com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.MethodValueCreator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.KParameter
import kotlin.reflect.full.extensionReceiverParameter
import kotlin.reflect.full.instanceParameter
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible
internal class MethodValueCreator private constructor(
override val callable: KFunction,
override val accessible: Boolean,
val companionObjectInstance: Any
) : ValueCreator() {
val instanceParameter: KParameter = callable.instanceParameter!!
companion object {
fun of(callable: KFunction): MethodValueCreator? {
// we shouldn't have an instance or receiver parameter and if we do, just go with default Java-ish behavior
if (callable.extensionReceiverParameter != null) return null
val possibleCompanion = callable.instanceParameter!!.type.erasedType().kotlin
// abort, we have some unknown case here
if (!possibleCompanion.isCompanion) return null
// To prevent the call from failing, save the initial value and then rewrite the flag.
val initialCallableAccessible = callable.isAccessible
if (!initialCallableAccessible) callable.isAccessible = true
val (companionObjectInstance: Any, accessible: Boolean) = try {
// throws ex
val instance = possibleCompanion.objectInstance!!
// If an instance of the companion object can be obtained, accessibility depends on the KFunction
instance to initialCallableAccessible
} catch (ex: IllegalAccessException) {
// fallback for when an odd access exception happens through Kotlin reflection
.firstOrNull { it.type.kotlin.isCompanion }
?.let {
it.isAccessible = true
// If the instance of the companion object cannot be obtained, accessibility will always be false
it.get(null) to false
} ?: throw ex
return MethodValueCreator(callable, accessible, companionObjectInstance)
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