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package com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.api;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.ApiException;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.ApiClient;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.ApiResponse;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.Configuration;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.Pair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.ClientErrorResponse;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.LinkedPATemplateParametersRoot;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.LinkedPATemplateRoot;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.LinkedPATemplateSummaryRoot;
import com.factset.sdk.PAEngine.models.LinkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot;
@jakarta.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen")
public class LinkedPaTemplatesApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public LinkedPaTemplatesApi() {
public LinkedPaTemplatesApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
private static final Map createLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
createLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(201, new GenericType(){});
createLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
private static final Map deleteLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
private static final Map getLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
getLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
getLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
getLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
private static final Map getLinkedPATemplatesByIdResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
getLinkedPATemplatesByIdResponseTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
getLinkedPATemplatesByIdResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
getLinkedPATemplatesByIdResponseTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
private static final Map updateLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap = new HashMap();
static {
updateLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(200, new GenericType(){});
updateLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(400, new GenericType(){});
updateLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap.put(404, new GenericType(){});
* Get the API client
* @return API client
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
* Set the API client
* @param apiClient an instance of API client
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Create a linked PA template
* This endpoint creates a template from an **existing portfolio analysis tile**, allowing the user to replicate and fetch reports settings. Remarks: * Mandatory fields are required to be passed in POST requests and Optional fields are not necessary. If no mandatory fields are passed, then we can use the template as a component and skip the component creation. * Mandatory, optional and locked fields can be \"accounts\", \"benchmarks\", \"groups\", \"columns\", \"datasources\", \"dates\", \"currencyisocode\" and \"componentdetail\". * We cannot override the Locked fields when creating the Component. * Mandatory and locked strings are mutually exclusive. * Multi-horizon frequencies are not supported through this endpoint.
* @param linkedPATemplateParametersRoot Request Parameters (required)
* @return LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, created a template linked to a PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Component not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot createLinkedPATemplates(LinkedPATemplateParametersRoot linkedPATemplateParametersRoot) throws ApiException {
return createLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(linkedPATemplateParametersRoot).getData();
* Create a linked PA template
* This endpoint creates a template from an **existing portfolio analysis tile**, allowing the user to replicate and fetch reports settings. Remarks: * Mandatory fields are required to be passed in POST requests and Optional fields are not necessary. If no mandatory fields are passed, then we can use the template as a component and skip the component creation. * Mandatory, optional and locked fields can be \"accounts\", \"benchmarks\", \"groups\", \"columns\", \"datasources\", \"dates\", \"currencyisocode\" and \"componentdetail\". * We cannot override the Locked fields when creating the Component. * Mandatory and locked strings are mutually exclusive. * Multi-horizon frequencies are not supported through this endpoint.
* @param linkedPATemplateParametersRoot Request Parameters (required)
* @return ApiResponse<LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, created a template linked to a PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Component not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse createLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(LinkedPATemplateParametersRoot linkedPATemplateParametersRoot) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = linkedPATemplateParametersRoot;
// verify the required parameter 'linkedPATemplateParametersRoot' is set
if (linkedPATemplateParametersRoot == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'linkedPATemplateParametersRoot' when calling createLinkedPATemplates");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pa/v3/linked-templates";
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("LinkedPaTemplatesApi.createLinkedPATemplates", localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, createLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;
* Delete a linked PA template.
* This endpoint deletes an existing linked PA template.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, deleted the linked PA template successfully.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public void deleteLinkedPATemplates(String id) throws ApiException {
* Delete a linked PA template.
* This endpoint deletes an existing linked PA template.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, deleted the linked PA template successfully.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse deleteLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling deleteLinkedPATemplates");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pa/v3/linked-templates/{id}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("LinkedPaTemplatesApi.deleteLinkedPATemplates", localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, deleteLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;
* Get linked PA templates
* This endpoint returns the list of linked PA templates in given path.
* @param directory Get linked PA templates in path. (optional)
* @param documentDirectory Get linked PA templates for documents in document path (optional)
* @param documentName Get linked PA templates for documents by document name (optional)
* @return LinkedPATemplateSummaryRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, returns a list of templates linked to PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Document not found
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public LinkedPATemplateSummaryRoot getLinkedPATemplates(String directory, String documentDirectory, String documentName) throws ApiException {
return getLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(directory, documentDirectory, documentName).getData();
* Get linked PA templates
* This endpoint returns the list of linked PA templates in given path.
* @param directory Get linked PA templates in path. (optional)
* @param documentDirectory Get linked PA templates for documents in document path (optional)
* @param documentName Get linked PA templates for documents by document name (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<LinkedPATemplateSummaryRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, returns a list of templates linked to PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Document not found
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse getLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(String directory, String documentDirectory, String documentName) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pa/v3/linked-templates";
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "directory", directory));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "documentDirectory", documentDirectory));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "documentName", documentName));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("LinkedPaTemplatesApi.getLinkedPATemplates", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, getLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;
* Get linked PA template by id
* This endpoint fetches the linked PA template settings.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @return LinkedPATemplateRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, linked PA template details.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public LinkedPATemplateRoot getLinkedPATemplatesById(String id) throws ApiException {
return getLinkedPATemplatesByIdWithHttpInfo(id).getData();
* Get linked PA template by id
* This endpoint fetches the linked PA template settings.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @return ApiResponse<LinkedPATemplateRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, linked PA template details.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse getLinkedPATemplatesByIdWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling getLinkedPATemplatesById");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pa/v3/linked-templates/{id}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("LinkedPaTemplatesApi.getLinkedPATemplatesById", localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, getLinkedPATemplatesByIdResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;
* Update a linked PA template
* This endpoint allows the user to change the request body and description from an existing template. Remarks: * Mandatory fields are required to be passed in POST requests and Optional fields are not necessary. If no mandatory fields are passed, then we can use the template as a component and skip the component creation. * Mandatory, optional and locked fields can be \"accounts\", \"benchmarks\", \"groups\", \"columns\", \"datasources\", \"dates\", \"currencyisocode\" and \"componentdetail\". * We cannot override the Locked fields when creating the Component. * Mandatory and locked strings are mutually exclusive. * Multi-horizon frequencies are not supported through this endpoint.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @param linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot Request Parameters (required)
* @return LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, updated a template linked to a PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template or component not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot updateLinkedPATemplates(String id, LinkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot) throws ApiException {
return updateLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(id, linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot).getData();
* Update a linked PA template
* This endpoint allows the user to change the request body and description from an existing template. Remarks: * Mandatory fields are required to be passed in POST requests and Optional fields are not necessary. If no mandatory fields are passed, then we can use the template as a component and skip the component creation. * Mandatory, optional and locked fields can be \"accounts\", \"benchmarks\", \"groups\", \"columns\", \"datasources\", \"dates\", \"currencyisocode\" and \"componentdetail\". * We cannot override the Locked fields when creating the Component. * Mandatory and locked strings are mutually exclusive. * Multi-horizon frequencies are not supported through this endpoint.
* @param id Unique identifier for a linked PA template (required)
* @param linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot Request Parameters (required)
* @return ApiResponse<LinkedPATemplatePostSummaryRoot>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Expected response, updated a template linked to a PA3 tile.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Invalid data provided. Please check the request parameters before attempting again.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Missing or invalid authentication.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
User is forbidden with current credentials
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Template or component not found.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Unsupported Accept header. Header needs to be set to application/json.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Limit - Number of allowed requests for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Remaining - Number of requests left for the time window. * X-FactSet-Api-RateLimit-Reset - Number of seconds remaining till rate limit resets.
Rate limit reached. Wait till the time specified in Retry-After header value to make further requests.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication. * Retry-After - Time to wait in seconds before making a new request as the rate limit has reached.
Server error. Log the X-DataDirect-Request-Key header to assist in troubleshooting.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
Request timed out. Retry the request in sometime.
* X-DataDirect-Request-Key - FactSet's request key header. * X-FactSet-Api-Request-Key - Key to uniquely identify an Analytics API request. Only available after successful authentication.
public ApiResponse updateLinkedPATemplatesWithHttpInfo(String id, LinkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot;
// verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if (id == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling updateLinkedPATemplates");
// verify the required parameter 'linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot' is set
if (linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'linkedPATemplateUpdateParametersRoot' when calling updateLinkedPATemplates");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/analytics/engines/pa/v3/linked-templates/{id}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "id" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(id.toString()));
// query params
java.util.List localVarQueryParams = new java.util.ArrayList();
java.util.Map localVarHeaderParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarCookieParams = new java.util.HashMap();
java.util.Map localVarFormParams = new java.util.HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "FactSetApiKey", "FactSetOAuth2", "FactSetOAuth2Client" };
> apiResponse = apiClient.invokeAPI("LinkedPaTemplatesApi.updateLinkedPATemplates", localVarPath, "PUT", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody,
localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType,
localVarAuthNames, updateLinkedPATemplatesResponseTypeMap, false);
return apiResponse;