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* Copyright 2009-2018 Exactpro (Exactpro Systems Limited)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.exactpro.sf.common.impl.messages.xml.configuration.JavaType;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.IMessage;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.IMessageFactory;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.structures.IAttributeStructure;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.structures.IDictionaryStructure;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.structures.IFieldStructure;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.messages.structures.IMessageStructure;
import com.exactpro.sf.common.util.EPSCommonException;
import com.exactpro.sf.util.DateTimeUtility;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openfast.FieldValue;
import org.openfast.GroupValue;
import org.openfast.Message;
import org.openfast.SequenceValue;
import org.openfast.template.Field;
import org.openfast.template.Group;
import org.openfast.template.MessageTemplate;
import org.openfast.template.Scalar;
import org.openfast.template.Sequence;
import org.openfast.template.type.StringType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class FastToIMessageConverter {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FastToIMessageConverter.class);
public static final String UNIT = "unit";
private final IMessageFactory messageFactory;
private final IDictionaryStructure dictionary;
public enum TIMESTAMP_UNIT {
public FastToIMessageConverter(
IMessageFactory messageFactory,
IDictionaryStructure dictionary) {
this.messageFactory = messageFactory;
this.dictionary = dictionary;
public IMessage convert(Message fastMsg) throws ConverterException {
MessageTemplate template = fastMsg.getTemplate();
String msgName = getIMessageName(template.getName());
IMessage message;
try {
message = messageFactory.createMessage(msgName, dictionary.getNamespace());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Can not create fast IMessage for template id {}", msgName);
throw new ConverterException(
"Can not create fast IMessage for template id " + msgName, e);
convertFields(fastMsg, message, msgName);
return message;
private void convertFields(GroupValue fastMsg, IMessage message, String msgName)
throws ConverterException {
Group template = fastMsg.getGroup();
for (Field fastFld : template.getFields()) {
convertField(fastFld, fastMsg, message, msgName);
private void convertField(
Field fastFld,
GroupValue fastMsg,
IMessage message, String msgName)
throws ConverterException {
String iMessageFieldName = getIMessageName(fastFld.getName());
//FIXME: Have not found any better way to get value of the QNamed field
Group grp = fastMsg.getGroup();
int index = grp.getFieldIndex(fastFld);
if (!fastMsg.isDefined(index)) {
FieldValue fieldValue = fastMsg.getValue(index);
if (fieldValue == null) {
// message.addField(iMessageFieldName, null);
if("scalar".equals(fastFld.getTypeName())) {
setScalarValue((Scalar) fastFld, fastMsg, message, iMessageFieldName );
} else if("sequence".equals(fastFld.getTypeName())) {
SequenceValue sqsValue = fastMsg.getSequence(index);
convertSequence(sqsValue, iMessageFieldName, message, msgName);
} else if("group".equals(fastFld.getTypeName())) {
GroupValue grpValue = fastMsg.getGroup(index);
convertGroup(grpValue, iMessageFieldName, message, msgName);
} else if("decimal".equals(fastFld.getTypeName())) {
BigDecimal bdVal = fastMsg.getBigDecimal(index);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, bdVal);
} else {
logger.error("Can not convert field with type {}", fastFld.getTypeName());
throw new ConverterException(
"Can not convert field with type " + fastFld.getTypeName());
private void convertGroup(GroupValue grpValue, String iMessageFieldName,
IMessage message, String msgName) throws ConverterException {
IMessage innerMessage;
String msgType = msgName + "_" + iMessageFieldName;
try {
innerMessage = messageFactory.createMessage(msgType, dictionary.getNamespace());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Can not create message for id:{}", msgType, e);
throw new ConverterException("Can not create message for id:" + msgType, e);
convertFields(grpValue, innerMessage, msgType);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, innerMessage);
private void convertSequence(SequenceValue sqsValue,
String iMessageFieldName, IMessage message, String msgName) throws ConverterException {
Sequence sqs = sqsValue.getSequence();
String lengthName = sqs.getLength().getName();
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(lengthName)) {
lengthName = "length";
lengthName = getIMessageName(lengthName);
lengthName = getIMessageName(sqsValue.getSequence().getName()) + "_" + lengthName;
message.addField(lengthName, sqsValue.getLength());
String msgType = msgName + "_" + iMessageFieldName;
ArrayList collectionMessages = new ArrayList();
for(GroupValue groupVal:sqsValue.getValues()) {
IMessage innerMessage;
try {
innerMessage = messageFactory.createMessage(msgType, dictionary.getNamespace());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Can not create message for id:{}", msgType, e);
throw new ConverterException("Can not create message for id:" + msgType, e);
convertFields(groupVal, innerMessage, msgType);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, collectionMessages);
private void setScalarValue(Scalar fastFld, GroupValue fastMsg,
IMessage message, String iMessageFieldName) throws ConverterException {
JavaType fieldType = getFieldType(message.getName(), iMessageFieldName);
//FIXME: Have not found any better way getting value of QNamed field
Group grp = fastMsg.getGroup();
int index = grp.getFieldIndex(fastFld);
if("int8".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
Byte byteVal = fastMsg.getByte(index);
if (byteVal != null) {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, byteVal);
} else if("int32".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
Integer intVal = fastMsg.getInt(index);
if (intVal != null) {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, intVal);
} else if("uInt32".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
Long longVal = fastMsg.getLong(index);
if (longVal != null) {
if (fieldType == JavaType.JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN) {
Boolean boolVal = longVal != 0;
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, boolVal);
} else {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, longVal);
} else if("int64".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
Long longVal = fastMsg.getLong(index);
if (longVal != null) {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, longVal);
} else if("uInt64".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
// TypeCodec.UINT is parsed by UnsignedInteger class. It uses LongValue class for huge value.
// LongValue class unsupported getBigDecimal method
Long longVal = fastMsg.getLong(index);
if (longVal != null) {
if (fieldType == JavaType.JAVA_TIME_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) {
String unitAttrValue = getFieldTimeUnit(dictionary, message.getName(), iMessageFieldName);
//FAST 1.2. A unit may not exist, then the millisecond is used as the default unit.
TIMESTAMP_UNIT timeUnit = unitAttrValue != null ? Enums.getIfPresent(TIMESTAMP_UNIT.class, unitAttrValue).orNull() : TIMESTAMP_UNIT.millisecond;
if (timeUnit == null) {
throw new EPSCommonException("Incorrect time unit = " + unitAttrValue + " for " + iMessageFieldName + " field");
LocalDateTime dateTime = timestampToDateTime(longVal, timeUnit);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, dateTime);
} else {
BigDecimal bdVal = new BigDecimal(longVal);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, bdVal);
} else if (fastFld.getType() instanceof StringType ) {
String sVal = fastMsg.getString(index);
if (sVal != null) {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, sVal);
} else if("decimal".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
BigDecimal bdVal = fastMsg.getBigDecimal(index);
if (bdVal != null) {
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, bdVal);
} else if("byteVector".equals(fastFld.getType().getName())) {
byte[] bvVal = fastMsg.getBytes(index);
if (bvVal != null) {
//FIXME: in most cases a separate field contains encoding of the message
// message.addField(iMessageFieldName, bvVal);
message.addField(iMessageFieldName, new String(bvVal, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));
} else {
throw new ConverterException("Can not convert field of type: " +
private String getIMessageName(String name) {
return name.replaceAll("[_ -]", "");
private JavaType getFieldType(String msgName, String fieldName){
IMessageStructure msgStructure = dictionary.getMessages().get(msgName);
if(msgStructure == null) {
return null;
IFieldStructure fieldStructure = msgStructure.getFields().get(fieldName);
if(fieldStructure == null) {
return null;
return fieldStructure.getJavaType();
public static String getFieldTimeUnit(@NotNull IDictionaryStructure structure, String msgName, String fieldName){
IMessageStructure msgStructure = structure.getMessages().get(msgName);
if(msgStructure == null) {
return null;
IFieldStructure fieldStructure = msgStructure.getFields().get(fieldName);
if(fieldStructure == null) {
return null;
IAttributeStructure attributeStructure = fieldStructure.getAttributes().get(UNIT);
if(attributeStructure == null) {
return null;
return attributeStructure.getValue();
private LocalDateTime timestampToDateTime(long timestamp, @NotNull TIMESTAMP_UNIT unit) {
switch (unit) {
case day:
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(timestamp));
case second:
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timestamp));
case millisecond:
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(timestamp);
case microsecond:
long millisecond = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toSeconds(timestamp) * TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
int nanos = (int) (TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(timestamp) % TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1));
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(millisecond, nanos);
case nanosecond:
millisecond = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(timestamp) * TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
nanos = (int) (timestamp % TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1));
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(millisecond, nanos);
return DateTimeUtility.toLocalDateTime(timestamp);