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 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to
 * use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary
 * form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by
 * Facebook.
 * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use
 * of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and
 * Policies []. This copyright notice
 * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.


import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;



 * This class is auto-generated.
 * For any issues or feature requests related to this class, please let us know
 * on github and we'll fix in our codegen framework. We'll not be able to accept
 * pull request for this class.
public class Targeting extends APINode {
  private String mAdgroupId = null;
  private Long mAgeMax = null;
  private Long mAgeMin = null;
  private String mAlternateAutoTargetingOption = null;
  private String mAppInstallState = null;
  private List mAudienceNetworkPositions = null;
  private List mBehaviors = null;
  private List mBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels = null;
  private List mBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels = null;
  private CatalogBasedTargeting mCatalogBasedTargeting = null;
  private List mCities = null;
  private List mCollegeYears = null;
  private List mConnections = null;
  private List mContextualTargetingCategories = null;
  private List mCountries = null;
  private List mCountry = null;
  private List mCountryGroups = null;
  private List mCustomAudiences = null;
  private List mDevicePlatforms = null;
  private Boolean mDirectInstallDevices = null;
  private List mDynamicAudienceIds = null;
  private List mEducationMajors = null;
  private List mEducationSchools = null;
  private List mEducationStatuses = null;
  private List mEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions = null;
  private List mEffectiveDevicePlatforms = null;
  private List mEffectiveFacebookPositions = null;
  private List mEffectiveInstagramPositions = null;
  private List mEffectiveMessengerPositions = null;
  private List mEffectivePublisherPlatforms = null;
  private List mEngagementSpecs = null;
  private List mEthnicAffinity = null;
  private List mExcludeReachedSince = null;
  private List mExcludedConnections = null;
  private List mExcludedCustomAudiences = null;
  private List mExcludedDynamicAudienceIds = null;
  private List mExcludedEngagementSpecs = null;
  private TargetingGeoLocation mExcludedGeoLocations = null;
  private List mExcludedMobileDeviceModel = null;
  private List mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs = null;
  private List mExcludedPublisherCategories = null;
  private List mExcludedPublisherListIds = null;
  private List mExcludedUserDevice = null;
  private FlexibleTargeting mExclusions = null;
  private List mFacebookPositions = null;
  private List mFamilyStatuses = null;
  private String mFbDealId = null;
  private List mFlexibleSpec = null;
  private List mFriendsOfConnections = null;
  private List mGenders = null;
  private List mGeneration = null;
  private TargetingGeoLocation mGeoLocations = null;
  private List mHomeOwnership = null;
  private List mHomeType = null;
  private List mHomeValue = null;
  private List mHouseholdComposition = null;
  private List mIncome = null;
  private List mIndustries = null;
  private List mInstagramPositions = null;
  private List mInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements = null;
  private List mInterestedIn = null;
  private List mInterests = null;
  private Boolean mIsWhatsappDestinationAd = null;
  private List mKeywords = null;
  private List mLifeEvents = null;
  private List mLocales = null;
  private List mMessengerPositions = null;
  private List mMoms = null;
  private List mNetWorth = null;
  private List mOfficeType = null;
  private List mPlacePageSetIds = null;
  private List mPoliticalViews = null;
  private List mPolitics = null;
  private List mProductAudienceSpecs = null;
  private TargetingProspectingAudience mProspectingAudience = null;
  private List mPublisherPlatforms = null;
  private List mPublisherVisibilityCategories = null;
  private String mRadius = null;
  private List mRegions = null;
  private List mRelationshipStatuses = null;
  private List mSiteCategory = null;
  private String mTargetingOptimization = null;
  private List mUserAdclusters = null;
  private List mUserDevice = null;
  private List mUserEvent = null;
  private List mUserOs = null;
  private List mWirelessCarrier = null;
  private List mWorkEmployers = null;
  private List mWorkPositions = null;
  private List mZips = null;
  protected static Gson gson = null;

  public Targeting() {

  public String getId() {
    return null;
  public static Targeting loadJSON(String json, APIContext context, String header) {
    Targeting targeting = getGson().fromJson(json, Targeting.class);
    if (context.isDebug()) {
      JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
      JsonElement o1 = parser.parse(json);
      JsonElement o2 = parser.parse(targeting.toString());
      if (o1.getAsJsonObject().get("__fb_trace_id__") != null) {
        o2.getAsJsonObject().add("__fb_trace_id__", o1.getAsJsonObject().get("__fb_trace_id__"));
      if (!o1.equals(o2)) {
        context.log("[Warning] When parsing response, object is not consistent with JSON:");
        context.log("[JSON]" + o1);
        context.log("[Object]" + o2);
    targeting.context = context;
    targeting.rawValue = json;
    targeting.header = header;
    return targeting;

  public static APINodeList parseResponse(String json, APIContext context, APIRequest request, String header) throws MalformedResponseException {
    APINodeList targetings = new APINodeList(request, json, header);
    JsonArray arr;
    JsonObject obj;
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    Exception exception = null;
      JsonElement result = parser.parse(json);
      if (result.isJsonArray()) {
        // First, check if it's a pure JSON Array
        arr = result.getAsJsonArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
          targetings.add(loadJSON(arr.get(i).getAsJsonObject().toString(), context, header));
        return targetings;
      } else if (result.isJsonObject()) {
        obj = result.getAsJsonObject();
        if (obj.has("data")) {
          if (obj.has("paging")) {
            JsonObject paging = obj.get("paging").getAsJsonObject();
            if (paging.has("cursors")) {
                JsonObject cursors = paging.get("cursors").getAsJsonObject();
                String before = cursors.has("before") ? cursors.get("before").getAsString() : null;
                String after = cursors.has("after") ? cursors.get("after").getAsString() : null;
                targetings.setCursors(before, after);
            String previous = paging.has("previous") ? paging.get("previous").getAsString() : null;
            String next = paging.has("next") ? paging.get("next").getAsString() : null;
            targetings.setPaging(previous, next);
            if (context.hasAppSecret()) {
          if (obj.get("data").isJsonArray()) {
            // Second, check if it's a JSON array with "data"
            arr = obj.get("data").getAsJsonArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
              targetings.add(loadJSON(arr.get(i).getAsJsonObject().toString(), context, header));
          } else if (obj.get("data").isJsonObject()) {
            // Third, check if it's a JSON object with "data"
            obj = obj.get("data").getAsJsonObject();
            boolean isRedownload = false;
            for (String s : new String[]{"campaigns", "adsets", "ads"}) {
              if (obj.has(s)) {
                isRedownload = true;
                obj = obj.getAsJsonObject(s);
                for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
                  targetings.add(loadJSON(entry.getValue().toString(), context, header));
            if (!isRedownload) {
              targetings.add(loadJSON(obj.toString(), context, header));
          return targetings;
        } else if (obj.has("images")) {
          // Fourth, check if it's a map of image objects
          obj = obj.get("images").getAsJsonObject();
          for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
              targetings.add(loadJSON(entry.getValue().toString(), context, header));
          return targetings;
        } else {
          // Fifth, check if it's an array of objects indexed by id
          boolean isIdIndexedArray = true;
          for (Map.Entry entry : obj.entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (key.equals("__fb_trace_id__")) {
            JsonElement value = (JsonElement) entry.getValue();
            if (
              value != null &&
              value.isJsonObject() &&
              value.getAsJsonObject().has("id") &&
              value.getAsJsonObject().get("id") != null &&
            ) {
              targetings.add(loadJSON(value.toString(), context, header));
            } else {
              isIdIndexedArray = false;
          if (isIdIndexedArray) {
            return targetings;

          // Sixth, check if it's pure JsonObject
          targetings.add(loadJSON(json, context, header));
          return targetings;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      exception = e;
    throw new MalformedResponseException(
      "Invalid response string: " + json,

  public APIContext getContext() {
    return context;

  public void setContext(APIContext context) {
    this.context = context;

  public String toString() {
    return getGson().toJson(this);

  public String getFieldAdgroupId() {
    return mAdgroupId;

  public Targeting setFieldAdgroupId(String value) {
    this.mAdgroupId = value;
    return this;

  public Long getFieldAgeMax() {
    return mAgeMax;

  public Targeting setFieldAgeMax(Long value) {
    this.mAgeMax = value;
    return this;

  public Long getFieldAgeMin() {
    return mAgeMin;

  public Targeting setFieldAgeMin(Long value) {
    this.mAgeMin = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAlternateAutoTargetingOption() {
    return mAlternateAutoTargetingOption;

  public Targeting setFieldAlternateAutoTargetingOption(String value) {
    this.mAlternateAutoTargetingOption = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldAppInstallState() {
    return mAppInstallState;

  public Targeting setFieldAppInstallState(String value) {
    this.mAppInstallState = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldAudienceNetworkPositions() {
    return mAudienceNetworkPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldAudienceNetworkPositions(List value) {
    this.mAudienceNetworkPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldBehaviors() {
    return mBehaviors;

  public Targeting setFieldBehaviors(List value) {
    this.mBehaviors = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldBehaviors(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mBehaviors = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels() {
    return mBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels;

  public Targeting setFieldBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels(List value) {
    this.mBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels() {
    return mBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels;

  public Targeting setFieldBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels(List value) {
    this.mBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels = value;
    return this;

  public CatalogBasedTargeting getFieldCatalogBasedTargeting() {
    return mCatalogBasedTargeting;

  public Targeting setFieldCatalogBasedTargeting(CatalogBasedTargeting value) {
    this.mCatalogBasedTargeting = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldCatalogBasedTargeting(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mCatalogBasedTargeting = CatalogBasedTargeting.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCities() {
    return mCities;

  public Targeting setFieldCities(List value) {
    this.mCities = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldCities(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCities = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCollegeYears() {
    return mCollegeYears;

  public Targeting setFieldCollegeYears(List value) {
    this.mCollegeYears = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldConnections() {
    return mConnections;

  public Targeting setFieldConnections(List value) {
    this.mConnections = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldConnections(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mConnections = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldContextualTargetingCategories() {
    return mContextualTargetingCategories;

  public Targeting setFieldContextualTargetingCategories(List value) {
    this.mContextualTargetingCategories = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldContextualTargetingCategories(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mContextualTargetingCategories = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldCountries() {
    return mCountries;

  public Targeting setFieldCountries(List value) {
    this.mCountries = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCountry() {
    return mCountry;

  public Targeting setFieldCountry(List value) {
    this.mCountry = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCountryGroups() {
    return mCountryGroups;

  public Targeting setFieldCountryGroups(List value) {
    this.mCountryGroups = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldCustomAudiences() {
    return mCustomAudiences;

  public Targeting setFieldCustomAudiences(List value) {
    this.mCustomAudiences = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldCustomAudiences(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mCustomAudiences = RawCustomAudience.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldDevicePlatforms() {
    return mDevicePlatforms;

  public Targeting setFieldDevicePlatforms(List value) {
    this.mDevicePlatforms = value;
    return this;

  public Boolean getFieldDirectInstallDevices() {
    return mDirectInstallDevices;

  public Targeting setFieldDirectInstallDevices(Boolean value) {
    this.mDirectInstallDevices = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldDynamicAudienceIds() {
    return mDynamicAudienceIds;

  public Targeting setFieldDynamicAudienceIds(List value) {
    this.mDynamicAudienceIds = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEducationMajors() {
    return mEducationMajors;

  public Targeting setFieldEducationMajors(List value) {
    this.mEducationMajors = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldEducationMajors(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mEducationMajors = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldEducationSchools() {
    return mEducationSchools;

  public Targeting setFieldEducationSchools(List value) {
    this.mEducationSchools = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldEducationSchools(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mEducationSchools = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldEducationStatuses() {
    return mEducationStatuses;

  public Targeting setFieldEducationStatuses(List value) {
    this.mEducationStatuses = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions() {
    return mEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions(List value) {
    this.mEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectiveDevicePlatforms() {
    return mEffectiveDevicePlatforms;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectiveDevicePlatforms(List value) {
    this.mEffectiveDevicePlatforms = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectiveFacebookPositions() {
    return mEffectiveFacebookPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectiveFacebookPositions(List value) {
    this.mEffectiveFacebookPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectiveInstagramPositions() {
    return mEffectiveInstagramPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectiveInstagramPositions(List value) {
    this.mEffectiveInstagramPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectiveMessengerPositions() {
    return mEffectiveMessengerPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectiveMessengerPositions(List value) {
    this.mEffectiveMessengerPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEffectivePublisherPlatforms() {
    return mEffectivePublisherPlatforms;

  public Targeting setFieldEffectivePublisherPlatforms(List value) {
    this.mEffectivePublisherPlatforms = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldEngagementSpecs() {
    return mEngagementSpecs;

  public Targeting setFieldEngagementSpecs(List value) {
    this.mEngagementSpecs = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldEngagementSpecs(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mEngagementSpecs = TargetingDynamicRule.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldEthnicAffinity() {
    return mEthnicAffinity;

  public Targeting setFieldEthnicAffinity(List value) {
    this.mEthnicAffinity = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldEthnicAffinity(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mEthnicAffinity = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldExcludeReachedSince() {
    return mExcludeReachedSince;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludeReachedSince(List value) {
    this.mExcludeReachedSince = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldExcludedConnections() {
    return mExcludedConnections;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedConnections(List value) {
    this.mExcludedConnections = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedConnections(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mExcludedConnections = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldExcludedCustomAudiences() {
    return mExcludedCustomAudiences;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedCustomAudiences(List value) {
    this.mExcludedCustomAudiences = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedCustomAudiences(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mExcludedCustomAudiences = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldExcludedDynamicAudienceIds() {
    return mExcludedDynamicAudienceIds;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedDynamicAudienceIds(List value) {
    this.mExcludedDynamicAudienceIds = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldExcludedEngagementSpecs() {
    return mExcludedEngagementSpecs;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedEngagementSpecs(List value) {
    this.mExcludedEngagementSpecs = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedEngagementSpecs(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mExcludedEngagementSpecs = TargetingDynamicRule.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public TargetingGeoLocation getFieldExcludedGeoLocations() {
    return mExcludedGeoLocations;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedGeoLocations(TargetingGeoLocation value) {
    this.mExcludedGeoLocations = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedGeoLocations(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mExcludedGeoLocations = TargetingGeoLocation.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldExcludedMobileDeviceModel() {
    return mExcludedMobileDeviceModel;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedMobileDeviceModel(List value) {
    this.mExcludedMobileDeviceModel = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldExcludedProductAudienceSpecs() {
    return mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedProductAudienceSpecs(List value) {
    this.mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedProductAudienceSpecs(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs = TargetingProductAudienceSpec.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldExcludedPublisherCategories() {
    return mExcludedPublisherCategories;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedPublisherCategories(List value) {
    this.mExcludedPublisherCategories = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldExcludedPublisherListIds() {
    return mExcludedPublisherListIds;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedPublisherListIds(List value) {
    this.mExcludedPublisherListIds = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldExcludedUserDevice() {
    return mExcludedUserDevice;

  public Targeting setFieldExcludedUserDevice(List value) {
    this.mExcludedUserDevice = value;
    return this;

  public FlexibleTargeting getFieldExclusions() {
    return mExclusions;

  public Targeting setFieldExclusions(FlexibleTargeting value) {
    this.mExclusions = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldExclusions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mExclusions = FlexibleTargeting.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldFacebookPositions() {
    return mFacebookPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldFacebookPositions(List value) {
    this.mFacebookPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldFamilyStatuses() {
    return mFamilyStatuses;

  public Targeting setFieldFamilyStatuses(List value) {
    this.mFamilyStatuses = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldFamilyStatuses(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mFamilyStatuses = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public String getFieldFbDealId() {
    return mFbDealId;

  public Targeting setFieldFbDealId(String value) {
    this.mFbDealId = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldFlexibleSpec() {
    return mFlexibleSpec;

  public Targeting setFieldFlexibleSpec(List value) {
    this.mFlexibleSpec = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldFlexibleSpec(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mFlexibleSpec = FlexibleTargeting.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldFriendsOfConnections() {
    return mFriendsOfConnections;

  public Targeting setFieldFriendsOfConnections(List value) {
    this.mFriendsOfConnections = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldFriendsOfConnections(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mFriendsOfConnections = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldGenders() {
    return mGenders;

  public Targeting setFieldGenders(List value) {
    this.mGenders = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldGeneration() {
    return mGeneration;

  public Targeting setFieldGeneration(List value) {
    this.mGeneration = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldGeneration(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mGeneration = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public TargetingGeoLocation getFieldGeoLocations() {
    return mGeoLocations;

  public Targeting setFieldGeoLocations(TargetingGeoLocation value) {
    this.mGeoLocations = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldGeoLocations(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mGeoLocations = TargetingGeoLocation.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldHomeOwnership() {
    return mHomeOwnership;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeOwnership(List value) {
    this.mHomeOwnership = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeOwnership(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mHomeOwnership = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldHomeType() {
    return mHomeType;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeType(List value) {
    this.mHomeType = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeType(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mHomeType = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldHomeValue() {
    return mHomeValue;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeValue(List value) {
    this.mHomeValue = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldHomeValue(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mHomeValue = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldHouseholdComposition() {
    return mHouseholdComposition;

  public Targeting setFieldHouseholdComposition(List value) {
    this.mHouseholdComposition = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldHouseholdComposition(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mHouseholdComposition = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldIncome() {
    return mIncome;

  public Targeting setFieldIncome(List value) {
    this.mIncome = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldIncome(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mIncome = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldIndustries() {
    return mIndustries;

  public Targeting setFieldIndustries(List value) {
    this.mIndustries = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldIndustries(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mIndustries = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldInstagramPositions() {
    return mInstagramPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldInstagramPositions(List value) {
    this.mInstagramPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements() {
    return mInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements;

  public Targeting setFieldInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements(List value) {
    this.mInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldInterestedIn() {
    return mInterestedIn;

  public Targeting setFieldInterestedIn(List value) {
    this.mInterestedIn = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldInterests() {
    return mInterests;

  public Targeting setFieldInterests(List value) {
    this.mInterests = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldInterests(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mInterests = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public Boolean getFieldIsWhatsappDestinationAd() {
    return mIsWhatsappDestinationAd;

  public Targeting setFieldIsWhatsappDestinationAd(Boolean value) {
    this.mIsWhatsappDestinationAd = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldKeywords() {
    return mKeywords;

  public Targeting setFieldKeywords(List value) {
    this.mKeywords = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldLifeEvents() {
    return mLifeEvents;

  public Targeting setFieldLifeEvents(List value) {
    this.mLifeEvents = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldLifeEvents(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mLifeEvents = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldLocales() {
    return mLocales;

  public Targeting setFieldLocales(List value) {
    this.mLocales = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldMessengerPositions() {
    return mMessengerPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldMessengerPositions(List value) {
    this.mMessengerPositions = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldMoms() {
    return mMoms;

  public Targeting setFieldMoms(List value) {
    this.mMoms = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldMoms(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mMoms = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldNetWorth() {
    return mNetWorth;

  public Targeting setFieldNetWorth(List value) {
    this.mNetWorth = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldNetWorth(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mNetWorth = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldOfficeType() {
    return mOfficeType;

  public Targeting setFieldOfficeType(List value) {
    this.mOfficeType = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldOfficeType(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mOfficeType = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldPlacePageSetIds() {
    return mPlacePageSetIds;

  public Targeting setFieldPlacePageSetIds(List value) {
    this.mPlacePageSetIds = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldPoliticalViews() {
    return mPoliticalViews;

  public Targeting setFieldPoliticalViews(List value) {
    this.mPoliticalViews = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldPolitics() {
    return mPolitics;

  public Targeting setFieldPolitics(List value) {
    this.mPolitics = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldPolitics(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mPolitics = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldProductAudienceSpecs() {
    return mProductAudienceSpecs;

  public Targeting setFieldProductAudienceSpecs(List value) {
    this.mProductAudienceSpecs = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldProductAudienceSpecs(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mProductAudienceSpecs = TargetingProductAudienceSpec.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public TargetingProspectingAudience getFieldProspectingAudience() {
    return mProspectingAudience;

  public Targeting setFieldProspectingAudience(TargetingProspectingAudience value) {
    this.mProspectingAudience = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldProspectingAudience(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
    this.mProspectingAudience = TargetingProspectingAudience.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldPublisherPlatforms() {
    return mPublisherPlatforms;

  public Targeting setFieldPublisherPlatforms(List value) {
    this.mPublisherPlatforms = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldPublisherVisibilityCategories() {
    return mPublisherVisibilityCategories;

  public Targeting setFieldPublisherVisibilityCategories(List value) {
    this.mPublisherVisibilityCategories = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldRadius() {
    return mRadius;

  public Targeting setFieldRadius(String value) {
    this.mRadius = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldRegions() {
    return mRegions;

  public Targeting setFieldRegions(List value) {
    this.mRegions = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldRegions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mRegions = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldRelationshipStatuses() {
    return mRelationshipStatuses;

  public Targeting setFieldRelationshipStatuses(List value) {
    this.mRelationshipStatuses = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldSiteCategory() {
    return mSiteCategory;

  public Targeting setFieldSiteCategory(List value) {
    this.mSiteCategory = value;
    return this;

  public String getFieldTargetingOptimization() {
    return mTargetingOptimization;

  public Targeting setFieldTargetingOptimization(String value) {
    this.mTargetingOptimization = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUserAdclusters() {
    return mUserAdclusters;

  public Targeting setFieldUserAdclusters(List value) {
    this.mUserAdclusters = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldUserAdclusters(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mUserAdclusters = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldUserDevice() {
    return mUserDevice;

  public Targeting setFieldUserDevice(List value) {
    this.mUserDevice = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUserEvent() {
    return mUserEvent;

  public Targeting setFieldUserEvent(List value) {
    this.mUserEvent = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldUserOs() {
    return mUserOs;

  public Targeting setFieldUserOs(List value) {
    this.mUserOs = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldWirelessCarrier() {
    return mWirelessCarrier;

  public Targeting setFieldWirelessCarrier(List value) {
    this.mWirelessCarrier = value;
    return this;

  public List getFieldWorkEmployers() {
    return mWorkEmployers;

  public Targeting setFieldWorkEmployers(List value) {
    this.mWorkEmployers = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldWorkEmployers(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mWorkEmployers = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldWorkPositions() {
    return mWorkPositions;

  public Targeting setFieldWorkPositions(List value) {
    this.mWorkPositions = value;
    return this;

  public Targeting setFieldWorkPositions(String value) {
    Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType();
    this.mWorkPositions = IDName.getGson().fromJson(value, type);
    return this;
  public List getFieldZips() {
    return mZips;

  public Targeting setFieldZips(List value) {
    this.mZips = value;
    return this;

  public static enum EnumDevicePlatforms {

      private String value;

      private EnumDevicePlatforms(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  public static enum EnumEffectiveDevicePlatforms {

      private String value;

      private EnumEffectiveDevicePlatforms(String value) {
        this.value = value;

      public String toString() {
        return value;

  synchronized /*package*/ static Gson getGson() {
    if (gson != null) {
      return gson;
    } else {
      gson = new GsonBuilder()
    return gson;

  public Targeting copyFrom(Targeting instance) {
    this.mAdgroupId = instance.mAdgroupId;
    this.mAgeMax = instance.mAgeMax;
    this.mAgeMin = instance.mAgeMin;
    this.mAlternateAutoTargetingOption = instance.mAlternateAutoTargetingOption;
    this.mAppInstallState = instance.mAppInstallState;
    this.mAudienceNetworkPositions = instance.mAudienceNetworkPositions;
    this.mBehaviors = instance.mBehaviors;
    this.mBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels = instance.mBrandSafetyContentFilterLevels;
    this.mBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels = instance.mBrandSafetyContentSeverityLevels;
    this.mCatalogBasedTargeting = instance.mCatalogBasedTargeting;
    this.mCities = instance.mCities;
    this.mCollegeYears = instance.mCollegeYears;
    this.mConnections = instance.mConnections;
    this.mContextualTargetingCategories = instance.mContextualTargetingCategories;
    this.mCountries = instance.mCountries;
    this.mCountry = instance.mCountry;
    this.mCountryGroups = instance.mCountryGroups;
    this.mCustomAudiences = instance.mCustomAudiences;
    this.mDevicePlatforms = instance.mDevicePlatforms;
    this.mDirectInstallDevices = instance.mDirectInstallDevices;
    this.mDynamicAudienceIds = instance.mDynamicAudienceIds;
    this.mEducationMajors = instance.mEducationMajors;
    this.mEducationSchools = instance.mEducationSchools;
    this.mEducationStatuses = instance.mEducationStatuses;
    this.mEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions = instance.mEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions;
    this.mEffectiveDevicePlatforms = instance.mEffectiveDevicePlatforms;
    this.mEffectiveFacebookPositions = instance.mEffectiveFacebookPositions;
    this.mEffectiveInstagramPositions = instance.mEffectiveInstagramPositions;
    this.mEffectiveMessengerPositions = instance.mEffectiveMessengerPositions;
    this.mEffectivePublisherPlatforms = instance.mEffectivePublisherPlatforms;
    this.mEngagementSpecs = instance.mEngagementSpecs;
    this.mEthnicAffinity = instance.mEthnicAffinity;
    this.mExcludeReachedSince = instance.mExcludeReachedSince;
    this.mExcludedConnections = instance.mExcludedConnections;
    this.mExcludedCustomAudiences = instance.mExcludedCustomAudiences;
    this.mExcludedDynamicAudienceIds = instance.mExcludedDynamicAudienceIds;
    this.mExcludedEngagementSpecs = instance.mExcludedEngagementSpecs;
    this.mExcludedGeoLocations = instance.mExcludedGeoLocations;
    this.mExcludedMobileDeviceModel = instance.mExcludedMobileDeviceModel;
    this.mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs = instance.mExcludedProductAudienceSpecs;
    this.mExcludedPublisherCategories = instance.mExcludedPublisherCategories;
    this.mExcludedPublisherListIds = instance.mExcludedPublisherListIds;
    this.mExcludedUserDevice = instance.mExcludedUserDevice;
    this.mExclusions = instance.mExclusions;
    this.mFacebookPositions = instance.mFacebookPositions;
    this.mFamilyStatuses = instance.mFamilyStatuses;
    this.mFbDealId = instance.mFbDealId;
    this.mFlexibleSpec = instance.mFlexibleSpec;
    this.mFriendsOfConnections = instance.mFriendsOfConnections;
    this.mGenders = instance.mGenders;
    this.mGeneration = instance.mGeneration;
    this.mGeoLocations = instance.mGeoLocations;
    this.mHomeOwnership = instance.mHomeOwnership;
    this.mHomeType = instance.mHomeType;
    this.mHomeValue = instance.mHomeValue;
    this.mHouseholdComposition = instance.mHouseholdComposition;
    this.mIncome = instance.mIncome;
    this.mIndustries = instance.mIndustries;
    this.mInstagramPositions = instance.mInstagramPositions;
    this.mInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements = instance.mInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements;
    this.mInterestedIn = instance.mInterestedIn;
    this.mInterests = instance.mInterests;
    this.mIsWhatsappDestinationAd = instance.mIsWhatsappDestinationAd;
    this.mKeywords = instance.mKeywords;
    this.mLifeEvents = instance.mLifeEvents;
    this.mLocales = instance.mLocales;
    this.mMessengerPositions = instance.mMessengerPositions;
    this.mMoms = instance.mMoms;
    this.mNetWorth = instance.mNetWorth;
    this.mOfficeType = instance.mOfficeType;
    this.mPlacePageSetIds = instance.mPlacePageSetIds;
    this.mPoliticalViews = instance.mPoliticalViews;
    this.mPolitics = instance.mPolitics;
    this.mProductAudienceSpecs = instance.mProductAudienceSpecs;
    this.mProspectingAudience = instance.mProspectingAudience;
    this.mPublisherPlatforms = instance.mPublisherPlatforms;
    this.mPublisherVisibilityCategories = instance.mPublisherVisibilityCategories;
    this.mRadius = instance.mRadius;
    this.mRegions = instance.mRegions;
    this.mRelationshipStatuses = instance.mRelationshipStatuses;
    this.mSiteCategory = instance.mSiteCategory;
    this.mTargetingOptimization = instance.mTargetingOptimization;
    this.mUserAdclusters = instance.mUserAdclusters;
    this.mUserDevice = instance.mUserDevice;
    this.mUserEvent = instance.mUserEvent;
    this.mUserOs = instance.mUserOs;
    this.mWirelessCarrier = instance.mWirelessCarrier;
    this.mWorkEmployers = instance.mWorkEmployers;
    this.mWorkPositions = instance.mWorkPositions;
    this.mZips = instance.mZips;
    this.context = instance.context;
    this.rawValue = instance.rawValue;
    return this;

  public static APIRequest.ResponseParser getParser() {
    return new APIRequest.ResponseParser() {
      public APINodeList parseResponse(String response, APIContext context, APIRequest request, String header) throws MalformedResponseException {
        return Targeting.parseResponse(response, context, request, header);

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