com.etsy.conjecture.text.Text.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.etsy.conjecture.text
case class Text(val input: String) {
private implicit def text2str(txt: Text): String = txt.input
private implicit def str2text(str: String): Text = new Text(str)
override def toString = input.toString
def replaceNumbers(replacement: String = "_num_") = Text(input.replaceAll("[0-9]+", replacement).replaceAll(replacement + "\\s+" + replacement, replacement))
def replaceHTMLEscapes(replacement: String = " ") = Text(input.replaceAll("&[^;]+;", replacement))
def removeHTMLTags() = Text(input.replaceAll("<.*?>", " ")) //Text(XML.loadString(input).text)
def replaceHTMLTags(replacement: String = " ") = Text(input.replaceAll("<[^>]+>", " "))
def replaceNonAlphaNumeric(replacement: String = " ") = Text(input.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\s\\-]+", replacement))
def replaceNonAlphaNumericUnderscore(replacement: String = " ") = Text(input.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\s\\-_]+", replacement))
def replaceNonAlpha(replacement: String = " ") = Text(input.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]+", replacement))
def collapseHyphens() = Text(input.replaceAll("--+", "--"))
def collapseUnderscores() = Text(input.replaceAll("__+", "__"))
def collapsePeriods() = Text(input.replaceAll("\\.\\.+", ".."))
def toLowerCase() = Text(input.toLowerCase)
def toUpperCase() = Text(input.toUpperCase)
def stripPunctuation() = Text(input.replaceAll("^[^A-Za-z0-0]+", "").replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+$", ""))
// compact any white space
def collapse() = Text(input.replaceAll("\\s+", " "))
// remove any whitespace from the right of a string
def rstrip() = Text(input.replaceAll("\\s+$", ""))
// remove any whitespace from the left of a string
def lstrip() = Text(input.replaceAll("^\\s+", ""))
// remove any leading or trailing whitespace
def strip() = Text(input.trim)
// clean up any whitespace
def wsclean() = strip().collapse()
// remove any unprintable non-ASCII characters
def removeUnprintables(input: String) = Text(input.replaceAll("[^\\x20-\\x7E]", ""))
def collapseWhitespaceAndPunc = Text(input.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
.replaceAll("[\\-]+", "-")
.replaceAll("[\\.]+", "."))
def standardTextFilter = Text(removeHTMLTags()
def toListFromShingles(n: Int, ns: Int*): List[String] = (List(n) ++ ns.toList).flatMap{ i: Int => input.sliding(i) }.toList
def toSequenceFromShingles(n: Int, ns: Int*): TextSequence = new TextSequence(toListFromShingles(n, ns: _*))
def toList(sep: String = " "): List[String] = input.split(sep).toList
def toSequence(sep: String = " "): TextSequence = new TextSequence(toList(sep))
def isEmpty(): Boolean = input.isEmpty()