com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.stats.QuantileDigest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.stats;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Function;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Objects;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Preconditions;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Throwables;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Ticker;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.Iterators;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.Multimap;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.Multimaps;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.Ordering;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.collect.PeekingIterator;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.util.concurrent.AtomicDouble;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jol.info.ClassLayout;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.MoreObjects.firstNonNull;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.guava.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static java.lang.String.format;
* Implements http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=, a data structure
* for approximating quantiles by trading off error with memory requirements.
* The size of the digest is adjusted dynamically to achieve the error bound and requires
* O(log2(U) / maxError) space, where U is the number of bits needed to represent the
* domain of the values added to the digest. The error is defined as the discrepancy between the
* real rank of the value returned in a quantile query and the rank corresponding to the queried
* quantile.
* Thus, for a query for quantile q that returns value v, the error is
* |rank(v) - q * N| / N, where N is the number of elements added to the digest and rank(v) is the
* real rank of v
* This class also supports exponential decay. The implementation is based on the ideas laid out
* in http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
public class QuantileDigest
private static final int MAX_BITS = 64;
private static final double MAX_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.5;
// needs to be such that Math.exp(alpha * seconds) does not grow too big
static final long RESCALE_THRESHOLD_SECONDS = 50;
static final double ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD = 1e-5;
private final double maxError;
private final Ticker ticker;
private final double alpha;
private final boolean compressAutomatically;
private Node root;
private double weightedCount;
private long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long landmarkInSeconds;
private int totalNodeCount = 0;
private int nonZeroNodeCount = 0;
private int compressions = 0;
private enum TraversalOrder
* Create a QuantileDigest with a maximum error guarantee of "maxError" and no decay.
* @param maxError the max error tolerance
public QuantileDigest(double maxError)
this(maxError, 0);
Create a QuantileDigest with a maximum error guarantee of "maxError" and exponential decay
* with factor "alpha".
* @param maxError the max error tolerance
* @param alpha the exponential decay factor
public QuantileDigest(double maxError, double alpha)
this(maxError, alpha, Ticker.systemTicker(), true);
QuantileDigest(double maxError, double alpha, Ticker ticker, boolean compressAutomatically)
checkArgument(maxError >= 0 && maxError <= 1, "maxError must be in range [0, 1]");
checkArgument(alpha >= 0 && alpha < 1, "alpha must be in range [0, 1)");
this.maxError = maxError;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.ticker = ticker;
this.compressAutomatically = compressAutomatically;
landmarkInSeconds = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read());
public QuantileDigest(QuantileDigest quantileDigest)
this(quantileDigest.getMaxError(), quantileDigest.getAlpha());
public double getMaxError()
return maxError;
public double getAlpha()
return alpha;
public void add(long value)
add(value, 1);
* Adds a value to this digest. The value must be {@code >= 0}
public void add(long value, long count)
checkArgument(count > 0, "count must be > 0");
long nowInSeconds = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read());
int maxExpectedNodeCount = 3 * calculateCompressionFactor();
if (nowInSeconds - landmarkInSeconds >= RESCALE_THRESHOLD_SECONDS) {
compress(); // need to compress to get rid of nodes that may have decayed to ~ 0
else if (nonZeroNodeCount > MAX_SIZE_FACTOR * maxExpectedNodeCount && compressAutomatically) {
// The size (number of non-zero nodes) of the digest is at most 3 * compression factor
// If we're over MAX_SIZE_FACTOR of the expected size, compress
// Note: we don't compress as soon as we go over expectedNodeCount to avoid unnecessarily
// running a compression for every new added element when we're close to boundary
double weight = weight(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read())) * count;
max = Math.max(max, value);
min = Math.min(min, value);
insert(longToBits(value), weight);
public void merge(QuantileDigest other)
rescaleToCommonLandmark(this, other);
// 2. merge other into this (don't modify other)
root = merge(root, other.root);
max = Math.max(max, other.max);
min = Math.min(min, other.min);
// 3. compress to remove unnecessary nodes
* Gets the values at the specified quantiles +/- maxError. The list of quantiles must be sorted
* in increasing order, and each value must be in the range [0, 1]
public List getQuantiles(List quantiles)
checkArgument(Ordering.natural().isOrdered(quantiles), "quantiles must be sorted in increasing order");
for (double quantile : quantiles) {
checkArgument(quantile >= 0 && quantile <= 1, "quantile must be between [0,1]");
final ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder();
final PeekingIterator iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(quantiles.iterator());
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
private double sum = 0;
public boolean process(Node node)
sum += node.weightedCount;
while (iterator.hasNext() && sum > iterator.peek() * weightedCount) {
// we know the max value ever seen, so cap the percentile to provide better error
// bounds in this case
long value = Math.min(node.getUpperBound(), max);
return iterator.hasNext();
// we finished the traversal without consuming all quantiles. This means the remaining quantiles
// correspond to the max known value
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return builder.build();
* Gets the value at the specified quantile +/- maxError. The quantile must be in the range [0, 1]
public long getQuantile(double quantile)
return getQuantiles(ImmutableList.of(quantile)).get(0);
* Number (decayed) of elements added to this quantile digest
public double getCount()
return weightedCount / weight(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read()));
* Get the exponentially-decayed approximate counts of values in multiple buckets. The elements in
* the provided list denote the upper bound each of the buckets and must be sorted in ascending
* order.
* The approximate count in each bucket is guaranteed to be within 2 * totalCount * maxError of
* the real count.
public List getHistogram(List bucketUpperBounds)
checkArgument(Ordering.natural().isOrdered(bucketUpperBounds), "buckets must be sorted in increasing order");
final ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder();
final PeekingIterator iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(bucketUpperBounds.iterator());
final AtomicDouble sum = new AtomicDouble();
final AtomicDouble lastSum = new AtomicDouble();
// for computing weighed average of values in bucket
final AtomicDouble bucketWeightedSum = new AtomicDouble();
final double normalizationFactor = weight(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read()));
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
while (iterator.hasNext() && iterator.peek() <= node.getUpperBound()) {
double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();
Bucket bucket = new Bucket(bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);
bucketWeightedSum.addAndGet(node.getMiddle() * node.weightedCount);
return iterator.hasNext();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();
Bucket bucket = new Bucket(bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);
return builder.build();
public long getMin()
final AtomicLong chosen = new AtomicLong(min);
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return false;
return true;
}, TraversalOrder.FORWARD);
return Math.max(min, chosen.get());
public long getMax()
final AtomicLong chosen = new AtomicLong(max);
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return false;
return true;
}, TraversalOrder.REVERSE);
return Math.min(max, chosen.get());
public int estimatedInMemorySizeInBytes()
return SizeOf.QUANTILE_DIGEST + totalNodeCount * SizeOf.NODE;
public int estimatedSerializedSizeInBytes()
int estimatedNodeSize = SizeOf.BYTE + // flags
SizeOf.BYTE + // level
SizeOf.LONG + // value
SizeOf.DOUBLE; // weight
return SizeOf.DOUBLE + // maxError
SizeOf.DOUBLE + // alpha
SizeOf.LONG + // landmark
SizeOf.LONG + // min
SizeOf.LONG + // max
SizeOf.INTEGER + // node count
totalNodeCount * estimatedNodeSize;
public void serialize(final DataOutput output)
try {
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
try {
serializeNode(output, node);
catch (IOException e) {
return true;
catch (IOException e) {
private void serializeNode(DataOutput output, Node node)
throws IOException
int flags = 0;
if (node.left != null) {
flags |= Flags.HAS_LEFT;
if (node.right != null) {
flags |= Flags.HAS_RIGHT;
public static QuantileDigest deserialize(DataInput input)
try {
double maxError = input.readDouble();
double alpha = input.readDouble();
QuantileDigest result = new QuantileDigest(maxError, alpha);
result.landmarkInSeconds = input.readLong();
result.min = input.readLong();
result.max = input.readLong();
result.totalNodeCount = input.readInt();
Deque stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.totalNodeCount; i++) {
int flags = input.readByte();
Node node = deserializeNode(input);
if ((flags & Flags.HAS_RIGHT) != 0) {
node.right = stack.pop();
if ((flags & Flags.HAS_LEFT) != 0) {
node.left = stack.pop();
result.weightedCount += node.weightedCount;
if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(stack.size() == 1, "Tree is corrupted. Expected a single root node");
result.root = stack.pop();
return result;
catch (IOException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
private static Node deserializeNode(DataInput input)
throws IOException
int level = input.readUnsignedByte();
long value = input.readLong();
double weight = input.readDouble();
return new Node(value, level, weight);
int getTotalNodeCount()
return totalNodeCount;
int getNonZeroNodeCount()
return nonZeroNodeCount;
int getCompressions()
return compressions;
void compress()
final int compressionFactor = calculateCompressionFactor();
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
if (node.isLeaf()) {
return true;
// if children's weights are ~0 remove them and shift the weight to their parent
double leftWeight = 0;
if (node.left != null) {
leftWeight = node.left.weightedCount;
double rightWeight = 0;
if (node.right != null) {
rightWeight = node.right.weightedCount;
boolean shouldCompress = node.weightedCount + leftWeight + rightWeight < (int) (weightedCount / compressionFactor);
double oldNodeWeight = node.weightedCount;
if (shouldCompress || leftWeight < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
node.left = tryRemove(node.left);
weightedCount += leftWeight;
node.weightedCount += leftWeight;
if (shouldCompress || rightWeight < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
node.right = tryRemove(node.right);
weightedCount += rightWeight;
node.weightedCount += rightWeight;
if (oldNodeWeight < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD && node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
if (root != null && root.weightedCount < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
root = tryRemove(root);
private double weight(long timestamp)
return Math.exp(alpha * (timestamp - landmarkInSeconds));
private void rescale(long newLandmarkInSeconds)
// rescale the weights based on a new landmark to avoid numerical overflow issues
final double factor = Math.exp(-alpha * (newLandmarkInSeconds - landmarkInSeconds));
weightedCount *= factor;
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
double oldWeight = node.weightedCount;
node.weightedCount *= factor;
if (oldWeight >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD && node.weightedCount < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
landmarkInSeconds = newLandmarkInSeconds;
private int calculateCompressionFactor()
if (root == null) {
return 1;
return Math.max((int) ((root.level + 1) / maxError), 1);
private void insert(long bits, double weight)
long lastBranch = 0;
Node parent = null;
Node current = root;
while (true) {
if (current == null) {
setChild(parent, lastBranch, createLeaf(bits, weight));
else if (!inSameSubtree(bits, current.bits, current.level)) {
// if bits and node.bits are not in the same branch given node's level,
// insert a parent above them at the point at which branches diverge
setChild(parent, lastBranch, makeSiblings(current, createLeaf(bits, weight)));
else if (current.level == 0 && current.bits == bits) {
// found the node
double oldWeight = current.weightedCount;
current.weightedCount += weight;
if (current.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD && oldWeight < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
weightedCount += weight;
// we're on the correct branch of the tree and we haven't reached a leaf, so keep going down
long branch = bits & current.getBranchMask();
parent = current;
lastBranch = branch;
if (branch == 0) {
current = current.left;
else {
current = current.right;
private void setChild(Node parent, long branch, Node child)
if (parent == null) {
root = child;
else if (branch == 0) {
parent.left = child;
else {
parent.right = child;
private Node makeSiblings(Node node, Node sibling)
int parentLevel = MAX_BITS - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(node.bits ^ sibling.bits);
Node parent = createNode(node.bits, parentLevel, 0);
// the branch is given by the bit at the level one below parent
long branch = sibling.bits & parent.getBranchMask();
if (branch == 0) {
parent.left = sibling;
parent.right = node;
else {
parent.left = node;
parent.right = sibling;
return parent;
private Node createLeaf(long bits, double weight)
return createNode(bits, 0, weight);
private Node createNode(long bits, int level, double weight)
weightedCount += weight;
if (weight >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return new Node(bits, level, weight);
private Node merge(Node node, Node other)
if (node == null) {
return copyRecursive(other);
else if (other == null) {
return node;
else if (!inSameSubtree(node.bits, other.bits, Math.max(node.level, other.level))) {
return makeSiblings(node, copyRecursive(other));
else if (node.level > other.level) {
long branch = other.bits & node.getBranchMask();
if (branch == 0) {
node.left = merge(node.left, other);
else {
node.right = merge(node.right, other);
return node;
else if (node.level < other.level) {
Node result = createNode(other.bits, other.level, other.weightedCount);
long branch = node.bits & other.getBranchMask();
if (branch == 0) {
result.left = merge(node, other.left);
result.right = copyRecursive(other.right);
else {
result.left = copyRecursive(other.left);
result.right = merge(node, other.right);
return result;
// else, they must be at the same level and on the same path, so just bump the counts
double oldWeight = node.weightedCount;
weightedCount += other.weightedCount;
node.weightedCount = node.weightedCount + other.weightedCount;
node.left = merge(node.left, other.left);
node.right = merge(node.right, other.right);
if (oldWeight < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD && node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return node;
private static boolean inSameSubtree(long bitsA, long bitsB, int level)
return level == MAX_BITS || (bitsA >>> level) == (bitsB >>> level);
private Node copyRecursive(Node node)
Node result = null;
if (node != null) {
result = createNode(node.bits, node.level, node.weightedCount);
result.left = copyRecursive(node.left);
result.right = copyRecursive(node.right);
return result;
* Remove the node if possible or set its count to 0 if it has children and
* it needs to be kept around
private Node tryRemove(Node node)
if (node == null) {
return null;
if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
weightedCount -= node.weightedCount;
Node result = null;
if (node.isLeaf()) {
else if (node.hasSingleChild()) {
result = node.getSingleChild();
else {
node.weightedCount = 0;
result = node;
return result;
private boolean postOrderTraversal(Node node, Callback callback)
return postOrderTraversal(node, callback, TraversalOrder.FORWARD);
// returns true if traversal should continue
private boolean postOrderTraversal(Node node, Callback callback, TraversalOrder order)
if (node == null) {
return false;
Node first;
Node second;
if (order == TraversalOrder.FORWARD) {
first = node.left;
second = node.right;
else {
first = node.right;
second = node.left;
if (first != null && !postOrderTraversal(first, callback, order)) {
return false;
if (second != null && !postOrderTraversal(second, callback, order)) {
return false;
return callback.process(node);
* Computes the maximum error of the current digest
public double getConfidenceFactor()
return computeMaxPathWeight(root) * 1.0 / weightedCount;
public boolean equivalent(QuantileDigest other)
rescaleToCommonLandmark(this, other);
return (totalNodeCount == other.totalNodeCount &&
nonZeroNodeCount == other.nonZeroNodeCount &&
min == other.min &&
max == other.max &&
weightedCount == other.weightedCount &&
Objects.equal(root, other.root));
private void rescaleToCommonLandmark(QuantileDigest one, QuantileDigest two)
long nowInSeconds = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read());
// 1. rescale this and other to common landmark
long targetLandmark = Math.max(one.landmarkInSeconds, two.landmarkInSeconds);
if (nowInSeconds - targetLandmark >= RESCALE_THRESHOLD_SECONDS) {
targetLandmark = nowInSeconds;
if (targetLandmark != one.landmarkInSeconds) {
if (targetLandmark != two.landmarkInSeconds) {
* Computes the max "weight" of any path starting at node and ending at a leaf in the
* hypothetical complete tree. The weight is the sum of counts in the ancestors of a given node
private double computeMaxPathWeight(Node node)
if (node == null || node.level == 0) {
return 0;
double leftMaxWeight = computeMaxPathWeight(node.left);
double rightMaxWeight = computeMaxPathWeight(node.right);
return Math.max(leftMaxWeight, rightMaxWeight) + node.weightedCount;
void validate()
final AtomicDouble sumOfWeights = new AtomicDouble();
final AtomicInteger actualNodeCount = new AtomicInteger();
final AtomicInteger actualNonZeroNodeCount = new AtomicInteger();
if (root != null) {
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
checkState(Math.abs(sumOfWeights.get() - weightedCount) < ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD,
"Computed weight (%s) doesn't match summary (%s)", sumOfWeights.get(),
checkState(actualNodeCount.get() == totalNodeCount,
"Actual node count (%s) doesn't match summary (%s)",
actualNodeCount.get(), totalNodeCount);
checkState(actualNonZeroNodeCount.get() == nonZeroNodeCount,
"Actual non-zero node count (%s) doesn't match summary (%s)",
actualNonZeroNodeCount.get(), nonZeroNodeCount);
private void validateStructure(Node node)
checkState(node.level >= 0);
if (node.left != null) {
validateBranchStructure(node, node.left, node.right, true);
if (node.right != null) {
validateBranchStructure(node, node.right, node.left, false);
private void validateBranchStructure(Node parent, Node child, Node otherChild, boolean isLeft)
checkState(child.level < parent.level, "Child level (%s) should be smaller than parent level (%s)", child.level, parent.level);
long branch = child.bits & (1L << (parent.level - 1));
checkState(branch == 0 && isLeft || branch != 0 && !isLeft, "Value of child node is inconsistent with its branch");
Preconditions.checkState(parent.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD ||
child.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD || otherChild != null,
"Found a linear chain of zero-weight nodes");
public String toGraphviz()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("digraph QuantileDigest {\n")
.append("\tgraph [ordering=\"out\"];");
final List nodes = new ArrayList<>();
postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback()
public boolean process(Node node)
return true;
Multimap nodesByLevel = Multimaps.index(nodes, new Function()
public Integer apply(Node input)
return input.level;
for (Map.Entry> entry : nodesByLevel.asMap().entrySet()) {
builder.append("\tsubgraph level_" + entry.getKey() + " {\n")
.append("\t\trank = same;\n");
for (Node node : entry.getValue()) {
builder.append(String.format("\t\t%s [label=\"[%s..%s]@%s\\n%s\", shape=rect, style=filled,color=%s];\n",
node.weightedCount > 0 ? "salmon2" : "white")
for (Node node : nodes) {
if (node.left != null) {
builder.append(format("\t%s -> %s;\n", idFor(node), idFor(node.left)));
if (node.right != null) {
builder.append(format("\t%s -> %s;\n", idFor(node), idFor(node.right)));
return builder.toString();
private static String idFor(Node node)
return String.format("node_%x_%x", node.bits, node.level);
* Convert a java long (two's complement representation) to a 64-bit lexicographically-sortable binary
private static long longToBits(long value)
return value ^ 0x8000_0000_0000_0000L;
* Convert a 64-bit lexicographically-sortable binary to a java long (two's complement representation)
private static long bitsToLong(long bits)
return bits ^ 0x8000_0000_0000_0000L;
public static class Bucket
private double count;
private double mean;
public Bucket(double count, double mean)
this.count = count;
this.mean = mean;
public double getCount()
return count;
public double getMean()
return mean;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
final Bucket bucket = (Bucket) o;
if (Double.compare(bucket.count, count) != 0) {
return false;
if (Double.compare(bucket.mean, mean) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
int result;
long temp;
temp = count != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(count) : 0L;
result = (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = mean != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(mean) : 0L;
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
return result;
public String toString()
return String.format("[count: %f, mean: %f]", count, mean);
private static class Node
private double weightedCount;
private int level;
private long bits;
private Node left;
private Node right;
private Node(long bits, int level, double weightedCount)
this.bits = bits;
this.level = level;
this.weightedCount = weightedCount;
public boolean isLeaf()
return left == null && right == null;
public boolean hasSingleChild()
return left == null && right != null || left != null && right == null;
public Node getSingleChild()
checkState(hasSingleChild(), "Node does not have a single child");
return firstNonNull(left, right);
public long getUpperBound()
// set all lsb below level to 1 (we're looking for the highest value of the range covered by this node)
long mask = 0;
if (level > 0) { // need to special case when level == 0 because (value >> 64 really means value >> (64 % 64))
mask = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL >>> (MAX_BITS - level);
return bitsToLong(bits | mask);
public long getBranchMask()
return (1L << (level - 1));
public long getLowerBound()
// set all lsb below level to 0 (we're looking for the lowest value of the range covered by this node)
long mask = 0;
if (level > 0) { // need to special case when level == 0 because (value >> 64 really means value >> (64 % 64))
mask = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL >>> (MAX_BITS - level);
return bitsToLong(bits & (~mask));
public long getMiddle()
return getLowerBound() + (getUpperBound() - getLowerBound()) / 2;
public String toString()
return format("%s (level = %d, count = %s, left = %s, right = %s)", bits, level, weightedCount, left != null, right != null);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(weightedCount, level, bits, left, right);
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Node other = (Node) obj;
return Objects.equal(this.weightedCount, other.weightedCount) &&
Objects.equal(this.level, other.level) &&
Objects.equal(this.bits, other.bits) &&
Objects.equal(this.left, other.left) &&
Objects.equal(this.right, other.right);
private static interface Callback
* @param node the node to process
* @return true if processing should continue
boolean process(Node node);
private static class SizeOf
public static final int BYTE = 1;
public static final int INTEGER = 4;
public static final int LONG = 8;
public static final int DOUBLE = 8;
public static final int QUANTILE_DIGEST = ClassLayout.parseClass(QuantileDigest.class).instanceSize();
public static final int NODE = ClassLayout.parseClass(Node.class).instanceSize();
private static class Flags
public static final int HAS_LEFT = 1 << 0;
public static final int HAS_RIGHT = 1 << 1;