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package com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.api;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.ApiException;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.ApiClient;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.ApiResponse;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.Configuration;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.Pair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.models.ErrorResponse;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.models.MetricsRequest;
import com.factset.sdk.FactSetEstimates.models.MetricsResponse;
@jakarta.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen")
public class DataItemsApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public DataItemsApi() {
public DataItemsApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
private static final Map getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(401, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(403, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(415, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap.put(500, new GenericType(){});
private static final Map getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(401, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(403, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(415, new GenericType(){});
getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap.put(500, new GenericType(){});
* Get the API client
* @return API client
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
* Set the API client
* @param apiClient an instance of API client
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Available Estimate metrics
* Returns list of available Estimate metrics that can be used in the `metrics` parameter of related endpoints. **By default, Factset provides Estimated items in millions. For specific metric methodology definitions, reference the `OAurl` response items to launch the available methodology page.**
* @param category Filters the list of Estimate metrics by major category - * **FINANCIAL_STATEMENT** = Includes Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Income Statement. * **INDUSTRY_METRICS** = Industry specific metrics. * **OTHER** = Target Price (optional)
* @param subcategory Sub-Category Filter for the Primary Category Requested. Choose a related sub-category for the Category requested. For methodology, visit [OA 16038]( <p>Financial Statement - * **BALANCE_SHEET** - Balance Sheet line items, such as Assets, Long-term Debt, and more. * **CASH_FLOW** - Cash Flow Statement line items, such as Free Cash Flow and Share Repurchases * **INCOME_STATEMENT** - Income Statement line items, such as EPS, Sales, DPS, and more. * **MISCELLANEOUS** - EPS Long Term Growth </p> <p> Industry Metrics - * **AIRLINES** - Including items such as Revenue Passenger, Total Revenue per ASK, Available Seats, and more. * **BANKS** - Including items such as Net Interest Income, Trading Income, Net Loans, and more. SUPPLEMENTAL * **COMMODITIES** - Including items such as Average Target Price. * **COMPUTER_HARDWARE** - Including items such as Total Addressable Market. * **CONSUMER_SERVICES** - Including items such as Gross Merchandise Volume * **EDUCATION** - Including Items such as Total Student Enrollment * **FINANCIAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER** - Including items such as Annual Subscription Value * **HOME_BUILDERS** - Including items such as Home Sales, Land Sales, Cancellation Rates, and more. * **HOSPITALS** - Including items such as Bad Debt Provisions, Medical Cost Ratio, SS Admissions and more. * **HOTELS** - Including items such as Average Daily Rate, Occupancy %, RevPAR, and more. * **INSURANCE** - Including items such as Gross Premiums Written, Underwriting Income, and Claims. * **HOSPITALS** - Including items such as Bad Debt Provisions, Medical Cost Ratio, SS Admissions and more. * **HOTELS** - Including items such as Average Daily Rate, Occupancy %, RevPAR, and more. * **INSURANCE** - Including items such as Gross Premiums Written, Underwriting Income, and Claims. * **MARIJUANA** - Including items such as Cost per Gram and Kg of Cannabis Sold. * **MINING** - Including items such as Realized Price and Total Production * **MULTIFINANCIAL** - Including items such as AUM, Net Flows, and Fee Related Earnings. * **OIL_AND_GAS** - Including items such as Downstream Income, Production per Day, and Exploration Expense. * **OTHER** - Target Price * **REITS** - Including items such as Funds from Operations, Implied Cap Rate, and LTV. * **RESTAURANTS** - Including items such as Restaurant Margin. * **RETAILERS** - Including items such as Stores Information, Selling Space and Net sales per square foot. * **TELECOMMUNICATIONS** - Including items such as Gross Adds, Monthly Revenue Per User, Churn, and more. * **TRANSPORTATION** - Including items such as Revenue Per Unit, Volume Growth, and Operating Ratio.</p> (optional)
* @return MetricsResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Estimate data metric items
Bad Request. This can occur for several reasons. Please review the \"message\" for more details.
Unauthenticated USERNAME-SERIAL. Ensure you are logged in and have successfully generated an API KEY for the IP range you are connecting from. For more help, select the **Report Issue** in the top right corner of this Developer Portal specification card and choose Connectivity 401 or 403 Responses.
The USERNAME-SERIAL attempted to request the endpoint is not authorized to access. The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond. Please reach out to FactSet Account Team for assistance with authorization.
Unsupported Media Type. This error may be returned when the caller sends a resource in a format that is not accepted by the server. This can be fixed by ensuring that Content-Type header is set to the correct value. In this instance, \"application/json\" would be the appropriate value.
Internal Server Error.
public MetricsResponse getEstimateMetrics(String category, String subcategory) throws ApiException {
return getEstimateMetricsWithHttpInfo(category, subcategory).getData();
* Available Estimate metrics
* Returns list of available Estimate metrics that can be used in the `metrics` parameter of related endpoints. **By default, Factset provides Estimated items in millions. For specific metric methodology definitions, reference the `OAurl` response items to launch the available methodology page.**
* @param category Filters the list of Estimate metrics by major category - * **FINANCIAL_STATEMENT** = Includes Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Income Statement. * **INDUSTRY_METRICS** = Industry specific metrics. * **OTHER** = Target Price (optional)
* @param subcategory Sub-Category Filter for the Primary Category Requested. Choose a related sub-category for the Category requested. For methodology, visit [OA 16038]( <p>Financial Statement - * **BALANCE_SHEET** - Balance Sheet line items, such as Assets, Long-term Debt, and more. * **CASH_FLOW** - Cash Flow Statement line items, such as Free Cash Flow and Share Repurchases * **INCOME_STATEMENT** - Income Statement line items, such as EPS, Sales, DPS, and more. * **MISCELLANEOUS** - EPS Long Term Growth </p> <p> Industry Metrics - * **AIRLINES** - Including items such as Revenue Passenger, Total Revenue per ASK, Available Seats, and more. * **BANKS** - Including items such as Net Interest Income, Trading Income, Net Loans, and more. SUPPLEMENTAL * **COMMODITIES** - Including items such as Average Target Price. * **COMPUTER_HARDWARE** - Including items such as Total Addressable Market. * **CONSUMER_SERVICES** - Including items such as Gross Merchandise Volume * **EDUCATION** - Including Items such as Total Student Enrollment * **FINANCIAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER** - Including items such as Annual Subscription Value * **HOME_BUILDERS** - Including items such as Home Sales, Land Sales, Cancellation Rates, and more. * **HOSPITALS** - Including items such as Bad Debt Provisions, Medical Cost Ratio, SS Admissions and more. * **HOTELS** - Including items such as Average Daily Rate, Occupancy %, RevPAR, and more. * **INSURANCE** - Including items such as Gross Premiums Written, Underwriting Income, and Claims. * **HOSPITALS** - Including items such as Bad Debt Provisions, Medical Cost Ratio, SS Admissions and more. * **HOTELS** - Including items such as Average Daily Rate, Occupancy %, RevPAR, and more. * **INSURANCE** - Including items such as Gross Premiums Written, Underwriting Income, and Claims. * **MARIJUANA** - Including items such as Cost per Gram and Kg of Cannabis Sold. * **MINING** - Including items such as Realized Price and Total Production * **MULTIFINANCIAL** - Including items such as AUM, Net Flows, and Fee Related Earnings. * **OIL_AND_GAS** - Including items such as Downstream Income, Production per Day, and Exploration Expense. * **OTHER** - Target Price * **REITS** - Including items such as Funds from Operations, Implied Cap Rate, and LTV. * **RESTAURANTS** - Including items such as Restaurant Margin. * **RETAILERS** - Including items such as Stores Information, Selling Space and Net sales per square foot. * **TELECOMMUNICATIONS** - Including items such as Gross Adds, Monthly Revenue Per User, Churn, and more. * **TRANSPORTATION** - Including items such as Revenue Per Unit, Volume Growth, and Operating Ratio.</p> (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<MetricsResponse>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Estimate data metric items
Bad Request. This can occur for several reasons. Please review the \"message\" for more details.
Unauthenticated USERNAME-SERIAL. Ensure you are logged in and have successfully generated an API KEY for the IP range you are connecting from. For more help, select the **Report Issue** in the top right corner of this Developer Portal specification card and choose Connectivity 401 or 403 Responses.
The USERNAME-SERIAL attempted to request the endpoint is not authorized to access. The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond. Please reach out to FactSet Account Team for assistance with authorization.
Unsupported Media Type. This error may be returned when the caller sends a resource in a format that is not accepted by the server. This can be fixed by ensuring that Content-Type header is set to the correct value. In this instance, \"application/json\" would be the appropriate value.
Internal Server Error.
public ApiResponse getEstimateMetricsWithHttpInfo(String category, String subcategory) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/factset-estimates/v2/metrics";
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "category", category));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "subcategory", subcategory));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("DataItemsApi.getEstimateMetrics", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, getEstimateMetricsResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;
* Available Estimate metrics or ratios.
* Returns list of available Estimate metrics that can be used in the `metrics` parameter of related endpoints. **By default, Factset provides Estimated items in millions. For specific metric methodology definitions, reference the `OAurl` response items to launch the available methodology page.**
* @param metricsRequest Request object for requesting estimates data (required)
* @return MetricsResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
List of Estimate metric Ids
Bad Request. This can occur for several reasons. Please review the \"message\" for more details.
Unauthenticated USERNAME-SERIAL. Ensure you are logged in and have successfully generated an API KEY for the IP range you are connecting from. For more help, select the **Report Issue** in the top right corner of this Developer Portal specification card and choose Connectivity 401 or 403 Responses.
The USERNAME-SERIAL attempted to request the endpoint is not authorized to access. The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond. Please reach out to FactSet Account Team for assistance with authorization.
Unsupported Media Type. This error may be returned when the caller sends a resource in a format that is not accepted by the server. This can be fixed by ensuring that Content-Type header is set to the correct value. In this instance, \"application/json\" would be the appropriate value.
Internal Server Error.
public MetricsResponse getEstimateMetricsForList(MetricsRequest metricsRequest) throws ApiException {
return getEstimateMetricsForListWithHttpInfo(metricsRequest).getData();
* Available Estimate metrics or ratios.
* Returns list of available Estimate metrics that can be used in the `metrics` parameter of related endpoints. **By default, Factset provides Estimated items in millions. For specific metric methodology definitions, reference the `OAurl` response items to launch the available methodology page.**
* @param metricsRequest Request object for requesting estimates data (required)
* @return ApiResponse<MetricsResponse>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
List of Estimate metric Ids
Bad Request. This can occur for several reasons. Please review the \"message\" for more details.
Unauthenticated USERNAME-SERIAL. Ensure you are logged in and have successfully generated an API KEY for the IP range you are connecting from. For more help, select the **Report Issue** in the top right corner of this Developer Portal specification card and choose Connectivity 401 or 403 Responses.
The USERNAME-SERIAL attempted to request the endpoint is not authorized to access. The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond. Please reach out to FactSet Account Team for assistance with authorization.
Unsupported Media Type. This error may be returned when the caller sends a resource in a format that is not accepted by the server. This can be fixed by ensuring that Content-Type header is set to the correct value. In this instance, \"application/json\" would be the appropriate value.
Internal Server Error.
public ApiResponse getEstimateMetricsForListWithHttpInfo(MetricsRequest metricsRequest) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = metricsRequest;
// verify the required parameter 'metricsRequest' is set
if (metricsRequest == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'metricsRequest' when calling getEstimateMetricsForList");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/factset-estimates/v2/metrics";
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("DataItemsApi.getEstimateMetricsForList", localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, getEstimateMetricsForListResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;