[X], X) => knn_idx[X](x._2, x._1, bins_per_point, dist)}
.project('bin, vec_field)
.map(vec_field -> 'rand){r : X => new scala.util.Random((r.toString+"foo").hashCode).nextDouble}
.groupBy('bin){_.size('count).sortWithTake[(X, Double)]((vec_field, 'rand) -> 'centers, 1000){(a, b) => a._2 > b._2}}
.filter('count){c : Int => c > max_bin_size}
.mapTo(('centers, 'count) -> 'centers_new){l : (List[(X, Double)], Int) =>
val md = l._1.maxBy{_._2}._2
l._1.sortBy{t => val d = t._2 / md; -d * (1-d)}.take(l._2 / max_bin_size).map{_._1}
.groupAll{_.reduce[List[(X, Double)]]('centers_new){(a, b) => a++b}}
.mapTo(('centers, 'centers_new) -> 'centers){x : (List[X], List[X]) => x._1 ++ x._2}
def assign_bins[X](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, centers : Pipe, bins_per_point : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double) : Pipe = {
// Make assignments to clusters.
.flatMap((vec_field, 'centers) -> 'bin){x : (X, List[X]) => knn_idx[X](x._1, x._2, bins_per_point, dist)}
def construct_bins[X, Y](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, list_field : Symbol,
centers : Pipe, bins_per_point : Int, max_bin_size : Int, dist : (X, X) => Double) : Pipe = {
assign_bins[X](p, id_field, vec_field, centers, bins_per_point, dist)
//_.toList[(Y, X)]((id_field, vec_field) -> list_field)
_.sortWithTake[(Y, X)]((id_field, vec_field) -> list_field, max_bin_size){(a, b) => false}
.project('bin, 'count, list_field)