scala.collection.immutable.HashMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala
package collection
package immutable
import generic._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.{ uncheckedVariance=> uV }
import parallel.immutable.ParHashMap
/** This class implements immutable maps using a hash trie.
* '''Note:''' The builder of this hash map may return specialized representations for small maps.
* @tparam A the type of the keys contained in this hash map.
* @tparam B the type of the values associated with the keys.
* @author Martin Odersky
* @author Tiark Rompf
* @version 2.8
* @since 2.3
* @see [[ "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
* section on `Hash Tries` for more information.
* @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
* @define coll immutable hash map
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
@deprecatedInheritance("The implementation details of immutable hash maps make inheriting from them unwise.", "2.11.0")
class HashMap[A, +B] extends AbstractMap[A, B]
with Map[A, B]
with MapLike[A, B, HashMap[A, B]]
with Serializable
with CustomParallelizable[(A, B), ParHashMap[A, B]]
import HashMap.{nullToEmpty, bufferSize}
override def size: Int = 0
override def empty = HashMap.empty[A, B]
def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = Iterator.empty
override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = ()
def get(key: A): Option[B] =
get0(key, computeHash(key), 0)
override def updated [B1 >: B] (key: A, value: B1): HashMap[A, B1] =
updated0(key, computeHash(key), 0, value, null, null)
override def + [B1 >: B] (kv: (A, B1)): HashMap[A, B1] =
updated0(kv._1, computeHash(kv._1), 0, kv._2, kv, null)
override def + [B1 >: B] (elem1: (A, B1), elem2: (A, B1), elems: (A, B1) *): HashMap[A, B1] =
this + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems
def - (key: A): HashMap[A, B] =
removed0(key, computeHash(key), 0)
override def filter(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean) = {
val buffer = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](bufferSize(size))
nullToEmpty(filter0(p, false, 0, buffer, 0))
override def filterNot(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean) = {
val buffer = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](bufferSize(size))
nullToEmpty(filter0(p, true, 0, buffer, 0))
protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = null
protected def elemHashCode(key: A) = key.##
protected final def improve(hcode: Int) = {
var h: Int = hcode + ~(hcode << 9)
h = h ^ (h >>> 14)
h = h + (h << 4)
h ^ (h >>> 10)
private[collection] def computeHash(key: A) = improve(elemHashCode(key))
import HashMap.{Merger, MergeFunction, liftMerger}
private[collection] def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] = None
private[collection] def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
new HashMap.HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
protected def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] = this
protected def writeReplace(): AnyRef = new HashMap.SerializationProxy(this)
def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = Seq(this)
/** Creates a new map which is the merge of this and the argument hash map.
* Uses the specified collision resolution function if two keys are the same.
* The collision resolution function will always take the first argument from
* `this` hash map and the second from `that`.
* The `merged` method is on average more performant than doing a traversal and reconstructing a
* new immutable hash map from scratch, or `++`.
* @tparam B1 the value type of the other hash map
* @param that the other hash map
* @param mergef the merge function or null if the first key-value pair is to be picked
def merged[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1])(mergef: MergeFunction[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = merge0(that, 0, liftMerger(mergef))
protected def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that
override def par = ParHashMap.fromTrie(this)
/** $factoryInfo
* @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
* @define coll immutable hash map
* @author Tiark Rompf
* @since 2.3
object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] with BitOperations.Int {
private[collection] abstract class Merger[A, B] {
def apply(kv1: (A, B), kv2: (A, B)): (A, B)
def invert: Merger[A, B]
private type MergeFunction[A1, B1] = ((A1, B1), (A1, B1)) => (A1, B1)
private def liftMerger[A1, B1](mergef: MergeFunction[A1, B1]): Merger[A1, B1] =
if (mergef == null) defaultMerger.asInstanceOf[Merger[A1, B1]] else liftMerger0(mergef)
private[this] val defaultMerger : Merger[Any, Any] = liftMerger0((a,b) => a)
private[this] def liftMerger0[A1, B1](mergef: MergeFunction[A1, B1]): Merger[A1, B1] = new Merger[A1, B1] {
self =>
def apply(kv1: (A1, B1), kv2: (A1, B1)): (A1, B1) = mergef(kv1, kv2)
val invert: Merger[A1, B1] = new Merger[A1, B1] {
def apply(kv1: (A1, B1), kv2: (A1, B1)): (A1, B1) = mergef(kv2, kv1)
def invert: Merger[A1, B1] = self
/** $mapCanBuildFromInfo */
implicit def canBuildFrom[A, B]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, (A, B), HashMap[A, B]] = new MapCanBuildFrom[A, B]
def empty[A, B]: HashMap[A, B] = EmptyHashMap.asInstanceOf[HashMap[A, B]]
private object EmptyHashMap extends HashMap[Any, Nothing] { }
// utility method to create a HashTrieMap from two leaf HashMaps (HashMap1 or HashMapCollision1) with non-colliding hash code)
private def makeHashTrieMap[A, B](hash0:Int, elem0:HashMap[A, B], hash1:Int, elem1:HashMap[A, B], level:Int, size:Int) : HashTrieMap[A, B] = {
val index0 = (hash0 >>> level) & 0x1f
val index1 = (hash1 >>> level) & 0x1f
if(index0 != index1) {
val bitmap = (1 << index0) | (1 << index1)
val elems = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](2)
if(index0 < index1) {
elems(0) = elem0
elems(1) = elem1
} else {
elems(0) = elem1
elems(1) = elem0
new HashTrieMap[A, B](bitmap, elems, size)
} else {
val elems = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](1)
val bitmap = (1 << index0)
elems(0) = makeHashTrieMap(hash0, elem0, hash1, elem1, level + 5, size)
new HashTrieMap[A, B](bitmap, elems, size)
class HashMap1[A,+B](private[collection] val key: A, private[collection] val hash: Int, private[collection] val value: (B @uV), private[collection] var kv: (A,B @uV)) extends HashMap[A,B] {
override def size = 1
private[collection] def getKey = key
private[collection] def getHash = hash
private[collection] def computeHashFor(k: A) = computeHash(k)
override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] =
if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) Some(value) else None
private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key ) {
if (merger eq null) {
if (this.value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) this
else new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
} else {
val nkv = merger(this.ensurePair, if(kv != null) kv else (key, value))
new HashMap1(nkv._1, hash, nkv._2, nkv)
} else {
if (hash != this.hash) {
// they have different hashes, but may collide at this level - find a level at which they don't
val that = new HashMap1[A, B1](key, hash, value, kv)
makeHashTrieMap[A,B1](this.hash, this, hash, that, level, 2)
} else {
// 32-bit hash collision (rare, but not impossible)
new HashMapCollision1(hash, ListMap.empty.updated(this.key,this.value).updated(key,value))
override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) HashMap.empty[A,B] else this
override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
if (negate ^ p(ensurePair)) this else null
override def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = Iterator(ensurePair)
override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = f(ensurePair)
// this method may be called multiple times in a multithreaded environment, but that's ok
private[HashMap] def ensurePair: (A,B) = if (kv ne null) kv else { kv = (key, value); kv }
protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
that.updated0(key, hash, level, value, kv, merger.invert)
private[collection] class HashMapCollision1[A, +B](private[collection] val hash: Int, val kvs: ListMap[A, B @uV])
extends HashMap[A, B @uV] {
// assert(kvs.size > 1)
override def size = kvs.size
override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] =
if (hash == this.hash) kvs.get(key) else None
private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
if (hash == this.hash) {
if ((merger eq null) || !kvs.contains(key)) new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs.updated(key, value))
else new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs + merger((key, kvs(key)), kv))
} else {
val that = new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
makeHashTrieMap(this.hash, this, hash, that, level, size + 1)
override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
if (hash == this.hash) {
val kvs1 = kvs - key
kvs1.size match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
val kv = kvs1.head
new HashMap1(kv._1,hash,kv._2,kv)
case x if x == kvs.size =>
case _ =>
new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs1)
} else this
override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
val kvs1 = if(negate) kvs.filterNot(p) else kvs.filter(p)
kvs1.size match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
val kv@(k,v) = kvs1.head
new HashMap1(k, hash, v, kv)
case x if x == kvs.size =>
case _ =>
new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs1)
override def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = kvs.iterator
override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = kvs.foreach(f)
override def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = {
val (x, y) = kvs.splitAt(kvs.size / 2)
def newhm(lm: ListMap[A, B @uV]) = new HashMapCollision1(hash, lm)
List(newhm(x), newhm(y))
protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
// this can be made more efficient by passing the entire ListMap at once
var m = that
for (p <- kvs) m = m.updated0(p._1, this.hash, level, p._2, p, merger)
class HashTrieMap[A, +B](
private[collection] val bitmap: Int,
private[collection] val elems: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]],
private[collection] val size0: Int
) extends HashMap[A, B @uV] {
// assert(Integer.bitCount(bitmap) == elems.length)
// assert(elems.length > 1 || (elems.length == 1 && elems(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]]))
override def size = size0
override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] = {
val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
val mask = (1 << index)
if (bitmap == - 1) {
elems(index & 0x1f).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
} else if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
elems(offset).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
} else
private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
val mask = (1 << index)
val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
val sub = elems(offset)
val subNew = sub.updated0(key, hash, level + 5, value, kv, merger)
if(subNew eq sub) this else {
val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B1]](elems.length)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
elemsNew(offset) = subNew
new HashTrieMap(bitmap, elemsNew, size + (subNew.size - sub.size))
} else {
val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B1]](elems.length + 1)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
elemsNew(offset) = new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
Array.copy(elems, offset, elemsNew, offset + 1, elems.length - offset)
new HashTrieMap(bitmap | mask, elemsNew, size + 1)
override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
val mask = (1 << index)
val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
val sub = elems(offset)
val subNew = sub.removed0(key, hash, level + 5)
if (subNew eq sub) this
else if (subNew.isEmpty) {
val bitmapNew = bitmap ^ mask
if (bitmapNew != 0) {
val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](elems.length - 1)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
Array.copy(elems, offset + 1, elemsNew, offset, elems.length - offset - 1)
val sizeNew = size - sub.size
// if we have only one child, which is not a HashTrieSet but a self-contained set like
// HashSet1 or HashSetCollision1, return the child instead
if (elemsNew.length == 1 && !elemsNew(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]])
new HashTrieMap(bitmapNew, elemsNew, sizeNew)
} else
} else if(elems.length == 1 && !subNew.isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]]) {
} else {
val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](elems.length)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
elemsNew(offset) = subNew
val sizeNew = size + (subNew.size - sub.size)
new HashTrieMap(bitmap, elemsNew, sizeNew)
} else {
override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
// current offset
var offset = offset0
// result size
var rs = 0
// bitmap for kept elems
var kept = 0
// loop over all elements
var i = 0
while (i < elems.length) {
val result = elems(i).filter0(p, negate, level + 5, buffer, offset)
if (result ne null) {
buffer(offset) = result
offset += 1
// add the result size
rs += result.size
// mark the bit i as kept
kept |= (1 << i)
i += 1
if (offset == offset0) {
// empty
} else if (rs == size0) {
// unchanged
} else if (offset == offset0 + 1 && !buffer(offset0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[A, B]]) {
// leaf
} else {
// we have to return a HashTrieMap
val length = offset - offset0
val elems1 = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](length)
System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems1, 0, length)
val bitmap1 = if (length == elems.length) {
// we can reuse the original bitmap
} else {
// calculate new bitmap by keeping just bits in the kept bitmask
keepBits(bitmap, kept)
new HashTrieMap(bitmap1, elems1, rs)
override def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] = new TrieIterator[(A, B)](elems.asInstanceOf[Array[Iterable[(A, B)]]]) {
final override def getElem(cc: AnyRef): (A, B) = cc.asInstanceOf[HashMap1[A, B]].ensurePair
override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < elems.length) {
i += 1
private def posOf(n: Int, bm: Int) = {
var left = n
var i = -1
var b = bm
while (left >= 0) {
i += 1
if ((b & 1) != 0) left -= 1
b = b >>> 1
override def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = if (size == 1) Seq(this) else {
val nodesize = Integer.bitCount(bitmap)
if (nodesize > 1) {
val splitpoint = nodesize / 2
val bitsplitpoint = posOf(nodesize / 2, bitmap)
val bm1 = bitmap & (-1 << bitsplitpoint)
val bm2 = bitmap & (-1 >>> (32 - bitsplitpoint))
val (e1, e2) = elems.splitAt(splitpoint)
val hm1 = new HashTrieMap(bm1, e1, e1.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size))
val hm2 = new HashTrieMap(bm2, e2, e2.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size))
List(hm1, hm2)
} else elems(0).split
protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that match {
case hm: HashMap1[_, _] =>
this.updated0(hm.key, hm.hash, level, hm.value.asInstanceOf[B1], hm.kv, merger)
case hm: HashTrieMap[_, _] =>
val that = hm.asInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[A, B1]]
val thiselems = this.elems
val thatelems = that.elems
var thisbm = this.bitmap
var thatbm = that.bitmap
// determine the necessary size for the array
val subcount = Integer.bitCount(thisbm | thatbm)
// construct a new array of appropriate size
val merged = new Array[HashMap[A, B1]](subcount)
// run through both bitmaps and add elements to it
var i = 0
var thisi = 0
var thati = 0
var totalelems = 0
while (i < subcount) {
val thislsb = thisbm ^ (thisbm & (thisbm - 1))
val thatlsb = thatbm ^ (thatbm & (thatbm - 1))
// collision
if (thislsb == thatlsb) {
val m = thiselems(thisi).merge0(thatelems(thati), level + 5, merger)
totalelems += m.size
merged(i) = m
thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
thati += 1
thisi += 1
} else {
// condition below is due to 2 things:
// 1) no unsigned int compare on JVM
// 2) 0 (no lsb) should always be greater in comparison
if (unsignedCompare(thislsb - 1, thatlsb - 1)) {
val m = thiselems(thisi)
totalelems += m.size
merged(i) = m
thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
thisi += 1
else {
val m = thatelems(thati)
totalelems += m.size
merged(i) = m
thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
thati += 1
i += 1
new HashTrieMap[A, B1](this.bitmap | that.bitmap, merged, totalelems)
case hm: HashMapCollision1[_, _] => that.merge0(this, level, merger.invert)
case hm: HashMap[_, _] => this
case _ => sys.error("section supposed to be unreachable.")
* Calculates the maximum buffer size given the maximum possible total size of the trie-based collection
* @param size the maximum size of the collection to be generated
* @return the maximum buffer size
@inline private def bufferSize(size: Int): Int = (size + 6) min (32 * 7)
* In many internal operations the empty map is represented as null for performance reasons. This method converts
* null to the empty map for use in public methods
@inline private def nullToEmpty[A, B](m: HashMap[A, B]): HashMap[A, B] = if (m eq null) empty[A, B] else m
* Utility method to keep a subset of all bits in a given bitmap
* Example
* bitmap (binary): 00000001000000010000000100000001
* keep (binary): 1010
* result (binary): 00000001000000000000000100000000
* @param bitmap the bitmap
* @param keep a bitmask containing which bits to keep
* @return the original bitmap with all bits where keep is not 1 set to 0
private def keepBits(bitmap: Int, keep: Int): Int = {
var result = 0
var current = bitmap
var kept = keep
while (kept != 0) {
// lowest remaining bit in current
val lsb = current ^ (current & (current - 1))
if ((kept & 1) != 0) {
// mark bit in result bitmap
result |= lsb
// clear lowest remaining one bit in abm
current &= ~lsb
// look at the next kept bit
kept >>>= 1
private class SerializationProxy[A,B](@transient private var orig: HashMap[A, B]) extends Serializable {
private def writeObject(out: {
val s = orig.size
for ((k,v) <- orig) {
private def readObject(in: {
orig = empty
val s = in.readInt()
for (i <- 0 until s) {
val key = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[A]
val value = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[B]
orig = orig.updated(key, value)
private def readResolve(): AnyRef = orig
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