org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.VisibleWhitespaceTokenPainter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* 03/16/2013
* VisibleWhitespaceTokenPainter - Renders tokens in an instance of
* RSyntaxTextArea, with special glyphs to denote spaces and tabs.
* This library is distributed under a modified BSD license. See the included
* LICENSE file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import javax.swing.text.TabExpander;
* A token painter that visibly renders whitespace (spaces and tabs).
* The current implementation paints as follows:
* - The first tab or space, if any, is found in the token.
* - If a tab was found, all characters up to it are painted as a
* group.
* - If a space was found, all characters up to and including it are
* painted (it is painted with a special symbol to denote it as
* a space).
* - If neither a tab nor a whitespace was found, all characters in the
* token are painted.
* - Repeat until all characters are painted.
* This means that rendering hints are applied to all groups of characters
* within a token, excluding whitespace and tabs.
* A problem with this implementation is that FontMetrics.charsWidth() is still
* used to calculate the width of a group of chars painted. Thus, the group of
* characters will be painted with the rendering hints specified, but the
* following tab (or group of characters if the current group was the end of a
* token) will not necessarily be painted at the proper x-coordinate (as
* FontMetrics.charsWidth() returns an int
and not a
* float
). The way around this would be to calculate the token's
* width in such a way that a float is returned (Font.getStringBounds()?).
* @author Robert Futrell
* @version 1.0
class VisibleWhitespaceTokenPainter extends DefaultTokenPainter {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected float paintImpl(Token token, Graphics2D g, float x, float y,
RSyntaxTextArea host, TabExpander e, float clipStart,
boolean selected, boolean useSTC) {
int origX = (int)x;
int textOffs = token.getTextOffset();
char[] text = token.getTextArray();
int end = textOffs + token.length();
float nextX = x;
int flushLen = 0;
int flushIndex = textOffs;
Color fg = useSTC ? host.getSelectedTextColor() :
Color bg = selected ? null : host.getBackgroundForToken(token);
FontMetrics fm = host.getFontMetricsForTokenType(token.getType());
int ascent = fm.getAscent();
int height = fm.getHeight();
for (int i=textOffs; i 0) {
g.drawChars(text, flushIndex, flushLen, (int)x,(int)y);
flushLen = 0;
flushIndex = i + 1;
// Draw an arrow representing the tab.
int halfHeight = height / 2;
int quarterHeight = halfHeight / 2;
int ymid = (int)y - ascent + halfHeight;
g.drawLine((int)nextX,ymid, (int)nextNextX,ymid);
g.drawLine((int)nextNextX,ymid, (int)nextNextX-4,ymid-quarterHeight);
g.drawLine((int)nextNextX,ymid, (int)nextNextX-4,ymid+quarterHeight);
x = nextNextX;
case ' ':
// NOTE: There is a little bit of a "fudge factor"
// here when "smooth text" is enabled, as "width"
// below may well not be the width given to the space
// by fm.charsWidth() (it depends on how it places the
// space with respect to the preceding character).
// But, we assume the approximation is close enough for
// our drawing a dot for the space.
// "flushLen+1" ensures text is aligned correctly (or,
// aligned the same as in getWidth()).
nextX = x+fm.charsWidth(text, flushIndex,flushLen+1);
int width = fm.charWidth(' ');
// Paint background.
if (bg!=null) {
paintBackground(x,y, nextX-x,height, g,
ascent, host, bg);
// Paint chars before space.
if (flushLen>0) {
g.drawChars(text, flushIndex, flushLen, (int)x,(int)y);
flushLen = 0;
// Paint a dot representing the space.
int dotX = (int)(nextX - width/2f); // "2.0f" for FindBugs
int dotY = (int)(y - ascent + height/2f); // Ditto
g.drawLine(dotX, dotY, dotX, dotY);
flushIndex = i + 1;
x = nextX;
case '\f':
// ???
// fall-through for now.
flushLen += 1;
nextX = x+fm.charsWidth(text, flushIndex,flushLen);
if (flushLen>0 && nextX>=clipStart) {
if (bg!=null) {
paintBackground(x,y, nextX-x,height, g,
ascent, host, bg);
g.drawChars(text, flushIndex, flushLen, (int)x,(int)y);
if (host.getUnderlineForToken(token)) {
int y2 = (int)(y+1);
g.drawLine(origX,y2, (int)nextX,y2);
// Don't check if it's whitespace - some TokenMakers may return types
// other than Token.WHITESPACE for spaces (such as Token.IDENTIFIER).
// This also allows us to paint tab lines for MLC's.
if (host.getPaintTabLines() && origX==host.getMargin().left) {// && isWhitespace()) {
paintTabLines(token, origX, (int)y, (int)nextX, g, e, host);
return nextX;