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package com.etsy.conjecture.scalding
import collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.pipe.joiner.InnerJoin
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector
* Class provides functions for doing approximate K-nearest neighbors.
* hashes : The number of times to hash.
* planes : The number of dividing planes (also bits in the hash).
* max_bin_size : The max size for a hash bin to be considered (we do exact knn in each bin, so large ones will increase computation time).
* parallelism : How many reducers to use for critical sections.
* defaults are sane for most problems.
* more hashes = more chance for true knn to be in the same hash bin as the target, but also means more computation.
* more planes = less items in each hash bucket, which improves computation but also could degrade approximation quality.
class LSH(val hashes : Int = 50, val planes : Int = 12, val max_bin_size : Int = 10000, val parallelism : Int = 500) extends Serializable {
// import neede to write scalding-like code.
import com.twitter.scalding.Dsl._
* Just a class to hold an id and a vector together.
class Point[T](val id : T, val vector : RealVector) extends Serializable {}
* Brute force knn for inside each hash bin.
* Works faster than just using obvious scala ways (map/sortBy etc).
def findKnn[T](vec : RealVector, points : Iterable[Point[T]], K : Int) : List[(Point[T], Double)] = {
val q = new PriorityQueue[(Point[T], Double)]()([(Point[T], Double), Double](_._2))
var worst = 0.0
var size = 0
points.foreach{p : Point[T] =>
val dist = p.vector.getDistance(vec)
if(size < K || dist < worst) {
size += 1
q.enqueue((p, dist))
if(size > K) {
size -= 1
worst = q.head._2
* Hash repeatedly by dividing the space along origin-containing planes.
* v : The vector to hash.
* output is the list of hashes, each having its index as part of the value.
def hash(v : RealVector) : IndexedSeq[Long] = {
(0 until hashes).map{h =>
(0 until planes).map{i =>
val r = new scala.util.Random(i+1000*h) // random suck with lil seeds.
val d ={_*r.nextGaussian}.sum
if(d > 0.0)
1L << i
}.sum + (h.toLong << planes)
* Forms hash bins from a single pipe of vectors and ids.
def form_bins[I](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, bin_field : Symbol, hash_field : Symbol) : Pipe = {
.map((id_field, vec_field) -> 'point){x : (I, RealVector) => new Point[I](x._1, x._2)}
.flatMap(vec_field -> hash_field){v : RealVector => hash(v)}
.project('point, hash_field)
.sortWithTake[Point[I]]('point -> bin_field, max_bin_size){(a,b) => false}
.filter('count){c : Int => c <= max_bin_size}
.project(hash_field, bin_field)
* Single pipe version of knn.
* Finds knn of each element in the pipe (i.e., every element is both a target and a candidate neighbor)
* A thing isnt its own nearest neighbor.
* I is the type of id used.
def knn[I](p : Pipe, id_field : Symbol, vec_field : Symbol, neighbors_field : Symbol, K : Int) : Pipe = {
form_bins[I](p, id_field, vec_field, 'bin, 'hash)
.flatMapTo('bin -> (id_field, neighbors_field)){
bin : List[Point[I]] =>{p =>
(, findKnn[I](p.vector, bin, K+1).filter{ !=}.map{t => (, t._2)}) // (id, distance)
// - aggregate knn across hash bins.
.groupBy(id_field) {
_.reduce[List[(I, Double)]](neighbors_field){(a, b) => (a ++ b).groupBy{_._1}.mapValues{_.head._2}.toList.sortBy{_._2}.take(K)}
.project(id_field, neighbors_field)
* Two pipe version of knn.
* First pipe is targets (things we find the knn for) ids are of type I
* Second pipe is candidates (things that can be the knn) ids are of type J
* A thing can be its own neighbor if its in both pipes.
def knn[I,J](targets : Pipe, target_id_field : Symbol, target_vec_field : Symbol,
candidates : Pipe, candidate_id_field : Symbol, candidate_vec_field : Symbol,
neighbors_field : Symbol, K : Int) : Pipe = {
form_bins[I](targets, target_id_field, target_vec_field, 'target_bin, 'hash)
.joinWithSmaller('hash -> 'hash, form_bins[J](candidates, candidate_id_field, candidate_vec_field, 'candidate_bin, 'hash), new InnerJoin(), parallelism)
.flatMapTo(('target_bin, 'candidate_bin) -> (target_id_field, neighbors_field)){
x : (List[Point[I]], List[Point[J]]) =>{p =>
(, findKnn[J](p.vector, x._2, K).map{t => (, t._2)}) // (id, distance)
// - aggregate knn across hash bins.
.groupBy(target_id_field) {
_.reduce[List[(J, Double)]](neighbors_field){(a, b) => (a ++ b).groupBy{_._1}.mapValues{_.head._2}.toList.sortBy{_._2}.take(K)}
.project(target_id_field, neighbors_field)