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* Copyright 2009-2020 Exactpro (Exactpro Systems Limited)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package com.exactpro.sf.common.messages
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.MetadataProperty.*
import com.exactpro.sf.configuration.suri.SailfishURI
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.Date
private const val MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_KEY = "messageProperties"
private fun IMetadata.getAs(propertyName: String): T? = get(propertyName) as T?
private fun IMetadata.getAs(property: MetadataProperty): T? = getAs(property.propertyName)
private fun IMetadata.getRequired(property: MetadataProperty): T = checkNotNull(getAs(property)) { "${property.propertyName} is not set" }
private fun IMetadata.setOrRemove(propertyName: String, value: Any?) = value?.run { set(propertyName, value) } ?: remove(propertyName)
private fun IMetadata.setOrRemove(property: MetadataProperty, value: Any?) = setOrRemove(property.propertyName, value)
private fun IMetadata.setOnce(property: MetadataProperty, value: Any) {
val propertyName = property.propertyName
check(!contains(propertyName)) { "$propertyName is already set" }
set(propertyName, value)
* Adds all data from the [other] metadata to the current [IMetadata].
* @return the same [IMetadata] the method was invoked for. All key from [other] will be added to the original metadata.
fun IMetadata.merge(other: IMetadata): IMetadata = apply {
for (key in other.keys) {
set(key, checkNotNull(other[key]) { "Metadata contains key '$key' but the value is 'null'" })
fun IMetadata.contains(property: MetadataProperty): Boolean = contains(property.propertyName)
var Long
get() = getRequired(ID)
set(value) = setOnce(ID, value)
var IMetadata.sequence: Long?
get() = getAs(SEQUENCE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(SEQUENCE, value)
var IMetadata.timestamp: Date
get() = getRequired(TIMESTAMP)
set(value) = setOnce(TIMESTAMP, value)
var IMetadata.preciseTimestamp: Instant
get() = getRequired(PRECISE_TIMESTAMP)
set(value) = setOnce(PRECISE_TIMESTAMP, value)
var IMetadata.namespace: String
get() = getRequired(NAMESPACE)
set(value) = setOnce(NAMESPACE, value)
var String
get() = getRequired(NAME)
set(value) = setOnce(NAME, value)
var IMetadata.fromService: String?
get() = getAs(FROM_SERVICE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(FROM_SERVICE, value)
var IMetadata.toService: String?
get() = getAs(TO_SERVICE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(TO_SERVICE, value)
var IMetadata.isAdmin: Boolean
get() = getAs(IS_ADMIN) ?: false
set(value) = set(IS_ADMIN.propertyName, value)
var IMetadata.isRejected: Boolean
get() = getAs(IS_REJECTED) ?: contains(REJECT_REASON.propertyName)
@Deprecated("use rejectReason instead") set(value) = set(IS_REJECTED.propertyName, value)
var IMetadata.isDirty: Boolean
get() = getAs(IS_DIRTY) ?: false
set(value) = set(IS_DIRTY.propertyName, value)
var IMetadata.rejectReason: String?
get() = getAs(REJECT_REASON)
set(value) {
setOrRemove(REJECT_REASON, value)
isRejected = isRejected || value != null
var IMetadata.rawMessage: ByteArray?
get() = getAs(RAW_MESSAGE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(RAW_MESSAGE, value)
var IMetadata.serviceInfo: ServiceInfo?
get() = getAs(SERVICE_INFO)
set(value) = setOrRemove(SERVICE_INFO, value)
var IMetadata.dictionaryUri: SailfishURI?
get() = getAs(DICTIONARY_URI)
set(value) = setOrRemove(DICTIONARY_URI, value)
var IMetadata.protocol: String?
get() = getAs(PROTOCOL)
set(value) = setOrRemove(PROTOCOL, value)
var IMetadata.messageProperties: Map?
set(value) = setOrRemove(MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_KEY, value)
var IMetadata.subsequence: Int?
get() = getAs(SUBSEQUENCE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(SUBSEQUENCE, value)
var IMetadata.batchSequence: Long?
get() = getAs(BATCH_SEQUENCE)
set(value) = setOrRemove(BATCH_SEQUENCE, value)
var IMetadata.isLastInBatch: Boolean
get() = getAs(IS_LAST_IN_BATCH) ?: false
set(value) = set(IS_LAST_IN_BATCH.propertyName, value)