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* FINBOURNE ConfigurationService API
* Contact: [email protected]
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.finbourne.configuration.api;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ApiCallback;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ApiClient;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ApiException;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ApiResponse;
import com.finbourne.configuration.Configuration;
import com.finbourne.configuration.Pair;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ProgressRequestBody;
import com.finbourne.configuration.ProgressResponseBody;
import com.finbourne.configuration.extensions.ConfigurationOptions;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.ConfigurationItem;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.ConfigurationSet;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.CreateConfigurationItem;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.CreateConfigurationSet;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.LusidProblemDetails;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.LusidValidationProblemDetails;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.PersonalAccessToken;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.ResourceListOfConfigurationItem;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.ResourceListOfConfigurationSet;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.ResourceListOfConfigurationSetSummary;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.UpdateConfigurationItem;
import com.finbourne.configuration.model.UpdateConfigurationSet;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class ConfigurationSetsApi {
private ApiClient localVarApiClient;
private int localHostIndex;
private String localCustomBaseUrl;
public ConfigurationSetsApi() {
public ConfigurationSetsApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return localVarApiClient;
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;
public int getHostIndex() {
return localHostIndex;
public void setHostIndex(int hostIndex) {
this.localHostIndex = hostIndex;
public String getCustomBaseUrl() {
return localCustomBaseUrl;
public void setCustomBaseUrl(String customBaseUrl) {
this.localCustomBaseUrl = customBaseUrl;
private okhttp3.Call addConfigurationToSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call addConfigurationToSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = createConfigurationItem;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/{type}/{scope}/{code}/items"
.replace("{" + "type" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(type.toString()))
.replace("{" + "scope" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(scope.toString()))
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call addConfigurationToSetValidateBeforeCall(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'type' is set
if (type == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'type' when calling addConfigurationToSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'scope' is set
if (scope == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'scope' when calling addConfigurationToSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling addConfigurationToSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'createConfigurationItem' is set
if (createConfigurationItem == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'createConfigurationItem' when calling addConfigurationToSet(Async)");
return addConfigurationToSetCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = addConfigurationToSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = addConfigurationToSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call addConfigurationToSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = addConfigurationToSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call addConfigurationToSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = addConfigurationToSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest {
private final String type;
private final String scope;
private final String code;
private final CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem;
private String userId;
private APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.code = code;
this.createConfigurationItem = createConfigurationItem;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest
public APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for addConfigurationToSet
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetCall(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback);
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId);
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, opts);
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetAsync(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback);
* Execute addConfigurationToSet request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return addConfigurationToSetAsync(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem, userId, _callback, opts);
* [EARLY ACCESS] AddConfigurationToSet: Add a configuration item to an existing set
* @param type Whether the configuration set is Personal or Shared (required)
* @param scope The scope that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param code The code that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param createConfigurationItem The data to create a configuration item (required)
* @return APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest addConfigurationToSet(String type, String scope, String code, CreateConfigurationItem createConfigurationItem) {
return new APIaddConfigurationToSetRequest(type, scope, code, createConfigurationItem);
private okhttp3.Call checkAccessTokenExistsCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsCall( _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call checkAccessTokenExistsCall(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/personal/me";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "HEAD", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call checkAccessTokenExistsValidateBeforeCall(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsCall(_callback, opts);
private ApiResponse checkAccessTokenExistsWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = checkAccessTokenExistsValidateBeforeCall(null, new ConfigurationOptions());
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private ApiResponse checkAccessTokenExistsWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = checkAccessTokenExistsValidateBeforeCall(null, opts);
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private okhttp3.Call checkAccessTokenExistsAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = checkAccessTokenExistsValidateBeforeCall(_callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call checkAccessTokenExistsAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = checkAccessTokenExistsValidateBeforeCall(_callback, opts);
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIcheckAccessTokenExistsRequest {
private APIcheckAccessTokenExistsRequest() {
* Build call for checkAccessTokenExists
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsCall(_callback);
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public void execute() throws ApiException {
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public void execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsWithHttpInfo();
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsWithHttpInfo(opts);
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsAsync(_callback);
* Execute checkAccessTokenExists request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return checkAccessTokenExistsAsync(_callback, opts);
* [DEPRECATED] CheckAccessTokenExists: Check the Personal Access Token exists for the current user
* @return APIcheckAccessTokenExistsRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The Personal Access Token exists
The Personal Access Token does not exist
Error response
public APIcheckAccessTokenExistsRequest checkAccessTokenExists() {
return new APIcheckAccessTokenExistsRequest();
private okhttp3.Call createConfigurationSetCall(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call createConfigurationSetCall(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = createConfigurationSet;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call createConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'createConfigurationSet' is set
if (createConfigurationSet == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'createConfigurationSet' when calling createConfigurationSet(Async)");
return createConfigurationSetCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call createConfigurationSetAsync(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call createConfigurationSetAsync(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest {
private final CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet;
private String userId;
private APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet) {
this.createConfigurationSet = createConfigurationSet;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest
public APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for createConfigurationSet
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetCall(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback);
* Execute createConfigurationSet request
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(createConfigurationSet, userId);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute createConfigurationSet request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(createConfigurationSet, userId, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute createConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(createConfigurationSet, userId);
* Execute createConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(createConfigurationSet, userId, opts);
* Execute createConfigurationSet request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetAsync(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback);
* Execute createConfigurationSet request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return createConfigurationSetAsync(createConfigurationSet, userId, _callback, opts);
* [EARLY ACCESS] CreateConfigurationSet: Create a configuration set
* @param createConfigurationSet The data to create a configuration set (required)
* @return APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest createConfigurationSet(CreateConfigurationSet createConfigurationSet) {
return new APIcreateConfigurationSetRequest(createConfigurationSet);
private okhttp3.Call deleteAccessTokenCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenCall( _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call deleteAccessTokenCall(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/personal/me";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call deleteAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenCall(_callback, opts);
private ApiResponse deleteAccessTokenWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(null, new ConfigurationOptions());
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private ApiResponse deleteAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(null, opts);
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private okhttp3.Call deleteAccessTokenAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(_callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call deleteAccessTokenAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(_callback, opts);
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIdeleteAccessTokenRequest {
private APIdeleteAccessTokenRequest() {
* Build call for deleteAccessToken
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenCall(_callback);
* Execute deleteAccessToken request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public void execute() throws ApiException {
* Execute deleteAccessToken request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public void execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
* Execute deleteAccessToken request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenWithHttpInfo();
* Execute deleteAccessToken request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(opts);
* Execute deleteAccessToken request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenAsync(_callback);
* Execute deleteAccessToken request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteAccessTokenAsync(_callback, opts);
* [DEPRECATED] DeleteAccessToken: Delete any stored Personal Access Token for the current user
* @return APIdeleteAccessTokenRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
Error response
public APIdeleteAccessTokenRequest deleteAccessToken() {
return new APIdeleteAccessTokenRequest();
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationItemCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationItemCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/{type}/{scope}/{code}/items/{key}"
.replace("{" + "type" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(type.toString()))
.replace("{" + "scope" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(scope.toString()))
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()))
.replace("{" + "key" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(key.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'type' is set
if (type == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'type' when calling deleteConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'scope' is set
if (scope == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'scope' when calling deleteConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling deleteConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'key' is set
if (key == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'key' when calling deleteConfigurationItem(Async)");
return deleteConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private ApiResponse deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, null, opts);
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationItemAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationItemAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String key, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback, opts);
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest {
private final String type;
private final String scope;
private final String code;
private final String key;
private String userId;
private APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest(String type, String scope, String code, String key) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.code = code;
this.key = key;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest
public APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for deleteConfigurationItem
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public void execute() throws ApiException {
deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, userId);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public void execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, userId, opts);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, userId);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, userId, opts);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemAsync(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback);
* Execute deleteConfigurationItem request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationItemAsync(type, scope, code, key, userId, _callback, opts);
* [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteConfigurationItem: Remove the specified configuration item from the specified configuration set
* @param type Whether the configuration set is Personal or Shared (required)
* @param scope The scope that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param code The code that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param key The key that identifies a configuration item (required)
* @return APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest deleteConfigurationItem(String type, String scope, String code, String key) {
return new APIdeleteConfigurationItemRequest(type, scope, code, key);
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/{type}/{scope}/{code}"
.replace("{" + "type" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(type.toString()))
.replace("{" + "scope" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(scope.toString()))
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'type' is set
if (type == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'type' when calling deleteConfigurationSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'scope' is set
if (scope == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'scope' when calling deleteConfigurationSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling deleteConfigurationSet(Async)");
return deleteConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private ApiResponse deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, userId, null, opts);
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall);
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call deleteConfigurationSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, userId, _callback, opts);
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest {
private final String type;
private final String scope;
private final String code;
private String userId;
private APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest(String type, String scope, String code) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.code = code;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest
public APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for deleteConfigurationSet
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, userId, _callback);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public void execute() throws ApiException {
deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, userId);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public void execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, userId, opts);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, userId);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<Void>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, userId, opts);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetAsync(type, scope, code, userId, _callback);
* Execute deleteConfigurationSet request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return deleteConfigurationSetAsync(type, scope, code, userId, _callback, opts);
* [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteConfigurationSet: Deletes a configuration set along with all their configuration items
* @param type Whether the configuration set is Personal or Shared (required)
* @param scope The scope that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param code The code that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @return APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
No Content
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest deleteConfigurationSet(String type, String scope, String code) {
return new APIdeleteConfigurationSetRequest(type, scope, code);
private okhttp3.Call generateAccessTokenCall(String action, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenCall(action, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call generateAccessTokenCall(String action, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/personal/me";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (action != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("action", action));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "PUT", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call generateAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(String action, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenCall(action, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(String action) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = generateAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(action, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(String action, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = generateAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(action, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call generateAccessTokenAsync(String action, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = generateAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(action, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call generateAccessTokenAsync(String action, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = generateAccessTokenValidateBeforeCall(action, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest {
private String action;
private APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest() {
* Set action
* @param action action=regenerate = Even if an existing parameter exists, forcibly regenerate a new one (deleting the old) action=ensure = If no parameter exists, create one. If one does already exist, verify that it is still valid (call a service?), and if so, return it. If it is not still valid, then regenerate a new one. action=default = If a parameter exists, return it. If not then create one. If this parameter is not provided, this is the default behaviour. (optional)
* @return APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest
public APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest action(String action) {
this.action = action;
return this;
* Build call for generateAccessToken
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenCall(action, _callback);
* Execute generateAccessToken request
* @return PersonalAccessToken
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public PersonalAccessToken execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(action);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute generateAccessToken request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return PersonalAccessToken
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public PersonalAccessToken execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(action, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute generateAccessToken request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<PersonalAccessToken>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(action);
* Execute generateAccessToken request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<PersonalAccessToken>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenWithHttpInfo(action, opts);
* Execute generateAccessToken request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenAsync(action, _callback);
* Execute generateAccessToken request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return generateAccessTokenAsync(action, _callback, opts);
* [DEPRECATED] GenerateAccessToken: Generate a Personal Access Token for the current user and stores it in the me token
* @return APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
Error response
public APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest generateAccessToken() {
return new APIgenerateAccessTokenRequest();
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationItemCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationItemCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/{type}/{scope}/{code}/items/{key}"
.replace("{" + "type" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(type.toString()))
.replace("{" + "scope" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(scope.toString()))
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()))
.replace("{" + "key" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(key.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (reveal != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("reveal", reveal));
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'type' is set
if (type == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'type' when calling getConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'scope' is set
if (scope == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'scope' when calling getConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling getConfigurationItem(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'key' is set
if (key == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'key' when calling getConfigurationItem(Async)");
return getConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationItemAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationItemAsync(String type, String scope, String code, String key, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationItemValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIgetConfigurationItemRequest {
private final String type;
private final String scope;
private final String code;
private final String key;
private Boolean reveal;
private String userId;
private APIgetConfigurationItemRequest(String type, String scope, String code, String key) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.code = code;
this.key = key;
* Set reveal
* @param reveal Whether to reveal the secrets. This is only available when the userId query setting has not been specified. (optional)
* @return APIgetConfigurationItemRequest
public APIgetConfigurationItemRequest reveal(Boolean reveal) {
this.reveal = reveal;
return this;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIgetConfigurationItemRequest
public APIgetConfigurationItemRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for getConfigurationItem
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemCall(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback);
* Execute getConfigurationItem request
* @return ConfigurationItem
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationItem execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getConfigurationItem request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ConfigurationItem
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationItem execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getConfigurationItem request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationItem>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId);
* Execute getConfigurationItem request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationItem>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, opts);
* Execute getConfigurationItem request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemAsync(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback);
* Execute getConfigurationItem request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationItemAsync(type, scope, code, key, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
* GetConfigurationItem: Get the specific configuration item within an existing set
* @param type Whether the configuration set is Personal or Shared (required)
* @param scope The scope that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param code The code that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param key The key that identifies a configuration item (required)
* @return APIgetConfigurationItemRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIgetConfigurationItemRequest getConfigurationItem(String type, String scope, String code, String key) {
return new APIgetConfigurationItemRequest(type, scope, code, key);
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationSetCall(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/{type}/{scope}/{code}"
.replace("{" + "type" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(type.toString()))
.replace("{" + "scope" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(scope.toString()))
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (reveal != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("reveal", reveal));
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'type' is set
if (type == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'type' when calling getConfigurationSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'scope' is set
if (scope == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'scope' when calling getConfigurationSet(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling getConfigurationSet(Async)");
return getConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call getConfigurationSetAsync(String type, String scope, String code, Boolean reveal, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getConfigurationSetValidateBeforeCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIgetConfigurationSetRequest {
private final String type;
private final String scope;
private final String code;
private Boolean reveal;
private String userId;
private APIgetConfigurationSetRequest(String type, String scope, String code) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.code = code;
* Set reveal
* @param reveal Whether to reveal the secrets. This is only available when the userId query setting has not been specified. (optional)
* @return APIgetConfigurationSetRequest
public APIgetConfigurationSetRequest reveal(Boolean reveal) {
this.reveal = reveal;
return this;
* Set userId
* @param userId Feature that allows Administrators to administer personal settings (but never reveal the value of secrets) of a specific user. (optional)
* @return APIgetConfigurationSetRequest
public APIgetConfigurationSetRequest userId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
return this;
* Build call for getConfigurationSet
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetCall(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback);
* Execute getConfigurationSet request
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, reveal, userId);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getConfigurationSet request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ConfigurationSet execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, reveal, userId);
* Execute getConfigurationSet request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetWithHttpInfo(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, opts);
* Execute getConfigurationSet request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetAsync(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback);
* Execute getConfigurationSet request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getConfigurationSetAsync(type, scope, code, reveal, userId, _callback, opts);
* GetConfigurationSet: Get a configuration set, including all the associated metadata. By default secrets will not be revealed
* @param type Whether the configuration set is Personal or Shared (required)
* @param scope The scope that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @param code The code that identifies a configuration set (required)
* @return APIgetConfigurationSetRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIgetConfigurationSetRequest getConfigurationSet(String type, String scope, String code) {
return new APIgetConfigurationSetRequest(type, scope, code);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationItemsCall(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsCall(code, key, reveal, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationItemsCall(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/system/{code}/items/{key}"
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()))
.replace("{" + "key" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(key.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (reveal != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("reveal", reveal));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationItemsValidateBeforeCall(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling getSystemConfigurationItems(Async)");
// verify the required parameter 'key' is set
if (key == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'key' when calling getSystemConfigurationItems(Async)");
return getSystemConfigurationItemsCall(code, key, reveal, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(String code, String key, Boolean reveal) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationItemsValidateBeforeCall(code, key, reveal, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationItemsValidateBeforeCall(code, key, reveal, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationItemsAsync(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationItemsValidateBeforeCall(code, key, reveal, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationItemsAsync(String code, String key, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationItemsValidateBeforeCall(code, key, reveal, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest {
private final String code;
private final String key;
private Boolean reveal;
private APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest(String code, String key) {
this.code = code;
this.key = key;
* Set reveal
* @param reveal Whether to reveal the secrets (optional)
* @return APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest
public APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest reveal(Boolean reveal) {
this.reveal = reveal;
return this;
* Build call for getSystemConfigurationItems
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsCall(code, key, reveal, _callback);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request
* @return ResourceListOfConfigurationItem
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ResourceListOfConfigurationItem execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(code, key, reveal);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ResourceListOfConfigurationItem
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ResourceListOfConfigurationItem execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(code, key, reveal, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ResourceListOfConfigurationItem>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(code, key, reveal);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ResourceListOfConfigurationItem>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsWithHttpInfo(code, key, reveal, opts);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsAsync(code, key, reveal, _callback);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationItems request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationItemsAsync(code, key, reveal, _callback, opts);
* [EARLY ACCESS] GetSystemConfigurationItems: Get the specific system configuration items within a system set All users have access to this endpoint
* @param code The code that identifies a system configuration set (required)
* @param key The key that identifies a system configuration item (required)
* @return APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration item exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest getSystemConfigurationItems(String code, String key) {
return new APIgetSystemConfigurationItemsRequest(code, key);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationSetsCall(String code, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsCall(code, reveal, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationSetsCall(String code, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets/system/{code}"
.replace("{" + "code" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(code.toString()));
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (reveal != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("reveal", reveal));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(String code, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
// verify the required parameter 'code' is set
if (code == null) {
throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'code' when calling getSystemConfigurationSets(Async)");
return getSystemConfigurationSetsCall(code, reveal, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(String code, Boolean reveal) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(code, reveal, null, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private ApiResponse getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(String code, Boolean reveal, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(code, reveal, null, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationSetsAsync(String code, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(code, reveal, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
private okhttp3.Call getSystemConfigurationSetsAsync(String code, Boolean reveal, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getSystemConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(code, reveal, _callback, opts);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
public class APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest {
private final String code;
private Boolean reveal;
private APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest(String code) {
this.code = code;
* Set reveal
* @param reveal Whether to reveal the secrets (optional)
* @return APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest
public APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest reveal(Boolean reveal) {
this.reveal = reveal;
return this;
* Build call for getSystemConfigurationSets
* @param _callback ApiCallback API callback
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call buildCall(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsCall(code, reveal, _callback);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request
* @return ResourceListOfConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ResourceListOfConfigurationSet execute() throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(code, reveal);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ResourceListOfConfigurationSet
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ResourceListOfConfigurationSet execute(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(code, reveal, opts);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request with HTTP info returned
* @return ApiResponse<ResourceListOfConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(code, reveal);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request with HTTP info returned. Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @return ApiResponse<ResourceListOfConfigurationSet>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public ApiResponse executeWithHttpInfo(ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsWithHttpInfo(code, reveal, opts);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request (asynchronously)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsAsync(code, reveal, _callback);
* Execute getSystemConfigurationSets request (asynchronously). Use any specified configuration options to override any other configuration for this request only.
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return getSystemConfigurationSetsAsync(code, reveal, _callback, opts);
* GetSystemConfigurationSets: Get the specified system configuration sets, including all their associated metadata. By default secrets will not be revealed All users have access to this endpoint
* @param code The code that identifies a system configuration set (required)
* @return APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
The details of the input related failure
No system configuration set exists with the provided identifiers
Error response
public APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest getSystemConfigurationSets(String code) {
return new APIgetSystemConfigurationSetsRequest(code);
private okhttp3.Call listConfigurationSetsCall(String type, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
return listConfigurationSetsCall(type, userId, _callback, new ConfigurationOptions());
private okhttp3.Call listConfigurationSetsCall(String type, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/api/sets";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (type != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("type", type));
if (userId != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarContentType != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oauth2" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback, opts);
private okhttp3.Call listConfigurationSetsValidateBeforeCall(String type, String userId, final ApiCallback _callback, ConfigurationOptions opts) throws ApiException {
return listConfigurationSetsCall(type, userId, _callback, opts);
private ApiResponse