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import com.expleague.commons.math.MathTools;
import com.expleague.commons.math.vectors.impl.vectors.ArrayVec;
import com.expleague.commons.math.vectors.Vec;
import com.expleague.commons.math.vectors.impl.ThreadLocalArrayVec;
import com.expleague.commons.math.vectors.impl.vectors.SparseVec;
import com.expleague.commons.seq.Seq;
import com.expleague.commons.math.FuncC1;
import com.expleague.commons.math.TransC1;
import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;
import static com.expleague.commons.math.vectors.VecTools.*;
* User: solar
* Date: 25.05.15
* Time: 12:57
public abstract class NeuralSpider> {
private final ThreadLocalArrayVec stateCache = new ThreadLocalArrayVec();
public Vec compute(S argument, Vec weights) {
final Topology topology = topology(argument, false);
final Vec state = this.stateCache.get(topology.length());
return produceState(topology, weights, state);
private final ThreadLocalArrayVec gradientSCache = new ThreadLocalArrayVec();
public Vec parametersGradient(S argument, TransC1 target, Vec allWeights, Vec to) {
final Topology topology = topology(argument, true);
final Vec dT = gradientSCache.get(topology.length());
final Vec state = stateCache.get(topology.length());
final Vec output = produceState(topology, allWeights, state);
target.gradientTo(output, dT.sub(dT.length() - topology.outputCount(), topology.outputCount()));
final Vec prevLayerGrad = new SparseVec(state.dim());
final Vec wGrad = new SparseVec(allWeights.dim());
for (int nodeIndex = topology.length() - 1; nodeIndex > 0; nodeIndex--) {
final double dTds_i = dT.get(nodeIndex);
if (Math.abs(dTds_i) < MathTools.EPSILON || Math.abs(state.get(nodeIndex)) < MathTools.EPSILON)
final Node node =;
fill(prevLayerGrad, 0.);
fill(wGrad, 0.);
node.transByParameters(allWeights).gradientTo(state, prevLayerGrad);
node.transByParents(state).gradientTo(allWeights, wGrad);
scale(prevLayerGrad, dTds_i);
scale(wGrad, dTds_i);
append(dT, prevLayerGrad);
append(to, wGrad);
return to;
protected Vec produceState(Topology topology, Vec weights) {
return produceState(topology, weights, stateCache.get(topology.length()));
protected Vec produceState(Topology topology, Vec weights, Vec state) {
state.set(0, 1.);
final int nodesCount = topology.length();
for (int nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex < nodesCount; nodeIndex++) {
if (topology.isDroppedOut(nodeIndex))
final Node node =;
final double value = node.transByParameters(weights).value(state);
state.set(nodeIndex, value);
return state.sub(state.length() - topology.outputCount(), topology.outputCount());
protected abstract Topology topology(S seq, boolean dropout);
public abstract int dim();
public void printTopology(Topology topology, Vec allWeights, Writer to) throws IOException {
// for (int i = 0; i < topology.nodesCount(); i++) {
// to.append(Integer.toString(i)).append(" ");
// for (int j = i + 1; j < topology.nodesCount(); j++) {
// final IntSeq connections = topology.connections(j);
// final Vec weights = topology.parameters(j, allWeights);
// final int index = ArrayTools.indexOf(i, connections);
// if(index >= 0)
// to.append(" ").append(Integer.toString(j)).append(':').append(CharSeqTools.prettyPrint.format(weights.get(index)));
// }
// to.append("\n");
// }
// to.flush();
public Vec parametersGradient(S x, TransC1 target, Vec weights) {
return parametersGradient(x, target, weights, new ArrayVec(weights.dim()));
public interface Node {
FuncC1 transByParameters(Vec betta);
FuncC1 transByParents(Vec state);
public interface Topology extends Seq {
int outputCount();
boolean isDroppedOut(int nodeIndex);
public abstract class Stub extends Seq.Stub implements Topology {
public final boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public final Seq sub(int start, int end) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public final Class elementType() {
return Node.class;
public NeuralNet decisionByInput(S input) {
return new NeuralNet<>(this, input);
public static class NeuralNet> extends TransC1.Stub {
private final NeuralSpider spider;
private final S item;
public NeuralNet(NeuralSpider network, S row) {
this.spider = network;
this.item = row;
public Vec transTo(Vec x, Vec to) {
final Topology topology = topology();
final Vec state = spider.produceState(topology, x);
assign(to, state);
return to;
public Vec gradientTo(Vec x, Vec to, FuncC1 target) {
return spider.parametersGradient(item, target, x, to);
public Topology topology() {
return spider.topology(item, false);
public Vec state(Vec x) {
final Topology topology = topology();
final ArrayVec state = new ArrayVec(topology.length());
spider.produceState(topology, x, state);
return state;
public int xdim() {
return spider.dim();
public int ydim() {
return topology().outputCount();
public Vec gradientRowTo(Vec x, Vec to, int index) {
final Vec w = new ArrayVec(ydim());
w.set(index, 1);
return spider.parametersGradient(item, new WSum(w), x, to);