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org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes.CTokenMaker.flex Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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RSyntaxTextArea is the syntax highlighting text editor for Swing applications. Features include syntax highlighting for 40+ languages, code folding, code completion, regex find and replace, macros, code templates, undo/redo, line numbering and bracket matching.

The newest version!
 * 11/13/2004
 * - An object that can take a chunk of text and
 * return a linked list of tokens representing it in the C programming
 * language.
 * This library is distributed under a modified BSD license.  See the included
 * LICENSE file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes;

import javax.swing.text.Segment;

import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*;

 * Scanner for the C programming language.
 * This implementation was created using
 * JFlex 1.4.1; however, the generated file
 * was modified for performance.  Memory allocation needs to be almost
 * completely removed to be competitive with the handwritten lexers (subclasses
 * of AbstractTokenMaker), so this class has been modified so that
 * Strings are never allocated (via yytext()), and the scanner never has to
 * worry about refilling its buffer (needlessly copying chars around).
 * We can achieve this because RText always scans exactly 1 line of tokens at a
 * time, and hands the scanner this line as an array of characters (a Segment
 * really).  Since tokens contain pointers to char arrays instead of Strings
 * holding their contents, there is no need for allocating new memory for
 * Strings.

* * The actual algorithm generated for scanning has, of course, not been * modified.

* * If you wish to regenerate this file yourself, keep in mind the following: *

  • The generated file will contain two * definitions of both zzRefill and yyreset. * You should hand-delete the second of each definition (the ones * generated by the lexer), as these generated methods modify the input * buffer, which we'll never have to do.
  • *
  • You should also change the declaration/definition of zzBuffer to NOT * be initialized. This is a needless memory allocation for us since we * will be pointing the array somewhere else anyway.
  • *
  • You should NOT call yylex() on the generated scanner * directly; rather, you should use getTokenList as you would * with any other TokenMaker instance.
  • *
* * @author Robert Futrell * @version 0.6 * */ %% %public %class CTokenMaker %extends AbstractJFlexCTokenMaker %unicode %type org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.Token %{ /** * Constructor. This must be here because JFlex does not generate a * no-parameter constructor. */ public CTokenMaker() { super(); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. * @see #addToken(int, int, int) */ private void addHyperlinkToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so, true); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addToken(int tokenType) { addToken(zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-1, tokenType); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param array The character array. * @param start The starting offset in the array. * @param end The ending offset in the array. * @param tokenType The token's type. * @param startOffset The offset in the document at which this token * occurs. */ @Override public void addToken(char[] array, int start, int end, int tokenType, int startOffset) { super.addToken(array, start,end, tokenType, startOffset); zzStartRead = zzMarkedPos; } @Override public String[] getLineCommentStartAndEnd(int languageIndex) { return new String[] { "//", null }; } /** * Returns the first token in the linked list of tokens generated * from text. This method must be implemented by * subclasses so they can correctly implement syntax highlighting. * * @param text The text from which to get tokens. * @param initialTokenType The token type we should start with. * @param startOffset The offset into the document at which * text starts. * @return The first Token in a linked list representing * the syntax highlighted text. */ public Token getTokenList(Segment text, int initialTokenType, int startOffset) { resetTokenList(); this.offsetShift = -text.offset + startOffset; // Start off in the proper state. int state = Token.NULL; switch (initialTokenType) { case Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE: state = MLC; start = text.offset; break; default: state = Token.NULL; } s = text; try { yyreset(zzReader); yybegin(state); return yylex(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return new TokenImpl(); } } /** * Refills the input buffer. * * @return true if EOF was reached, otherwise * false. */ private boolean zzRefill() { return zzCurrentPos>=s.offset+s.count; } /** * Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream. * Does not close the old reader. * * All internal variables are reset, the old input stream * cannot be reused (internal buffer is discarded and lost). * Lexical state is set to YY_INITIAL. * * @param reader the new input stream */ public final void yyreset(Reader reader) { // 's' has been updated. zzBuffer = s.array; /* * We replaced the line below with the two below it because zzRefill * no longer "refills" the buffer (since the way we do it, it's always * "full" the first time through, since it points to the segment's * array). So, we assign zzEndRead here. */ //zzStartRead = zzEndRead = s.offset; zzStartRead = s.offset; zzEndRead = zzStartRead + s.count - 1; zzCurrentPos = zzMarkedPos = zzPushbackPos = s.offset; zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL; zzReader = reader; zzAtBOL = true; zzAtEOF = false; } %} Letter = [A-Za-z] LetterOrUnderscore = ({Letter}|[_]) Digit = [0-9] HexDigit = {Digit}|[A-Fa-f] OctalDigit = [0-7] Exponent = [eE][+-]?{Digit}+ PreprocessorWord = define|elif|else|endif|error|if|ifdef|ifndef|include|line|pragma|undef Trigraph = ("??="|"??("|"??)"|"??/"|"??'"|"??<"|"??>"|"??!"|"??-") OctEscape1 = ([\\]{OctalDigit}) OctEscape2 = ([\\]{OctalDigit}{OctalDigit}) OctEscape3 = ([\\][0-3]{OctalDigit}{OctalDigit}) OctEscape = ({OctEscape1}|{OctEscape2}|{OctEscape3}) HexEscape = ([\\][xX]{HexDigit}{HexDigit}) AnyChrChr = ([^\'\n\\]) Escape = ([\\]([abfnrtv\'\"\?\\0e])) UnclosedCharLiteral = ([\']({Escape}|{OctEscape}|{HexEscape}|{Trigraph}|{AnyChrChr})) CharLiteral = ({UnclosedCharLiteral}[\']) ErrorUnclosedCharLiteral = ([\'][^\'\n]*) ErrorCharLiteral = (([\'][\'])|{ErrorUnclosedCharLiteral}[\']) AnyStrChr = ([^\"\n\\]) FalseTrigraph = (("?"(("?")*)[^\=\(\)\/\'\<\>\!\-\\\?\"\n])|("?"[\=\(\)\/\'\<\>\!\-])) StringLiteral = ([\"]((((("?")*)({Escape}|{OctEscape}|{HexEscape}|{Trigraph}))|{FalseTrigraph}|{AnyStrChr})*)(("?")*)[\"]) UnclosedStringLiteral = ([\"]([\\].|[^\\\"])*[^\"]?) ErrorStringLiteral = ({UnclosedStringLiteral}[\"]) LineTerminator = \n WhiteSpace = [ \t\f] MLCBegin = "/*" MLCEnd = "*/" LineCommentBegin = "//" NonFloatSuffix = (([uU][lL]?)|([lL][uU]?)) IntegerLiteral = ({Digit}+{Exponent}?{NonFloatSuffix}?) HexLiteral = ("0"[xX]{HexDigit}+{NonFloatSuffix}?) FloatLiteral = ((({Digit}*[\.]{Digit}+)|({Digit}+[\.]{Digit}*)){Exponent}?[fFlL]?) ErrorNumberFormat = (({IntegerLiteral}|{HexLiteral}|{FloatLiteral}){NonSeparator}+) NonSeparator = ([^\t\f\r\n\ \(\)\{\}\[\]\;\,\.\=\>\<\!\~\?\:\+\-\*\/\&\|\^\%\"\']|"#") Identifier = ({LetterOrUnderscore}({LetterOrUnderscore}|{Digit}|[$])*) ErrorIdentifier = ({NonSeparator}+) URLGenDelim = ([:\/\?#\[\]@]) URLSubDelim = ([\!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]) URLUnreserved = ({LetterOrUnderscore}|{Digit}|[\-\.\~]) URLCharacter = ({URLGenDelim}|{URLSubDelim}|{URLUnreserved}|[%]) URLCharacters = ({URLCharacter}*) URLEndCharacter = ([\/\$]|{Letter}|{Digit}) URL = (((https?|f(tp|ile))"://"|"www.")({URLCharacters}{URLEndCharacter})?) %state MLC %state EOL_COMMENT %% { /* Keywords */ "auto" | "break" | "case" | "const" | "continue" | "default" | "do" | "else" | "enum" | "extern" | "for" | "goto" | "if" | "register" | "sizeof" | "static" | "struct" | "switch" | "typedef" | "union" | "volatile" | "while" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); } "return" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD_2); } /* Data types. */ "char" | "div_t" | "double" | "float" | "int" | "ldiv_t" | "long" | "short" | "signed" | "size_t" | "unsigned" | "void" | "wchar_t" { addToken(Token.DATA_TYPE); } /* Standard functions */ "abort" | "abs" | "acos" | "asctime" | "asin" | "assert" | "atan2" | "atan" | "atexit" | "atof" | "atoi" | "atol" | "bsearch" | "btowc" | "calloc" | "ceil" | "clearerr" | "clock" | "cosh" | "cos" | "ctime" | "difftime" | "div" | "errno" | "exit" | "exp" | "fabs" | "fclose" | "feof" | "ferror" | "fflush" | "fgetc" | "fgetpos" | "fgetwc" | "fgets" | "fgetws" | "floor" | "fmod" | "fopen" | "fprintf" | "fputc" | "fputs" | "fputwc" | "fputws" | "fread" | "free" | "freopen" | "frexp" | "fscanf" | "fseek" | "fsetpos" | "ftell" | "fwprintf" | "fwrite" | "fwscanf" | "getchar" | "getc" | "getenv" | "gets" | "getwc" | "getwchar" | "gmtime" | "isalnum" | "isalpha" | "iscntrl" | "isdigit" | "isgraph" | "islower" | "isprint" | "ispunct" | "isspace" | "isupper" | "isxdigit" | "labs" | "ldexp" | "ldiv" | "localeconv" | "localtime" | "log10" | "log" | "longjmp" | "malloc" | "mblen" | "mbrlen" | "mbrtowc" | "mbsinit" | "mbsrtowcs" | "mbstowcs" | "mbtowc" | "memchr" | "memcmp" | "memcpy" | "memmove" | "memset" | "mktime" | "modf" | "offsetof" | "perror" | "pow" | "printf" | "putchar" | "putc" | "puts" | "putwc" | "putwchar" | "qsort" | "raise" | "rand" | "realloc" | "remove" | "rename" | "rewind" | "scanf" | "setbuf" | "setjmp" | "setlocale" | "setvbuf" | "setvbuf" | "signal" | "sinh" | "sin" | "sprintf" | "sqrt" | "srand" | "sscanf" | "strcat" | "strchr" | "strcmp" | "strcmp" | "strcoll" | "strcpy" | "strcspn" | "strerror" | "strftime" | "strlen" | "strncat" | "strncmp" | "strncpy" | "strpbrk" | "strrchr" | "strspn" | "strstr" | "strtod" | "strtok" | "strtol" | "strtoul" | "strxfrm" | "swprintf" | "swscanf" | "system" | "tanh" | "tan" | "time" | "tmpfile" | "tmpnam" | "tolower" | "toupper" | "ungetc" | "ungetwc" | "va_arg" | "va_end" | "va_start" | "vfprintf" | "vfwprintf" | "vprintf" | "vsprintf" | "vswprintf" | "vwprintf" | "wcrtomb" | "wcscat" | "wcschr" | "wcscmp" | "wcscoll" | "wcscpy" | "wcscspn" | "wcsftime" | "wcslen" | "wcsncat" | "wcsncmp" | "wcsncpy" | "wcspbrk" | "wcsrchr" | "wcsrtombs" | "wcsspn" | "wcsstr" | "wcstod" | "wcstok" | "wcstol" | "wcstombs" | "wcstoul" | "wcsxfrm" | "wctob" | "wctomb" | "wmemchr" | "wmemcmp" | "wmemcpy" | "wmemmove" | "wmemset" | "wprintf" | "wscanf" { addToken(Token.FUNCTION); } /* Standard-defined macros. */ "__DATE__" | "__TIME__" | "__FILE__" | "__LINE__" | "__STDC__" { addToken(Token.PREPROCESSOR); } {LineTerminator} { addNullToken(); return firstToken; } {Identifier} { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } {WhiteSpace}+ { addToken(Token.WHITESPACE); } /* Preprocessor directives */ /* Special-case for uniform appearance with "string" includes "*/ "#"{WhiteSpace}*"include"{WhiteSpace}*"<"[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+">" { // It's allowed, but discouraged, to have spaces after the '#' int start = zzStartRead; int end = start + 1; while (Character.isWhitespace(zzBuffer[end])) { end++; } end += "include".length() - 1; addToken(start, end, TokenTypes.PREPROCESSOR); // Arbitrary space between the #include and the header. // Bounds check isn't necessary since our regex was matched. start = end = end + 1; while (Character.isWhitespace(zzBuffer[end + 1])) { end++; } addToken(start, end, TokenTypes.WHITESPACE); addToken(end + 1, zzMarkedPos - 1, TokenTypes.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); } "#"{WhiteSpace}*{PreprocessorWord} { addToken(Token.PREPROCESSOR); } /* String/Character Literals. */ {CharLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_CHAR); } {UnclosedCharLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_CHAR); /*addNullToken(); return firstToken;*/ } {ErrorUnclosedCharLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_CHAR); addNullToken(); return firstToken; } {ErrorCharLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_CHAR); } {StringLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); } {UnclosedStringLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_STRING_DOUBLE); addNullToken(); return firstToken; } {ErrorStringLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_STRING_DOUBLE); } /* Comment Literals. */ {MLCBegin} { start = zzMarkedPos-2; yybegin(MLC); } {LineCommentBegin} { start = zzMarkedPos-2; yybegin(EOL_COMMENT); } /* Separators. */ "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" { addToken(Token.SEPARATOR); } /* Operators. */ {Trigraph} | "=" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "~" | "<" | ">" | "<<" | ">>" | "==" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | ">=" | "<=" | "!=" | ">>=" | "<<=" | "^" | "&" | "&&" | "|" | "||" | "?" | ":" | "," | "!" | "++" | "--" | "." | "," { addToken(Token.OPERATOR); } /* Numbers */ {IntegerLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_DECIMAL_INT); } {HexLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_HEXADECIMAL); } {FloatLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_FLOAT); } {ErrorNumberFormat} { addToken(Token.ERROR_NUMBER_FORMAT); } /* Some lines will end in '\' to wrap an expression. */ "\\" { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } {ErrorIdentifier} { addToken(Token.ERROR_IDENTIFIER); } /* Other punctuation, we'll highlight it as "identifiers." */ ";" { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } /* Ended with a line not in a string or comment. */ <> { addNullToken(); return firstToken; } /* Catch any other (unhandled) characters and flag them as bad. */ . { addToken(Token.ERROR_IDENTIFIER); } } { [^hwf\n\*]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); return firstToken; } {MLCEnd} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead+1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); } \* {} <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); return firstToken; } } { [^hwf\n]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addNullToken(); return firstToken; } <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addNullToken(); return firstToken; } }

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