com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice.SliceUtf8 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice.Preconditions.checkPositionIndex;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice.Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.airlift.slice.Preconditions.verify;
import static java.lang.Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;
import static java.lang.Character.MAX_SURROGATE;
import static java.lang.Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT;
import static java.lang.Character.MIN_SURROGATE;
import static java.lang.Integer.toHexString;
* Utility methods for UTF-8 encoded slices.
public final class SliceUtf8
private SliceUtf8() {}
private static final int MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE_CODE_POINT = 0xD800;
private static final int REPLACEMENT_CODE_POINT = 0xFFFD;
private static final int TOP_MASK32 = 0x8080_8080;
private static final long TOP_MASK64 = 0x8080_8080_8080_8080L;
private static final int[] LOWER_CODE_POINTS;
private static final int[] UPPER_CODE_POINTS;
private static final boolean[] WHITESPACE_CODE_POINTS;
static {
for (int codePoint = 0; codePoint <= MAX_CODE_POINT; codePoint++) {
int type = Character.getType(codePoint);
if (type != Character.SURROGATE) {
LOWER_CODE_POINTS[codePoint] = Character.toLowerCase(codePoint);
UPPER_CODE_POINTS[codePoint] = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint);
WHITESPACE_CODE_POINTS[codePoint] = Character.isWhitespace(codePoint);
else {
WHITESPACE_CODE_POINTS[codePoint] = false;
* Does the slice contain only 7-bit ASCII characters.
public static boolean isAscii(Slice utf8)
int length = utf8.length();
int offset = 0;
// Length rounded to 8 bytes
int length8 = length & 0x7FFF_FFF8;
for (; offset < length8; offset += 8) {
if ((utf8.getLongUnchecked(offset) & TOP_MASK64) != 0) {
return false;
// Enough bytes left for 32 bits?
if (offset + 4 < length) {
if ((utf8.getIntUnchecked(offset) & TOP_MASK32) != 0) {
return false;
offset += 4;
// Do the rest one by one
for (; offset < length; offset++) {
if ((utf8.getByteUnchecked(offset) & 0x80) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Counts the code points within UTF-8 encoded slice.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int countCodePoints(Slice utf8)
return countCodePoints(utf8, 0, utf8.length());
* Counts the code points within UTF-8 encoded slice up to {@code length}.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int countCodePoints(Slice utf8, int offset, int length)
checkPositionIndexes(offset, offset + length, utf8.length());
// Quick exit if empty string
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
int continuationBytesCount = 0;
// Length rounded to 8 bytes
int length8 = length & 0x7FFF_FFF8;
for (; offset < length8; offset += 8) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
continuationBytesCount += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getLongUnchecked(offset));
// Enough bytes left for 32 bits?
if (offset + 4 < length) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
continuationBytesCount += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getIntUnchecked(offset));
offset += 4;
// Do the rest one by one
for (; offset < length; offset++) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
continuationBytesCount += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getByteUnchecked(offset));
verify(continuationBytesCount <= length);
return length - continuationBytesCount;
* Gets the substring starting at {@code codePointStart} and extending for
* {@code codePointLength} code points.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static Slice substring(Slice utf8, int codePointStart, int codePointLength)
checkArgument(codePointStart >= 0, "codePointStart is negative");
checkArgument(codePointLength >= 0, "codePointLength is negative");
int indexStart = offsetOfCodePoint(utf8, codePointStart);
if (indexStart < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 does not contain " + codePointStart + " code points");
if (codePointLength == 0) {
return Slices.EMPTY_SLICE;
int indexEnd = offsetOfCodePoint(utf8, indexStart, codePointLength - 1);
if (indexEnd < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 does not contain " + (codePointStart + codePointLength) + " code points");
indexEnd += lengthOfCodePoint(utf8, indexEnd);
if (indexEnd > utf8.length()) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 is not well formed");
return utf8.slice(indexStart, indexEnd - indexStart);
* Reverses the slice code point by code point.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are copied directly to the output.
public static Slice reverse(Slice utf8)
int length = utf8.length();
Slice reverse = Slices.allocate(length);
int forwardPosition = 0;
int reversePosition = length;
while (forwardPosition < length) {
int codePointLength = lengthOfCodePointSafe(utf8, forwardPosition);
// backup the reverse pointer
reversePosition -= codePointLength;
if (reversePosition < 0) {
// this should not happen
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 is not well formed");
// copy the character
copyUtf8SequenceUnsafe(utf8, forwardPosition, reverse, reversePosition, codePointLength);
forwardPosition += codePointLength;
return reverse;
* Compares to UTF-8 sequences using UTF-16 big endian semantics. This is
* equivalent to the {@link java.lang.String#compareTo(Object)}.
* {@code java.lang.String}.
* @throws InvalidUtf8Exception if the UTF-8 are invalid
public static int compareUtf16BE(Slice utf8Left, Slice utf8Right)
int leftLength = utf8Left.length();
int rightLength = utf8Right.length();
int offset = 0;
while (offset < leftLength) {
// if there are no more right code points, right is less
if (offset >= rightLength) {
return 1; // left.compare(right) > 0
int leftCodePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8Left, offset);
if (leftCodePoint < 0) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Invalid UTF-8 sequence in utf8Left at " + offset);
int rightCodePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8Right, offset);
if (rightCodePoint < 0) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Invalid UTF-8 sequence in utf8Right at " + offset);
int result = compareUtf16BE(leftCodePoint, rightCodePoint);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
// the code points are the same and non-canonical sequences are not allowed,
// so we advance a single offset through both sequences
offset += lengthOfCodePoint(leftCodePoint);
// there are no more left code points, so if there are more right code points,
// left is less
if (offset < rightLength) {
return -1; // left.compare(right) < 0
return 0;
static int compareUtf16BE(int leftCodePoint, int rightCodePoint)
return Integer.compare(leftCodePoint, rightCodePoint);
else {
// left simple, right complex
return leftCodePoint < MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE_CODE_POINT ? -1 : 1;
else {
return Integer.compare(leftCodePoint, rightCodePoint);
else {
// left complex, right simple
return rightCodePoint < MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE_CODE_POINT ? 1 : -1;
* Converts slice to upper case code point by code point. This method does
* not perform perform locale-sensitive, context-sensitive, or one-to-many
* mappings required for some languages. Specifically, this will return
* incorrect results for Lithuanian, Turkish, and Azeri.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are copied directly to the output.
public static Slice toUpperCase(Slice utf8)
return translateCodePoints(utf8, UPPER_CODE_POINTS);
* Converts slice to lower case code point by code point. This method does
* not perform perform locale-sensitive, context-sensitive, or one-to-many
* mappings required for some languages. Specifically, this will return
* incorrect results for Lithuanian, Turkish, and Azeri.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are copied directly to the output.
public static Slice toLowerCase(Slice utf8)
return translateCodePoints(utf8, LOWER_CODE_POINTS);
private static Slice translateCodePoints(Slice utf8, int[] codePointTranslationMap)
int length = utf8.length();
Slice newUtf8 = Slices.allocate(length);
int position = 0;
int upperPosition = 0;
while (position < length) {
int codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position);
if (codePoint >= 0) {
int upperCodePoint = codePointTranslationMap[codePoint];
// grow slice if necessary
int nextUpperPosition = upperPosition + lengthOfCodePoint(upperCodePoint);
if (nextUpperPosition > length) {
newUtf8 = Slices.ensureSize(newUtf8, nextUpperPosition);
// write new byte
setCodePointAt(upperCodePoint, newUtf8, upperPosition);
position += lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint);
upperPosition = nextUpperPosition;
else {
int skipLength = -codePoint;
// grow slice if necessary
int nextUpperPosition = upperPosition + skipLength;
if (nextUpperPosition > length) {
newUtf8 = Slices.ensureSize(newUtf8, nextUpperPosition);
copyUtf8SequenceUnsafe(utf8, position, newUtf8, upperPosition, skipLength);
position += skipLength;
upperPosition = nextUpperPosition;
return newUtf8.slice(0, upperPosition);
private static void copyUtf8SequenceUnsafe(Slice source, int sourcePosition, Slice destination, int destinationPosition, int length)
switch (length) {
case 1:
destination.setByteUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getByteUnchecked(sourcePosition));
case 2:
destination.setShortUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getShortUnchecked(sourcePosition));
case 3:
destination.setShortUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getShortUnchecked(sourcePosition));
destination.setByteUnchecked(destinationPosition + 2, source.getByteUnchecked(sourcePosition + 2));
case 4:
destination.setIntUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getIntUnchecked(sourcePosition));
case 5:
destination.setIntUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getIntUnchecked(sourcePosition));
destination.setByteUnchecked(destinationPosition + 4, source.getByteUnchecked(sourcePosition + 4));
case 6:
destination.setIntUnchecked(destinationPosition, source.getIntUnchecked(sourcePosition));
destination.setShortUnchecked(destinationPosition + 4, source.getShortUnchecked(sourcePosition + 4));
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid code point length " + length);
* Removes all white space characters from the left side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice leftTrim(Slice utf8)
int length = utf8.length();
int position = firstNonWhitespacePosition(utf8);
return utf8.slice(position, length - position);
* Removes all {@code whiteSpaceCodePoints} from the left side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice leftTrim(Slice utf8, int[] whiteSpaceCodePoints)
int length = utf8.length();
int position = firstNonMatchPosition(utf8, whiteSpaceCodePoints);
return utf8.slice(position, length - position);
private static int firstNonWhitespacePosition(Slice utf8)
int length = utf8.length();
int position = 0;
while (position < length) {
int codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position);
if (codePoint < 0) {
position += lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint);
return position;
// This function is an exact duplicate of firstNonWhitespacePosition(Slice) except for one line.
private static int firstNonMatchPosition(Slice utf8, int[] codePointsToMatch)
int length = utf8.length();
int position = 0;
while (position < length) {
int codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position);
if (codePoint < 0) {
if (!matches(codePoint, codePointsToMatch)) {
position += lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint);
return position;
private static boolean matches(int codePoint, int[] codePoints)
for (int codePointToTrim : codePoints) {
if (codePoint == codePointToTrim) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes all white space characters from the right side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice rightTrim(Slice utf8)
int position = lastNonWhitespacePosition(utf8, 0);
return utf8.slice(0, position);
* Removes all white {@code whiteSpaceCodePoints} from the right side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice rightTrim(Slice utf8, int[] whiteSpaceCodePoints)
int position = lastNonMatchPosition(utf8, 0, whiteSpaceCodePoints);
return utf8.slice(0, position);
private static int lastNonWhitespacePosition(Slice utf8, int minPosition)
int position = utf8.length();
while (minPosition < position) {
// decode the code point before position if possible
int codePoint;
int codePointLength;
byte unsignedByte = utf8.getByte(position - 1);
if (!isContinuationByte(unsignedByte)) {
codePoint = unsignedByte & 0xFF;
codePointLength = 1;
else if (minPosition <= position - 2 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 2))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 2);
codePointLength = 2;
else if (minPosition <= position - 3 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 3))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 3);
codePointLength = 3;
else if (minPosition <= position - 4 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 4))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 4);
codePointLength = 4;
else {
if (codePoint < 0 || codePointLength != lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint)) {
position -= codePointLength;
return position;
// This function is an exact duplicate of lastNonWhitespacePosition(Slice, int) except for one line.
private static int lastNonMatchPosition(Slice utf8, int minPosition, int[] codePointsToMatch)
int position = utf8.length();
while (position > minPosition) {
// decode the code point before position if possible
int codePoint;
int codePointLength;
byte unsignedByte = utf8.getByte(position - 1);
if (!isContinuationByte(unsignedByte)) {
codePoint = unsignedByte & 0xFF;
codePointLength = 1;
else if (minPosition <= position - 2 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 2))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 2);
codePointLength = 2;
else if (minPosition <= position - 3 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 3))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 3);
codePointLength = 3;
else if (minPosition <= position - 4 && !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 4))) {
codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(utf8, position - 4);
codePointLength = 4;
else {
if (codePoint < 0 || codePointLength != lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint)) {
if (!matches(codePoint, codePointsToMatch)) {
position -= codePointLength;
return position;
* Removes all white space characters from the left and right side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice trim(Slice utf8)
int start = firstNonWhitespacePosition(utf8);
int end = lastNonWhitespacePosition(utf8, start);
return utf8.slice(start, end - start);
* Removes all white {@code whiteSpaceCodePoints} from the left and right side of the string.
* Note: Invalid UTF-8 sequences are not trimmed.
public static Slice trim(Slice utf8, int[] whiteSpaceCodePoints)
int start = firstNonMatchPosition(utf8, whiteSpaceCodePoints);
int end = lastNonMatchPosition(utf8, start, whiteSpaceCodePoints);
return utf8.slice(start, end - start);
public static Slice fixInvalidUtf8(Slice slice)
return fixInvalidUtf8(slice, OptionalInt.of(REPLACEMENT_CODE_POINT));
public static Slice fixInvalidUtf8(Slice slice, OptionalInt replacementCodePoint)
if (isAscii(slice)) {
return slice;
int replacementCodePointValue = -1;
int replacementCodePointLength = 0;
if (replacementCodePoint.isPresent()) {
replacementCodePointValue = replacementCodePoint.getAsInt();
replacementCodePointLength = lengthOfCodePoint(replacementCodePointValue);
int length = slice.length();
Slice utf8 = Slices.allocate(length);
int dataPosition = 0;
int utf8Position = 0;
while (dataPosition < length) {
int codePoint = tryGetCodePointAt(slice, dataPosition);
int codePointLength;
if (codePoint >= 0) {
codePointLength = lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint);
dataPosition += codePointLength;
else {
// negative number carries the number of invalid bytes
dataPosition += (-codePoint);
if (replacementCodePointValue < 0) {
codePoint = replacementCodePointValue;
codePointLength = replacementCodePointLength;
utf8 = Slices.ensureSize(utf8, utf8Position + codePointLength);
utf8Position += setCodePointAt(codePoint, utf8, utf8Position);
return utf8.slice(0, utf8Position);
* Tries to get the UTF-8 encoded code point at the {@code position}. A positive
* return value means the UTF-8 sequence at the position is valid, and the result
* is the code point. A negative return value means the UTF-8 sequence at the
* position is invalid, and the length of the invalid sequence is the absolute
* value of the result.
* @return the code point or negative the number of bytes in the invalid UTF-8 sequence.
public static int tryGetCodePointAt(Slice utf8, int position)
// Process first byte
byte firstByte = utf8.getByte(position);
int length = lengthOfCodePointFromStartByteSafe(firstByte);
if (length < 0) {
return length;
if (length == 1) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
return firstByte;
// Process second byte
if (position + 1 >= utf8.length()) {
return -1;
byte secondByte = utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 1);
if (!isContinuationByte(secondByte)) {
return -1;
if (length == 2) {
// 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
int codePoint = ((firstByte & 0b0001_1111) << 6) |
(secondByte & 0b0011_1111);
// fail if overlong encoding
return codePoint < 0x80 ? -2 : codePoint;
// Process third byte
if (position + 2 >= utf8.length()) {
return -2;
byte thirdByte = utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 2);
if (!isContinuationByte(thirdByte)) {
return -2;
if (length == 3) {
// 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
int codePoint = ((firstByte & 0b0000_1111) << 12) |
((secondByte & 0b0011_1111) << 6) |
(thirdByte & 0b0011_1111);
// surrogates are invalid
if (MIN_SURROGATE <= codePoint && codePoint <= MAX_SURROGATE) {
return -3;
// fail if overlong encoding
return codePoint < 0x800 ? -3 : codePoint;
// Process forth byte
if (position + 3 >= utf8.length()) {
return -3;
byte forthByte = utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 3);
if (!isContinuationByte(forthByte)) {
return -3;
if (length == 4) {
// 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
int codePoint = ((firstByte & 0b0000_0111) << 18) |
((secondByte & 0b0011_1111) << 12) |
((thirdByte & 0b0011_1111) << 6) |
(forthByte & 0b0011_1111);
// fail if overlong encoding or above upper bound of Unicode
if (codePoint < 0x11_0000 && codePoint >= 0x1_0000) {
return codePoint;
return -4;
// Process fifth byte
if (position + 4 >= utf8.length()) {
return -4;
byte fifthByte = utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 4);
if (!isContinuationByte(fifthByte)) {
return -4;
if (length == 5) {
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
return -5;
// Process sixth byte
if (position + 5 >= utf8.length()) {
return -5;
byte sixthByte = utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 5);
if (!isContinuationByte(sixthByte)) {
return -5;
if (length == 6) {
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
return -6;
// for longer sequence, which can't happen
return -1;
static int lengthOfCodePointFromStartByteSafe(byte startByte)
int unsignedStartByte = startByte & 0xFF;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1000_0000) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
return 1;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1100_0000) {
// illegal bytes
// 10xx_xxxx
return -1;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1110_0000) {
// 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 2;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1111_0000) {
// 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 3;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1111_1000) {
// 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 4;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1111_1100) {
// 1111_10xx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 5;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0b1111_1110) {
// 1111_110x 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 6;
return -1;
* Finds the index of the first byte of the code point at a position, or
* {@code -1} if the position is not within the slice.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int offsetOfCodePoint(Slice utf8, int codePointCount)
return offsetOfCodePoint(utf8, 0, codePointCount);
* Starting from {@code position} bytes in {@code utf8}, finds the
* index of the first byte of the code point {@code codePointCount}
* in the slice. If the slice does not contain
* {@code codePointCount} code points after {@code position}, {@code -1}
* is returned.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int offsetOfCodePoint(Slice utf8, int position, int codePointCount)
checkPositionIndex(position, utf8.length());
checkArgument(codePointCount >= 0, "codePointPosition is negative");
// Quick exit if we are sure that the position is after the end
if (utf8.length() - position <= codePointCount) {
return -1;
if (codePointCount == 0) {
return position;
int correctIndex = codePointCount + position;
// Length rounded to 8 bytes
int length8 = utf8.length() & 0x7FFF_FFF8;
// While we have enough bytes left and we need at least 8 characters process 8 bytes at once
while (position < length8 && correctIndex >= position + 8) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
correctIndex += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getLongUnchecked(position));
position += 8;
// Length rounded to 4 bytes
int length4 = utf8.length() & 0x7FFF_FFFC;
// While we have enough bytes left and we need at least 4 characters process 4 bytes at once
while (position < length4 && correctIndex >= position + 4) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
correctIndex += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getIntUnchecked(position));
position += 4;
// Do the rest one by one, always check the last byte to find the end of the code point
while (position < utf8.length()) {
// Count bytes which are NOT the start of a code point
correctIndex += countContinuationBytes(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position));
if (position == correctIndex) {
if (position == correctIndex && correctIndex < utf8.length()) {
return correctIndex;
return -1;
* Gets the UTF-8 sequence length of the code point at {@code position}.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int lengthOfCodePoint(Slice utf8, int position)
return lengthOfCodePointFromStartByte(utf8.getByte(position));
* Gets the UTF-8 sequence length of the code point at {@code position}.
* Truncated UTF-8 sequences, 5 and 6 byte sequences, and invalid code points
* are handled by this method without throwing an exception.
public static int lengthOfCodePointSafe(Slice utf8, int position)
int length = lengthOfCodePointFromStartByteSafe(utf8.getByte(position));
if (length < 0) {
return -length;
if (length == 1 || position + 1 >= utf8.length() || !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 1))) {
return 1;
if (length == 2 || position + 2 >= utf8.length() || !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 2))) {
return 2;
if (length == 3 || position + 3 >= utf8.length() || !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 3))) {
return 3;
if (length == 4 || position + 4 >= utf8.length() || !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 4))) {
return 4;
if (length == 5 || position + 5 >= utf8.length() || !isContinuationByte(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 5))) {
return 5;
if (length == 6) {
return 6;
return 1;
* Gets the UTF-8 sequence length of the code point.
* @throws InvalidCodePointException if code point is not within a valid range
public static int lengthOfCodePoint(int codePoint)
if (codePoint < 0) {
throw new InvalidCodePointException(codePoint);
if (codePoint < 0x80) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
return 1;
if (codePoint < 0x800) {
return 2;
if (codePoint < 0x1_0000) {
return 3;
if (codePoint < 0x11_0000) {
return 4;
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
throw new InvalidCodePointException(codePoint);
* Gets the UTF-8 sequence length using the sequence start byte.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int lengthOfCodePointFromStartByte(byte startByte)
int unsignedStartByte = startByte & 0xFF;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0x80) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
return 1;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xc0) {
// illegal bytes
// 10xx_xxxx
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Illegal start 0x" + toHexString(unsignedStartByte).toUpperCase() + " of code point");
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xe0) {
// 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 2;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xf0) {
// 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 3;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xf8) {
// 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
return 4;
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Illegal start 0x" + toHexString(unsignedStartByte).toUpperCase() + " of code point");
* Gets the UTF-8 encoded code point at the {@code position}.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int getCodePointAt(Slice utf8, int position)
int unsignedStartByte = utf8.getByte(position) & 0xFF;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0x80) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
return unsignedStartByte;
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xc0) {
// illegal bytes
// 10xx_xxxx
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Illegal start 0x" + toHexString(unsignedStartByte).toUpperCase() + " of code point");
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xe0) {
// 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
if (position + 1 >= utf8.length()) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 sequence truncated");
return ((unsignedStartByte & 0b0001_1111) << 6) |
(utf8.getByte(position + 1) & 0b0011_1111);
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xf0) {
// 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
if (position + 2 >= utf8.length()) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 sequence truncated");
return ((unsignedStartByte & 0b0000_1111) << 12) |
((utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 1) & 0b0011_1111) << 6) |
(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 2) & 0b0011_1111);
if (unsignedStartByte < 0xf8) {
// 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
if (position + 3 >= utf8.length()) {
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 sequence truncated");
return ((unsignedStartByte & 0b0000_0111) << 18) |
((utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 1) & 0b0011_1111) << 12) |
((utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 2) & 0b0011_1111) << 6) |
(utf8.getByteUnchecked(position + 3) & 0b0011_1111);
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("Illegal start 0x" + toHexString(unsignedStartByte).toUpperCase() + " of code point");
* Gets the UTF-8 encoded code point before the {@code position}.
* Note: This method does not explicitly check for valid UTF-8, and may
* return incorrect results or throw an exception for invalid UTF-8.
public static int getCodePointBefore(Slice utf8, int position)
byte unsignedByte = utf8.getByte(position - 1);
if (!isContinuationByte(unsignedByte)) {
return unsignedByte & 0xFF;
if (!isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 2))) {
return getCodePointAt(utf8, position - 2);
if (!isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 3))) {
return getCodePointAt(utf8, position - 3);
if (!isContinuationByte(utf8.getByte(position - 4))) {
return getCodePointAt(utf8, position - 4);
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
throw new InvalidUtf8Exception("UTF-8 is not well formed");
private static boolean isContinuationByte(byte b)
return (b & 0b1100_0000) == 0b1000_0000;
* Convert the code point to UTF-8.
* @throws InvalidCodePointException if code point is not within a valid range
public static Slice codePointToUtf8(int codePoint)
Slice utf8 = Slices.allocate(lengthOfCodePoint(codePoint));
setCodePointAt(codePoint, utf8, 0);
return utf8;
* Sets the UTF-8 sequence for code point at the {@code position}.
* @throws InvalidCodePointException if code point is not within a valid range
public static int setCodePointAt(int codePoint, Slice utf8, int position)
if (codePoint < 0) {
throw new InvalidCodePointException(codePoint);
if (codePoint < 0x80) {
// normal ASCII
// 0xxx_xxxx
utf8.setByte(position, codePoint);
return 1;
if (codePoint < 0x800) {
// 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
utf8.setByte(position, 0b1100_0000 | (codePoint >>> 6));
utf8.setByte(position + 1, 0b1000_0000 | (codePoint & 0b0011_1111));
return 2;
if (MIN_SURROGATE <= codePoint && codePoint <= MAX_SURROGATE) {
throw new InvalidCodePointException(codePoint);
if (codePoint < 0x1_0000) {
// 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
utf8.setByte(position, 0b1110_0000 | ((codePoint >>> 12) & 0b0000_1111));
utf8.setByte(position + 1, 0b1000_0000 | ((codePoint >>> 6) & 0b0011_1111));
utf8.setByte(position + 2, 0b1000_0000 | (codePoint & 0b0011_1111));
return 3;
if (codePoint < 0x11_0000) {
// 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx
utf8.setByte(position, 0b1111_0000 | ((codePoint >>> 18) & 0b0000_0111));
utf8.setByte(position + 1, 0b1000_0000 | ((codePoint >>> 12) & 0b0011_1111));
utf8.setByte(position + 2, 0b1000_0000 | ((codePoint >>> 6) & 0b0011_1111));
utf8.setByte(position + 3, 0b1000_0000 | (codePoint & 0b0011_1111));
return 4;
// Per RFC3629, UTF-8 is limited to 4 bytes, so more bytes are illegal
throw new InvalidCodePointException(codePoint);
private static int countContinuationBytes(byte i8)
// see below
int value = i8 & 0xff;
return (value >>> 7) & (~value >>> 6);
private static int countContinuationBytes(int i32)
// see below
i32 = ((i32 & TOP_MASK32) >>> 1) & (~i32);
return Integer.bitCount(i32);
private static int countContinuationBytes(long i64)
// Count the number of bytes that match 0b10xx_xxxx as follows:
// 1. Mask off the 8th bit of every byte and shift it into the 7th position.
// 2. Then invert the bytes, which turns the 0 in the 7th bit to a one.
// 3. And together the restults of step 1 and 2, giving us a one in the 7th
// position if the byte matched.
// 4. Count the number of bits in the result, which is the number of bytes
// that matched.
i64 = ((i64 & TOP_MASK64) >>> 1) & (~i64);
return Long.bitCount(i64);