com.files.models.User Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Java client library provides convenient access to the API from JVM based applications.
package com.files.models;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper;
import com.files.FilesClient;
import com.files.FilesConfig;
import com.files.ListIterator;
import com.files.util.FilesInputStream;
import com.files.util.ModelUtils;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class User {
private HashMap options;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = JsonMapper
.defaultDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX"))
public User() {
this(null, null);
public User(HashMap parameters) {
this(parameters, null);
public User(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) {
this.options = options;
try {
ObjectReader objectReader = objectMapper.readerForUpdating(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
// TODO: error generation on constructor
* User ID
public Long id;
* User's username
public String username;
* List of group IDs of which this user is an administrator
public Object[] adminGroupIds;
* A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
public String allowedIps;
* DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
public Boolean attachmentsPermission;
* Number of api keys associated with this user
public Long apiKeysCount;
* Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
public Date authenticateUntil;
* How is this user authenticated?
public String authenticationMethod;
* URL holding the user's avatar
public String avatarUrl;
* Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
public Boolean billingPermission;
* Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
public Boolean bypassSiteAllowedIps;
* Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
public Boolean bypassInactiveDisable;
* When this user was created
public Date createdAt;
* Can the user connect with WebDAV?
public Boolean davPermission;
* Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
public Boolean disabled;
* User email address
public String email;
* User's first login time
public Date firstLoginAt;
* Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
public Boolean ftpPermission;
* Comma-separated list of group IDs of which this user is a member
public String groupIds;
* Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
public String headerText;
* Preferred language
public String language;
* User's most recent login time via any protocol
public Date lastLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via web
public Date lastWebLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via FTP
public Date lastFtpLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via SFTP
public Date lastSftpLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via WebDAV
public Date lastDavLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via Desktop app
public Date lastDesktopLoginAt;
* User's most recent login time via Rest API
public Date lastRestapiLoginAt;
* User's most recent API use time
public Date lastApiUseAt;
* User's most recent activity time, which is the latest of most recent login, most recent API use, enablement, or creation
public Date lastActiveAt;
* The most recent protocol and cipher used
public String lastProtocolCipher;
* Time in the future that the user will no longer be locked out if applicable
public Date lockoutExpires;
* User's full name
public String name;
* User's company
public String company;
* Any internal notes on the user
public String notes;
* Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
public Long notificationDailySendTime;
* Enable integration with Office for the web?
public Boolean officeIntegrationEnabled;
* Last time the user's password was set
public Date passwordSetAt;
* Number of days to allow user to use the same password
public Long passwordValidityDays;
* Number of public keys associated with this user
public Long publicKeysCount;
* Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
public Boolean receiveAdminAlerts;
* 2FA required setting
public String require2fa;
* Require user to login by specified date otherwise it will be disabled.
public Date requireLoginBy;
* Is 2fa active for the user?
public Boolean active2fa;
* Is a password change required upon next user login?
public Boolean requirePasswordChange;
* Is user's password expired?
public Boolean passwordExpired;
* Can this user access the Web app, Desktop app, SDKs, or REST API? (All of these tools use the API internally, so this is one unified permission set.)
public Boolean restapiPermission;
* Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
public Boolean selfManaged;
* Can the user access with SFTP?
public Boolean sftpPermission;
* Is the user an administrator for this site?
public Boolean siteAdmin;
* Skip Welcome page in the UI?
public Boolean skipWelcomeScreen;
* SSL required setting
public String sslRequired;
* SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
public Long ssoStrategyId;
* Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
public Boolean subscribeToNewsletter;
* Is this user managed by a SsoStrategy?
public Boolean externallyManaged;
* User time zone
public String timeZone;
* Type(s) of 2FA methods in use, for programmatic use. Will be either `sms`, `totp`, `u2f`, `yubi`, or multiple values sorted alphabetically and joined by an underscore. Does not specify whether user has more than one of a given method.
public String typeOf2fa;
* Type(s) of 2FA methods in use, formatted for displaying in the UI. Unlike `type_of_2fa`, this value will make clear when a user has more than 1 of the same type of method.
public String typeOf2faForDisplay;
* Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
public String userRoot;
* Number of days remaining until password expires
public Long daysRemainingUntilPasswordExpire;
* Password expiration datetime
public Date passwordExpireAt;
* An image file for your user avatar.
public byte[] avatarFile;
* If true, the avatar will be deleted.
public Boolean avatarDelete;
* Used for changing a password on an existing user.
public String changePassword;
* Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`.
public String changePasswordConfirmation;
* Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write`
public String grantPermission;
* Group ID to associate this user with.
public Long groupId;
* Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256.
public String importedPasswordHash;
* User password.
public String password;
* Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`.
public String passwordConfirmation;
* Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
public Boolean announcementsRead;
* Unlock user who has been locked out due to failed logins
public void unlock(HashMap parameters) {
* Resend user welcome email
public void resendWelcomeEmail(HashMap parameters) {
* Trigger 2FA Reset process for user who has lost access to their existing 2FA methods
public void user2faReset(HashMap parameters) {
* Parameters:
* avatar_file - file - An image file for your user avatar.
* avatar_delete - boolean - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
* change_password - string - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
* change_password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`.
* email - string - User's email.
* grant_permission - string - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write`
* group_id - int64 - Group ID to associate this user with.
* group_ids - string - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
* imported_password_hash - string - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256.
* password - string - User password.
* password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`.
* announcements_read - boolean - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
* allowed_ips - string - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
* attachments_permission - boolean - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
* authenticate_until - string - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
* authentication_method - string - How is this user authenticated?
* billing_permission - boolean - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
* bypass_inactive_disable - boolean - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
* bypass_site_allowed_ips - boolean - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
* dav_permission - boolean - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
* disabled - boolean - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
* ftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
* header_text - string - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
* language - string - Preferred language
* notification_daily_send_time - int64 - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
* name - string - User's full name
* company - string - User's company
* notes - string - Any internal notes on the user
* office_integration_enabled - boolean - Enable integration with Office for the web?
* password_validity_days - int64 - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
* receive_admin_alerts - boolean - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
* require_login_by - string - Require user to login by specified date otherwise it will be disabled.
* require_password_change - boolean - Is a password change required upon next user login?
* restapi_permission - boolean - Can this user access the Web app, Desktop app, SDKs, or REST API? (All of these tools use the API internally, so this is one unified permission set.)
* self_managed - boolean - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
* sftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with SFTP?
* site_admin - boolean - Is the user an administrator for this site?
* skip_welcome_screen - boolean - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
* ssl_required - string - SSL required setting
* sso_strategy_id - int64 - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
* subscribe_to_newsletter - boolean - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
* require_2fa - string - 2FA required setting
* time_zone - string - User time zone
* user_root - string - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
* username - string - User's username
public User update(HashMap parameters) {
return update(parameters);
public void delete(HashMap parameters) {
public void destroy(HashMap parameters) {
public void save() throws IOException {
HashMap parameters = ModelUtils.toParameterMap(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(this));
if (parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
} else {
User.create(parameters, this.options);
* Parameters:
* cursor - string - Used for pagination. When a list request has more records available, cursors are provided in the response headers `X-Files-Cursor-Next` and `X-Files-Cursor-Prev`. Send one of those cursor value here to resume an existing list from the next available record. Note: many of our SDKs have iterator methods that will automatically handle cursor-based pagination.
* per_page - int64 - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
* sort_by - object - If set, sort records by the specified field in either `asc` or `desc` direction (e.g. `sort_by[authenticate_until]=desc`). Valid fields are `authenticate_until`, `email`, `last_desktop_login_at`, `last_login_at`, `username`, `company`, `name`, `site_admin`, `receive_admin_alerts`, `password_validity_days`, `ssl_required` or `not_site_admin`.
* filter - object - If set, return records where the specified field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `username`, `email`, `company`, `site_admin`, `password_validity_days`, `ssl_required`, `last_login_at`, `authenticate_until` or `not_site_admin`. Valid field combinations are `[ not_site_admin, username ]`.
* filter_gt - object - If set, return records where the specified field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`.
* filter_gteq - object - If set, return records where the specified field is greater than or equal the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`.
* filter_prefix - object - If set, return records where the specified field is prefixed by the supplied value. Valid fields are `username`, `email` or `company`.
* filter_lt - object - If set, return records where the specified field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`.
* filter_lteq - object - If set, return records where the specified field is less than or equal the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`.
* ids - string - comma-separated list of User IDs
* search - string - Searches for partial matches of name, username, or email.
public static ListIterator list() throws RuntimeException {
return list(null, null);
public static ListIterator list(HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
return list(parameters, null);
public static ListIterator list(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (parameters.containsKey("cursor") && !(parameters.get("cursor") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: cursor must be of type String parameters[\"cursor\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("per_page") && !(parameters.get("per_page") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: per_page must be of type Long parameters[\"per_page\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("sort_by") && !(parameters.get("sort_by") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: sort_by must be of type Map parameters[\"sort_by\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter") && !(parameters.get("filter") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter must be of type Map parameters[\"filter\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter_gt") && !(parameters.get("filter_gt") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter_gt must be of type Map parameters[\"filter_gt\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter_gteq") && !(parameters.get("filter_gteq") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter_gteq must be of type Map parameters[\"filter_gteq\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter_prefix") && !(parameters.get("filter_prefix") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter_prefix must be of type Map parameters[\"filter_prefix\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter_lt") && !(parameters.get("filter_lt") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter_lt must be of type Map parameters[\"filter_lt\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("filter_lteq") && !(parameters.get("filter_lteq") instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: filter_lteq must be of type Map parameters[\"filter_lteq\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("ids") && !(parameters.get("ids") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: ids must be of type String parameters[\"ids\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("search") && !(parameters.get("search") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: search must be of type String parameters[\"search\"]");
String url = String.format("%s%s/users", FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase());
TypeReference> typeReference = new TypeReference>() {};
return FilesClient.requestList(url, RequestMethods.GET, typeReference, parameters, options);
public static ListIterator all() throws RuntimeException {
return all(null, null);
public static ListIterator all(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
return list(parameters, options);
* Parameters:
* id (required) - int64 - User ID.
public static User find() throws RuntimeException {
return find(null, null, null);
public static User find(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
return find(id, parameters, null);
public static User find(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
return find(null, parameters, options);
public static User find(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s", urlParts);
TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference() {};
return FilesClient.requestItem(url, RequestMethods.GET, typeReference, parameters, options);
public static User get() throws RuntimeException {
return get(null, null, null);
public static User get(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
return find(id, parameters, options);
* Parameters:
* avatar_file - file - An image file for your user avatar.
* avatar_delete - boolean - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
* change_password - string - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
* change_password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`.
* email - string - User's email.
* grant_permission - string - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write`
* group_id - int64 - Group ID to associate this user with.
* group_ids - string - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
* imported_password_hash - string - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256.
* password - string - User password.
* password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`.
* announcements_read - boolean - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
* allowed_ips - string - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
* attachments_permission - boolean - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
* authenticate_until - string - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
* authentication_method - string - How is this user authenticated?
* billing_permission - boolean - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
* bypass_inactive_disable - boolean - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
* bypass_site_allowed_ips - boolean - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
* dav_permission - boolean - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
* disabled - boolean - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
* ftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
* header_text - string - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
* language - string - Preferred language
* notification_daily_send_time - int64 - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
* name - string - User's full name
* company - string - User's company
* notes - string - Any internal notes on the user
* office_integration_enabled - boolean - Enable integration with Office for the web?
* password_validity_days - int64 - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
* receive_admin_alerts - boolean - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
* require_login_by - string - Require user to login by specified date otherwise it will be disabled.
* require_password_change - boolean - Is a password change required upon next user login?
* restapi_permission - boolean - Can this user access the Web app, Desktop app, SDKs, or REST API? (All of these tools use the API internally, so this is one unified permission set.)
* self_managed - boolean - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
* sftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with SFTP?
* site_admin - boolean - Is the user an administrator for this site?
* skip_welcome_screen - boolean - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
* ssl_required - string - SSL required setting
* sso_strategy_id - int64 - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
* subscribe_to_newsletter - boolean - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
* require_2fa - string - 2FA required setting
* time_zone - string - User time zone
* user_root - string - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
* username (required) - string - User's username
public static User create() throws RuntimeException {
return create(null, null);
public static User create(HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
return create(parameters, null);
public static User create(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (!parameters.containsKey("username") || parameters.get("username") == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Parameter missing: username parameters[\"username\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("avatar_file") && !(parameters.get("avatar_file") instanceof byte[])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: avatar_file must be of type byte[] parameters[\"avatar_file\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("avatar_delete") && !(parameters.get("avatar_delete") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: avatar_delete must be of type Boolean parameters[\"avatar_delete\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("change_password") && !(parameters.get("change_password") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: change_password must be of type String parameters[\"change_password\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("change_password_confirmation") && !(parameters.get("change_password_confirmation") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: change_password_confirmation must be of type String parameters[\"change_password_confirmation\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("email") && !(parameters.get("email") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: email must be of type String parameters[\"email\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("grant_permission") && !(parameters.get("grant_permission") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: grant_permission must be of type String parameters[\"grant_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("group_id") && !(parameters.get("group_id") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: group_id must be of type Long parameters[\"group_id\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("group_ids") && !(parameters.get("group_ids") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: group_ids must be of type String parameters[\"group_ids\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("imported_password_hash") && !(parameters.get("imported_password_hash") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: imported_password_hash must be of type String parameters[\"imported_password_hash\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password") && !(parameters.get("password") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password must be of type String parameters[\"password\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password_confirmation") && !(parameters.get("password_confirmation") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password_confirmation must be of type String parameters[\"password_confirmation\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("announcements_read") && !(parameters.get("announcements_read") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: announcements_read must be of type Boolean parameters[\"announcements_read\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("allowed_ips") && !(parameters.get("allowed_ips") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: allowed_ips must be of type String parameters[\"allowed_ips\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("attachments_permission") && !(parameters.get("attachments_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: attachments_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"attachments_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("authenticate_until") && !(parameters.get("authenticate_until") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: authenticate_until must be of type String parameters[\"authenticate_until\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("authentication_method") && !(parameters.get("authentication_method") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: authentication_method must be of type String parameters[\"authentication_method\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("billing_permission") && !(parameters.get("billing_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: billing_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"billing_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("bypass_inactive_disable") && !(parameters.get("bypass_inactive_disable") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: bypass_inactive_disable must be of type Boolean parameters[\"bypass_inactive_disable\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("bypass_site_allowed_ips") && !(parameters.get("bypass_site_allowed_ips") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: bypass_site_allowed_ips must be of type Boolean parameters[\"bypass_site_allowed_ips\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("dav_permission") && !(parameters.get("dav_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: dav_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"dav_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("disabled") && !(parameters.get("disabled") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: disabled must be of type Boolean parameters[\"disabled\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("ftp_permission") && !(parameters.get("ftp_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: ftp_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"ftp_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("header_text") && !(parameters.get("header_text") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: header_text must be of type String parameters[\"header_text\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("language") && !(parameters.get("language") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: language must be of type String parameters[\"language\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("notification_daily_send_time") && !(parameters.get("notification_daily_send_time") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: notification_daily_send_time must be of type Long parameters[\"notification_daily_send_time\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("name") && !(parameters.get("name") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: name must be of type String parameters[\"name\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("company") && !(parameters.get("company") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: company must be of type String parameters[\"company\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("notes") && !(parameters.get("notes") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: notes must be of type String parameters[\"notes\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("office_integration_enabled") && !(parameters.get("office_integration_enabled") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: office_integration_enabled must be of type Boolean parameters[\"office_integration_enabled\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password_validity_days") && !(parameters.get("password_validity_days") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password_validity_days must be of type Long parameters[\"password_validity_days\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("receive_admin_alerts") && !(parameters.get("receive_admin_alerts") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: receive_admin_alerts must be of type Boolean parameters[\"receive_admin_alerts\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_login_by") && !(parameters.get("require_login_by") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_login_by must be of type String parameters[\"require_login_by\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_password_change") && !(parameters.get("require_password_change") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_password_change must be of type Boolean parameters[\"require_password_change\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("restapi_permission") && !(parameters.get("restapi_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: restapi_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"restapi_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("self_managed") && !(parameters.get("self_managed") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: self_managed must be of type Boolean parameters[\"self_managed\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("sftp_permission") && !(parameters.get("sftp_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: sftp_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"sftp_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("site_admin") && !(parameters.get("site_admin") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: site_admin must be of type Boolean parameters[\"site_admin\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("skip_welcome_screen") && !(parameters.get("skip_welcome_screen") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: skip_welcome_screen must be of type Boolean parameters[\"skip_welcome_screen\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("ssl_required") && !(parameters.get("ssl_required") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: ssl_required must be of type String parameters[\"ssl_required\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("sso_strategy_id") && !(parameters.get("sso_strategy_id") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: sso_strategy_id must be of type Long parameters[\"sso_strategy_id\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("subscribe_to_newsletter") && !(parameters.get("subscribe_to_newsletter") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: subscribe_to_newsletter must be of type Boolean parameters[\"subscribe_to_newsletter\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_2fa") && !(parameters.get("require_2fa") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_2fa must be of type String parameters[\"require_2fa\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("time_zone") && !(parameters.get("time_zone") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: time_zone must be of type String parameters[\"time_zone\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("user_root") && !(parameters.get("user_root") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: user_root must be of type String parameters[\"user_root\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("username") && !(parameters.get("username") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: username must be of type String parameters[\"username\"]");
String url = String.format("%s%s/users", FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase());
TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference() {};
return FilesClient.requestItem(url, RequestMethods.POST, typeReference, parameters, options);
* Unlock user who has been locked out due to failed logins
public static void unlock() throws RuntimeException {
unlock(null, null, null);
public static void unlock(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
unlock(id, parameters, null);
public static void unlock(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
unlock(null, parameters, options);
public static void unlock(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s/unlock", urlParts);
FilesClient.apiRequest(url, RequestMethods.POST, parameters, options);
* Resend user welcome email
public static void resendWelcomeEmail() throws RuntimeException {
resendWelcomeEmail(null, null, null);
public static void resendWelcomeEmail(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
resendWelcomeEmail(id, parameters, null);
public static void resendWelcomeEmail(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
resendWelcomeEmail(null, parameters, options);
public static void resendWelcomeEmail(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s/resend_welcome_email", urlParts);
FilesClient.apiRequest(url, RequestMethods.POST, parameters, options);
* Trigger 2FA Reset process for user who has lost access to their existing 2FA methods
public static void user2faReset() throws RuntimeException {
user2faReset(null, null, null);
public static void user2faReset(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
user2faReset(id, parameters, null);
public static void user2faReset(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
user2faReset(null, parameters, options);
public static void user2faReset(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s/2fa/reset", urlParts);
FilesClient.apiRequest(url, RequestMethods.POST, parameters, options);
* Parameters:
* avatar_file - file - An image file for your user avatar.
* avatar_delete - boolean - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
* change_password - string - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
* change_password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`.
* email - string - User's email.
* grant_permission - string - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write`
* group_id - int64 - Group ID to associate this user with.
* group_ids - string - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
* imported_password_hash - string - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256.
* password - string - User password.
* password_confirmation - string - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`.
* announcements_read - boolean - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
* allowed_ips - string - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
* attachments_permission - boolean - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
* authenticate_until - string - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
* authentication_method - string - How is this user authenticated?
* billing_permission - boolean - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
* bypass_inactive_disable - boolean - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
* bypass_site_allowed_ips - boolean - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
* dav_permission - boolean - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
* disabled - boolean - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
* ftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
* header_text - string - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
* language - string - Preferred language
* notification_daily_send_time - int64 - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
* name - string - User's full name
* company - string - User's company
* notes - string - Any internal notes on the user
* office_integration_enabled - boolean - Enable integration with Office for the web?
* password_validity_days - int64 - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
* receive_admin_alerts - boolean - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
* require_login_by - string - Require user to login by specified date otherwise it will be disabled.
* require_password_change - boolean - Is a password change required upon next user login?
* restapi_permission - boolean - Can this user access the Web app, Desktop app, SDKs, or REST API? (All of these tools use the API internally, so this is one unified permission set.)
* self_managed - boolean - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
* sftp_permission - boolean - Can the user access with SFTP?
* site_admin - boolean - Is the user an administrator for this site?
* skip_welcome_screen - boolean - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
* ssl_required - string - SSL required setting
* sso_strategy_id - int64 - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
* subscribe_to_newsletter - boolean - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
* require_2fa - string - 2FA required setting
* time_zone - string - User time zone
* user_root - string - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
* username - string - User's username
public static User update() throws RuntimeException {
return update(null, null, null);
public static User update(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
return update(id, parameters, null);
public static User update(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
return update(null, parameters, options);
public static User update(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("avatar_file") && !(parameters.get("avatar_file") instanceof byte[])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: avatar_file must be of type byte[] parameters[\"avatar_file\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("avatar_delete") && !(parameters.get("avatar_delete") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: avatar_delete must be of type Boolean parameters[\"avatar_delete\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("change_password") && !(parameters.get("change_password") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: change_password must be of type String parameters[\"change_password\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("change_password_confirmation") && !(parameters.get("change_password_confirmation") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: change_password_confirmation must be of type String parameters[\"change_password_confirmation\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("email") && !(parameters.get("email") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: email must be of type String parameters[\"email\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("grant_permission") && !(parameters.get("grant_permission") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: grant_permission must be of type String parameters[\"grant_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("group_id") && !(parameters.get("group_id") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: group_id must be of type Long parameters[\"group_id\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("group_ids") && !(parameters.get("group_ids") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: group_ids must be of type String parameters[\"group_ids\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("imported_password_hash") && !(parameters.get("imported_password_hash") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: imported_password_hash must be of type String parameters[\"imported_password_hash\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password") && !(parameters.get("password") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password must be of type String parameters[\"password\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password_confirmation") && !(parameters.get("password_confirmation") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password_confirmation must be of type String parameters[\"password_confirmation\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("announcements_read") && !(parameters.get("announcements_read") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: announcements_read must be of type Boolean parameters[\"announcements_read\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("allowed_ips") && !(parameters.get("allowed_ips") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: allowed_ips must be of type String parameters[\"allowed_ips\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("attachments_permission") && !(parameters.get("attachments_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: attachments_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"attachments_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("authenticate_until") && !(parameters.get("authenticate_until") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: authenticate_until must be of type String parameters[\"authenticate_until\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("authentication_method") && !(parameters.get("authentication_method") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: authentication_method must be of type String parameters[\"authentication_method\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("billing_permission") && !(parameters.get("billing_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: billing_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"billing_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("bypass_inactive_disable") && !(parameters.get("bypass_inactive_disable") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: bypass_inactive_disable must be of type Boolean parameters[\"bypass_inactive_disable\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("bypass_site_allowed_ips") && !(parameters.get("bypass_site_allowed_ips") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: bypass_site_allowed_ips must be of type Boolean parameters[\"bypass_site_allowed_ips\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("dav_permission") && !(parameters.get("dav_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: dav_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"dav_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("disabled") && !(parameters.get("disabled") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: disabled must be of type Boolean parameters[\"disabled\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("ftp_permission") && !(parameters.get("ftp_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: ftp_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"ftp_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("header_text") && !(parameters.get("header_text") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: header_text must be of type String parameters[\"header_text\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("language") && !(parameters.get("language") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: language must be of type String parameters[\"language\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("notification_daily_send_time") && !(parameters.get("notification_daily_send_time") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: notification_daily_send_time must be of type Long parameters[\"notification_daily_send_time\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("name") && !(parameters.get("name") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: name must be of type String parameters[\"name\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("company") && !(parameters.get("company") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: company must be of type String parameters[\"company\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("notes") && !(parameters.get("notes") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: notes must be of type String parameters[\"notes\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("office_integration_enabled") && !(parameters.get("office_integration_enabled") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: office_integration_enabled must be of type Boolean parameters[\"office_integration_enabled\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("password_validity_days") && !(parameters.get("password_validity_days") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: password_validity_days must be of type Long parameters[\"password_validity_days\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("receive_admin_alerts") && !(parameters.get("receive_admin_alerts") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: receive_admin_alerts must be of type Boolean parameters[\"receive_admin_alerts\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_login_by") && !(parameters.get("require_login_by") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_login_by must be of type String parameters[\"require_login_by\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_password_change") && !(parameters.get("require_password_change") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_password_change must be of type Boolean parameters[\"require_password_change\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("restapi_permission") && !(parameters.get("restapi_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: restapi_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"restapi_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("self_managed") && !(parameters.get("self_managed") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: self_managed must be of type Boolean parameters[\"self_managed\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("sftp_permission") && !(parameters.get("sftp_permission") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: sftp_permission must be of type Boolean parameters[\"sftp_permission\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("site_admin") && !(parameters.get("site_admin") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: site_admin must be of type Boolean parameters[\"site_admin\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("skip_welcome_screen") && !(parameters.get("skip_welcome_screen") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: skip_welcome_screen must be of type Boolean parameters[\"skip_welcome_screen\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("ssl_required") && !(parameters.get("ssl_required") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: ssl_required must be of type String parameters[\"ssl_required\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("sso_strategy_id") && !(parameters.get("sso_strategy_id") instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: sso_strategy_id must be of type Long parameters[\"sso_strategy_id\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("subscribe_to_newsletter") && !(parameters.get("subscribe_to_newsletter") instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: subscribe_to_newsletter must be of type Boolean parameters[\"subscribe_to_newsletter\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("require_2fa") && !(parameters.get("require_2fa") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: require_2fa must be of type String parameters[\"require_2fa\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("time_zone") && !(parameters.get("time_zone") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: time_zone must be of type String parameters[\"time_zone\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("user_root") && !(parameters.get("user_root") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: user_root must be of type String parameters[\"user_root\"]");
if (parameters.containsKey("username") && !(parameters.get("username") instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: username must be of type String parameters[\"username\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s", urlParts);
TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference() {};
return FilesClient.requestItem(url, RequestMethods.PATCH, typeReference, parameters, options);
public static void delete() throws RuntimeException {
delete(null, null, null);
public static void delete(Long id, HashMap parameters) throws RuntimeException {
delete(id, parameters, null);
public static void delete(HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
delete(null, parameters, options);
public static void delete(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap();
options = options != null ? options : new HashMap();
if (id == null && parameters.containsKey("id") && parameters.get("id") != null) {
id = (Long) parameters.get("id");
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument or Parameter missing: id parameters[\"id\"]");
if (!(id instanceof Long)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: id must be of type Long parameters[\"id\"]");
String urlParts[] = {FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiRoot(), FilesConfig.getInstance().getApiBase(), String.valueOf(id)};
for (int i = 2; i < urlParts.length; i++) {
try {
urlParts[i] = new URI(null, null, urlParts[i], null).getRawPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
String url = String.format("%s%s/users/%s", urlParts);
FilesClient.apiRequest(url, RequestMethods.DELETE, parameters, options);
public static void destroy() throws RuntimeException {
destroy(null, null, null);
public static void destroy(Long id, HashMap parameters, HashMap options) throws RuntimeException {
delete(id, parameters, options);
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