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org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes.MxmlTokenMaker.flex Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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RSyntaxTextArea is the syntax highlighting text editor for Swing applications. Features include syntax highlighting for 40+ languages, code folding, code completion, regex find and replace, macros, code templates, undo/redo, line numbering and bracket matching.

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 * 01/21/2011
 * - Generates tokens for MXML syntax highlighting.
 * This library is distributed under a modified BSD license.  See the included
 * RSyntaxTextArea.License.txt file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes;

import javax.swing.text.Segment;

import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*;

 * Scanner for MXML.
 * This implementation was created using
 * JFlex 1.4.1; however, the generated file
 * was modified for performance.  Memory allocation needs to be almost
 * completely removed to be competitive with the handwritten lexers (subclasses
 * of AbstractTokenMaker, so this class has been modified so that
 * Strings are never allocated (via yytext()), and the scanner never has to
 * worry about refilling its buffer (needlessly copying chars around).
 * We can achieve this because RText always scans exactly 1 line of tokens at a
 * time, and hands the scanner this line as an array of characters (a Segment
 * really).  Since tokens contain pointers to char arrays instead of Strings
 * holding their contents, there is no need for allocating new memory for
 * Strings.

* * The actual algorithm generated for scanning has, of course, not been * modified.

* * If you wish to regenerate this file yourself, keep in mind the following: *

  • The generated file will contain two * definitions of both zzRefill and yyreset. * You should hand-delete the second of each definition (the ones * generated by the lexer), as these generated methods modify the input * buffer, which we'll never have to do.
  • *
  • You should also change the declaration/definition of zzBuffer to NOT * be initialized. This is a needless memory allocation for us since we * will be pointing the array somewhere else anyway.
  • *
  • You should NOT call yylex() on the generated scanner * directly; rather, you should use getTokenList as you would * with any other TokenMaker instance.
  • *
* * @author Robert Futrell * @version 0.5 * */ %% %public %class MxmlTokenMaker %extends AbstractMarkupTokenMaker %unicode %type org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.Token %{ /** * Type specific to JSPTokenMaker denoting a line ending with an unclosed * double-quote attribute. */ public static final int INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE = -1; /** * Type specific to JSPTokenMaker denoting a line ending with an unclosed * single-quote attribute. */ public static final int INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE = -2; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line with an unclosed XML tag; thus a new line is beginning * still inside of the tag. */ public static final int INTERNAL_INTAG = -3; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line with an unclosed Script tag; thus a new line is beginning * still inside of the tag. */ public static final int INTERNAL_INTAG_SCRIPT = -4; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line in the middle of a double-quoted attribute in a Script * tag. */ public static final int INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT = -5; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line in the middle of a single-quoted attribute in a Script * tag. */ public static final int INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT = -6; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line in an ActionScript code block (text content inside a * Script tag). */ public static final int INTERNAL_IN_AS = -7; /** * Token type specific to this class; this signals that the user has * ended a line in an MLC in an ActionScript code block (text content * inside a Script tag). */ public static final int INTERNAL_IN_AS_MLC = -8; /** * Whether closing markup tags are automatically completed for HTML. */ private static boolean completeCloseTags; /** * Constructor. This must be here because JFlex does not generate a * no-parameter constructor. */ public MxmlTokenMaker() { } static { completeCloseTags = true; } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens as an * "end token;" that is, at zzMarkedPos. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addEndToken(int tokenType) { addToken(zzMarkedPos,zzMarkedPos, tokenType); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. * @see #addToken(int, int, int) */ private void addHyperlinkToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so, true); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addToken(int tokenType) { addToken(zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-1, tokenType); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param array The character array. * @param start The starting offset in the array. * @param end The ending offset in the array. * @param tokenType The token's type. * @param startOffset The offset in the document at which this token * occurs. * @param hyperlink Whether this token is a hyperlink. */ @Override public void addToken(char[] array, int start, int end, int tokenType, int startOffset, boolean hyperlink) { super.addToken(array, start,end, tokenType, startOffset, hyperlink); zzStartRead = zzMarkedPos; } /** * Returns whether markup close tags should be completed. For XML, the * default value is true. * * @return Whether closing markup tags are completed. * @see #setCompleteCloseTags(boolean) */ @Override public boolean getCompleteCloseTags() { return completeCloseTags; } /** * Static version of {@link #getCompleteCloseTags()}. This hack is * unfortunately needed for applications to be able to query this value * without instantiating this class. * * @return Whether closing markup tags are completed. * @see #setCompleteCloseTags(boolean) */ public static boolean getCompleteCloseMarkupTags() { return completeCloseTags; } /** * Always returns false, as you never want "mark occurrences" * working in XML files. * * @param type The token type. * @return Whether tokens of this type should have "mark occurrences" * enabled. */ public boolean getMarkOccurrencesOfTokenType(int type) { return false; } /** * Returns the first token in the linked list of tokens generated * from text. This method must be implemented by * subclasses so they can correctly implement syntax highlighting. * * @param text The text from which to get tokens. * @param initialTokenType The token type we should start with. * @param startOffset The offset into the document at which * text starts. * @return The first Token in a linked list representing * the syntax highlighted text. */ public Token getTokenList(Segment text, int initialTokenType, int startOffset) { resetTokenList(); this.offsetShift = -text.offset + startOffset; // Start off in the proper state. int state = Token.NULL; switch (initialTokenType) { case Token.MARKUP_COMMENT: state = COMMENT; start = text.offset; break; case Token.MARKUP_DTD: state = DTD; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE: state = INATTR_DOUBLE; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE: state = INATTR_SINGLE; start = text.offset; break; case Token.MARKUP_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: state = PI; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_INTAG: state = INTAG; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_INTAG_SCRIPT: state = INTAG_SCRIPT; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT: state = INATTR_DOUBLE_SCRIPT; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT: state = INATTR_SINGLE_SCRIPT; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_IN_AS: state = AS; start = text.offset; break; case INTERNAL_IN_AS_MLC: state = AS_MLC; start = text.offset; break; case Token.MARKUP_CDATA: state = CDATA; start = text.offset; break; default: state = Token.NULL; } s = text; try { yyreset(zzReader); yybegin(state); return yylex(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return new TokenImpl(); } } /** * Sets whether markup close tags should be completed. * * @param complete Whether closing markup tags are completed. * @see #getCompleteCloseTags() */ public static void setCompleteCloseTags(boolean complete) { completeCloseTags = complete; } /** * Refills the input buffer. * * @return true if EOF was reached, otherwise * false. */ private boolean zzRefill() { return zzCurrentPos>=s.offset+s.count; } /** * Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream. * Does not close the old reader. * * All internal variables are reset, the old input stream * cannot be reused (internal buffer is discarded and lost). * Lexical state is set to YY_INITIAL. * * @param reader the new input stream */ public final void yyreset( reader) { // 's' has been updated. zzBuffer = s.array; /* * We replaced the line below with the two below it because zzRefill * no longer "refills" the buffer (since the way we do it, it's always * "full" the first time through, since it points to the segment's * array). So, we assign zzEndRead here. */ //zzStartRead = zzEndRead = s.offset; zzStartRead = s.offset; zzEndRead = zzStartRead + s.count - 1; zzCurrentPos = zzMarkedPos = zzPushbackPos = s.offset; zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL; zzReader = reader; zzAtBOL = true; zzAtEOF = false; } %} /* XML macros (and some building-block macros used by AS macros). */ Letter = [A-Za-z] NonzeroDigit = [1-9] Digit = ("0"|{NonzeroDigit}) LetterOrUnderscore = ({Letter}|"_") NameStartChar = ({Letter}|[\:]) NameChar = ({NameStartChar}|[\-\.]|{Digit}) TagName = ({NameStartChar}{NameChar}*) Whitespace = ([ \t\f]) LineTerminator = ([\n]) Identifier = ([^ \t\n<&]+) EntityReference = ([&][^; \t]*[;]?) InTagIdentifier = ([^ \t\n\"\'=\/>]+) CDataBegin = ("") /* ActionScript macros. */ HexDigit = ({Digit}|[A-Fa-f]) OctalDigit = ([0-7]) AnyCharacterButApostropheOrBackSlash = ([^\\']) AnyCharacterButDoubleQuoteOrBackSlash = ([^\\\"\n]) EscapedSourceCharacter = ("u"{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit}) Escape = ("\\"(([btnfr\"'\\])|([0123]{OctalDigit}?{OctalDigit}?)|({OctalDigit}{OctalDigit}?)|{EscapedSourceCharacter})) NonSeparator = ([^\t\f\r\n\ \(\)\{\}\[\]\;\,\.\=\>\<\!\~\?\:\+\-\*\/\&\|\^\%\"\']|"#"|"\\") IdentifierStart = ({LetterOrUnderscore}|"$") IdentifierPart = ({IdentifierStart}|{Digit}|("\\"{EscapedSourceCharacter})) AS_CharLiteral = ([\']({AnyCharacterButApostropheOrBackSlash}|{Escape})*[\']) AS_UnclosedCharLiteral = ([\']([\\].|[^\\\'])*[^\']?) AS_ErrorCharLiteral = ({AS_UnclosedCharLiteral}[\']) AS_StringLiteral = ([\"]({AnyCharacterButDoubleQuoteOrBackSlash}|{Escape})*[\"]) AS_UnclosedStringLiteral = ([\"]([\\].|[^\\\"])*[^\"]?) AS_ErrorStringLiteral = ({AS_UnclosedStringLiteral}[\"]) AS_MLCBegin = ("/*") AS_MLCEnd = ("*/") AS_LineCommentBegin = ("//") IntegerHelper1 = (({NonzeroDigit}{Digit}*)|"0") IntegerHelper2 = ("0"(([xX]{HexDigit}+)|({OctalDigit}*))) AS_IntegerLiteral = ({IntegerHelper1}[lL]?) AS_HexLiteral = ({IntegerHelper2}[lL]?) FloatHelper1 = ([fFdD]?) FloatHelper2 = ([eE][+-]?{Digit}+{FloatHelper1}) FloatLiteral1 = ({Digit}+"."({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2}|{Digit}+({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2}))) FloatLiteral2 = ("."{Digit}+({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2})) FloatLiteral3 = ({Digit}+{FloatHelper2}) AS_FloatLiteral = ({FloatLiteral1}|{FloatLiteral2}|{FloatLiteral3}|({Digit}+[fFdD])) AS_ErrorNumberFormat = (({AS_IntegerLiteral}|{AS_HexLiteral}|{AS_FloatLiteral}){NonSeparator}+) AS_BooleanLiteral = ("true"|"false") AS_Separator = ([\(\)\{\}\[\]]) AS_Separator2 = ([\;,.]) NonAssignmentOperator = ("+"|"-"|"<="|"^"|"++"|"<"|"*"|">="|"%"|"--"|">"|"/"|"!="|"?"|">>"|"!"|"&"|"=="|":"|">>"|"~"|"|"|"&&"|">>>") AssignmentOperator = ("="|"-="|"*="|"/="|"|="|"&="|"^="|"+="|"%="|"<<="|">>="|">>>=") AS_Operator = ({NonAssignmentOperator}|{AssignmentOperator}) AS_Identifier = ({IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}*) AS_ErrorIdentifier = ({NonSeparator}+) AS_EndScriptTag = ("") URLGenDelim = ([:\/\?#\[\]@]) URLSubDelim = ([\!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]) URLUnreserved = ({LetterOrUnderscore}|{Digit}|[\-\.\~]) URLCharacter = ({URLGenDelim}|{URLSubDelim}|{URLUnreserved}|[%]) URLCharacters = ({URLCharacter}*) URLEndCharacter = ([\/\$]|{Letter}|{Digit}) URL = (((https?|f(tp|ile))"://"|"www.")({URLCharacters}{URLEndCharacter})?) %state COMMENT %state PI %state DTD %state INTAG %state INATTR_DOUBLE %state INATTR_SINGLE %state INTAG_SCRIPT %state INATTR_DOUBLE_SCRIPT %state INATTR_SINGLE_SCRIPT %state CDATA %state AS %state AS_MLC %state AS_EOL_COMMENT %% { "" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead+2, Token.MARKUP_COMMENT); } "-" {} {LineTerminator} | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_COMMENT); return firstToken; } } { [^\n\?]+ {} {LineTerminator} { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION); return firstToken; } "?>" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead+1, Token.MARKUP_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION); } "?" {} <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION); return firstToken; } } { [^\n>]+ {} {LineTerminator} { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_DTD); return firstToken; } ">" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.MARKUP_DTD); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_DTD); return firstToken; } } { {InTagIdentifier} { addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE); } {Whitespace}+ { addToken(Token.WHITESPACE); } "=" { addToken(Token.OPERATOR); } "/" { addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); /* Not valid but we'll still accept it */ } "/>" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); } ">" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); } [\"] { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(INATTR_DOUBLE); } [\'] { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(INATTR_SINGLE); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, INTERNAL_INTAG); return firstToken; } } { [^\"]* {} [\"] { yybegin(INTAG); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE); return firstToken; } } { [^\']* {} [\'] { yybegin(INTAG); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE); return firstToken; } } { {InTagIdentifier} { addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE); } {Whitespace}+ { addToken(Token.WHITESPACE); } "=" { addToken(Token.OPERATOR); } "/" { addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); /* Not valid but we'll still accept it */ } "/>" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); } ">" { yybegin(AS); addToken(Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); } [\"] { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(INATTR_DOUBLE_SCRIPT); } [\'] { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(INATTR_SINGLE_SCRIPT); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, INTERNAL_INTAG_SCRIPT); return firstToken; } } { [^\"]* {} [\"] { yybegin(INTAG_SCRIPT); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_ATTR_DOUBLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT); return firstToken; } } { [^\']* {} [\'] { yybegin(INTAG_SCRIPT); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_ATTR_SINGLE_QUOTE_SCRIPT); return firstToken; } } { [^\]]+ {} {CDataEnd} { int temp=zzStartRead; yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_CDATA); addToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.MARKUP_CDATA_DELIMITER); } "]" {} <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.MARKUP_CDATA); return firstToken; } } { {AS_EndScriptTag} { int origStart = zzStartRead; String text = yytext(); int tagNameEnd = text.length() - 2; // "-1" is '>' while (Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(tagNameEnd))) { tagNameEnd--; } int tagNameLen = tagNameEnd - 1; yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(zzStartRead,zzStartRead+1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_DELIMITER); addToken(origStart+2,origStart+2+tagNameLen-1, Token.MARKUP_TAG_NAME); if (tagNameEnd> { addEndToken(INTERNAL_IN_AS); return firstToken; } /* Catch any other (unhandled) characters and flag them as bad. */ . { addToken(Token.ERROR_IDENTIFIER); } } { [^hwf\n\*]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_IN_AS_MLC); return firstToken; } {AS_MLCEnd} { yybegin(AS); addToken(start,zzStartRead+1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); } \* {} <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); addEndToken(INTERNAL_IN_AS_MLC); return firstToken; } } { [^hwf\n]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addEndToken(INTERNAL_IN_AS); return firstToken; } }

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