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package factset.analyticsapi.engines.api;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.ApiException;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.ApiClient;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.ApiResponse;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.Configuration;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.Pair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.models.CalculationStatusRoot;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.models.ClientErrorResponse;
import factset.analyticsapi.engines.models.PubCalculationParametersRoot;
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "CustomJavaClientCodegen")
public class PubCalculationsApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public PubCalculationsApi() {
public PubCalculationsApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Get the API cilent
* @return API client
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
* Set the API cilent
* @param apiClient an instance of API client
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Cancel Pub calculation by id
* This is the endpoint to cancel a previously submitted calculation.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, calculation was canceled successfully.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
There was no request for the calculation identifier provided, or the request was already canceled for the provided identifier.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public void cancelCalculationById(String id) throws ApiException {
* Cancel Pub calculation by id
* This is the endpoint to cancel a previously submitted calculation.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, calculation was canceled successfully.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
There was no request for the calculation identifier provided, or the request was already canceled for the provided identifier.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse cancelCalculationByIdWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling cancelCalculationById");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pub/v3/calculations/{id}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
"text/plain", "application/json", "text/json"
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "Basic", "Bearer" };
Map returnTypeMap = new HashMap();
returnTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
return apiClient.invokeAPIWithReturnMap("PubCalculationsApi.cancelCalculationById", localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, returnTypeMap, false);
* Get Pub calculation parameters by id
* This is the endpoint that returns the calculation parameters passed for a calculation.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
@return PubCalculationParametersRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, returns the Pub calculation parameters.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation id not found
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public PubCalculationParametersRoot getCalculationParameters(String id) throws ApiException {
return getCalculationParametersWithHttpInfo(id).getData();
* Get Pub calculation parameters by id
* This is the endpoint that returns the calculation parameters passed for a calculation.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
* @return ApiResponse<PubCalculationParametersRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, returns the Pub calculation parameters.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation id not found
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse getCalculationParametersWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling getCalculationParameters");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pub/v3/calculations/{id}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "Basic", "Bearer" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {};
Map returnTypeMap = new HashMap();
returnTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
return apiClient.invokeAPIWithReturnMap("PubCalculationsApi.getCalculationParameters", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, returnTypeMap, false);
* Get Pub calculation status by id
* This is the endpoint to check on the progress of a previously requested calculation. If the calculation has finished computing, the location header will point to the result url.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
@return CalculationStatusRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response once calculation is completed.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response returned if the calculation is not yet completed.
* X-FactSet-Api-PickUp-Progress - FactSet's progress header. * Cache-Control - Standard HTTP header. Header will specify max-age in seconds. Polling can be adjusted based on the max-age value. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation was already returned, provided id was not a requested calculation, or the calculation was cancelled
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public CalculationStatusRoot getCalculationStatusById(String id) throws ApiException {
return getCalculationStatusByIdWithHttpInfo(id).getData();
* Get Pub calculation status by id
* This is the endpoint to check on the progress of a previously requested calculation. If the calculation has finished computing, the location header will point to the result url.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Create and Run Pub calculation endpoint (required)
* @return ApiResponse<CalculationStatusRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response once calculation is completed.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response returned if the calculation is not yet completed.
* X-FactSet-Api-PickUp-Progress - FactSet's progress header. * Cache-Control - Standard HTTP header. Header will specify max-age in seconds. Polling can be adjusted based on the max-age value. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation was already returned, provided id was not a requested calculation, or the calculation was cancelled
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse getCalculationStatusByIdWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling getCalculationStatusById");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pub/v3/calculations/{id}/status"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "Basic", "Bearer" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {};
Map returnTypeMap = new HashMap();
returnTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(202, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
return apiClient.invokeAPIWithReturnMap("PubCalculationsApi.getCalculationStatusById", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, returnTypeMap, false);
* Get Pub calculation result by id
* This is the endpoint to get the result of a previously requested calculation. If the calculation has finished computing, the body of the response will contain the requested document in the specified format.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Get Pub calculation status by id endpoint (required)
* @param unitId from url, provided from the location header in the Get Pub calculation status by id endpoint (required)
@return File
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response once calculation is completed, returns result in the format specified in the Calculation parameters.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation was already returned, provided id was not a requested calculation, or the calculation was cancelled
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public File getCalculationUnitResultById(String id, String unitId) throws ApiException {
return getCalculationUnitResultByIdWithHttpInfo(id, unitId).getData();
* Get Pub calculation result by id
* This is the endpoint to get the result of a previously requested calculation. If the calculation has finished computing, the body of the response will contain the requested document in the specified format.
* @param id from url, provided from the location header in the Get Pub calculation status by id endpoint (required)
* @param unitId from url, provided from the location header in the Get Pub calculation status by id endpoint (required)
* @return ApiResponse<File>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response once calculation is completed, returns result in the format specified in the Calculation parameters.
* Content-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value based on Accept-Encoding Request header. * Content-Type - Standard HTTP header. * Transfer-Encoding - Standard HTTP header. Header value will be set to Chunked if Accept-Encoding header is specified. * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid identifier provided.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Calculation was already returned, provided id was not a requested calculation, or the calculation was cancelled
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse getCalculationUnitResultByIdWithHttpInfo(String id, String unitId) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling getCalculationUnitResultById");
// verify the required parameter 'unitId' is set
if (unitId == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'unitId' when calling getCalculationUnitResultById");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pub/v3/calculations/{id}/units/{unitId}/result"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()))
.replaceAll("\\{" + "unitId" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(unitId.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
"application/json", "application/x-protobuf", "application/pdf"
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "Basic", "Bearer" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {};
Map returnTypeMap = new HashMap();
returnTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
returnTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
return apiClient.invokeAPIWithReturnMap("PubCalculationsApi.getCalculationUnitResultById", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, returnTypeMap, false);
* Create and Run Pub calculation
* This endpoint runs the Pub calculation specified in the POST body parameters. It can take one or more units as input.
* @param xFactSetApiLongRunningDeadline Long running deadline in seconds when only one unit is passed in the POST body. (optional)
* @param cacheControl Standard HTTP header. Accepts max-stale. (optional)
* @param pubCalculationParametersRoot Calculation Parameters (optional)
@return (For 202 status - CalculationStatusRoot)(For 200 status - CalculationStatusRoot)(For 201 status - File)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, contains the poll URL in the Location header.
* Location - URL to poll for the resulting calculation * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response, if the calculation has one unit and is completed with an error.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response if the calculation has one unit and is completed in a short span, returns JSON in the format specified in the Calculation parameters.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid calculation parameters.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
One or more calculation settings were unavailable.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing/Invalid Content-Type header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Cancel older requests using Cancel Calculation endpoint or wait for older requests to finish/expire.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public Object postAndCalculate(Integer xFactSetApiLongRunningDeadline, String cacheControl, PubCalculationParametersRoot pubCalculationParametersRoot) throws ApiException {
return postAndCalculateWithHttpInfo(xFactSetApiLongRunningDeadline, cacheControl, pubCalculationParametersRoot).getData();
* Create and Run Pub calculation
* This endpoint runs the Pub calculation specified in the POST body parameters. It can take one or more units as input.
* @param xFactSetApiLongRunningDeadline Long running deadline in seconds when only one unit is passed in the POST body. (optional)
* @param cacheControl Standard HTTP header. Accepts max-stale. (optional)
* @param pubCalculationParametersRoot Calculation Parameters (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<Object>(For 202 status - CalculationStatusRoot)(For 200 status - CalculationStatusRoot)(For 201 status - File)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, contains the poll URL in the Location header.
* Location - URL to poll for the resulting calculation * X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response, if the calculation has one unit and is completed with an error.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Expected response if the calculation has one unit and is completed in a short span, returns JSON in the format specified in the Calculation parameters.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid calculation parameters.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
One or more calculation settings were unavailable.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing/Invalid Content-Type header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Cancel older requests using Cancel Calculation endpoint or wait for older requests to finish/expire.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.