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org.roaringbitmap.buffer.ImmutableRoaringArray Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * (c) the authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

package org.roaringbitmap.buffer;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.LongBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * This is the underlying data structure for an ImmutableRoaringBitmap. This class is not meant for
 * end-users.
public final class ImmutableRoaringArray implements PointableRoaringArray {

  protected static final short SERIAL_COOKIE = MutableRoaringArray.SERIAL_COOKIE;
  protected static final short SERIAL_COOKIE_NO_RUNCONTAINER =
  private final static int startofrunbitmap = 4; // if there is a runcontainer bitmap

  ByteBuffer buffer;
  int size;

   * Create an array based on a previously serialized ByteBuffer. The input ByteBuffer is
   * effectively copied (with the slice operation) so you should expect the provided ByteBuffer
   * position/mark/limit/order to remain unchanged.
   * @param bbf The source ByteBuffer
  protected ImmutableRoaringArray(ByteBuffer bbf) {
    buffer = bbf.slice();
    final int cookie = buffer.getInt(0);
    if ((cookie & 0xFFFF) != SERIAL_COOKIE && cookie != SERIAL_COOKIE_NO_RUNCONTAINER) {
      throw new RuntimeException("I failed to find one of the right cookies. " + cookie);
    boolean hasRunContainers = (cookie & 0xFFFF) == SERIAL_COOKIE;
    this.size = hasRunContainers ? (cookie >>> 16) + 1 : buffer.getInt(4);
    int theLimit = size > 0 ? computeSerializedSizeInBytes() : headerSize(hasRunContainers);

  public int advanceUntil(short x, int pos) {
    int lower = pos + 1;

    // special handling for a possibly common sequential case
    if (lower >= size || getKey(lower) >= BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {
      return lower;

    int spansize = 1; // could set larger
    // bootstrap an upper limit

    while (lower + spansize < size && getKey(lower + spansize) < BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {
      spansize *= 2; // hoping for compiler will reduce to shift
    int upper = (lower + spansize < size) ? lower + spansize : size - 1;

    // maybe we are lucky (could be common case when the seek ahead
    // expected to be small and sequential will otherwise make us look bad)
    if (getKey(upper) == BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {
      return upper;

    if (getKey(upper) < BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {// means array has no item key >= x
      return size;

    // we know that the next-smallest span was too small
    lower += (spansize / 2);

    // else begin binary search
    // invariant: array[lower]x
    while (lower + 1 != upper) {
      int mid = (lower + upper) / 2;
      if (getKey(mid) == BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {
        return mid;
      } else if (getKey(mid) < BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(x)) {
        lower = mid;
      } else {
        upper = mid;
    return upper;

  private int branchyUnsignedBinarySearch(final short k) {
    int low = 0;
    int high = this.size - 1;
    final int ikey = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(k);
    while (low <= high) {
      final int middleIndex = (low + high) >>> 1;
      final int middleValue = getKey(middleIndex);
      if (middleValue < ikey) {
        low = middleIndex + 1;
      } else if (middleValue > ikey) {
        high = middleIndex - 1;
      } else {
        return middleIndex;
    return -(low + 1);

  public ImmutableRoaringArray clone() {
    ImmutableRoaringArray sa;
    try {
      sa = (ImmutableRoaringArray) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      return null;// should never happen
    return sa;

  private int computeSerializedSizeInBytes() {
    if (this.size == 0) {
      return headerSize(hasRunCompression());
    int CardinalityOfLastContainer = getCardinality(this.size - 1);
    int PositionOfLastContainer = getOffsetContainer(this.size - 1);
    int SizeOfLastContainer;
    boolean hasrun = hasRunCompression();
    if (isRunContainer(this.size - 1, hasrun)) {
      int nbrruns = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(PositionOfLastContainer));
      SizeOfLastContainer = BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(0, nbrruns, true);
    } else {
      SizeOfLastContainer =
          BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(CardinalityOfLastContainer, 0, false);
    return SizeOfLastContainer + PositionOfLastContainer;

  public int getCardinality(int k) {
    if ((k < 0) || (k >= this.size)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "out of range container index: " + k + " (report as a bug)");
    return BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(this.getStartOfKeys() + 4 * k + 2)) + 1;

  public int getContainerIndex(short x) {
    return unsignedBinarySearch(x);

  public MappeableContainer getContainerAtIndex(int i) {
    ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate();// sad but ByteBuffer is not thread-safe so it is either a
                                        // duplicate or a lock
    // note that tmp will indeed be garbage-collected some time after the end of this function
    boolean hasrun = hasRunCompression();
    if (isRunContainer(i, hasrun)) {
      // first, we have a short giving the number of runs
      int nbrruns = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(tmp.getShort());
      final ShortBuffer shortArray = tmp.asShortBuffer();
      shortArray.limit(2 * nbrruns);
      return new MappeableRunContainer(shortArray, nbrruns);
    int cardinality = getCardinality(i);
    final boolean isBitmap = cardinality > MappeableArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE; // if not a
                                                                               // runcontainer
    if (isBitmap) {
      final LongBuffer bitmapArray = tmp.asLongBuffer();
      bitmapArray.limit(MappeableBitmapContainer.MAX_CAPACITY / 64);
      return new MappeableBitmapContainer(bitmapArray, cardinality);
    } else {
      final ShortBuffer shortArray = tmp.asShortBuffer();
      return new MappeableArrayContainer(shortArray, cardinality);

  public boolean containsForContainerAtIndex(int i, short x) {
    int containerpos = getOffsetContainer(i);
    boolean hasrun = hasRunCompression();
    if (isRunContainer(i, hasrun)) {
      // first, we have a short giving the number of runs
      int nbrruns = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(containerpos));
      return MappeableRunContainer.contains(buffer, containerpos + 2, x, nbrruns);
    int cardinality = getCardinality(i);
    final boolean isBitmap = cardinality > MappeableArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE; // if not a
                                                                               // runcontainer
    if (isBitmap) {
      return MappeableBitmapContainer.contains(buffer, containerpos, x);
    } else {
      return MappeableArrayContainer.contains(buffer, containerpos, x, cardinality);

  public MappeableContainerPointer getContainerPointer() {
    return getContainerPointer(0);

  public MappeableContainerPointer getContainerPointer(final int startIndex) {
    final boolean hasrun = !isEmpty() && hasRunCompression();
    return new MappeableContainerPointer() {
      int k = startIndex;

      public void advance() {

      public MappeableContainerPointer clone() {
        try {
          return (MappeableContainerPointer) super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
          return null;// will not happen

      public int compareTo(MappeableContainerPointer o) {
        if (key() != o.key()) {
          return BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(key()) - BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(o.key());
        return o.getCardinality() - this.getCardinality();

      public int getCardinality() {
        return ImmutableRoaringArray.this.getCardinality(k);

      public MappeableContainer getContainer() {
        if (k >= ImmutableRoaringArray.this.size) {
          return null;
        return ImmutableRoaringArray.this.getContainerAtIndex(k);

      public int getSizeInBytes() {
        // might be a tad expensive
        if (ImmutableRoaringArray.this.isRunContainer(k, hasrun)) {
          int pos = getOffsetContainer(k);
          int nbrruns = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(pos));
          return BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(0, nbrruns, true);
        } else {
          int CardinalityOfLastContainer = getCardinality();
          return BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(CardinalityOfLastContainer, 0, false);

      public boolean hasContainer() {
        return 0 <= k & k < ImmutableRoaringArray.this.size;

      public boolean isBitmapContainer() {
        if (ImmutableRoaringArray.this.isRunContainer(k, hasrun)) {
          return false;
        return getCardinality() > MappeableArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;

      public boolean isRunContainer() {
        return ImmutableRoaringArray.this.isRunContainer(k, hasrun);

      public short key() {
        return ImmutableRoaringArray.this.getKeyAtIndex(k);


      public void previous() {

  // involves a binary search
  public int getIndex(short x) {
    return unsignedBinarySearch(x);

  private int getKey(int k) {
    return BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(getStartOfKeys() + 4 * k));

  public short getKeyAtIndex(int i) {
    return buffer.getShort(4 * i + getStartOfKeys());

  private int getOffsetContainer(int k) {
    if ((k < 0) || (k >= this.size)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "out of range container index: " + k + " (report as a bug)");
    if (hasRunCompression()) { // account for size of runcontainer bitmap
      if (this.size < MutableRoaringArray.NO_OFFSET_THRESHOLD) {
        // we do it the hard way
        return getOffsetContainerSlow(k);
      return buffer.getInt(4 + 4 * this.size + ((this.size + 7) / 8) + 4 * k);
    } else {
      return buffer.getInt(4 + 4 + 4 * this.size + 4 * k);

  private int getOffsetContainerSlow(int k) {
    boolean hasrun = hasRunCompression();
    int pos = this.headerSize(hasrun);
    for (int z = 0; z < k; ++z) {
      if (isRunContainer(z, hasrun)) {
        int nbrruns = BufferUtil.toIntUnsigned(buffer.getShort(pos));
        int SizeOfLastContainer = BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(0, nbrruns, true);
        pos += SizeOfLastContainer;
      } else {
        int CardinalityOfLastContainer = this.getCardinality(z);
        int SizeOfLastContainer =
            BufferUtil.getSizeInBytesFromCardinalityEtc(CardinalityOfLastContainer, 0, false);
        pos += SizeOfLastContainer;
    return pos;

  private int getStartOfKeys() {
    if (hasRunCompression()) { // info is in the buffer
      return 4 + ((this.size + 7) / 8);
    } else {
      return 8;

  public int hashCode() {
    MappeableContainerPointer cp = this.getContainerPointer();
    int hashvalue = 0;
    while (cp.hasContainer()) {
      int th = cp.key() * 0xF0F0F0 + cp.getContainer().hashCode();
      hashvalue = 31 * hashvalue + th;
    return hashvalue;

  public boolean hasRunCompression() {
    return (buffer.getInt(0) & 0xFFFF) == SERIAL_COOKIE;

  // hasrun should be equal to hasRunCompression()
  protected int headerSize(boolean hasrun) {
    if (hasrun) {
      if (size < MutableRoaringArray.NO_OFFSET_THRESHOLD) {// for small bitmaps, we omit the offsets
        return 4 + (size + 7) / 8 + 4 * size;
      return 4 + (size + 7) / 8 + 8 * size;// - 4 because we pack the size with the cookie
    } else {
      return 4 + 4 + 8 * size;

   * Returns true if this bitmap is empty.
   * @return true if empty
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return this.size == 0;

  // hasrun should be initialized with hasRunCompression()
  private boolean isRunContainer(int i, boolean hasrun) {
    if (hasrun) { // info is in the buffer
      int j = buffer.get(startofrunbitmap + i / 8);
      int mask = 1 << (i % 8);
      return (j & mask) != 0;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Serialize.
   * The current bitmap is not modified.
   * @param out the DataOutput stream
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void serialize(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.hasArray()) {
      out.write(buffer.array(), buffer.arrayOffset(), buffer.limit());
    } else {
      ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate();
      WritableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel((OutputStream) out);

   * @return the size that the data structure occupies on disk
  public int serializedSizeInBytes() {
    return buffer.limit();

  public int size() {
    return this.size;

  private int unsignedBinarySearch(short k) {
    return branchyUnsignedBinarySearch(k);

  public int first() {
    short firstKey = getKeyAtIndex(0);
    MappeableContainer container = getContainerAtIndex(0);
    return firstKey << 16 | container.first();

  public int last() {
    short lastKey = getKeyAtIndex(size - 1);
    MappeableContainer container = getContainerAtIndex(size - 1);
    return lastKey << 16 | container.last();

  private void assertNonEmpty() {
    if(size == 0) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty ImmutableRoaringArray");

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