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//import AdditiveStatistics;
//import MathTools;
//import Mx;
//import MxTools;
//import Vec;
//import VecTools;
//import VecBasedMx;
//import ArrayVec;
//import FastRandom;
//import ArrayTools;
//import BFGrid;
//import Binarize;
//import BinarizedDataSet;
//import VecDataSet;
//import L2;
//import StatBasedLoss;
//import WeightedLoss;
//import VecOptimization;
//import LinearRegion;
//import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
// * User: nooxoomo
// */
//public class GreedyTDSoftRegion extends VecOptimization.Stub {
//  protected final BFGrid grid;
//  private final int depth;
//  private final FastRandom random = new FastRandom();
//  public GreedyTDSoftRegion(final BFGrid grid,
//                            final int depth,
//                            final double lambda) {
//    this.grid = grid;
//    this.depth = depth;
//  }
//  @Override
//  public LinearRegion fit(final VecDataSet learn,
//                          final Loss loss) {
//    final List conditions = new ArrayList<>(depth);
//    final ArrayList distributions = new ArrayList<>();
//    final boolean[] usedBF = new boolean[grid.size()];
//    final List mask = new ArrayList<>();
//    final TDoubleArrayList values = new TDoubleArrayList();
//    final BinarizedDataSet bds = learn.cache().cache(Binarize.class, VecDataSet.class).binarize(grid);
//    double currentScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//    final boolean[] isRight = new boolean[grid.size()];
//    final double[] scores = new double[grid.size()];
//    final Vec[] currentDistributions = new Vec[grid.size()];
//    final int[] points = learnPoints(loss, learn);
//    TDoubleArrayList sums = new TDoubleArrayList(depth);
//    TDoubleArrayList weights = new TDoubleArrayList(depth);
//    final BFOptimizationRegion current  = new BFOptimizationRegion(bds, loss, points);
//    {
//      AdditiveStatistics statistics =;
//      sums.add(sum(statistics));
//      final double totalWeight = weight(statistics);
//      weights.add(totalWeight);
//    }
//    for (int level = 0; level < depth; ++level) {
//      current.visitAllSplits((bf, left, right) -> {
//        if (usedBF[bf.bfIndex]) {
//          scores[bf.bfIndex] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//          currentDistributions[bf.bfIndex] = null;
//        } else {
//          final double leftScore;
//          Vec leftBetas;
//          final double leftWeight = weight(left);
//          final double rightWeight = weight(right);
//          final double minExcluded = Math.min(leftWeight, rightWeight);
//          {
//            if (minExcluded > 3) {
//              final Vec regularizer = makeRegularizer(weights, leftWeight);
//              Mx invCov = makeInvMatrix(weights, leftWeight, regularizer);
//              Vec target = makeVector(sums, sum(left));
//              Vec adjustTarget = adjustTarget(target, weights, leftWeight);
//              leftBetas = MxTools.multiply(invCov, adjustTarget);
//              leftScore = calcScore(invCov, target, leftBetas);
//            } else {
//              leftBetas = null;
//              leftScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//            }
//          }
//          Vec rightBetas;
//          final double rightScore;
//          {
//            if (minExcluded > 3) {
//              final Vec regularizer = makeRegularizer(weights, rightWeight);
//              Mx invCov = makeInvMatrix(weights, rightWeight, regularizer);
//              Vec target = makeVector(sums, sum(right));
//              Vec adjustTarget = adjustTarget(target, weights, rightWeight);
//              rightBetas = MxTools.multiply(invCov, adjustTarget);
//              rightScore = calcScore(invCov, target, rightBetas);
//            } else {
//              rightBetas = null;
//              rightScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//            }
//          }
//          scores[bf.bfIndex] = leftScore > rightScore ? rightScore : leftScore;
//          isRight[bf.bfIndex] = leftScore > rightScore;
//          currentDistributions[bf.bfIndex] = leftScore > rightScore ? rightBetas : leftBetas;
//        }
//      });
//      final int bestSplit = ArrayTools.min(scores);
//      if (bestSplit < 0)
//        break;
//      if ((scores[bestSplit] >= currentScore))
//        break;
//      final BFGrid.BinaryFeature bestSplitBF =;
//      final boolean bestSplitMask = isRight[bestSplitBF.bfIndex];
//      conditions.add(bestSplitBF);
//      usedBF[bestSplitBF.bfIndex] = true;
//      mask.add(bestSplitMask);
//      bestSolution = currentDistributions[bestSplitBF.bfIndex];
//      currentScore = scores[bestSplit];
//      if (level < (depth - 1)) {
//        current.split(bestSplitBF, bestSplitMask);
//        final AdditiveStatistics total =;
//        sums.add(sum(total));
//        final double weight = weight(total);
//        weights.add(weight);
//      }
//    }
//    final boolean[] masks = new boolean[conditions.size()];
//    for (int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++) {
//      masks[i] = mask.get(i);
//    }
//    final double bias = bestSolution.get(0);
//    final double[] values = new double[bestSolution.dim() - 1];
//    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
//      values[i] = bestSolution.get(i + 1);
//    }
//    return new LinearRegion(conditions, masks, bias, values);
//  }
//  private Vec adjustTarget(Vec target, TDoubleArrayList weights, double weight) {
//    final Vec adjusted = VecTools.copy(target);
//    for (int i = 0; i < target.dim(); ++i) {
//      final double w = i < weights.size() ? weights.get(i) : weight;
////      adjusted.set(i, target.get(i) * w / (w + 1));
//      adjusted.set(i, target.get(i) * (w - 1) / w);
//    }
//    return adjusted;
//  }
//  private double calcScore(final Mx sigma, final Vec targetProj, final Vec betas) {
//    final double targetBetasProd = VecTools.multiply(targetProj, betas);
//    final Vec tmp = MxTools.multiply(sigma, targetProj);
//    final double targetThroughInvSigmaDot = VecTools.multiply(targetProj, tmp);
////    final double rss = sum2 - 2 * targetThroughInvSigmaDot + targetBetasProd;
//    return (0.5 * targetBetasProd - targetThroughInvSigmaDot);
////     return n * Math.log(rss / (n - targetProj.dim())) + betas.dim() * Math.log(n);
//  }
//  private Vec makeVector(TDoubleArrayList sums, double sum) {
//    Vec result = new ArrayVec(sums.size() + 1);
//    for (int i = 0; i < sums.size(); ++i) {
//      result.set(i, sums.get(i));
//    }
//    result.set(sums.size(), sum);
//    return result;
//  }
//  private Vec makeRegularizer(TDoubleArrayList weights, double weight) {
//    final Vec reg = new ArrayVec(weights.size() + 1);
//    VecTools.fill(reg, lambda);
////    reg.set(weights.size(), lambda);
//    reg.set(0, 0);
//    return reg;
//  }
//  private Mx makeMatrix(TDoubleArrayList weights, double weight) {
//    final Mx cov = new VecBasedMx(weights.size() + 1, weights.size() + 1);
//    final int n = weights.size() + 1;
//    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
//      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
//        int idx = j < i ? i : j;
//        cov.set(i, j, (idx < weights.size() ? weights.get(idx) : weight));
//      }
//    }
//    return cov;
//  }
//  private Mx makeInvMatrix(TDoubleArrayList weights, double weight, Vec regularizer) {
//    final Mx cov = new VecBasedMx(weights.size() + 1, weights.size() + 1);
//    final int n = weights.size() + 1;
//    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
//      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
//        int idx = j < i ? i : j;
//        cov.set(i, j, (idx < weights.size() ? weights.get(idx) : weight));
//      }
//    }
//    if (regularizer != null) {
//      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
//        cov.adjust(i, i, regularizer.get(i));
//      }
//    }
//    return MxTools.inverseCholesky(cov);
//  }
//  class EmpericalBayesianLinearEstimator {
//    private final Mx empericalCov;
//    private final Vec targetProj;
//    private final double sum2;
//    private final double weight;
//    private Mx posteriorCov;
//    private Mx posteriorCovInv;
//    private Vec mu;
//    private Vec alphas;
//    private double tau;
//    private void updatePosteriors() {
//      for (int i = 0; i < empericalCov.rows(); ++i) {
//        for (int j = 0; j < empericalCov.columns(); ++j) {
//          posteriorCov.set(i, j, tau * empericalCov.get(i, j));
//          if (i == j) {
//            posteriorCov.adjust(i, i, alphas.get(i));
//          }
//        }
//      }
//      posteriorCovInv = MxTools.inverseCholesky(posteriorCov);
//      mu = MxTools.multiply(posteriorCovInv, targetProj);
//      mu = VecTools.scale(mu, tau);
//    }
//    private void iterativeEstimate(int iterations) {
//      for (int k = 0; k < iterations; ++k) {
//        double N = weight;
//        for (int i = 0; i < alphas.dim(); ++i) {
//          final double gamma = 1.0 - alphas.get(i) * posteriorCovInv.get(i, i);
//          N -= gamma;
//          double val = gamma / MathTools.sqr(mu.get(i));
//          if (val > 1000 || Double.isInfinite(val)) {
//            val = 1000;
//          }
//          alphas.set(i, val);
//        }
////        double sum = VecTools.sum(alphas);
////        VecTools.scale(alphas, 1e-10 / sum);
//        double err = err();
//        tau = N / err;
//        updatePosteriors();
//      }
////      updatePosteriors();
//    }
//    private void estimateAlpha() {
//      for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
//        double N = weight;
//        final double w = empericalCov.get(0, empericalCov.rows() - 1);
//        for (int i = 0; i < alphas.dim(); ++i) {
//          if (i == (alphas.dim() - 1)) {
//            final double q = tau * w - tau * tau * VecTools.sum(MxTools.multiply(posteriorCovInv, targetProj));
//            final double s = tau * w - tau * tau * w * w * VecTools.sum(posteriorCovInv);
//            if (q * q > s) {
//              alphas.set(i, MathTools.sqr(s) / (MathTools.sqr(q) - s));
//            } else {
//              alphas.set(i, 1e10);
//            }
//          }
//          final double gamma = 1.0 - alphas.get(i) * posteriorCovInv.get(i, i);
//          N -= gamma;
//        }
////          double val = gamma / MathTools.sqr(mu.get(i));
//        double err = err();
//        tau = N / err;
//        updatePosteriors();
//      }
//    }
//    EmpericalBayesianLinearEstimator(final double sum, double sum2, double weight,
//                                     final Mx empericalCov,
//                                     final Vec targetCov) {
//      this.empericalCov = empericalCov;
//      this.targetProj = targetCov;
//      alphas = new ArrayVec(empericalCov.rows());
//      VecTools.fill(alphas, 1e-3);
//      final double var = (sum2 / weight) - MathTools.sqr(sum / weight);
//      tau = 1.0 / var;
//      this.sum2 = sum2;
//      this.weight = weight;
//      this.posteriorCov = new VecBasedMx(empericalCov);
//      updatePosteriors();
//      double err = err();
//      tau = weight / err;
////      iterativeEstimate(5);
////      estimateAlpha();
//    }
//    public Vec mu() {
//      return mu;
////      Mx cov = new VecBasedMx(empericalCov);
////      for (int i = 0; i < mu.dim(); ++i) {
//////      final double preWeight = weights.get(i - 1);
//////      final double w = empericalCov.get(i, i);
////        cov.adjust(i, i, alphas.get(i));
////      }
////      return MxTools.multiply(MxTools.inverseCholesky(cov), targetProj);
//    }
//    double score(Vec betas) {
//      return err();
////      final double targetBetasProd = VecTools.multiply(targetProj, betas);
////      final Vec tmp = MxTools.multiply(MxTools.inverseCholesky(empericalCov), targetProj);
////      final double targetThroughInvSigmaDot = VecTools.multiply(targetProj, tmp);
////      final double rss = sum2 - 2 * targetThroughInvSigmaDot + targetBetasProd;
////    return 0.5 * targetBetasProd -  targetThroughInvSigmaDot;
////      return (0.5 * targetBetasProd - targetThroughInvSigmaDot);
//    }
//    double err() {
//      double err = sum2;
//      err -= 2 * tau * VecTools.multiply(targetProj, MxTools.multiply(posteriorCovInv, targetProj));
//      err += VecTools.multiply(mu, MxTools.multiply(empericalCov, mu));
//      assert (err > 0);
//      return err;
//    }
//  }
//  private int[] learnPoints(Loss loss, VecDataSet ds) {
//    if (loss instanceof WeightedLoss) {
//      return ((WeightedLoss) loss).points();
//    } else return ArrayTools.sequence(0, ds.length());
//  }
//  private double weight(final AdditiveStatistics stat) {
//    if (stat instanceof L2.MSEStats) {
//      return ((L2.MSEStats) stat).weight;
//    } else if (stat instanceof WeightedLoss.Stat) {
//      return weight(((WeightedLoss.Stat) stat).inside);
//    } else {
//      throw new RuntimeException("error");
//    }
//  }
//  private double sum(final AdditiveStatistics stat) {
//    if (stat instanceof L2.MSEStats) {
//      return ((L2.MSEStats) stat).sum;
//    } else if (stat instanceof WeightedLoss.Stat) {
//      return sum(((WeightedLoss.Stat) stat).inside);
//    } else {
//      throw new RuntimeException("error");
//    }
//  }

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