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 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to
 * use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary
 * form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by
 * Facebook.
 * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use
 * of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and
 * Policies []. This copyright notice
 * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.


import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;



 * This class is auto-generated.
 * For any issues or feature requests related to this class, please let us know
 * on github and we'll fix in our codegen framework. We'll not be able to accept
 * pull request for this class.
public class AdsInsights extends APINode {
  private String mAccountCurrency = null;
  private String mAccountId = null;
  private String mAccountName = null;
  private List mActionValues = null;
  private List mActions = null;
  private String mActivityRecency = null;
  private List mAdClickActions = null;
  private String mAdFormatAsset = null;
  private String mAdId = null;
  private List mAdImpressionActions = null;
  private String mAdName = null;
  private String mAdsetId = null;
  private String mAdsetName = null;
  private String mAge = null;
  private String mAgeTargeting = null;
  private String mAuctionBid = null;
  private String mAuctionCompetitiveness = null;
  private String mAuctionMaxCompetitorBid = null;
  private String mBidType = null;
  private Object mBodyAsset = null;
  private String mBuyingType = null;
  private Object mCallToActionAsset = null;
  private String mCampaignId = null;
  private String mCampaignName = null;
  private String mCanvasAvgViewPercent = null;
  private String mCanvasAvgViewTime = null;
  private String mClicks = null;
  private List mConversionValues = null;
  private List mConversions = null;
  private List mCostPer10SecVideoView = null;
  private List mCostPer15SecVideoView = null;
  private List mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView = null;
  private List mCostPerActionType = null;
  private List mCostPerAdClick = null;
  private List mCostPerConversion = null;
  private String mCostPerDdaCountbyConvs = null;
  private String mCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers = null;
  private String mCostPerInlineLinkClick = null;
  private String mCostPerInlinePostEngagement = null;
  private List mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression = null;
  private List mCostPerOutboundClick = null;
  private List mCostPerThruplay = null;
  private List mCostPerUniqueActionType = null;
  private String mCostPerUniqueClick = null;
  private List mCostPerUniqueConversion = null;
  private String mCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick = null;
  private List mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick = null;
  private String mCountry = null;
  private String mCpc = null;
  private String mCpm = null;
  private String mCpp = null;
  private String mCreatedTime = null;
  private String mCreativeFingerprint = null;
  private String mCtr = null;
  private String mDateStart = null;
  private String mDateStop = null;
  private String mDdaCountbyConvs = null;
  private Object mDescriptionAsset = null;
  private String mDevicePlatform = null;
  private String mDma = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallRate = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallers = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound = null;
  private String mEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound = null;
  private String mFrequency = null;
  private String mFrequencyValue = null;
  private String mGender = null;
  private String mGenderTargeting = null;
  private String mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone = null;
  private String mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone = null;
  private Object mImageAsset = null;
  private String mImpressionDevice = null;
  private String mImpressions = null;
  private String mImpressionsDummy = null;
  private String mInlineLinkClickCtr = null;
  private String mInlineLinkClicks = null;
  private String mInlinePostEngagement = null;
  private String mLabels = null;
  private Object mLinkUrlAsset = null;
  private String mLocation = null;
  private Object mMediaAsset = null;
  private List mMobileAppPurchaseRoas = null;
  private String mObjective = null;
  private List mOutboundClicks = null;
  private List mOutboundClicksCtr = null;
  private String mPlacePageId = null;
  private String mPlacePageName = null;
  private String mPlacement = null;
  private String mPlatformPosition = null;
  private String mProductFormat = null;
  private String mProductId = null;
  private String mPublisherPlatform = null;
  private List mPurchaseRoas = null;
  private String mPurchasingInterface = null;
  private String mReach = null;
  private String mRegion = null;
  private AdgroupRelevanceScore mRelevanceScore = null;
  private Object mRuleAsset = null;
  private String mSocialSpend = null;
  private String mSpend = null;
  private Object mTitleAsset = null;
  private List mUniqueActions = null;
  private String mUniqueClicks = null;
  private List mUniqueConversions = null;
  private String mUniqueCtr = null;
  private String mUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr = null;
  private String mUniqueInlineLinkClicks = null;
  private String mUniqueLinkClicksCtr = null;
  private List mUniqueOutboundClicks = null;
  private List mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr = null;
  private List mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = null;
  private List mUniqueVideoView10Sec = null;
  private List mUniqueVideoView15Sec = null;
  private String mUpdatedTime = null;
  private List mVideo10SecWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideo15SecWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideo30SecWatchedActions = null;
  private Object mVideoAsset = null;
  private List mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoP100WatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoP25WatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoP50WatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoP75WatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoP95WatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoPlayActions = null;
  private List mVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions = null;
  private List mVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions = null;
  private List mVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions = null;
  private List mVideoThruplayWatchedActions = null;
  private List mVideoTimeWatchedActions = null;
  private List mWebsiteCtr = null;
  private List mWebsitePurchaseRoas = null;
  private String mWishBid = null;
  protected static Gson gson = null;

  public AdsInsights() {

  public String getId() {
    return null;
  public static AdsInsights loadJSON(String json, APIContext context, String header) {
    AdsInsights adsInsights = getGson().fromJson(json, AdsInsights.class);
    if (context.isDebug()) {
      JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
      JsonElement o1 = parser.parse(json);
      JsonElement o2 = parser.parse(adsInsights.toString());
      if (o1.getAsJsonObject().get("__fb_trace_id__") != null) {
        o2.getAsJsonObject().add("__fb_trace_id__", o1.getAsJsonObject().get("__fb_trace_id__"));
      if (!o1.equals(o2)) {
        context.log("[Warning] When parsing response, object is not consistent with JSON:");
        context.log("[JSON]" + o1);
        context.log("[Object]" + o2);
    adsInsights.context = context;
    adsInsights.rawValue = json;
    adsInsights.header = header;
    return adsInsights;

  public static APINodeList parseResponse(String json, APIContext context, APIRequest request, String header) throws MalformedResponseException {
    APINodeList adsInsightss = new APINodeList(request, json, header);
    JsonArray arr;
    JsonObject obj;
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    Exception exception = null;
      JsonElement result = parser.parse(json);
      if (result.isJsonArray()) {
        // First, check if it's a pure JSON Array
        arr = result.getAsJsonArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
          adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(arr.get(i).getAsJsonObject().toString(), context, header));
        return adsInsightss;
      } else if (result.isJsonObject()) {
        obj = result.getAsJsonObject();
        if (obj.has("data")) {
          if (obj.has("paging")) {
            JsonObject paging = obj.get("paging").getAsJsonObject();
            if (paging.has("cursors")) {
                JsonObject cursors = paging.get("cursors").getAsJsonObject();
                String before = cursors.has("before") ? cursors.get("before").getAsString() : null;
                String after = cursors.has("after") ? cursors.get("after").getAsString() : null;
                adsInsightss.setCursors(before, after);
            String previous = paging.has("previous") ? paging.get("previous").getAsString() : null;
            String next = paging.has("next") ? paging.get("next").getAsString() : null;
            adsInsightss.setPaging(previous, next);
            if (context.hasAppSecret()) {
          if (obj.get("data").isJsonArray()) {
            // Second, check if it's a JSON array with "data"
            arr = obj.get("data").getAsJsonArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
              adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(arr.get(i).getAsJsonObject().toString(), context, header));
          } else if (obj.get("data").isJsonObject()) {
            // Third, check if it's a JSON object with "data"
            obj = obj.get("data").getAsJsonObject();
            boolean isRedownload = false;
            for (String s : new String[]{"campaigns", "adsets", "ads"}) {
              if (obj.has(s)) {
                isRedownload = true;
                obj = obj.getAsJsonObject(s);
                for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
                  adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(entry.getValue().toString(), context, header));
            if (!isRedownload) {
              adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(obj.toString(), context, header));
          return adsInsightss;
        } else if (obj.has("images")) {
          // Fourth, check if it's a map of image objects
          obj = obj.get("images").getAsJsonObject();
          for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
              adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(entry.getValue().toString(), context, header));
          return adsInsightss;
        } else {
          // Fifth, check if it's an array of objects indexed by id
          boolean isIdIndexedArray = true;
          for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (key.equals("__fb_trace_id__")) {
            JsonElement value = (JsonElement) entry.getValue();
            if (
              value != null &&
              value.isJsonObject() &&
              value.getAsJsonObject().has("id") &&
              value.getAsJsonObject().get("id") != null &&
            ) {
              adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(value.toString(), context, header));
            } else {
              isIdIndexedArray = false;
          if (isIdIndexedArray) {
            return adsInsightss;

          // Sixth, check if it's pure JsonObject
          adsInsightss.add(loadJSON(json, context, header));
          return adsInsightss;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      exception = e;
    throw new MalformedResponseException(
      "Invalid response string: " + json,

  public APIContext getContext() {
    return context;

  public void setContext(APIContext context) {
    this.context = context;

  public String toString() {
    return getGson().toJson(this);

  public String getFieldAccountCurrency() {
    return mAccountCurrency;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAccountCurrency(String value) {
    this.mAccountCurrency = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAccountId() {
    return mAccountId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAccountId(String value) {
    this.mAccountId = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAccountName() {
    return mAccountName;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAccountName(String value) {
    this.mAccountName = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldActionValues() {
    return mActionValues;

  public AdsInsights setFieldActionValues(List value) {
    this.mActionValues = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldActionValues(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mActionValues = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldActions() {
    return mActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldActions(List value) {
    this.mActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldActivityRecency() {
    return mActivityRecency;

  public AdsInsights setFieldActivityRecency(String value) {
    this.mActivityRecency = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldAdClickActions() {
    return mAdClickActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdClickActions(List value) {
    this.mAdClickActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdClickActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mAdClickActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldAdFormatAsset() {
    return mAdFormatAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdFormatAsset(String value) {
    this.mAdFormatAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAdId() {
    return mAdId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdId(String value) {
    this.mAdId = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldAdImpressionActions() {
    return mAdImpressionActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdImpressionActions(List value) {
    this.mAdImpressionActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdImpressionActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mAdImpressionActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldAdName() {
    return mAdName;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdName(String value) {
    this.mAdName = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAdsetId() {
    return mAdsetId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdsetId(String value) {
    this.mAdsetId = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAdsetName() {
    return mAdsetName;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAdsetName(String value) {
    this.mAdsetName = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAge() {
    return mAge;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAge(String value) {
    this.mAge = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAgeTargeting() {
    return mAgeTargeting;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAgeTargeting(String value) {
    this.mAgeTargeting = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAuctionBid() {
    return mAuctionBid;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAuctionBid(String value) {
    this.mAuctionBid = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAuctionCompetitiveness() {
    return mAuctionCompetitiveness;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAuctionCompetitiveness(String value) {
    this.mAuctionCompetitiveness = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAuctionMaxCompetitorBid() {
    return mAuctionMaxCompetitorBid;

  public AdsInsights setFieldAuctionMaxCompetitorBid(String value) {
    this.mAuctionMaxCompetitorBid = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldBidType() {
    return mBidType;

  public AdsInsights setFieldBidType(String value) {
    this.mBidType = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldBodyAsset() {
    return mBodyAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldBodyAsset(Object value) {
    this.mBodyAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldBuyingType() {
    return mBuyingType;

  public AdsInsights setFieldBuyingType(String value) {
    this.mBuyingType = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldCallToActionAsset() {
    return mCallToActionAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCallToActionAsset(Object value) {
    this.mCallToActionAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCampaignId() {
    return mCampaignId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCampaignId(String value) {
    this.mCampaignId = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCampaignName() {
    return mCampaignName;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCampaignName(String value) {
    this.mCampaignName = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCanvasAvgViewPercent() {
    return mCanvasAvgViewPercent;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCanvasAvgViewPercent(String value) {
    this.mCanvasAvgViewPercent = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCanvasAvgViewTime() {
    return mCanvasAvgViewTime;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCanvasAvgViewTime(String value) {
    this.mCanvasAvgViewTime = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldClicks() {
    return mClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldClicks(String value) {
    this.mClicks = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldConversionValues() {
    return mConversionValues;

  public AdsInsights setFieldConversionValues(List value) {
    this.mConversionValues = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldConversionValues(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mConversionValues = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldConversions() {
    return mConversions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldConversions(List value) {
    this.mConversions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldConversions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mConversions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPer10SecVideoView() {
    return mCostPer10SecVideoView;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer10SecVideoView(List value) {
    this.mCostPer10SecVideoView = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer10SecVideoView(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPer10SecVideoView = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPer15SecVideoView() {
    return mCostPer15SecVideoView;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer15SecVideoView(List value) {
    this.mCostPer15SecVideoView = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer15SecVideoView(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPer15SecVideoView = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView() {
    return mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView(List value) {
    this.mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerActionType() {
    return mCostPerActionType;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerActionType(List value) {
    this.mCostPerActionType = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerActionType(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerActionType = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerAdClick() {
    return mCostPerAdClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerAdClick(List value) {
    this.mCostPerAdClick = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerAdClick(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerAdClick = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerConversion() {
    return mCostPerConversion;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerConversion(List value) {
    this.mCostPerConversion = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerConversion(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerConversion = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldCostPerDdaCountbyConvs() {
    return mCostPerDdaCountbyConvs;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerDdaCountbyConvs(String value) {
    this.mCostPerDdaCountbyConvs = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers() {
    return mCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers(String value) {
    this.mCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCostPerInlineLinkClick() {
    return mCostPerInlineLinkClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerInlineLinkClick(String value) {
    this.mCostPerInlineLinkClick = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCostPerInlinePostEngagement() {
    return mCostPerInlinePostEngagement;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerInlinePostEngagement(String value) {
    this.mCostPerInlinePostEngagement = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCostPerOneThousandAdImpression() {
    return mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerOneThousandAdImpression(List value) {
    this.mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerOneThousandAdImpression(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerOutboundClick() {
    return mCostPerOutboundClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerOutboundClick(List value) {
    this.mCostPerOutboundClick = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerOutboundClick(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerOutboundClick = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerThruplay() {
    return mCostPerThruplay;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerThruplay(List value) {
    this.mCostPerThruplay = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerThruplay(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerThruplay = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCostPerUniqueActionType() {
    return mCostPerUniqueActionType;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueActionType(List value) {
    this.mCostPerUniqueActionType = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueActionType(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerUniqueActionType = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldCostPerUniqueClick() {
    return mCostPerUniqueClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueClick(String value) {
    this.mCostPerUniqueClick = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCostPerUniqueConversion() {
    return mCostPerUniqueConversion;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueConversion(List value) {
    this.mCostPerUniqueConversion = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueConversion(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerUniqueConversion = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick() {
    return mCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick(String value) {
    this.mCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCostPerUniqueOutboundClick() {
    return mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueOutboundClick(List value) {
    this.mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCostPerUniqueOutboundClick(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldCountry() {
    return mCountry;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCountry(String value) {
    this.mCountry = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCpc() {
    return mCpc;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCpc(String value) {
    this.mCpc = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCpm() {
    return mCpm;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCpm(String value) {
    this.mCpm = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCpp() {
    return mCpp;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCpp(String value) {
    this.mCpp = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCreatedTime() {
    return mCreatedTime;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCreatedTime(String value) {
    this.mCreatedTime = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCreativeFingerprint() {
    return mCreativeFingerprint;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCreativeFingerprint(String value) {
    this.mCreativeFingerprint = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldCtr() {
    return mCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldCtr(String value) {
    this.mCtr = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldDateStart() {
    return mDateStart;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDateStart(String value) {
    this.mDateStart = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldDateStop() {
    return mDateStop;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDateStop(String value) {
    this.mDateStop = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldDdaCountbyConvs() {
    return mDdaCountbyConvs;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDdaCountbyConvs(String value) {
    this.mDdaCountbyConvs = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldDescriptionAsset() {
    return mDescriptionAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDescriptionAsset(Object value) {
    this.mDescriptionAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldDevicePlatform() {
    return mDevicePlatform;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDevicePlatform(String value) {
    this.mDevicePlatform = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldDma() {
    return mDma;

  public AdsInsights setFieldDma(String value) {
    this.mDma = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallRate() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallRate;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallRate(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRate = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallers() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallers;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallers(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallers = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound() {
    return mEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound;

  public AdsInsights setFieldEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound(String value) {
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldFrequency() {
    return mFrequency;

  public AdsInsights setFieldFrequency(String value) {
    this.mFrequency = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldFrequencyValue() {
    return mFrequencyValue;

  public AdsInsights setFieldFrequencyValue(String value) {
    this.mFrequencyValue = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldGender() {
    return mGender;

  public AdsInsights setFieldGender(String value) {
    this.mGender = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldGenderTargeting() {
    return mGenderTargeting;

  public AdsInsights setFieldGenderTargeting(String value) {
    this.mGenderTargeting = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone() {
    return mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone;

  public AdsInsights setFieldHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone(String value) {
    this.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone() {
    return mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone;

  public AdsInsights setFieldHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone(String value) {
    this.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldImageAsset() {
    return mImageAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldImageAsset(Object value) {
    this.mImageAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldImpressionDevice() {
    return mImpressionDevice;

  public AdsInsights setFieldImpressionDevice(String value) {
    this.mImpressionDevice = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldImpressions() {
    return mImpressions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldImpressions(String value) {
    this.mImpressions = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldImpressionsDummy() {
    return mImpressionsDummy;

  public AdsInsights setFieldImpressionsDummy(String value) {
    this.mImpressionsDummy = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldInlineLinkClickCtr() {
    return mInlineLinkClickCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldInlineLinkClickCtr(String value) {
    this.mInlineLinkClickCtr = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldInlineLinkClicks() {
    return mInlineLinkClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldInlineLinkClicks(String value) {
    this.mInlineLinkClicks = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldInlinePostEngagement() {
    return mInlinePostEngagement;

  public AdsInsights setFieldInlinePostEngagement(String value) {
    this.mInlinePostEngagement = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldLabels() {
    return mLabels;

  public AdsInsights setFieldLabels(String value) {
    this.mLabels = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldLinkUrlAsset() {
    return mLinkUrlAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldLinkUrlAsset(Object value) {
    this.mLinkUrlAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldLocation() {
    return mLocation;

  public AdsInsights setFieldLocation(String value) {
    this.mLocation = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldMediaAsset() {
    return mMediaAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldMediaAsset(Object value) {
    this.mMediaAsset = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldMobileAppPurchaseRoas() {
    return mMobileAppPurchaseRoas;

  public AdsInsights setFieldMobileAppPurchaseRoas(List value) {
    this.mMobileAppPurchaseRoas = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldMobileAppPurchaseRoas(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mMobileAppPurchaseRoas = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldObjective() {
    return mObjective;

  public AdsInsights setFieldObjective(String value) {
    this.mObjective = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldOutboundClicks() {
    return mOutboundClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldOutboundClicks(List value) {
    this.mOutboundClicks = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldOutboundClicks(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mOutboundClicks = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldOutboundClicksCtr() {
    return mOutboundClicksCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldOutboundClicksCtr(List value) {
    this.mOutboundClicksCtr = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldOutboundClicksCtr(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mOutboundClicksCtr = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldPlacePageId() {
    return mPlacePageId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPlacePageId(String value) {
    this.mPlacePageId = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldPlacePageName() {
    return mPlacePageName;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPlacePageName(String value) {
    this.mPlacePageName = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldPlacement() {
    return mPlacement;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPlacement(String value) {
    this.mPlacement = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldPlatformPosition() {
    return mPlatformPosition;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPlatformPosition(String value) {
    this.mPlatformPosition = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldProductFormat() {
    return mProductFormat;

  public AdsInsights setFieldProductFormat(String value) {
    this.mProductFormat = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldProductId() {
    return mProductId;

  public AdsInsights setFieldProductId(String value) {
    this.mProductId = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldPublisherPlatform() {
    return mPublisherPlatform;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPublisherPlatform(String value) {
    this.mPublisherPlatform = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldPurchaseRoas() {
    return mPurchaseRoas;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPurchaseRoas(List value) {
    this.mPurchaseRoas = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPurchaseRoas(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mPurchaseRoas = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldPurchasingInterface() {
    return mPurchasingInterface;

  public AdsInsights setFieldPurchasingInterface(String value) {
    this.mPurchasingInterface = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldReach() {
    return mReach;

  public AdsInsights setFieldReach(String value) {
    this.mReach = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldRegion() {
    return mRegion;

  public AdsInsights setFieldRegion(String value) {
    this.mRegion = value;
    return this;

  public AdgroupRelevanceScore getFieldRelevanceScore() {
    return mRelevanceScore;

  public AdsInsights setFieldRelevanceScore(AdgroupRelevanceScore value) {
    this.mRelevanceScore = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldRelevanceScore(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mRelevanceScore = AdgroupRelevanceScore.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public Object getFieldRuleAsset() {
    return mRuleAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldRuleAsset(Object value) {
    this.mRuleAsset = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldSocialSpend() {
    return mSocialSpend;

  public AdsInsights setFieldSocialSpend(String value) {
    this.mSocialSpend = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldSpend() {
    return mSpend;

  public AdsInsights setFieldSpend(String value) {
    this.mSpend = value;
    return this;

  public Object getFieldTitleAsset() {
    return mTitleAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldTitleAsset(Object value) {
    this.mTitleAsset = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUniqueActions() {
    return mUniqueActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueActions(List value) {
    this.mUniqueActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldUniqueClicks() {
    return mUniqueClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueClicks(String value) {
    this.mUniqueClicks = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUniqueConversions() {
    return mUniqueConversions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueConversions(List value) {
    this.mUniqueConversions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueConversions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueConversions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldUniqueCtr() {
    return mUniqueCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueCtr(String value) {
    this.mUniqueCtr = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr() {
    return mUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr(String value) {
    this.mUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldUniqueInlineLinkClicks() {
    return mUniqueInlineLinkClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueInlineLinkClicks(String value) {
    this.mUniqueInlineLinkClicks = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldUniqueLinkClicksCtr() {
    return mUniqueLinkClicksCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueLinkClicksCtr(String value) {
    this.mUniqueLinkClicksCtr = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUniqueOutboundClicks() {
    return mUniqueOutboundClicks;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueOutboundClicks(List value) {
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicks = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueOutboundClicks(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicks = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldUniqueOutboundClicksCtr() {
    return mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueOutboundClicksCtr(List value) {
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueOutboundClicksCtr(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions() {
    return mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldUniqueVideoView10Sec() {
    return mUniqueVideoView10Sec;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoView10Sec(List value) {
    this.mUniqueVideoView10Sec = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoView10Sec(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueVideoView10Sec = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldUniqueVideoView15Sec() {
    return mUniqueVideoView15Sec;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoView15Sec(List value) {
    this.mUniqueVideoView15Sec = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUniqueVideoView15Sec(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUniqueVideoView15Sec = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldUpdatedTime() {
    return mUpdatedTime;

  public AdsInsights setFieldUpdatedTime(String value) {
    this.mUpdatedTime = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldVideo10SecWatchedActions() {
    return mVideo10SecWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo10SecWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideo10SecWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo10SecWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideo10SecWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideo15SecWatchedActions() {
    return mVideo15SecWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo15SecWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideo15SecWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo15SecWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideo15SecWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideo30SecWatchedActions() {
    return mVideo30SecWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo30SecWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideo30SecWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideo30SecWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideo30SecWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public Object getFieldVideoAsset() {
    return mVideoAsset;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoAsset(Object value) {
    this.mVideoAsset = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions() {
    return mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions() {
    return mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions() {
    return mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoP100WatchedActions() {
    return mVideoP100WatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP100WatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoP100WatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP100WatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoP100WatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoP25WatchedActions() {
    return mVideoP25WatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP25WatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoP25WatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP25WatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoP25WatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoP50WatchedActions() {
    return mVideoP50WatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP50WatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoP50WatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP50WatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoP50WatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoP75WatchedActions() {
    return mVideoP75WatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP75WatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoP75WatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP75WatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoP75WatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoP95WatchedActions() {
    return mVideoP95WatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP95WatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoP95WatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoP95WatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoP95WatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoPlayActions() {
    return mVideoPlayActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoPlayActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoPlayActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoPlayActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoPlayActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions() {
    return mVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions() {
    return mVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions() {
    return mVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldVideoThruplayWatchedActions() {
    return mVideoThruplayWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoThruplayWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoThruplayWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoThruplayWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoThruplayWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldVideoTimeWatchedActions() {
    return mVideoTimeWatchedActions;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoTimeWatchedActions(List value) {
    this.mVideoTimeWatchedActions = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldVideoTimeWatchedActions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mVideoTimeWatchedActions = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldWebsiteCtr() {
    return mWebsiteCtr;

  public AdsInsights setFieldWebsiteCtr(List value) {
    this.mWebsiteCtr = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldWebsiteCtr(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mWebsiteCtr = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldWebsitePurchaseRoas() {
    return mWebsitePurchaseRoas;

  public AdsInsights setFieldWebsitePurchaseRoas(List value) {
    this.mWebsitePurchaseRoas = value;
    return this;

  public AdsInsights setFieldWebsitePurchaseRoas(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mWebsitePurchaseRoas = AdsActionStats.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldWishBid() {
    return mWishBid;

  public AdsInsights setFieldWishBid(String value) {
    this.mWishBid = value;
    return this;

  public static enum EnumActionAttributionWindows {

      private String value;

      private EnumActionAttributionWindows(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumActionBreakdowns {

      private String value;

      private EnumActionBreakdowns(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumActionReportTime {

      private String value;

      private EnumActionReportTime(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumBreakdowns {

      private String value;

      private EnumBreakdowns(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumDatePreset {

      private String value;

      private EnumDatePreset(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumLevel {

      private String value;

      private EnumLevel(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumSummaryActionBreakdowns {

      private String value;

      private EnumSummaryActionBreakdowns(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  synchronized /*package*/ static Gson getGson() {
    if (gson != null) {
      return gson;
    } else {
      gson = new GsonBuilder()
    return gson;

  public AdsInsights copyFrom(AdsInsights instance) {
    this.mAccountCurrency = instance.mAccountCurrency;
    this.mAccountId = instance.mAccountId;
    this.mAccountName = instance.mAccountName;
    this.mActionValues = instance.mActionValues;
    this.mActions = instance.mActions;
    this.mActivityRecency = instance.mActivityRecency;
    this.mAdClickActions = instance.mAdClickActions;
    this.mAdFormatAsset = instance.mAdFormatAsset;
    this.mAdId = instance.mAdId;
    this.mAdImpressionActions = instance.mAdImpressionActions;
    this.mAdName = instance.mAdName;
    this.mAdsetId = instance.mAdsetId;
    this.mAdsetName = instance.mAdsetName;
    this.mAge = instance.mAge;
    this.mAgeTargeting = instance.mAgeTargeting;
    this.mAuctionBid = instance.mAuctionBid;
    this.mAuctionCompetitiveness = instance.mAuctionCompetitiveness;
    this.mAuctionMaxCompetitorBid = instance.mAuctionMaxCompetitorBid;
    this.mBidType = instance.mBidType;
    this.mBodyAsset = instance.mBodyAsset;
    this.mBuyingType = instance.mBuyingType;
    this.mCallToActionAsset = instance.mCallToActionAsset;
    this.mCampaignId = instance.mCampaignId;
    this.mCampaignName = instance.mCampaignName;
    this.mCanvasAvgViewPercent = instance.mCanvasAvgViewPercent;
    this.mCanvasAvgViewTime = instance.mCanvasAvgViewTime;
    this.mClicks = instance.mClicks;
    this.mConversionValues = instance.mConversionValues;
    this.mConversions = instance.mConversions;
    this.mCostPer10SecVideoView = instance.mCostPer10SecVideoView;
    this.mCostPer15SecVideoView = instance.mCostPer15SecVideoView;
    this.mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView = instance.mCostPer2SecContinuousVideoView;
    this.mCostPerActionType = instance.mCostPerActionType;
    this.mCostPerAdClick = instance.mCostPerAdClick;
    this.mCostPerConversion = instance.mCostPerConversion;
    this.mCostPerDdaCountbyConvs = instance.mCostPerDdaCountbyConvs;
    this.mCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers = instance.mCostPerEstimatedAdRecallers;
    this.mCostPerInlineLinkClick = instance.mCostPerInlineLinkClick;
    this.mCostPerInlinePostEngagement = instance.mCostPerInlinePostEngagement;
    this.mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression = instance.mCostPerOneThousandAdImpression;
    this.mCostPerOutboundClick = instance.mCostPerOutboundClick;
    this.mCostPerThruplay = instance.mCostPerThruplay;
    this.mCostPerUniqueActionType = instance.mCostPerUniqueActionType;
    this.mCostPerUniqueClick = instance.mCostPerUniqueClick;
    this.mCostPerUniqueConversion = instance.mCostPerUniqueConversion;
    this.mCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick = instance.mCostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick;
    this.mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick = instance.mCostPerUniqueOutboundClick;
    this.mCountry = instance.mCountry;
    this.mCpc = instance.mCpc;
    this.mCpm = instance.mCpm;
    this.mCpp = instance.mCpp;
    this.mCreatedTime = instance.mCreatedTime;
    this.mCreativeFingerprint = instance.mCreativeFingerprint;
    this.mCtr = instance.mCtr;
    this.mDateStart = instance.mDateStart;
    this.mDateStop = instance.mDateStop;
    this.mDdaCountbyConvs = instance.mDdaCountbyConvs;
    this.mDescriptionAsset = instance.mDescriptionAsset;
    this.mDevicePlatform = instance.mDevicePlatform;
    this.mDma = instance.mDma;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRate = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallRate;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallRateLowerBound;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallRateUpperBound;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallers = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallers;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallersLowerBound;
    this.mEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound = instance.mEstimatedAdRecallersUpperBound;
    this.mFrequency = instance.mFrequency;
    this.mFrequencyValue = instance.mFrequencyValue;
    this.mGender = instance.mGender;
    this.mGenderTargeting = instance.mGenderTargeting;
    this.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone = instance.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone;
    this.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone = instance.mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAudienceTimeZone;
    this.mImageAsset = instance.mImageAsset;
    this.mImpressionDevice = instance.mImpressionDevice;
    this.mImpressions = instance.mImpressions;
    this.mImpressionsDummy = instance.mImpressionsDummy;
    this.mInlineLinkClickCtr = instance.mInlineLinkClickCtr;
    this.mInlineLinkClicks = instance.mInlineLinkClicks;
    this.mInlinePostEngagement = instance.mInlinePostEngagement;
    this.mLabels = instance.mLabels;
    this.mLinkUrlAsset = instance.mLinkUrlAsset;
    this.mLocation = instance.mLocation;
    this.mMediaAsset = instance.mMediaAsset;
    this.mMobileAppPurchaseRoas = instance.mMobileAppPurchaseRoas;
    this.mObjective = instance.mObjective;
    this.mOutboundClicks = instance.mOutboundClicks;
    this.mOutboundClicksCtr = instance.mOutboundClicksCtr;
    this.mPlacePageId = instance.mPlacePageId;
    this.mPlacePageName = instance.mPlacePageName;
    this.mPlacement = instance.mPlacement;
    this.mPlatformPosition = instance.mPlatformPosition;
    this.mProductFormat = instance.mProductFormat;
    this.mProductId = instance.mProductId;
    this.mPublisherPlatform = instance.mPublisherPlatform;
    this.mPurchaseRoas = instance.mPurchaseRoas;
    this.mPurchasingInterface = instance.mPurchasingInterface;
    this.mReach = instance.mReach;
    this.mRegion = instance.mRegion;
    this.mRelevanceScore = instance.mRelevanceScore;
    this.mRuleAsset = instance.mRuleAsset;
    this.mSocialSpend = instance.mSocialSpend;
    this.mSpend = instance.mSpend;
    this.mTitleAsset = instance.mTitleAsset;
    this.mUniqueActions = instance.mUniqueActions;
    this.mUniqueClicks = instance.mUniqueClicks;
    this.mUniqueConversions = instance.mUniqueConversions;
    this.mUniqueCtr = instance.mUniqueCtr;
    this.mUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr = instance.mUniqueInlineLinkClickCtr;
    this.mUniqueInlineLinkClicks = instance.mUniqueInlineLinkClicks;
    this.mUniqueLinkClicksCtr = instance.mUniqueLinkClicksCtr;
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicks = instance.mUniqueOutboundClicks;
    this.mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr = instance.mUniqueOutboundClicksCtr;
    this.mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = instance.mUniqueVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions;
    this.mUniqueVideoView10Sec = instance.mUniqueVideoView10Sec;
    this.mUniqueVideoView15Sec = instance.mUniqueVideoView15Sec;
    this.mUpdatedTime = instance.mUpdatedTime;
    this.mVideo10SecWatchedActions = instance.mVideo10SecWatchedActions;
    this.mVideo15SecWatchedActions = instance.mVideo15SecWatchedActions;
    this.mVideo30SecWatchedActions = instance.mVideo30SecWatchedActions;
    this.mVideoAsset = instance.mVideoAsset;
    this.mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions = instance.mVideoAvgPercentWatchedActions;
    this.mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions = instance.mVideoAvgTimeWatchedActions;
    this.mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions = instance.mVideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions;
    this.mVideoP100WatchedActions = instance.mVideoP100WatchedActions;
    this.mVideoP25WatchedActions = instance.mVideoP25WatchedActions;
    this.mVideoP50WatchedActions = instance.mVideoP50WatchedActions;
    this.mVideoP75WatchedActions = instance.mVideoP75WatchedActions;
    this.mVideoP95WatchedActions = instance.mVideoP95WatchedActions;
    this.mVideoPlayActions = instance.mVideoPlayActions;
    this.mVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions = instance.mVideoPlayRetention0To15sActions;
    this.mVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions = instance.mVideoPlayRetention20To60sActions;
    this.mVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions = instance.mVideoPlayRetentionGraphActions;
    this.mVideoThruplayWatchedActions = instance.mVideoThruplayWatchedActions;
    this.mVideoTimeWatchedActions = instance.mVideoTimeWatchedActions;
    this.mWebsiteCtr = instance.mWebsiteCtr;
    this.mWebsitePurchaseRoas = instance.mWebsitePurchaseRoas;
    this.mWishBid = instance.mWishBid;
    this.context = instance.context;
    this.rawValue = instance.rawValue;
    return this;

  public static APIRequest.ResponseParser getParser() {
    return new APIRequest.ResponseParser() {
      public APINodeList parseResponse(String response, APIContext context, APIRequest request, String header) throws MalformedResponseException {
        return AdsInsights.parseResponse(response, context, request, header);