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com.etsy.conjecture.scalding.evaluate.GenericCrossValidator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.etsy.conjecture.scalding.evaluate
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.tuple.{ Fields, TupleEntry, Tuple }
import com.etsy.conjecture.evaluation._
import com.etsy.conjecture.model._
import com.etsy.conjecture.scalding.train._
class GenericCrossValidator[L <: Label, M <: UpdateableModel[L, M], E <: ModelEvaluation[L]](val evaluator: GenericEvaluator[L], val builder: AbstractModelTrainer[L, M], val folds: Int, val salt: String = "") extends Serializable {
import Dsl._
def crossValidateWithPredictions(pipe: Pipe, instanceField: Symbol, predictionField: Symbol, labelField: Symbol = '__actual): (Pipe, Pipe) = {
val folded = -> '__fold) { li: LabeledInstance[L] => (li.getVector.hashCode.toString + salt).hashCode % folds }
val preds = (0 until folds).map { i: Int => predictFold(folded, '__model, instanceField, labelField, predictionField, i) }
val eval = { i: Pipe => evaluator.evaluate(i, predictionField, labelField, '__eval) }.reduce { _ ++ _ }
.groupAll {
_.foldLeft('__eval -> '__eval)(new EvaluationAggregator[L]()) {
(a: EvaluationAggregator[L], e: E) => a.add(e); a
.map('__eval -> '__eval) { a: EvaluationAggregator[L] => a.toString }
val preds_all = preds.reduce { _ ++ _ }.project(labelField, predictionField)
(eval, preds_all)
// note that the models on each fold may be calibrated differently, which will mess up the AUC calculation.
// this may not be a big problem though.
def predictFold(folded: Pipe, modelField: Symbol, instanceField: Symbol, labelField: Symbol, predictionField: Symbol, fold: Int): Pipe = {
val train_inst = folded.filter('__fold) { x: Int => x != fold }
val test_inst = folded.filter('__fold) { x: Int => x == fold }
val model = builder.train(train_inst, instanceField, modelField)
evaluator.assign_predictions(test_inst, instanceField, labelField, model, modelField, predictionField)
def crossValidate(pipe: Pipe, instanceField: Symbol): Pipe = {
crossValidateWithPredictions(pipe, instanceField, '__prediction, '__actual)._1
def evaluateFold(folded: Pipe, modelField: Symbol, instanceField: Symbol, labelField: Symbol, evalField: Symbol, fold: Int): Pipe = {
val train_inst = folded.filter('__fold) { x: Int => x != fold }
val test_inst = folded.filter('__fold) { x: Int => x == fold }
val model = builder.train(train_inst, instanceField, modelField)
evaluator.evaluate(test_inst, instanceField, labelField, model, modelField, evalField)
class BinaryCrossValidator(args: Args, folds: Int) extends GenericCrossValidator[BinaryLabel, UpdateableLinearModel[BinaryLabel], BinaryModelEvaluation](
new BinaryEvaluator(), new BinaryModelTrainer(args), folds, args.getOrElse("salt", ""))
class RegressionCrossValidator(args: Args, folds: Int) extends GenericCrossValidator[RealValuedLabel, UpdateableLinearModel[RealValuedLabel], RegressionModelEvaluation](
new RegressionEvaluator(), new RegressionModelTrainer(args), folds, args.getOrElse("salt", ""))
class MulticlassCrossValidator(args: Args, folds: Int, categories: Array[String]) extends GenericCrossValidator[MulticlassLabel, UpdateableMulticlassLinearModel, MulticlassModelEvaluation](
new MulticlassEvaluator(categories), new MulticlassModelTrainer(args, categories), folds, args.getOrElse("salt", ""))