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org.fife.ui.rtextfilechooser.FileSystemTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * 02/11/2005
 * - A JTree containing all files in the local host's
 * file system.
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Robert Futrell
 * Licensed under a modified BSD license.
 * See the included license file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rtextfilechooser;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;

import org.fife.ui.SubstanceUtils;
import org.fife.ui.ToolTipTree;

 * A tree containing all files in the local host's file system.  So that you
 * can create components that contain a FileSystemTree, the
 * following property change events are fired when the tree is manipulated:
  • WILL_EXPAND_PROPERTY - When the tree is about to * expand one of its nodes. Upon receiving this property change event, * you could set the cursor to the system wait cursor, for example (as * the expansion could take some time; Java seems to have some trouble * calling File.isDirectory() on network files...).
  • *
  • EXPANDED_PROPERTY - When the tree has completed * expanding the node. Upon receiving this property change event, you * could set the cursor back to the default.
  • *
* * @author Robert Futrell * @version 0.8 */ public class FileSystemTree extends ToolTipTree implements FileSelector { public static final String EXPANDED_PROPERTY = "FileSystemTree.treeExpanded"; public static final String WILL_EXPAND_PROPERTY = "FileSystemTree.treeWillExpand"; private static final String DUMMY_FILE_NAME = "dummy"; private static final File DUMMY_FILE = new File(DUMMY_FILE_NAME); private FileSystemTreeModel treeModel; private FileSystemTreeNode root; private FileSystemView fileSystemView; protected FileChooserIconManager iconManager; protected JPopupMenu popup; private JMenu openInMenu; private Actions.SystemOpenAction systemEditAction; private Actions.SystemOpenAction systemViewAction; private Actions.CopyAction copyAction; private FileSystemTreeActions.PasteAction pasteAction; private FileSystemTreeActions.DeleteAction deleteAction; private FileSystemTreeActions.DeleteAction hardDeleteAction; protected FileSystemTreeActions.NewFileAction newFileAction; // Used in DirectoryTree too private FileSystemTreeActions.NewFolderAction newFolderAction; private FileSystemTreeActions.RefreshAction refreshAction; private Actions.PropertiesAction propertiesAction; private TreeCellRenderer cellRenderer; /** * Whether we're running in a Java 6 or higher JVM. */ private static final boolean IS_JAVA_6_PLUS; /** * Constructor. This will create a tree with a root node for each root * drive on the local file system. */ public FileSystemTree() { fileSystemView = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); iconManager = new FileChooserIconManager(); // Add all of our "root" nodes. root = new FileSystemTreeNode(); for (Iterator i=RootManager.getInstance().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { File aRoot = (File); // Hack - We "know" all roots are directories, so why query // via isDirectory()? This is a nice performance boost. root.add(createTreeNodeForImpl(aRoot, true)); } init(); } /** * Constructor. * * @param rootDir The root directory for the tree. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this directory does not exist. */ public FileSystemTree(File rootDir) { if (rootDir==null || !rootDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid root dir: " + rootDir); } fileSystemView = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); iconManager = new FileChooserIconManager(); // Add all of our "root" nodes. root = new FileSystemTreeNode(); root.add(createTreeNodeForImpl(rootDir, true)); init(); } /** * Collapses all tree nodes. */ protected void collapseAllNodes() { for (int i=getRowCount()-1; i>=0; i--) { collapseRow(i); } } /** * Called right before the popup menu is displayed. This method * gives subclasses a chance to configure any extra actions or menu * items they have added to the popup menu, so they are tailored to * the selected item. popup has been created before this * method is called. Subclasses should call the super implementation * when overriding this method. */ protected void configurePopupMenuActions() { File selectedFile = getSelectedFile(); openInMenu.setEnabled(IS_JAVA_6_PLUS && selectedFile!=null); if (IS_JAVA_6_PLUS) { systemEditAction.setEnabled(selectedFile!=null); systemViewAction.setEnabled(selectedFile!=null); } boolean enable = selectedFile!=null; copyAction.setEnabled(enable); deleteAction.setEnabled(enable); // Only have the "Refresh" menu item enabled if a directory // item is selected. enable = (selectedFile!=null && selectedFile.isDirectory()) || (selectedFile==null && root.getFile()!=null); refreshAction.setEnabled(enable); propertiesAction.setEnabled(selectedFile!=null); // Enable "new file" and "new folder" actions if we're viewing the // contents of a folder, or a folder is selected. enable = (selectedFile!=null && selectedFile.isDirectory()) || (selectedFile==null && root.getFile()!=null); newFileAction.setEnabled(enable); newFolderAction.setEnabled(enable); pasteAction.setEnabled(enable && pasteAction.isClipboardContentValid()); } public String convertValueToText(Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { // For FileSystemTrees, we should always be getting a // FileSystemTreeNode as our last path component. if (value instanceof FileSystemTreeNode) { File file = ((FileSystemTreeNode)value).getFile(); if (file!=null) { return file.getName(); } } return super.convertValueToText(value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); } /** * Creates the popup menu for this file system tree. Subclasses can * override this method if they wish to add more menu items to the * popup menu. * * @return The popup menu for this file system tree. */ protected JPopupMenu createPopupMenu() { JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( FileSystemTree.class.getName()); openInMenu = new JMenu(bundle.getString("PopupMenu.OpenIn")); if (IS_JAVA_6_PLUS) { systemEditAction = new Actions.SystemOpenAction(this, "edit"); openInMenu.add(systemEditAction); systemViewAction = new Actions.SystemOpenAction(this, "open"); openInMenu.add(systemViewAction); } popup.add(openInMenu); popup.addSeparator(); popup.add(copyAction); popup.add(pasteAction); popup.add(deleteAction); popup.addSeparator(); popup.add(new JMenuItem(newFileAction)); popup.add(new JMenuItem(newFolderAction)); popup.addSeparator(); popup.add(new JMenuItem(refreshAction)); popup.addSeparator(); popup.add(new JMenuItem(propertiesAction)); popup.applyComponentOrientation(getComponentOrientation()); return popup; } /** * Creates and returns a renderer to use for the nodes in this tree. * * @return The renderer to use. */ private TreeCellRenderer createTreeCellRenderer() { if (SubstanceUtils.isSubstanceInstalled()) { // Use reflection to avoid compile-time dependencies form this // class to Substance. String clazzName = "org.fife.ui.rtextfilechooser.SubstanceFileSystemTreeRenderer"; try { Class clazz = Class.forName(clazzName); Constructor cons = clazz.getConstructor( new Class[] { FileSystemTree.class }); return (TreeCellRenderer)cons.newInstance(new Object[] {this}); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // Fall through } } return new FileSystemTreeRenderer(); } /** * Creates a tree node for the specified file. * * @param file The file for which to create a tree node. * @return The tree node for the file. */ public FileSystemTreeNode createTreeNodeFor(File file) { return createTreeNodeForImpl(file, file.isDirectory()); } /** * Creates a tree node for the specified file. This version of the method * is for when you know ahead of time whether the file is a directory * such as when the file is a "root"). This greatly speeds things up, * as isDirectory() is notoriously slow. * * @param file The file for which to create a tree node. * @param directory Whether the specified file is a directory. * @return The tree node for the file. */ protected FileSystemTreeNode createTreeNodeForImpl(File file, boolean directory) { // The node for the file. FileSystemTreeNode dmtn = new FileSystemTreeNode(file); // Make it have a "+/-" icon beside it if this node represents a // directory containing files. if (directory) { // NOTE: We're just putting in a dummy file no matter what // for performance, as any kind of File querying methods in // Java degrade performance. //File[] files = fileSystemView.getFiles(file, false); //if (files!=null && files.length>0) dmtn.add(new FileSystemTreeNode(DUMMY_FILE)); } return dmtn; } /** * Displays the popup menu at the specified location. * * @param p The location at which to display the popup. * @see #createPopupMenu * @see #configurePopupMenuActions() */ private synchronized void displayPopupMenu(Point p) { // Create the popup menu if necessary. if (popup==null) { popup = createPopupMenu(); } // Select the tree node at the mouse position. TreePath path = getPathForLocation(p.x, p.y); if (path!=null) { setSelectionPath(path); scrollPathToVisible(path); } else { clearSelection(); } // Configure and display it! configurePopupMenuActions();, p.x, p.y); } /** * Does any filtering and sorting of an array of files so that they will * be displayed properly. For example this method sorts the array so * that directories are all listed before regular files. Subclasses can * override this method to do other things, such as only display * directories. * * @param files The array of files to filter and sort. * @return The filtered and sorted array of files. */ protected File[] filterAndSort(File[] files) { int num = files.length; ArrayList dirList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList(); // First, separate the directories from regular files so we can // sort them individually. This part could be made more compact, // but it isn't just for a tad more speed. for (int i=0; i-1 : false; if (File.separatorChar=='\\' || isOSX) { c = new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { File f1 = (File)o1; File f2 = (File)o2; return f1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(f2.getName()); } }; } Collections.sort(fileList, c); Collections.sort(dirList, c); dirList.addAll(fileList); File[] fileArray = new File[dirList.size()]; return (File[])dirList.toArray(fileArray); } /** * Called when a node has expanded. */ public void fireTreeExpanded(TreePath e) { super.fireTreeExpanded(e); // We fire a property change at the beginning and end of a node // expanding so that anyone interested only has to register a // PropertyChangeLister to know when nodes are expanding (so they can // display a wait cursor, for example). Otherwise, they'd have to add // both a TreeExpansionListener and a TreeWillExpandListener. Cheap, // I know, but oh well. firePropertyChange(EXPANDED_PROPERTY, null, null); } /** * Called when a node is about to be expanded. This method is overridden * so that the node that is being expanded will be populated with its * subdirectories, if necessary. */ public void fireTreeWillExpand(TreePath e) throws ExpandVetoException { // We fire a property change at the beginning and end of a node // expanding so that anyone interested only has to register a // PropertyChangeLister to know when nodes are expanding (so they can // display a wait cursor, for example). Otherwise, they'd have to add // both a TreeExpansionListener and a TreeWillExpandListener. Cheap, // I know, but oh well. firePropertyChange(WILL_EXPAND_PROPERTY, null, null); super.fireTreeWillExpand(e); FileSystemTreeNode dmtn = (FileSystemTreeNode)e.getLastPathComponent(); // If the only child is the dummy one, we know we haven't populated // this node with true children yet. int childCount = dmtn.getChildCount(); if (childCount==1 && ((FileSystemTreeNode)dmtn.getChildAt(0)). containsFile(DUMMY_FILE)) { refreshChildren(dmtn); } } /** * Returns the child of the specified node containing the specified file. * * @param node The node whose children you want to search. * @param file The file for which to search. * @return The child node representing the specified file, or * null if none of the children specified the file. */ private FileSystemTreeNode getChildRepresentingFile( FileSystemTreeNode node, Object file) { if (file==null) return null; int childCount = node.getChildCount(); for (int i=0; iJScrollPane
(which * is likely). If you don't do this, the tree's preferred width will only * be the maximum width of one of its visible nodes, so it will appear * "squished" into whatever frame/dialog it's in. * * @return The preferred size of this tree. */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize(); size.width = Math.max(size.width, 300); return size; } /** * Returns the directory being used as the invisible "root" of this tree. * * @return The root directory, or null if none (i.e., if all * file system roots are being shown instead). * @see #setRoot(File) */ public File getRoot() { return root.getFile(); } /** * Returns the file currently selected by the user. * * @return The file currently selected, or null * if no file is selected. * @see #getSelectedFileName * @see #setSelectedFile */ public File getSelectedFile() { TreePath path = getSelectionPath(); if (path!=null) { Object comp = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (comp instanceof FileSystemTreeNode) { FileSystemTreeNode node = (FileSystemTreeNode)comp; return (File)node.getUserObject(); } } return null; } /** * Returns any selected files. This will always be either a zero-length * array, or an array containing only the value returned from * {@link #getSelectedFile()}, since this component only allows selection * of one file at a time. * * @return The selected files. */ public File[] getSelectedFiles() { File file = getSelectedFile(); if (file!=null) { return new File[] { file }; } return new File[0]; } /** * Returns the name of the file currently selected by the user. * * @return The name of the file currently selected, or null * if no file is selected. * @see #getSelectedFile * @see #setSelectedFile */ public String getSelectedFileName() { File file = getSelectedFile(); return file!=null ? file.getAbsolutePath() : null; } /** * Returns the string to use for the tooltip. * * @return The tooltip text. */ public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) { String tip = null; int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); TreePath path = getPathForLocation(x, y); if (path!=null) { Object comp = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (comp!=null && comp instanceof FileSystemTreeNode) { FileSystemTreeNode node = (FileSystemTreeNode)comp; return getName((File)node.getUserObject()); } } return tip; } /** * Does any initialization common to all constructors. */ private void init() { // Make it so they can only select one node at a time. TreeSelectionModel tsm = getSelectionModel(); tsm.setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); tsm.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { scrollPathToVisible(e.getPath()); } }); // Set the root. Note that this must come BEFORE we // set the cell renderer (below), otherwise, each tree node's // width will initially be incorrect (fixed when the node is // expanded/collapsed). treeModel = new FileSystemTreeModel(root); setModel(treeModel); cellRenderer = createTreeCellRenderer(); setCellRenderer(cellRenderer); // Make everything look nice. enableEvents(AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK); setShowsRootHandles(true); setRootVisible(false); setTransferHandler(new TreeTransferHandler()); setDragEnabled(true); // Create our actions (most of which have shortcuts) copyAction = new Actions.CopyAction(this); pasteAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.PasteAction(this); deleteAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.DeleteAction(null, this, false); hardDeleteAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.DeleteAction(null, this, true); newFileAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.NewFileAction(this); newFolderAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.NewFolderAction(this); refreshAction = new FileSystemTreeActions.RefreshAction(this); propertiesAction = new Actions.PropertiesAction(this); installKeyboardActions(); } /** * Installs keyboard actions so we don't have to use the popup menu for * everything. */ protected void installKeyboardActions() { InputMap im = getInputMap(); ActionMap am = getActionMap(); im.put((KeyStroke)copyAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "Copy"); am.put("Copy", copyAction); im.put((KeyStroke)pasteAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "Paste"); am.put("Paste", pasteAction); im.put((KeyStroke)deleteAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "Delete"); am.put("Delete", deleteAction); im.put((KeyStroke)hardDeleteAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "HardDelete"); am.put("HardDelete", hardDeleteAction); im.put((KeyStroke)refreshAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "Refresh"); am.put("Refresh", refreshAction); im.put((KeyStroke)propertiesAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "OnAltEnter"); am.put("OnAltEnter", propertiesAction); } /** * Called when a mouse event occurs in this file system tree. This method * is overridden so that we can display our popup menu if necessary. * * @param e The mouse event. */ protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) { super.processMouseEvent(e); if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { displayPopupMenu(e.getPoint()); } } /** * Refreshes the children of the specified node (representing a directory) * to accurately reflect the files inside of it. * * @param node The node. If this is null, the entire tree is * refreshed. */ void refreshChildren(FileSystemTreeNode node) { if (node==null) { node = (FileSystemTreeNode)getModel().getRoot(); } if (node!=null) { node.removeAllChildren(); File file = node.getFile(); if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] children = fileSystemView.getFiles(file, false); File[] filteredChildren = filterAndSort(children); for (int i=0; inull, then all * of the file system's roots are used. If it is a directory, then * that directory is used. If it is a plain file, or does not * exist, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @see #getRoot() */ public void setRoot(File rootFile) { if (rootFile==null) { // Add all of our "root" nodes. root = new FileSystemTreeNode(); for (Iterator i=RootManager.getInstance().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { File aRoot = (File); // Hack - We "know" all roots are directories, so why query // via isDirectory()? This is a nice performance boost. root.add(createTreeNodeForImpl(aRoot, true)); } } // Create our single "root" node. else if (rootFile.isDirectory()) { root = new FileSystemTreeNode(rootFile); File[] children = rootFile.listFiles(); int count = children==null ? 0 : children.length; if (count>0) { children = filterAndSort(children); } for (int i=0; i=0; i--) { temp = getChildRepresentingFile(temp, parents.get(i)); if (temp==null) { // Happens e.g. when this is a DirectoryTree instance, and // "file" is an actual file, not a directory. In this // case we'll just leave the tree as-is (expanded to the // directory of the file specified). clearSelection(); return false; } path = new TreePath(temp.getPath()); // Won't work on a leaf node, but who cares... expandPath(path); } // This is often called before the tree is displayed. final TreePath path2 = path; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setSelectionPath(path2); scrollPathToVisible(path2); } }); return true; } /** * Overridden so that the renderer is also updated on a LnF change. * If we don't do this, the renderer will still work, but will use the * "background color" and other colors from the original LnF. */ public void updateUI() { super.updateUI(); // Don't create a new one the first time through (done in ctor). if (cellRenderer!=null) { // NOTE: DefaultTreeCellRenderer caches icons, colors, etc., // so we cannot simply call cellRenderer.updateUI(), // unfortunately; we must create a new one ourselves. //SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(cellRenderer); cellRenderer = createTreeCellRenderer(); setCellRenderer(cellRenderer); } if (popup!=null) { SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(popup); } } static { // Some actions only work with Java 6+. String ver = System.getProperty("java.specification.version"); IS_JAVA_6_PLUS = !ver.startsWith("1.4") && !ver.startsWith("1.5"); } public static class FileSystemTreeModel extends DefaultTreeModel { public FileSystemTreeModel(TreeNode root) { super(root); } public void insertNodeInto(MutableTreeNode child, MutableTreeNode parent, int index) { FileSystemTreeNode fstParent = (FileSystemTreeNode)parent; if (fstParent.containsFile(DUMMY_FILE)) { // Here, we're replacing a node, not inserting one fstParent.removeAllChildren(); // Just the one parent.insert(child, 0); fireTreeNodesChanged(this, getPathToRoot(child), new int[] { 0 }, new Object[] { child }); } else { super.insertNodeInto(child, fstParent, index); } } } /** * The tree node used by the file tree. This class is mainly here * for debugging purposes and serves no real purpose. */ public static class FileSystemTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode { public FileSystemTreeNode() { } public FileSystemTreeNode(Object userObject) { super(userObject); } public boolean containsFile(File file) { return (file!=null && file.equals(userObject)); } public boolean equals(Object o2) { if (o2 instanceof FileSystemTreeNode) { File f2 = ((FileSystemTreeNode)o2).getFile(); File file = getFile(); if (file==null) { return f2==null; } return f2!=null && file.equals(f2); } return false; } public File getFile() { return (File)userObject; } /** * Overridden since {@link #equals(Object)} was overridden, to keep * them consistent. */ public int hashCode() { return userObject==null ? 0 : userObject.hashCode(); } public String toString() { File file = getFile(); String fileName = file==null ? "" : file.getAbsolutePath(); return "[FileSystemTreeNode: file=" + fileName + "]"; } } /** * Renderer for the file tree. */ private class FileSystemTreeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, sel, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); // Make the node have the proper icon and only display the // file name. // We must check "instanceof File" because it appears that Metal // and Motif LnF's call this method during a JTree's setRoot() // call (although Windows LnF doesn't... ???), which throws a // ClassCastException, as this is evidently called before the // root is replaced (and so the root node contains default sample // data such as "Colors" or some junk). So if we check this, we // don't cast to File before the stuff has changed to File. Object userObj = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)value).getUserObject(); if (userObj instanceof File) { File file = (File)userObj; setText(FileSystemTree.this.getName(file)); setIcon(iconManager.getIcon(file)); } return this; } } /** * Transfer handler for copying files from a FileSystemTree. */ private static class TreeTransferHandler extends TransferHandler { public boolean canImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor[] flavors) { return false; } protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) { List list = null; FileSystemTree tree = (FileSystemTree)c; File file = tree.getSelectedFile(); if (file!=null) { list = new ArrayList(1); list.add(file); } return new FileListTransferable(list); } public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) { return TransferHandler.COPY; } } }

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