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com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.spi.type.UnscaledDecimal128Arithmetic Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.spi.type;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;

import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.spi.type.Decimals.MAX_PRECISION;
import static com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.spi.type.Decimals.longTenToNth;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
import static java.util.Arrays.fill;

 * 128 bit unscaled decimal arithmetic. The representation is:

* [127_bit_unscaled_decimal_value sign_bit] * 0-bit...........64-bit............128-bit *

* 127_bit_unscaled_decimal_value is stored in little endian format to provide easy conversion to/from long and int types. *

* Based on: * and */ public final class UnscaledDecimal128Arithmetic { private static final int NUMBER_OF_LONGS = 2; private static final int NUMBER_OF_INTS = 2 * NUMBER_OF_LONGS; public static final int UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH = NUMBER_OF_LONGS * SIZE_OF_LONG; private static final Slice[] POWERS_OF_TEN = new Slice[MAX_PRECISION]; private static final Slice[] POWERS_OF_FIVE = new Slice[MAX_PRECISION]; private static final int SIGN_LONG_INDEX = 1; private static final int SIGN_INT_INDEX = 3; private static final long SIGN_LONG_MASK = 1L << 63; private static final int SIGN_INT_MASK = 1 << 31; private static final int SIGN_BYTE_MASK = 1 << 7; private static final long ALL_BITS_SET_64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; private static final long INT_BASE = 1L << 32; /** * Mask to convert signed integer to unsigned long. */ private static final long LONG_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFL; /** * 5^13 fits in 2^31. */ private static final int MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT = 13; /** * 5^x. All unsigned values. */ private static final int[] POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT = new int[MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT + 1]; /** * 10^9 fits in 2^31. */ private static final int MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT = 9; /** * 10^18 fits in 2^63. */ private static final int MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_LONG = 18; /** * 10^x. All unsigned values. */ private static final int[] POWERS_OF_TEN_INT = new int[MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT + 1]; private static final Unsafe unsafe; static { try { // fetch theUnsafe object Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); field.setAccessible(true); unsafe = (Unsafe) field.get(null); if (unsafe == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unsafe access not available"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (int i = 0; i < POWERS_OF_FIVE.length; ++i) { POWERS_OF_FIVE[i] = unscaledDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(5).pow(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < POWERS_OF_TEN.length; ++i) { POWERS_OF_TEN[i] = unscaledDecimal(BigInteger.TEN.pow(i)); } POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT.length; ++i) { POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT[i] = POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT[i - 1] * 5; } POWERS_OF_TEN_INT[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < POWERS_OF_TEN_INT.length; ++i) { POWERS_OF_TEN_INT[i] = POWERS_OF_TEN_INT[i - 1] * 10; } if (!ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) { throw new IllegalStateException("UnsignedDecimal128Arithmetic is supported on little-endian machines only"); } } public static Slice unscaledDecimal() { return Slices.allocate(UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH); } public static Slice unscaledDecimal(Slice decimal) { return Slices.copyOf(decimal); } public static Slice unscaledDecimal(String unscaledValue) { return unscaledDecimal(new BigInteger(unscaledValue)); } public static Slice unscaledDecimal(BigInteger unscaledValue) { Slice decimal = Slices.allocate(UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH); return pack(unscaledValue, decimal); } public static Slice pack(BigInteger unscaledValue, Slice result) { pack(0, 0, false, result); byte[] bytes = unscaledValue.abs().toByteArray(); if (bytes.length > UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH || (bytes.length == UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH && (bytes[0] & SIGN_BYTE_MASK) != 0)) { throwOverflowException(); } // convert to little-endian order reverse(bytes); result.setBytes(0, bytes); if (unscaledValue.signum() < 0) { setNegative(result, true); } throwIfOverflows(result); return result; } public static Slice unscaledDecimal(long unscaledValue) { long[] longs = new long[NUMBER_OF_LONGS]; if (unscaledValue < 0) { longs[0] = -unscaledValue; longs[1] = SIGN_LONG_MASK; } else { longs[0] = unscaledValue; } return Slices.wrappedLongArray(longs); } public static BigInteger unscaledDecimalToBigInteger(Slice decimal) { byte[] bytes = decimal.getBytes(0, UNSCALED_DECIMAL_128_SLICE_LENGTH); // convert to big-endian order reverse(bytes); bytes[0] &= ~SIGN_BYTE_MASK; return new BigInteger(isNegative(decimal) ? -1 : 1, bytes); } public static long unscaledDecimalToUnscaledLong(Slice decimal) { long low = getLong(decimal, 0); long high = getLong(decimal, 1); boolean negative = isNegative(decimal); if (high != 0 || ((low > Long.MIN_VALUE || !negative) && low < 0)) { throwOverflowException(); } return negative ? -low : low; } public static long unscaledDecimalToUnscaledLongUnsafe(Slice decimal) { long low = getLong(decimal, 0); return isNegative(decimal) ? -low : low; } public static Slice rescale(Slice decimal, int rescaleFactor) { if (rescaleFactor == 0) { return decimal; } else { Slice result = unscaledDecimal(); rescale(decimal, rescaleFactor, result); return result; } } public static void rescale(Slice decimal, int rescaleFactor, Slice result) { if (rescaleFactor == 0) { copyUnscaledDecimal(decimal, result); } else if (rescaleFactor > 0) { if (rescaleFactor >= POWERS_OF_TEN.length) { throwOverflowException(); } multiply(decimal, POWERS_OF_TEN[rescaleFactor], result); } else { scaleDownRoundUp(decimal, -rescaleFactor, result); } } public static Slice rescaleTruncate(Slice decimal, int rescaleFactor) { if (rescaleFactor == 0) { return decimal; } else { Slice result = unscaledDecimal(); rescaleTruncate(decimal, rescaleFactor, result); return result; } } public static void rescaleTruncate(Slice decimal, int rescaleFactor, Slice result) { if (rescaleFactor == 0) { copyUnscaledDecimal(decimal, result); } else if (rescaleFactor > 0) { if (rescaleFactor >= POWERS_OF_TEN.length) { throwOverflowException(); } multiply(decimal, POWERS_OF_TEN[rescaleFactor], result); } else { scaleDownTruncate(decimal, -rescaleFactor, result); } } private static void scaleDownTruncate(Slice decimal, int scaleFactor, Slice result) { // optimized path for smaller values long low = getLong(decimal, 0); long high = getLong(decimal, 1); if (scaleFactor <= MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_LONG && high == 0 && low >= 0) { long divisor = longTenToNth(scaleFactor); long newLow = low / divisor; pack(result, newLow, 0, isNegative(decimal)); return; } // Scales down for 10**rescaleFactor. // Because divide by int has limited divisor, we choose code path with the least amount of divisions if ((scaleFactor - 1) / MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT < (scaleFactor - 1) / MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT) { // scale down for 10**rescale is equivalent to scaling down with 5**rescaleFactor first, then with 2**rescaleFactor scaleDownFive(decimal, scaleFactor, result); shiftRightTruncate(result, scaleFactor, result); } else { scaleDownTenTruncate(decimal, scaleFactor, result); } } public static Slice add(Slice left, Slice right) { Slice result = unscaledDecimal(); add(left, right, result); return result; } public static void add(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result) { long overflow = addWithOverflow(left, right, result); if (overflow != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } /** * Instead of throwing overflow exception, this function returns: * 0 when there was no overflow * +1 when there was overflow * -1 when there was underflow */ public static long addWithOverflow(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result) { boolean leftNegative = isNegative(left); boolean rightNegative = isNegative(right); long overflow = 0; if (leftNegative == rightNegative) { // either both negative or both positive overflow = addUnsignedReturnOverflow(left, right, result, leftNegative); if (leftNegative) { overflow = -overflow; } } else { int compare = compareAbsolute(left, right); if (compare > 0) { subtractUnsigned(left, right, result, leftNegative); } else if (compare < 0) { subtractUnsigned(right, left, result, !leftNegative); } else { setToZero(result); } } return overflow; } public static Slice subtract(Slice left, Slice right) { Slice result = unscaledDecimal(); subtract(left, right, result); return result; } public static void subtract(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result) { if (isNegative(left) != isNegative(right)) { // only one is negative if (addUnsignedReturnOverflow(left, right, result, isNegative(left)) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } else { int compare = compareAbsolute(left, right); if (compare > 0) { subtractUnsigned(left, right, result, isNegative(left) && isNegative(right)); } else if (compare < 0) { subtractUnsigned(right, left, result, !(isNegative(left) && isNegative(right))); } else { setToZero(result); } } } /** * This method ignores signs of the left and right. Returns overflow value. */ private static long addUnsignedReturnOverflow(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result, boolean resultNegative) { // TODO: consider two 7 bytes operations int l0 = getInt(left, 0); int l1 = getInt(left, 1); int l2 = getInt(left, 2); int l3 = getInt(left, 3); int r0 = getInt(right, 0); int r1 = getInt(right, 1); int r2 = getInt(right, 2); int r3 = getInt(right, 3); long intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l0 & LONG_MASK) + (r0 & LONG_MASK); int z0 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l1 & LONG_MASK) + (r1 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >>> 32); int z1 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l2 & LONG_MASK) + (r2 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >>> 32); int z2 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l3 & LONG_MASK) + (r3 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >>> 32); int z3 = (int) intermediateResult & (~SIGN_INT_MASK); pack(result, z0, z1, z2, z3, resultNegative); return intermediateResult >> 31; } /** * This method ignores signs of the left and right and assumes that left is greater then right */ private static void subtractUnsigned(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result, boolean resultNegative) { // TODO: consider two 7 bytes operations int l0 = getInt(left, 0); int l1 = getInt(left, 1); int l2 = getInt(left, 2); int l3 = getInt(left, 3); int r0 = getInt(right, 0); int r1 = getInt(right, 1); int r2 = getInt(right, 2); int r3 = getInt(right, 3); long intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l0 & LONG_MASK) - (r0 & LONG_MASK); int z0 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l1 & LONG_MASK) - (r1 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >> 32); int z1 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l2 & LONG_MASK) - (r2 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >> 32); int z2 = (int) intermediateResult; intermediateResult = (l3 & LONG_MASK) - (r3 & LONG_MASK) + (intermediateResult >> 32); int z3 = (int) intermediateResult; pack(result, z0, z1, z2, z3, resultNegative); if ((intermediateResult >> 32) != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(format("Non empty carry over after subtracting [%d]. right > left?", (intermediateResult >> 32))); } } public static Slice multiply(Slice left, Slice right) { Slice result = unscaledDecimal(); multiply(left, right, result); return result; } public static void multiply(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result) { checkArgument(result.length() == NUMBER_OF_LONGS * Long.BYTES); long l0 = getInt(left, 0) & LONG_MASK; long l1 = getInt(left, 1) & LONG_MASK; long l2 = getInt(left, 2) & LONG_MASK; long l3 = getInt(left, 3) & LONG_MASK; long r0 = getInt(right, 0) & LONG_MASK; long r1 = getInt(right, 1) & LONG_MASK; long r2 = getInt(right, 2) & LONG_MASK; long r3 = getInt(right, 3) & LONG_MASK; // the combinations below definitely result in an overflow if (((r3 != 0 && (l3 | l2 | l1) != 0) || (r2 != 0 && (l3 | l2) != 0) || (r1 != 0 && l3 != 0))) { throwOverflowException(); } long z0 = 0; long z1 = 0; long z2 = 0; long z3 = 0; if (l0 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l0; z0 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l0; z1 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l0; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r3 * l0; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; if ((accumulator >>> 32) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } if (l1 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l1 + z1; z1 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l1 + z2; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l1 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; if ((accumulator >>> 32) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } if (l2 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l2 + z2; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l2 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; if ((accumulator >>> 32) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } if (l3 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l3 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; if ((accumulator >>> 32) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } pack(result, (int) z0, (int) z1, (int) z2, (int) z3, isNegative(left) != isNegative(right)); } public static void multiply256(Slice left, Slice right, Slice result) { checkArgument(result.length() >= NUMBER_OF_LONGS * Long.BYTES * 2); long l0 = getInt(left, 0) & LONG_MASK; long l1 = getInt(left, 1) & LONG_MASK; long l2 = getInt(left, 2) & LONG_MASK; long l3 = getInt(left, 3) & LONG_MASK; long r0 = getInt(right, 0) & LONG_MASK; long r1 = getInt(right, 1) & LONG_MASK; long r2 = getInt(right, 2) & LONG_MASK; long r3 = getInt(right, 3) & LONG_MASK; long z0 = 0; long z1 = 0; long z2 = 0; long z3 = 0; long z4 = 0; long z5 = 0; long z6 = 0; long z7 = 0; if (l0 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l0; z0 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l0; z1 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l0; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r3 * l0; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; z4 = (accumulator >>> 32) & LONG_MASK; } if (l1 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l1 + z1; z1 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l1 + z2; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l1 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r3 * l1 + z4; z4 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; z5 = (accumulator >>> 32) & LONG_MASK; } if (l2 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l2 + z2; z2 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l2 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l2 + z4; z4 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r3 * l2 + z5; z5 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; z6 = (accumulator >>> 32) & LONG_MASK; } if (l3 != 0) { long accumulator = r0 * l3 + z3; z3 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r1 * l3 + z4; z4 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r2 * l3 + z5; z5 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; accumulator = (accumulator >>> 32) + r3 * l3 + z6; z6 = accumulator & LONG_MASK; z7 = (accumulator >>> 32) & LONG_MASK; } setRawInt(result, 0, (int) z0); setRawInt(result, 1, (int) z1); setRawInt(result, 2, (int) z2); setRawInt(result, 3, (int) z3); setRawInt(result, 4, (int) z4); setRawInt(result, 5, (int) z5); setRawInt(result, 6, (int) z6); setRawInt(result, 7, (int) z7); } public static Slice multiply(Slice decimal, int multiplier) { Slice result = Slices.copyOf(decimal); multiplyDestructive(result, multiplier); return result; } private static void multiplyDestructive(Slice decimal, int multiplier) { long l0 = getInt(decimal, 0) & LONG_MASK; long l1 = getInt(decimal, 1) & LONG_MASK; long l2 = getInt(decimal, 2) & LONG_MASK; long l3 = getInt(decimal, 3) & LONG_MASK; long r0 = Math.abs(multiplier) & LONG_MASK; long product; product = r0 * l0; int z0 = (int) product; product = r0 * l1 + (product >>> 32); int z1 = (int) product; product = r0 * l2 + (product >>> 32); int z2 = (int) product; product = r0 * l3 + (product >>> 32); int z3 = (int) product; if ((product >>> 32) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } boolean negative = (isNegative(decimal) != (multiplier < 0)); pack(decimal, z0, z1, z2, z3, negative); } public static int compare(Slice left, Slice right) { boolean leftStrictlyNegative = isStrictlyNegative(left); boolean rightStrictlyNegative = isStrictlyNegative(right); if (leftStrictlyNegative != rightStrictlyNegative) { return leftStrictlyNegative ? -1 : 1; } else { return compareAbsolute(left, right) * (leftStrictlyNegative ? -1 : 1); } } public static int compare(long leftRawLow, long leftRawHigh, long rightRawLow, long rightRawHigh) { boolean leftStrictlyNegative = isStrictlyNegative(leftRawLow, leftRawHigh); boolean rightStrictlyNegative = isStrictlyNegative(rightRawLow, rightRawHigh); if (leftStrictlyNegative != rightStrictlyNegative) { return leftStrictlyNegative ? -1 : 1; } else { long leftHigh = unpackUnsignedLong(leftRawHigh); long rightHigh = unpackUnsignedLong(rightRawHigh); return compareUnsigned(leftRawLow, leftHigh, rightRawLow, rightHigh) * (leftStrictlyNegative ? -1 : 1); } } public static int compareAbsolute(Slice left, Slice right) { long leftHigh = getLong(left, 1); long rightHigh = getLong(right, 1); if (leftHigh != rightHigh) { return Long.compareUnsigned(leftHigh, rightHigh); } long leftLow = getLong(left, 0); long rightLow = getLong(right, 0); if (leftLow != rightLow) { return Long.compareUnsigned(leftLow, rightLow); } return 0; } public static int compareUnsigned(long leftRawLow, long leftRawHigh, long rightRawLow, long rightRawHigh) { if (leftRawHigh != rightRawHigh) { return Long.compareUnsigned(leftRawHigh, rightRawHigh); } if (leftRawLow != rightRawLow) { return Long.compareUnsigned(leftRawLow, rightRawLow); } return 0; } public static void incrementUnsafe(Slice decimal) { long low = getLong(decimal, 0); if (low != ALL_BITS_SET_64) { setRawLong(decimal, 0, low + 1); return; } long high = getLong(decimal, 1); setNegativeLong(decimal, high + 1, isNegative(decimal)); } public static void negate(Slice decimal) { setNegative(decimal, !isNegative(decimal)); } public static boolean isStrictlyNegative(Slice decimal) { return isNegative(decimal) && (getLong(decimal, 0) != 0 || getLong(decimal, 1) != 0); } public static boolean isStrictlyNegative(long rawLow, long rawHigh) { return isNegative(rawLow, rawHigh) && (rawLow != 0 || unpackUnsignedLong(rawHigh) != 0); } public static boolean isNegative(Slice decimal) { return (getRawInt(decimal, SIGN_INT_INDEX) & SIGN_INT_MASK) != 0; } public static boolean isNegative(long rawLow, long rawHigh) { return (rawHigh & SIGN_LONG_MASK) != 0; } public static boolean isZero(Slice decimal) { return getLong(decimal, 0) == 0 && getLong(decimal, 1) == 0; } public static long hash(Slice decimal) { return hash(getRawLong(decimal, 0), getRawLong(decimal, 1)); } public static long hash(long rawLow, long rawHigh) { return XxHash64.hash(rawLow) ^ XxHash64.hash(unpackUnsignedLong(rawHigh)); } public static String toUnscaledString(Slice decimal) { if (isZero(decimal)) { return "0"; } char[] buffer = new char[MAX_PRECISION + 1]; int index = buffer.length; boolean negative = isNegative(decimal); decimal = unscaledDecimal(decimal); do { int remainder = divide(decimal, 10, decimal); buffer[--index] = (char) ('0' + remainder); } while (!isZero(decimal)); if (negative) { buffer[--index] = '-'; } return new String(buffer, index, buffer.length - index); } public static boolean overflows(Slice value, int precision) { if (precision == MAX_PRECISION) { return exceedsOrEqualTenToThirtyEight(value); } return precision < MAX_PRECISION && compareAbsolute(value, POWERS_OF_TEN[precision]) >= 0; } public static void throwIfOverflows(Slice decimal) { if (exceedsOrEqualTenToThirtyEight(decimal)) { throwOverflowException(); } } public static void throwIfOverflows(Slice value, int precision) { if (overflows(value, precision)) { throwOverflowException(); } } private static void scaleDownRoundUp(Slice decimal, int scaleFactor, Slice result) { // optimized path for smaller values long low = getLong(decimal, 0); long high = getLong(decimal, 1); if (scaleFactor <= MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_LONG && high == 0 && low >= 0) { long divisor = longTenToNth(scaleFactor); long newLow = low / divisor; if (low % divisor >= (divisor >> 1)) { newLow++; } pack(result, newLow, 0, isNegative(decimal)); return; } // Scales down for 10**rescaleFactor. // Because divide by int has limited divisor, we choose code path with the least amount of divisions if ((scaleFactor - 1) / MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT < (scaleFactor - 1) / MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT) { // scale down for 10**rescale is equivalent to scaling down with 5**rescaleFactor first, then with 2**rescaleFactor scaleDownFive(decimal, scaleFactor, result); shiftRightRoundUp(result, scaleFactor, result); } else { scaleDownTenRoundUp(decimal, scaleFactor, result); } } /** * Scale down the value for 5**fiveScale (result := decimal / 5**fiveScale). */ private static void scaleDownFive(Slice decimal, int fiveScale, Slice result) { while (true) { int powerFive = Math.min(fiveScale, MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT); fiveScale -= powerFive; int divisor = POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT[powerFive]; divide(decimal, divisor, result); decimal = result; if (fiveScale == 0) { return; } } } /** * Scale up the value for 5**fiveScale (decimal := decimal * 5**fiveScale). */ private static void scaleUpFiveDestructive(Slice decimal, int fiveScale) { while (fiveScale > 0) { int powerFive = Math.min(fiveScale, MAX_POWER_OF_FIVE_INT); fiveScale -= powerFive; int multiplier = POWERS_OF_FIVES_INT[powerFive]; multiplyDestructive(decimal, multiplier); } } /** * Scale down the value for 10**tenScale (this := this / 5**tenScale). This * method rounds-up, eg 44/10=4, 44/10=5. */ private static void scaleDownTenRoundUp(Slice decimal, int tenScale, Slice result) { boolean round; do { int powerTen = Math.min(tenScale, MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT); tenScale -= powerTen; int divisor = POWERS_OF_TEN_INT[powerTen]; round = divideCheckRound(decimal, divisor, result); decimal = result; } while (tenScale > 0); if (round) { incrementUnsafe(decimal); } } private static void scaleDownTenTruncate(Slice decimal, int tenScale, Slice result) { do { int powerTen = Math.min(tenScale, MAX_POWER_OF_TEN_INT); tenScale -= powerTen; int divisor = POWERS_OF_TEN_INT[powerTen]; divide(decimal, divisor, result); decimal = result; } while (tenScale > 0); } private static void shiftRightRoundUp(Slice decimal, int rightShifts, Slice result) { shiftRight(decimal, rightShifts, true, result); } private static void shiftRightTruncate(Slice decimal, int rightShifts, Slice result) { shiftRight(decimal, rightShifts, false, result); } // visible for testing static void shiftRight(Slice decimal, int rightShifts, boolean roundUp, Slice result) { if (rightShifts == 0) { copyUnscaledDecimal(decimal, result); return; } int wordShifts = rightShifts / 64; int bitShiftsInWord = rightShifts % 64; int shiftRestore = 64 - bitShiftsInWord; // check round-ups before settings values to result. // be aware that result could be the same object as decimal. boolean roundCarry; if (bitShiftsInWord == 0) { roundCarry = roundUp && getLong(decimal, wordShifts - 1) < 0; } else { roundCarry = roundUp && (getLong(decimal, wordShifts) & (1L << (bitShiftsInWord - 1))) != 0; } // Store negative before settings values to result. boolean negative = isNegative(decimal); long low; long high; switch (wordShifts) { case 0: low = getLong(decimal, 0); high = getLong(decimal, 1); break; case 1: low = getLong(decimal, 1); high = 0; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (bitShiftsInWord > 0) { low = (low >>> bitShiftsInWord) | (high << shiftRestore); high = (high >>> bitShiftsInWord); } if (roundCarry) { if (low != ALL_BITS_SET_64) { low++; } else { low = 0; high++; } } pack(result, low, high, negative); } /** * shift right array of 8 ints (rounding up) and ensure that result fits in unscaledDecimal */ public static void shiftRightArray8(int[] values, int rightShifts, Slice result) { if (values.length != NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect values length"); } if (rightShifts == 0) { for (int i = NUMBER_OF_INTS; i < 2 * NUMBER_OF_INTS; i++) { if (values[i] != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_INTS; i++) { setRawInt(result, i, values[i]); } return; } int wordShifts = rightShifts / 32; int bitShiftsInWord = rightShifts % 32; int shiftRestore = 32 - bitShiftsInWord; // check round-ups before settings values to result. // be aware that result could be the same object as decimal. boolean roundCarry; if (bitShiftsInWord == 0) { roundCarry = values[wordShifts - 1] < 0; } else { roundCarry = (values[wordShifts] & (1 << (bitShiftsInWord - 1))) != 0; } int r0 = values[0 + wordShifts]; int r1 = values[1 + wordShifts]; int r2 = values[2 + wordShifts]; int r3 = values[3 + wordShifts]; int r4 = wordShifts >= 4 ? 0 : values[4 + wordShifts]; int r5 = wordShifts >= 3 ? 0 : values[5 + wordShifts]; int r6 = wordShifts >= 2 ? 0 : values[6 + wordShifts]; int r7 = wordShifts >= 1 ? 0 : values[7 + wordShifts]; if (bitShiftsInWord > 0) { r0 = (r0 >>> bitShiftsInWord) | (r1 << shiftRestore); r1 = (r1 >>> bitShiftsInWord) | (r2 << shiftRestore); r2 = (r2 >>> bitShiftsInWord) | (r3 << shiftRestore); r3 = (r3 >>> bitShiftsInWord) | (r4 << shiftRestore); } if ((r4 >>> bitShiftsInWord) != 0 || r5 != 0 || r6 != 0 || r7 != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } if (r3 < 0) { throwOverflowException(); } // increment if (roundCarry) { r0++; if (r0 == 0) { r1++; if (r1 == 0) { r2++; if (r2 == 0) { r3++; if (r3 < 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } } } } pack(result, r0, r1, r2, r3, false); } public static Slice divideRoundUp(long dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisor) { return divideRoundUp( Math.abs(dividend), dividend < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, dividendScaleFactor, Math.abs(divisor), divisor < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0); } public static Slice divideRoundUp(long dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, Slice divisor) { return divideRoundUp( Math.abs(dividend), dividend < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, dividendScaleFactor, getRawLong(divisor, 0), getRawLong(divisor, 1)); } public static Slice divideRoundUp(Slice dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisor) { return divideRoundUp( getRawLong(dividend, 0), getRawLong(dividend, 1), dividendScaleFactor, Math.abs(divisor), divisor < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0); } public static Slice divideRoundUp(Slice dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, Slice divisor) { return divideRoundUp( getRawLong(dividend, 0), getRawLong(dividend, 1), dividendScaleFactor, getRawLong(divisor, 0), getRawLong(divisor, 1)); } private static Slice divideRoundUp(long dividendLow, long dividendHigh, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisorLow, long divisorHigh) { Slice quotient = unscaledDecimal(); Slice remainder = unscaledDecimal(); divide(dividendLow, dividendHigh, dividendScaleFactor, divisorLow, divisorHigh, 0, quotient, remainder); // round boolean quotientIsNegative = isNegative(quotient); setNegative(quotient, false); setNegative(remainder, false); // if (2 * remainder >= divisor) - increment quotient by one shiftLeftDestructive(remainder, 1); long remainderLow = getRawLong(remainder, 0); long remainderHigh = getRawLong(remainder, 1); long divisorHighUnsigned = unpackUnsignedLong(divisorHigh); if (compareUnsigned(remainderLow, remainderHigh, divisorLow, divisorHighUnsigned) >= 0) { incrementUnsafe(quotient); throwIfOverflows(quotient); } setNegative(quotient, quotientIsNegative); return quotient; } // visible for testing static Slice shiftLeft(Slice decimal, int leftShifts) { Slice result = Slices.copyOf(decimal); shiftLeftDestructive(result, leftShifts); return result; } // visible for testing static void shiftLeftDestructive(Slice decimal, int leftShifts) { if (leftShifts == 0) { return; } int wordShifts = leftShifts / 64; int bitShiftsInWord = leftShifts % 64; int shiftRestore = 64 - bitShiftsInWord; // check overflow if (bitShiftsInWord != 0) { if ((getLong(decimal, 1 - wordShifts) & (-1L << shiftRestore)) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } if (wordShifts == 1) { if (getLong(decimal, 1) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } } // Store negative before settings values to result. boolean negative = isNegative(decimal); long low; long high; switch (wordShifts) { case 0: low = getLong(decimal, 0); high = getLong(decimal, 1); break; case 1: low = 0; high = getLong(decimal, 0); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (bitShiftsInWord > 0) { high = (high << bitShiftsInWord) | (low >>> shiftRestore); low = (low << bitShiftsInWord); } pack(decimal, low, high, negative); } public static Slice remainder(long dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisor, int divisorScaleFactor) { return remainder( Math.abs(dividend), dividend < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, dividendScaleFactor, Math.abs(divisor), divisor < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, divisorScaleFactor); } public static Slice remainder(long dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, Slice divisor, int divisorScaleFactor) { return remainder( Math.abs(dividend), dividend < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, dividendScaleFactor, getRawLong(divisor, 0), getRawLong(divisor, 1), divisorScaleFactor); } public static Slice remainder(Slice dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisor, int divisorScaleFactor) { return remainder( getRawLong(dividend, 0), getRawLong(dividend, 1), dividendScaleFactor, Math.abs(divisor), divisor < 0 ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0, divisorScaleFactor); } public static Slice remainder(Slice dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, Slice divisor, int divisorScaleFactor) { return remainder( getRawLong(dividend, 0), getRawLong(dividend, 1), dividendScaleFactor, getRawLong(divisor, 0), getRawLong(divisor, 1), divisorScaleFactor); } private static Slice remainder(long dividendLow, long dividendHigh, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisorLow, long divisorHigh, int divisorScaleFactor) { Slice quotient = unscaledDecimal(); Slice remainder = unscaledDecimal(); divide(dividendLow, dividendHigh, dividendScaleFactor, divisorLow, divisorHigh, divisorScaleFactor, quotient, remainder); return remainder; } // visible for testing static void divide(Slice dividend, int dividendScaleFactor, Slice divisor, int divisorScaleFactor, Slice quotient, Slice remainder) { divide(getRawLong(dividend, 0), getRawLong(dividend, 1), dividendScaleFactor, getRawLong(divisor, 0), getRawLong(divisor, 1), divisorScaleFactor, quotient, remainder); } private static void divide(long dividendLow, long dividendHigh, int dividendScaleFactor, long divisorLow, long divisorHigh, int divisorScaleFactor, Slice quotient, Slice remainder) { if (compare(divisorLow, divisorHigh, 0, 0) == 0) { throwDivisionByZeroException(); } if (dividendScaleFactor >= MAX_PRECISION) { throwOverflowException(); } if (divisorScaleFactor >= MAX_PRECISION) { throwOverflowException(); } boolean dividendIsNegative = isNegative(dividendLow, dividendHigh); boolean divisorIsNegative = isNegative(divisorLow, divisorHigh); boolean quotientIsNegative = (dividendIsNegative != divisorIsNegative); // to fit 128b * 128b * 32b unsigned multiplication int[] dividend = new int[NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2 + 1]; dividend[0] = lowInt(dividendLow); dividend[1] = highInt(dividendLow); dividend[2] = lowInt(dividendHigh); dividend[3] = (highInt(dividendHigh) & ~SIGN_INT_MASK); if (dividendScaleFactor > 0) { Slice sliceDividend = Slices.wrappedIntArray(dividend); multiply256(POWERS_OF_FIVE[dividendScaleFactor], sliceDividend, sliceDividend); shiftLeftMultiPrecision(dividend, NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2, dividendScaleFactor); } int[] divisor = new int[NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2]; divisor[0] = lowInt(divisorLow); divisor[1] = highInt(divisorLow); divisor[2] = lowInt(divisorHigh); divisor[3] = (highInt(divisorHigh) & ~SIGN_INT_MASK); if (divisorScaleFactor > 0) { Slice sliceDivisor = Slices.wrappedIntArray(divisor); multiply256(POWERS_OF_FIVE[divisorScaleFactor], sliceDivisor, sliceDivisor); shiftLeftMultiPrecision(divisor, NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2, divisorScaleFactor); } int[] multiPrecisionQuotient = new int[NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2]; divideUnsignedMultiPrecision(dividend, divisor, multiPrecisionQuotient); packUnsigned(multiPrecisionQuotient, quotient); packUnsigned(dividend, remainder); setNegative(quotient, quotientIsNegative); setNegative(remainder, dividendIsNegative); throwIfOverflows(quotient); throwIfOverflows(remainder); } /** * Divides mutableDividend / mutable divisor * Places quotient in first argument and reminder in first argument */ private static void divideUnsignedMultiPrecision(int[] dividend, int[] divisor, int[] quotient) { checkArgument(dividend.length == NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2 + 1); checkArgument(divisor.length == NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2); checkArgument(quotient.length == NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2); int divisorLength = digitsInIntegerBase(divisor); int dividendLength = digitsInIntegerBase(dividend); if (dividendLength < divisorLength) { return; } if (divisorLength == 1) { int remainder = divideUnsignedMultiPrecision(dividend, dividendLength, divisor[0]); checkState(dividend[dividend.length - 1] == 0); arraycopy(dividend, 0, quotient, 0, quotient.length); fill(dividend, 0); dividend[0] = remainder; return; } // normalize divisor. Most significant divisor word must be > BASE/2 // effectively it can be achieved by shifting divisor left until the leftmost bit is 1 int nlz = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(divisor[divisorLength - 1]); shiftLeftMultiPrecision(divisor, divisorLength, nlz); int normalizedDividendLength = Math.min(dividend.length, dividendLength + 1); shiftLeftMultiPrecision(dividend, normalizedDividendLength, nlz); divideKnuthNormalized(dividend, normalizedDividendLength, divisor, divisorLength, quotient); // un-normalize remainder which is stored in dividend shiftRightMultiPrecision(dividend, normalizedDividendLength, nlz); } private static void divideKnuthNormalized(int[] remainder, int dividendLength, int[] divisor, int divisorLength, int[] quotient) { int v1 = divisor[divisorLength - 1]; int v0 = divisor[divisorLength - 2]; for (int reminderIndex = dividendLength - 1; reminderIndex >= divisorLength; reminderIndex--) { int qHat = estimateQuotient(remainder[reminderIndex], remainder[reminderIndex - 1], remainder[reminderIndex - 2], v1, v0); if (qHat != 0) { boolean overflow = multiplyAndSubtractUnsignedMultiPrecision(remainder, reminderIndex, divisor, divisorLength, qHat); // Add back - probability is 2**(-31). R += D. Q[digit] -= 1 if (overflow) { qHat--; addUnsignedMultiPrecision(remainder, reminderIndex, divisor, divisorLength); } } quotient[reminderIndex - divisorLength] = qHat; } } /** * Use the Knuth notation *

* u{x} - dividend * v{v} - divisor */ private static int estimateQuotient(int u2, int u1, int u0, int v1, int v0) { // estimate qhat based on the first 2 digits of divisor divided by the first digit of a dividend long u21 = combineInts(u2, u1); long qhat; if (u2 == v1) { qhat = INT_BASE - 1; } else if (u21 >= 0) { qhat = u21 / (v1 & LONG_MASK); } else { qhat = divideUnsignedLong(u21, v1 & LONG_MASK); } if (qhat == 0) { return 0; } // Check if qhat is greater than expected considering only first 3 digits of a dividend // This step help to eliminate all the cases when the estimation is greater than q by 2 // and eliminates most of the cases when qhat is greater than q by 1 // // u2 * b * b + u1 * b + u0 >= (v1 * b + v0) * qhat // u2 * b * b + u1 * b + u0 >= v1 * b * qhat + v0 * qhat // u2 * b * b + u1 * b - v1 * b * qhat >= v0 * qhat - u0 // (u21 - v1 * qhat) * b >= v0 * qhat - u0 // (u21 - v1 * qhat) * b + u0 >= v0 * qhat // When ((u21 - v1 * qhat) * b + u0) is less than (v0 * qhat) decrease qhat by one int iterations = 0; long rhat = u21 - (v1 & LONG_MASK) * qhat; while (Long.compareUnsigned(rhat, INT_BASE) < 0 && Long.compareUnsigned((v0 & LONG_MASK) * qhat, combineInts(lowInt(rhat), u0)) > 0) { iterations++; qhat--; rhat += (v1 & LONG_MASK); } if (iterations > 2) { throw new IllegalStateException("qhat is greater than q by more than 2: " + iterations); } return (int) qhat; } /** * See Hacker's Delight, Section 9.3 */ private static long divideUnsignedLong(long dividend, long divisor) { if (divisor < 0L) { return Long.compareUnsigned(dividend, divisor) < 0 ? 0L : 1L; } if (dividend > 0) { return dividend / divisor; } long quotient = ((dividend >>> 1) / divisor) << 1; long remainder = dividend - quotient * divisor; if (Long.compareUnsigned(remainder, divisor) >= 0) { quotient++; } return quotient; } /** * Calculate multi-precision [left - right * multiplier] with given left offset and length. * Return true when overflow occurred */ private static boolean multiplyAndSubtractUnsignedMultiPrecision(int[] left, int leftOffset, int[] right, int length, int multiplier) { long unsignedMultiplier = multiplier & LONG_MASK; int leftIndex = leftOffset - length; long multiplyAccumulator = 0; long subtractAccumulator = INT_BASE; for (int rightIndex = 0; rightIndex < length; rightIndex++, leftIndex++) { multiplyAccumulator = (right[rightIndex] & LONG_MASK) * unsignedMultiplier + multiplyAccumulator; subtractAccumulator = (subtractAccumulator + (left[leftIndex] & LONG_MASK)) - (lowInt(multiplyAccumulator) & LONG_MASK); multiplyAccumulator = (multiplyAccumulator >>> 32); left[leftIndex] = lowInt(subtractAccumulator); subtractAccumulator = (subtractAccumulator >>> 32) + INT_BASE - 1; } subtractAccumulator += (left[leftIndex] & LONG_MASK) - multiplyAccumulator; left[leftIndex] = lowInt(subtractAccumulator); return highInt(subtractAccumulator) == 0; } private static void addUnsignedMultiPrecision(int[] left, int leftOffset, int[] right, int length) { int leftIndex = leftOffset - length; int carry = 0; for (int rightIndex = 0; rightIndex < length; rightIndex++, leftIndex++) { long accumulator = (left[leftIndex] & LONG_MASK) + (right[rightIndex] & LONG_MASK) + (carry & LONG_MASK); left[leftIndex] = lowInt(accumulator); carry = highInt(accumulator); } left[leftIndex] += carry; } // visible for testing static int[] shiftLeftMultiPrecision(int[] number, int length, int shifts) { if (shifts == 0) { return number; } // wordShifts = shifts / 32 int wordShifts = shifts >>> 5; // we don't wan't to loose any leading bits for (int i = 0; i < wordShifts; i++) { checkState(number[length - i - 1] == 0); } if (wordShifts > 0) { arraycopy(number, 0, number, wordShifts, length - wordShifts); fill(number, 0, wordShifts, 0); } // bitShifts = shifts % 32 int bitShifts = shifts & 0b11111; if (bitShifts > 0) { // we don't wan't to loose any leading bits checkState(number[length - 1] >>> (Integer.SIZE - bitShifts) == 0); for (int position = length - 1; position > 0; position--) { number[position] = (number[position] << bitShifts) | (number[position - 1] >>> (Integer.SIZE - bitShifts)); } number[0] = number[0] << bitShifts; } return number; } // visible for testing static int[] shiftRightMultiPrecision(int[] number, int length, int shifts) { if (shifts == 0) { return number; } // wordShifts = shifts / 32 int wordShifts = shifts >>> 5; // we don't wan't to loose any trailing bits for (int i = 0; i < wordShifts; i++) { checkState(number[i] == 0); } if (wordShifts > 0) { arraycopy(number, wordShifts, number, 0, length - wordShifts); fill(number, length - wordShifts, length, 0); } // bitShifts = shifts % 32 int bitShifts = shifts & 0b11111; if (bitShifts > 0) { // we don't wan't to loose any trailing bits checkState(number[0] << (Integer.SIZE - bitShifts) == 0); for (int position = 0; position < length - 1; position++) { number[position] = (number[position] >>> bitShifts) | (number[position + 1] << (Integer.SIZE - bitShifts)); } number[length - 1] = number[length - 1] >>> bitShifts; } return number; } private static int divideUnsignedMultiPrecision(int[] dividend, int dividendLength, int divisor) { if (divisor == 0) { throwDivisionByZeroException(); } if (dividendLength == 1) { long dividendUnsigned = dividend[0] & LONG_MASK; long divisorUnsigned = divisor & LONG_MASK; long quotient = dividendUnsigned / divisorUnsigned; long remainder = dividendUnsigned - (divisorUnsigned * quotient); dividend[0] = (int) quotient; return (int) remainder; } long divisorUnsigned = divisor & LONG_MASK; long remainder = 0; for (int dividendIndex = dividendLength - 1; dividendIndex >= 0; dividendIndex--) { remainder = (remainder << 32) + (dividend[dividendIndex] & LONG_MASK); long quotient = divideUnsignedLong(remainder, divisorUnsigned); dividend[dividendIndex] = (int) quotient; remainder = remainder - (quotient * divisorUnsigned); } return (int) remainder; } private static int digitsInIntegerBase(int[] digits) { int length = digits.length; while (length > 0 && digits[length - 1] == 0) { length--; } return length; } private static long combineInts(int high, int low) { return ((high & LONG_MASK) << 32L) | (low & LONG_MASK); } private static int highInt(long val) { return (int) (val >>> 32); } private static int lowInt(long val) { return (int) val; } private static void packUnsigned(int[] digits, Slice decimal) { if (digitsInIntegerBase(digits) > NUMBER_OF_INTS) { throwOverflowException(); } if ((digits[3] & SIGN_INT_MASK) != 0) { throwOverflowException(); } pack(decimal, digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3], false); } private static boolean divideCheckRound(Slice decimal, int divisor, Slice result) { int remainder = divide(decimal, divisor, result); return (remainder >= (divisor >> 1)); } // visible for testing static int divide(Slice decimal, int divisor, Slice result) { if (divisor == 0) { throwDivisionByZeroException(); } checkArgument(divisor > 0); long remainder = getLong(decimal, 1); long high = remainder / divisor; remainder %= divisor; remainder = (getInt(decimal, 1) & LONG_MASK) + (remainder << 32); int z1 = (int) (remainder / divisor); remainder %= divisor; remainder = (getInt(decimal, 0) & LONG_MASK) + (remainder << 32); int z0 = (int) (remainder / divisor); pack(result, z0, z1, high, isNegative(decimal)); return (int) (remainder % divisor); } private static void throwDivisionByZeroException() { throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero"); } private static void multiplyShiftDestructive(Slice decimal, Slice multiplier, int rightShifts) { int[] product = new int[NUMBER_OF_INTS * 2]; Slice multiplicationResult = Slices.wrappedIntArray(product); multiply256(decimal, multiplier, multiplicationResult); shiftRightArray8(product, rightShifts, decimal); } private static void setNegative(Slice decimal, boolean negative) { setRawInt(decimal, SIGN_INT_INDEX, getInt(decimal, SIGN_INT_INDEX) | (negative ? SIGN_INT_MASK : 0)); } private static void setNegativeInt(Slice decimal, int v3, boolean negative) { if (v3 < 0) { throwOverflowException(); } setRawInt(decimal, SIGN_INT_INDEX, v3 | (negative ? SIGN_INT_MASK : 0)); } private static void setNegativeLong(Slice decimal, long high, boolean negative) { setRawLong(decimal, SIGN_LONG_INDEX, high | (negative ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0)); } private static void copyUnscaledDecimal(Slice from, Slice to) { setRawLong(to, 0, getRawLong(from, 0)); setRawLong(to, 1, getRawLong(from, 1)); } private static void pack(Slice decimal, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, boolean negative) { setRawInt(decimal, 0, v0); setRawInt(decimal, 1, v1); setRawInt(decimal, 2, v2); setNegativeInt(decimal, v3, negative); } private static void pack(Slice decimal, int v0, int v1, long high, boolean negative) { setRawInt(decimal, 0, v0); setRawInt(decimal, 1, v1); setNegativeLong(decimal, high, negative); } private static void pack(Slice decimal, long low, long high, boolean negative) { setRawLong(decimal, 0, low); setNegativeLong(decimal, high, negative); } public static Slice pack(long low, long high, boolean negative) { Slice decimal = unscaledDecimal(); pack(low, high, negative, decimal); return decimal; } public static void pack(long low, long high, boolean negative, Slice result) { setRawLong(result, 0, low); setRawLong(result, 1, high | (negative ? SIGN_LONG_MASK : 0)); } public static void throwOverflowException() { throw new ArithmeticException("Decimal overflow"); } public static int getInt(Slice decimal, int index) { int value = getRawInt(decimal, index); if (index == SIGN_INT_INDEX) { value &= ~SIGN_INT_MASK; } return value; } public static long getLong(Slice decimal, int index) { long value = getRawLong(decimal, index); if (index == SIGN_LONG_INDEX) { return unpackUnsignedLong(value); } return value; } private static boolean exceedsOrEqualTenToThirtyEight(Slice decimal) { // 10**38= // i0 = 0(0), i1 = 160047680(98a22400), i2 = 1518781562(5a86c47a), i3 = 1262177448(4b3b4ca8) // low = 0x98a2240000000000l, high = 0x4b3b4ca85a86c47al long high = getLong(decimal, 1); if (high >= 0 && high < 0x4b3b4ca85a86c47aL) { return false; } else if (high != 0x4b3b4ca85a86c47aL) { return true; } long low = getLong(decimal, 0); return low < 0 || low >= 0x098a224000000000L; } private static byte[] reverse(final byte[] a) { final int length = a.length; for (int i = length / 2; i-- != 0; ) { final byte t = a[length - i - 1]; a[length - i - 1] = a[i]; a[i] = t; } return a; } private static void setToZero(Slice decimal) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LONGS; i++) { setRawLong(decimal, i, 0); } } private static long unpackUnsignedLong(long value) { return value & ~SIGN_LONG_MASK; } private static int getRawInt(Slice decimal, int index) { return unsafe.getInt(decimal.getBase(), decimal.getAddress() + SIZE_OF_INT * index); } private static void setRawInt(Slice decimal, int index, int value) { unsafe.putInt(decimal.getBase(), decimal.getAddress() + SIZE_OF_INT * index, value); } private static long getRawLong(Slice decimal, int index) { return unsafe.getLong(decimal.getBase(), decimal.getAddress() + SIZE_OF_LONG * index); } private static void setRawLong(Slice decimal, int index, long value) { unsafe.putLong(decimal.getBase(), decimal.getAddress() + SIZE_OF_LONG * index, value); } private static void checkArgument(boolean condition) { if (!condition) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private static void checkState(boolean condition) { if (!condition) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private UnscaledDecimal128Arithmetic() {} }

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