Download all versions of pinot-driver JAR files with all dependencies
pinot-driver from group com.facebook.presto.pinot (version 0.1.2)
Shaded driver for the presto-pinot connector that exposes only the pinot-common dependancies and some helpers
Artifact pinot-driver
Group com.facebook.presto.pinot
Version 0.1.2
Last update 22. October 2020
Tags: that shaded presto common dependancies connector only driver pinot some exposes helpers
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 40
Dependencies httpmime, httpclient, httpcore, checker-qual, error_prone_annotations, j2objc-annotations, animal-sniffer-annotations, avro, jackson-core-asl, paranamer, snappy-java, joda-time, helix-core, zkclient, snakeyaml, metrics-core, jopt-simple, scala-library, swagger-ui, jsr305, config, vavr, vavr-match, zookeeper, audience-annotations, jersey-server, jersey-common, osgi-resource-locator, jersey-client, jersey-media-jaxb, JavaFastPFOR, RoaringBitmap, stream, t-digest, larray, larray-buffer, xerial-core, larray-mmap, xerial-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.facebook.presto.pinot
Version 0.1.2
Last update 22. October 2020
Tags: that shaded presto common dependancies connector only driver pinot some exposes helpers
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 40
Dependencies httpmime, httpclient, httpcore, checker-qual, error_prone_annotations, j2objc-annotations, animal-sniffer-annotations, avro, jackson-core-asl, paranamer, snappy-java, joda-time, helix-core, zkclient, snakeyaml, metrics-core, jopt-simple, scala-library, swagger-ui, jsr305, config, vavr, vavr-match, zookeeper, audience-annotations, jersey-server, jersey-common, osgi-resource-locator, jersey-client, jersey-media-jaxb, JavaFastPFOR, RoaringBitmap, stream, t-digest, larray, larray-buffer, xerial-core, larray-mmap, xerial-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pinot-driver from group com.facebook.presto.pinot (version 0.1.1)
Shaded driver for the presto-pinot connector that exposes only the pinot-common dependancies and some helpers
Artifact pinot-driver
Group com.facebook.presto.pinot
Version 0.1.1
Last update 23. October 2019
Tags: that shaded presto common dependancies connector only driver pinot some exposes helpers
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 40
Dependencies httpmime, httpclient, httpcore, checker-qual, error_prone_annotations, j2objc-annotations, animal-sniffer-annotations, avro, jackson-core-asl, paranamer, snappy-java, joda-time, helix-core, zkclient, snakeyaml, metrics-core, jopt-simple, scala-library, swagger-ui, jsr305, config, vavr, vavr-match, zookeeper, audience-annotations, jersey-server, jersey-common, osgi-resource-locator, jersey-client, jersey-media-jaxb, JavaFastPFOR, RoaringBitmap, stream, t-digest, larray, larray-buffer, xerial-core, larray-mmap, xerial-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.facebook.presto.pinot
Version 0.1.1
Last update 23. October 2019
Tags: that shaded presto common dependancies connector only driver pinot some exposes helpers
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 40
Dependencies httpmime, httpclient, httpcore, checker-qual, error_prone_annotations, j2objc-annotations, animal-sniffer-annotations, avro, jackson-core-asl, paranamer, snappy-java, joda-time, helix-core, zkclient, snakeyaml, metrics-core, jopt-simple, scala-library, swagger-ui, jsr305, config, vavr, vavr-match, zookeeper, audience-annotations, jersey-server, jersey-common, osgi-resource-locator, jersey-client, jersey-media-jaxb, JavaFastPFOR, RoaringBitmap, stream, t-digest, larray, larray-buffer, xerial-core, larray-mmap, xerial-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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