com.firefly.$ Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.firefly;
import com.firefly.client.http2.*;
import com.firefly.client.websocket.SecureWebSocketClientSingleton;
import com.firefly.client.websocket.SimpleWebSocketClient;
import com.firefly.client.websocket.WebSocketClientSingleton;
import com.firefly.codec.http2.encode.UrlEncoded;
import com.firefly.codec.http2.model.HttpVersion;
import com.firefly.core.ApplicationContext;
import com.firefly.core.ApplicationContextSingleton;
import com.firefly.core.XmlApplicationContext;
import com.firefly.server.http2.HTTP2ServerBuilder;
import com.firefly.server.http2.SimpleHTTPServer;
import com.firefly.server.http2.SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration;
import com.firefly.server.http2.router.handler.body.HTTPBodyConfiguration;
import com.firefly.server.websocket.SimpleWebSocketServer;
import com.firefly.utils.BeanUtils;
import com.firefly.utils.StringUtils;
import com.firefly.utils.concurrent.ThreadUtils;
import com.firefly.utils.json.Json;
import com.firefly.utils.json.JsonArray;
import com.firefly.utils.json.JsonObject;
import com.firefly.utils.lang.GenericTypeReference;
import com.firefly.utils.lang.URIUtils;
import com.firefly.utils.lang.bean.PropertyAccess;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Unsorted utilities. The main functions of Firefly start from here.
* @author Pengtao Qiu
public interface $ {
* The singleton HTTP client to send all requests.
* The HTTP client manages HTTP connection in the BoundedAsynchronousPool automatically.
* The default protocol is HTTP 1.1.
* @return HTTP client singleton instance.
static SimpleHTTPClient httpClient() {
return HTTPClientSingleton.getInstance().httpClient();
* The singleton HTTP client to send all requests.
* The HTTP client manages HTTP connection in the BoundedAsynchronousPool automatically.
* The protocol is plaintext HTTP 2.0.
* @return HTTP client singleton instance.
static SimpleHTTPClient plaintextHTTP2Client() {
return PlaintextHTTP2ClientSingleton.getInstance().httpClient();
* The singleton HTTPs client to send all requests.
* The HTTPs client manages HTTP connection in the BoundedAsynchronousPool automatically.
* It uses ALPN to determine HTTP 1.1 or HTTP 2.0 protocol.
* @return HTTPs client singleton instance.
static SimpleHTTPClient httpsClient() {
return HTTPsClientSingleton.getInstance().httpsClient();
* Create a new HTTP client instance.
* @return A new HTTP client instance.
static SimpleHTTPClient createHTTPClient() {
return new SimpleHTTPClient();
* Create a new HTTP client instance.
* @param configuration HTTP client configuration.
* @return A new HTTP client instance.
static SimpleHTTPClient createHTTPClient(SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration configuration) {
return new SimpleHTTPClient(configuration);
* Create a new HTTPs client.
* @return A new HTTPs client.
static SimpleHTTPClient createHTTPsClient() {
SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration configuration = new SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration();
return new SimpleHTTPClient(configuration);
* Create a new plaintext HTTP2 client.
* @return a new plaintext HTTP2 client.
static SimpleHTTPClient createPlaintextHTTP2Client() {
SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration configuration = new SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration();
return new SimpleHTTPClient(configuration);
* Create a new HTTPs client.
* @param secureSessionFactory The secure session factory. We provide JDK or OpenSSL secure session factory.
* @return A new HTTPs client.
static SimpleHTTPClient createHTTPsClient(SecureSessionFactory secureSessionFactory) {
SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration configuration = new SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration();
return new SimpleHTTPClient(configuration);
* Use fluent API to create an new HTTP server instance.
* @return HTTP server builder.
static HTTP2ServerBuilder httpServer() {
return new HTTP2ServerBuilder().httpServer();
* Create a new HTTP2 server. It uses the plaintext HTTP2 protocol.
* @return HTTP server builder.
static HTTP2ServerBuilder plaintextHTTP2Server() {
SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration configuration = new SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration();
return httpServer(configuration);
* Create a new HTTP server.
* @param serverConfiguration The server configuration.
* @return HTTP server builder
static HTTP2ServerBuilder httpServer(SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration serverConfiguration) {
return httpServer(serverConfiguration, new HTTPBodyConfiguration());
* Create a new HTTP server.
* @param serverConfiguration HTTP server configuration.
* @param httpBodyConfiguration HTTP body process configuration.
* @return HTTP server builder.
static HTTP2ServerBuilder httpServer(SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration serverConfiguration,
HTTPBodyConfiguration httpBodyConfiguration) {
return new HTTP2ServerBuilder().httpServer(serverConfiguration, httpBodyConfiguration);
* Create a new HTTPs server.
* @return HTTP server builder.
static HTTP2ServerBuilder httpsServer() {
return new HTTP2ServerBuilder().httpsServer();
* Create a new HTTPs server.
* @param secureSessionFactory The secure session factory. We provide JDK or OpenSSL secure session factory.
* @return HTTP server builder.
static HTTP2ServerBuilder httpsServer(SecureSessionFactory secureSessionFactory) {
return new HTTP2ServerBuilder().httpsServer(secureSessionFactory);
* Create a new HTTP server instance
* @return A new HTTP server instance
static SimpleHTTPServer createHTTPServer() {
return new SimpleHTTPServer();
* Create a new HTTP server instance
* @param configuration HTTP server configuration
* @return A new HTTP server instance
static SimpleHTTPServer createHTTPServer(SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration configuration) {
return new SimpleHTTPServer(configuration);
* Create a new WebSocket server.
* @return A new WebSocket server.
static SimpleWebSocketServer createWebSocketServer() {
return new SimpleWebSocketServer();
* Create a new secure WebSocket server.
* @return A new secure WebSocket server.
static SimpleWebSocketServer createSecureWebSocketServer() {
SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration();
return new SimpleWebSocketServer(serverConfiguration);
* Create a new WebSocket server.
* @param serverConfiguration The WebSocket server configuration.
* @return A new WebSocket server.
static SimpleWebSocketServer createWebSocketServer(SimpleHTTPServerConfiguration serverConfiguration) {
return new SimpleWebSocketServer(serverConfiguration);
* Get the WebSocket client singleton.
* @return The websocket client singleton.
static SimpleWebSocketClient webSocketClient() {
return WebSocketClientSingleton.getInstance().webSocketClient();
* Get the secure WebSocket client singleton.
* @return The secure WebSocket client singleton.
static SimpleWebSocketClient secureWebSocketClient() {
return SecureWebSocketClientSingleton.getInstance().secureWebSocketClient();
* Create a new WebSocket client.
* @return A new WebSocket client.
static SimpleWebSocketClient createWebSocketClient() {
return new SimpleWebSocketClient();
* Create a new secure WebSocket client.
* @return A new secure WebSocket client.
static SimpleWebSocketClient createSecureWebSocketClient() {
SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration http2Configuration = new SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration();
return new SimpleWebSocketClient(http2Configuration);
* Create a new WebSocket client.
* @param config The WebSocket client configuration.
* @return A new WebSocket client.
static SimpleWebSocketClient createWebSocketClient(SimpleHTTPClientConfiguration config) {
return new SimpleWebSocketClient(config);
* Create a new TCP client instance
* @return A new TCP client instance
static SimpleTcpClient createTCPClient() {
return new SimpleTcpClient();
* Create a new TCP client instance
* @param configuration TCP client configuration
* @return A new TCP client instance
static SimpleTcpClient createTCPClient(TcpConfiguration configuration) {
return new SimpleTcpClient(configuration);
* Create a new TCP server instance
* @return a new TCP server instance
static SimpleTcpServer createTCPServer() {
return new SimpleTcpServer();
* Create a new TCP server instance
* @param configuration TCP server configuration
* @return a new TCP server instance
static SimpleTcpServer createTCPServer(TcpServerConfiguration configuration) {
return new SimpleTcpServer(configuration);
* Create default application context. The default application context reads configuration firefly.xml in classpath.
* @return Default application context
static ApplicationContext createApplicationContext() {
return new XmlApplicationContext();
* Create a new application context.
* @param path The configuration file path.
* @return A new application context.
static ApplicationContext createApplicationContext(String path) {
return new XmlApplicationContext(path);
* Get bean from default application context. The default application context reads configuration firefly.xml in classpath.
* @param clazz the bean's Class object
* @param Bean type
* @return A singleton bean instance by type
static T getBean(Class clazz) {
return ApplicationContextSingleton.getInstance().getApplicationContext().getBean(clazz);
* Get the default application context.
* @return The default application context.
static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return ApplicationContextSingleton.getInstance().getApplicationContext();
* Get bean from default application context. The default application context reads configuration firefly.xml in classpath.
* @param id the bean's id
* @param bean type
* @return A singleton bean instance by id
static T getBean(String id) {
return ApplicationContextSingleton.getInstance().getApplicationContext().getBean(id);
* Get all beans by type. The default application context reads configuration firefly.xml in classpath.
* @param clazz Bean's class object
* @param Bean type
* @return All beans are derived from type
static Collection getBeans(Class clazz) {
return ApplicationContextSingleton.getInstance().getApplicationContext().getBeans(clazz);
* Get all managed beans. The default application context reads configuration firefly.xml in classpath.
* @return The unmodifiable map of all beans
static Map getBeanMap() {
return ApplicationContextSingleton.getInstance().getApplicationContext().getBeanMap();
interface io {
static void close(Closeable closeable) {
static String toString(InputStream in) {
return toString(in, "UTF-8");
static String toString(InputStream in, String encoding) {
try {
return IO.toString(in, encoding);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
static String toString(Reader in) {
try {
return IO.toString(in);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
static byte[] readBytes(InputStream in) {
try {
return IO.readBytes(in);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
IO.copy(in, out);
static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, long byteCount) throws IOException {
IO.copy(in, out, byteCount);
static void copy(Reader in, Writer out) throws IOException {
IO.copy(in, out);
static void copy(Reader in, Writer out, long byteCount) throws IOException {
IO.copy(in, out, byteCount);
interface buffer {
static byte[] toArray(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return BufferUtils.toArray(buffer);
static String toString(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return BufferUtils.toUTF8String(buffer);
static String toString(ByteBuffer buffer, Charset charset) {
return BufferUtils.toString(buffer, charset);
static int normalizeBufferSize(int capacity) {
return BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(capacity);
static String toString(List list) {
return BufferUtils.toString(list);
static String toString(List list, String charset) {
return BufferUtils.toString(list, charset);
static List split(ByteBuffer buffer, int maxSize) {
return BufferUtils.split(buffer, maxSize);
static long remaining(Collection collection) {
return BufferUtils.remaining(collection);
interface thread {
static void sleep(long millis) {
static void sleep(long sleepTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
ThreadUtils.sleep(sleepTime, timeUnit);
interface json {
static String toJson(Object obj) {
return Json.toJson(obj);
static T parse(String json, Class clazz) {
return Json.toObject(json, clazz);
static T parse(String json, GenericTypeReference typeReference) {
return Json.toObject(json, typeReference);
static T parse(String json, Type type) {
return Json.toObject(json, type);
static JsonObject parseToObject(String json) {
return Json.toJsonObject(json);
static JsonArray parseToArray(String json) {
return Json.toJsonArray(json);
interface string {
static boolean hasText(String str) {
return StringUtils.hasText(str);
static String[] split(String str, String separatorChars) {
return StringUtils.split(str, separatorChars);
static String[] split(String str, char separatorChar) {
return StringUtils.split(str, separatorChar);
static String replace(String s, Map map) {
return StringUtils.replace(s, map);
static String replace(String s, Object... objs) {
return StringUtils.replace(s, objs);
static String escapeXML(String str) {
return StringUtils.escapeXML(str);
static byte[] getBytes(String s, String charset) {
return StringUtils.getBytes(s, charset);
static byte[] getBytes(String s) {
return StringUtils.getUtf8Bytes(s);
interface uri {
static StringBuilder newURIBuilder(String schema, String server, int port) {
return URIUtils.newURIBuilder(schema, server, port);
static String newURI(String scheme, String server, int port, String path, String query) {
return URIUtils.newURI(scheme, server, port, path, query);
static UrlEncoded encode() {
return new UrlEncoded();
interface javabean {
static Map getBeanAccess(GenericTypeReference genericTypeReference) {
return BeanUtils.getBeanAccess(genericTypeReference);
static Map getBeanAccess(Class> clazz) {
return BeanUtils.getBeanAccess(clazz);
static void copyBean(Object src, Object dest) {
BeanUtils.copyBean(src, dest);