com.fitbur.assertj.api.AbstractPathAssert Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2012-2016 the original author or authors.
package com.fitbur.assertj.api;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static com.fitbur.assertj.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.ClosedFileSystemException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.ProviderMismatchException;
import java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider;
import com.fitbur.assertj.api.exception.PathsException;
import com.fitbur.assertj.api.exception.RuntimeIOException;
import com.fitbur.assertj.internal.Paths;
import com.fitbur.assertj.util.VisibleForTesting;
* Assertions for {@link Path} objects
* Note that some assertions have two versions: a normal one and a "raw" one (for instance, {@code hasParent()} and
* {@code hasParentRaw()}. The difference is that normal assertions will {@link Path#toRealPath(LinkOption...)
* canonicalize} or {@link Path#normalize() normalize} the tested path and, where applicable, the path argument, before
* performing the actual test. Canonicalization includes normalization.
* Canonicalization may lead to an I/O error if a path does not exist, in which case the given assertions will fail with
* a {@link PathsException}. Also note that {@link Files#isSymbolicLink(Path) symbolic links} will be followed if the
* filesystem supports them. Finally, if a path is not {@link Path#isAbsolute() absolute}, canonicalization will
* resolve the path against the process' current working directory.
* These assertions are filesystem independent. You may use them on {@code Path} instances issued from the default
* filesystem (ie, instances you get when using {@link java.nio.file.Paths#get(String, String...)}) or from other
* filesystems. For more information, see the {@link FileSystem javadoc for {@code FileSystem} .
* Furthermore:
* - Unless otherwise noted, assertions which accept arguments will not accept {@code null} arguments; if a null
* argument is passed, these assertions will throw a {@link NullPointerException}.
* - It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that paths used in assertions are issued from valid filesystems which
* are not {@link FileSystem#close() closed}. If a filesystems is closed, assertions will throw a
* {@link ClosedFileSystemException}.
* - Some assertions take another {@link Path} as an argument. If this path is not issued from the same
* {@link FileSystemProvider provider} as the tested path, assertions will throw a {@link ProviderMismatchException}.
* - Some assertions may need to perform I/O on the path's underlying filesystem; if an I/O error occurs when
* accessing the filesystem, these assertions will throw a {@link PathsException}.
* @param self type
* @see Path
* @see java.nio.file.Paths#get(String, String...)
* @see FileSystem
* @see FileSystem#getPath(String, String...)
* @see FileSystems#getDefault()
* @see Files
public abstract class AbstractPathAssert> extends AbstractComparableAssert {
protected Paths paths = Paths.instance();
Charset charset = Charset.defaultCharset();
protected AbstractPathAssert(final Path actual, final Class> selfType) {
super(actual, selfType);
* Verifies that the content of the actual {@code Path} is the same as the given one (both paths must be a readable
* files).
* The charset to use when reading the actual path can be provided with {@link #usingCharset(Charset)} or
* {@link #usingCharset(String)} prior to calling this method; if not, the platform's default charset (as returned by
* {@link Charset#defaultCharset()}) will be used.
* Examples:
* // use the default charset
* Path xFile = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.txt"), "The Truth Is Out There".getBytes());
* Path xFileUTF8 = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile-clone.txt"), "The Truth Is Out There".getBytes("UTF-8"));
* Path xFileClone = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile-clone.txt"), "The Truth Is Out There".getBytes());
* Path xFileFrench = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile-french.txt"), "La Vérité Est Ailleurs".getBytes());
* // The following assertion succeeds (default charset is used):
* assertThat(xFile).hasSameContentAs(xFileClone);
* // The following assertion succeeds (UTF-8 charset is used to read xFile):
* assertThat(xFileUTF8).usingCharset("UTF-8").hasContent(xFileClone);
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(xFile).hasSameContentAs(xFileFrench);
* @param expected the given {@code Path} to compare the actual {@code Path} to.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code Path} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual or given {@code Path} is not an existing readable file.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Path} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the content of the actual {@code Path} is not equal to the content of the given one.
* @throws PathsException if an I/O error occurs.
public S hasSameContentAs(Path expected) {
paths.assertHasSameContentAs(info, actual, charset, expected, Charset.defaultCharset());
return myself;
* Verifies that the content of the actual {@code Path} is the same as the expected one, the expected {@code Path} being read with the given charset while
* the charset used to read the actual path can be provided with {@link #usingCharset(Charset)} or
* {@link #usingCharset(String)} prior to calling this method; if not, the platform's default charset (as returned by
* {@link Charset#defaultCharset()}) will be used.
* Examples:
* Path fileUTF8Charset = Files.write(Paths.get("actual"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* Charset turkishCharset = Charset.forName("windows-1254");
* Path fileTurkischCharset = Files.write(Paths.get("expected"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek"), turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(fileUTF8Charset).usingCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).hasSameContentAs(fileTurkischCharset, turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(fileUTF8Charset).usingCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).hasSameContentAs(fileTurkischCharset, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* @param expected the given {@code Path} to compare the actual {@code Path} to.
* @param expectedCharset the {@Charset} used to read the content of the expected Path.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code Path} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual or given {@code Path} is not an existing readable file.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Path} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the content of the actual {@code Path} is not equal to the content of the given one.
* @throws PathsException if an I/O error occurs.
public S hasSameContentAs(Path expected, Charset expectedCharset) {
paths.assertHasSameContentAs(info, actual, charset, expected, expectedCharset);
return myself;
* Verifies that the binary content of the actual {@code Path} is exactly equal to the given one.
* Examples:
* // using the default charset, the following assertion succeeds:
* Path xFile = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.txt"), "The Truth Is Out There".getBytes());
* assertThat(xFile).hasBinaryContent("The Truth Is Out There".getBytes());
* // using a specific charset
* Charset turkishCharset = Charset.forName("windows-1254");
* Path xFileTurkish = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.turk"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi"), turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* String expectedContent = "Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi" + com.fitbur.assertj.util.Compatibility.System.lineSeparator();
* byte[] binaryContent = expectedContent.getBytes(;
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).hasBinaryContent(binaryContent);
* // The following assertion fails ... unless you are in Turkey ;-):
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).hasBinaryContent("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi".getBytes());
* @param expected the expected binary content to compare the actual {@code File}'s content to.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given content is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code File} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code File} is not an existing file.
* @throws RuntimeIOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws AssertionError if the content of the actual {@code File} is not equal to the given binary content.
public S hasBinaryContent(byte[] expected) {
paths.assertHasBinaryContent(info, actual, expected);
return myself;
* Specifies the name of the charset to use for text-based assertions on the path's contents (path must be a readable
* file).
* Examples:
* Charset turkishCharset = Charset.forName("windows-1254");
* Path xFileTurkish = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.turk"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi"), turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).usingCharset("windows-1254").hasContent("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi");
* @param charsetName the name of the charset to use.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given encoding is not supported on this platform.
public S usingCharset(String charsetName) {
if (!Charset.isSupported(charsetName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("Charset:<'%s'> is not supported on this system", charsetName));
return usingCharset(Charset.forName(charsetName));
* Specifies the charset to use for text-based assertions on the path's contents (path must be a readable file).
* Examples:
* Charset turkishCharset = Charset.forName("windows-1254");
* Path xFileTurkish = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.turk"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi"), turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).usingCharset(turkishCharset).hasContent("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi");
* @param charset the charset to use.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.
public S usingCharset(Charset charset) {
this.charset = checkNotNull(charset, "The charset should not be null");
return myself;
* Verifies that the text content of the actual {@code Path} (which must be a readable file) is exactly equal
* to the given one.
* The charset to use when reading the actual path should be provided with {@link #usingCharset(Charset)} or
* {@link #usingCharset(String)} prior to calling this method; if not, the platform's default charset (as returned by
* {@link Charset#defaultCharset()}) will be used.
* Examples:
* // use the default charset
* Path xFile = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.txt"), "The Truth Is Out There".getBytes());
* // The following assertion succeeds (default charset is used):
* assertThat(xFile).hasContent("The Truth Is Out There");
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(xFile).hasContent("La Vérité Est Ailleurs");
* // using a specific charset
* Charset turkishCharset = Charset.forName("windows-1254");
* Path xFileTurkish = Files.write(Paths.get("xfile.turk"), Collections.singleton("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi"), turkishCharset);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).usingCharset(turkishCharset).hasContent("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi");
* // The following assertion fails ... unless you are in Turkey ;-):
* assertThat(xFileTurkish).hasContent("Gerçek Başka bir yerde mi");
* @param expected the expected text content to compare the actual {@code File}'s content to.
* @return {@code this} assertion object.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given content is {@code null}.
* @throws RuntimeIOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Path} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Path} is not a {@link Files#isReadable(Path) readable} file.
* @throws AssertionError if the content of the actual {@code File} is not equal to the given content.
public S hasContent(String expected) {
paths.assertHasContent(info, actual, expected, charset);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is a readable file, it checks that the file exists (according to
* {@link Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)}) and that it is readable(according to {@link Files#isReadable(Path)}).
* Examples:
* // Create a file and set permissions to be readable by all.
* Path readableFile = Paths.get("readableFile");
* Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("r--r--r--");
* Files.createFile(readableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
* final Path symlinkToReadableFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("symlinkToReadableFile");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToReadableFile, readableFile);
* // Create a file and set permissions not to be readable.
* Path nonReadableFile = Paths.get("nonReadableFile");
* Set<PosixFilePermission> notReadablePerms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("-wx------");
* Files.createFile(nonReadableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(notReadablePerms));
* final Path nonExistentPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("nonexistent");
* // The following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(readableFile).isReadable();
* assertThat(symlinkToReadableFile).isReadable();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(nonReadableFile).isReadable();
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isReadable();
* @return self
* @see Files#isReadable(Path)
public S isReadable() {
paths.assertIsReadable(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is a writable file, it checks that the file exists (according to
* {@link Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)}) and that it is writable(according to {@link Files#isWritable(Path)}).
* Examples:
* Create a file and set permissions to be writable by all.
* Path writableFile = Paths.get("writableFile");
* Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-rw-rw-");
* Files.createFile(writableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
* final Path symlinkToWritableFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("symlinkToWritableFile");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToWritableFile, writableFile);
* // Create a file and set permissions not to be writable.
* Path nonWritableFile = Paths.get("nonWritableFile");
* perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("r--r--r--");
* Files.createFile(nonWritableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
* final Path nonExistentPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("nonexistent");
* // The following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(writableFile).isWritable();
* assertThat(symlinkToWritableFile).isWritable();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(nonWritableFile).isWritable();
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isWritable();
* @return self
* @see Files#isWritable(Path)
public S isWritable() {
paths.assertIsWritable(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is an executable file, it checks that the file exists (according to
* {@link Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)}) and that it is executable(according to {@link Files#isExecutable(Path)}
* ).
* Examples:
* // Create a file and set permissions to be executable by all.
* Path executableFile = Paths.get("executableFile");
* Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("r-xr-xr-x");
* Files.createFile(executableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
* final Path symlinkToExecutableFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("symlinkToExecutableFile");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExecutableFile, executableFile);
* // Create a file and set permissions not to be executable.
* Path nonExecutableFile = Paths.get("nonExecutableFile");
* perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------");
* Files.createFile(nonExecutableFile, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
* final Path nonExistentPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("nonexistent");
* // The following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(executableFile).isExecutable();
* assertThat(symlinkToExecutableFile).isExecutable();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(nonExecutableFile).isExecutable();
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isExecutable();
* @return self
* @see Files#isExecutable(Path)
public S isExecutable() {
paths.assertIsExecutable(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} exists according to {@link Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)
* Files#exists(Path)})
* Note that this assertion will follow symbolic links before asserting the path's existence.
* On Windows system, this has no influence. On Unix systems, this means the assertion result will fail if the path is
* a symbolic link whose target does not exist. If you want to assert the existence of the symbolic link itself, use
* {@link #existsNoFollowLinks()} instead.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link pointing to it
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("somefile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlinkToExistingFile");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a symbolic link whose target does not exist
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonexistent");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // The following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(existingFile).exists();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).exists();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).exists();
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).exists();
* @return self
* @see Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)
public S exists() {
paths.assertExists(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} exists, not following symbolic links, by calling
* {@link Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...) Files#exists(Path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)}).
* This assertion behaves like {@link #exists()}, with the difference that it can be used to assert the existence of a
* symbolic link even if its target is invalid.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link pointing to it
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("somefile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlink");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a symbolic link whose target does not exist
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonexistent");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // The following assertions succeed
* assertThat(existingFile).existsNoFollowLinks();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).existsNoFollowLinks();
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).existsNoFollowLinks();
* // The following assertion fails
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).existsNoFollowLinks();
* @return self
* @see Files#exists(Path, LinkOption...)
public S existsNoFollowLinks() {
paths.assertExistsNoFollowLinks(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} does not exist.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: this method will NOT follow symbolic links (provided that the underlying
* {@link FileSystem} of this path supports symbolic links at all).
* This means that even if the link exists this assertion will fail even if the link's target does not exists - note
* that this is unlike the default behavior of {@link #exists()}.
* If you are a Windows user, the above does not apply to you; if you are a Unix user however, this is important.
* Consider the following:
// fs is a FileSystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link pointing to it
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("somefile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlink");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a symbolic link to a nonexistent target file.
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonExistentPath");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // The following assertion succeeds
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).doesNotExist();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(existingFile).doesNotExist();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).doesNotExist();
* // fail because symlinkToNonExistentPath exists even though its target does not.
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).doesNotExist();
* @return self
* @see Files#notExists(Path, LinkOption...)
* @see LinkOption#NOFOLLOW_LINKS
public S doesNotExist() {
paths.assertDoesNotExist(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is a regular file.
* Note that this method will follow symbolic links. If you are a Unix user and wish to assert that a
* path is a symbolic link instead, use {@link #isSymbolicLink()}.
* This assertion first asserts the existence of the path (using {@link #exists()}) then checks whether the path is a
* regular file.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link to that regular file
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("existingFile");
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlinkToExistingFile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a directory, and a symbolic link to that directory
* final Path dir = fs.getPath("dir");
* final Path dirSymlink = fs.getPath("dirSymlink");
* Files.createDirectories(dir);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(dirSymlink, dir);
* // Create a nonexistent entry, and a symbolic link to that entry
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonexistent");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(existingFile).isRegularFile();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).isRegularFile();
* // the following assertions fail because paths do not exist:
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isRegularFile();
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).isRegularFile();
* // the following assertions fail because paths exist but are not regular files:
* assertThat(dir).isRegularFile();
* assertThat(dirSymlink).isRegularFile();
* @return self
public S isRegularFile() {
paths.assertIsRegularFile(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is a directory.
* Note that this method will follow symbolic links. If you are a Unix user and wish to assert that a
* path is a symbolic link instead, use {@link #isSymbolicLink()}.
* This assertion first asserts the existence of the path (using {@link #exists()}) then checks whether the path is a
* directory.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link to that regular file
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("existingFile");
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlinkToExistingFile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a directory, and a symbolic link to that directory
* final Path dir = fs.getPath("dir");
* final Path dirSymlink = fs.getPath("dirSymlink");
* Files.createDirectories(dir);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(dirSymlink, dir);
* // Create a nonexistent entry, and a symbolic link to that entry
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonexistent");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(dir).isDirectory();
* assertThat(dirSymlink).isDirectory();
* // the following assertions fail because paths do not exist:
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isDirectory();
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).isDirectory();
* // the following assertions fail because paths exist but are not directories:
* assertThat(existingFile).isDirectory();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).isDirectory();
* @return self
public S isDirectory() {
paths.assertIsDirectory(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is a symbolic link.
* This assertion first asserts the existence of the path (using {@link #existsNoFollowLinks()}) then checks whether
* the path is a symbolic link.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a regular file, and a symbolic link to that regular file
* final Path existingFile = fs.getPath("existingFile");
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = fs.getPath("symlinkToExistingFile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // Create a directory, and a symbolic link to that directory
* final Path dir = fs.getPath("dir");
* final Path dirSymlink = fs.getPath("dirSymlink");
* Files.createDirectories(dir);
* Files.createSymbolicLink(dirSymlink, dir);
* // Create a nonexistent entry, and a symbolic link to that entry
* final Path nonExistentPath = fs.getPath("nonexistent");
* final Path symlinkToNonExistentPath = fs.getPath("symlinkToNonExistentPath");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToNonExistentPath, nonExistentPath);
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(dirSymlink).isSymbolicLink();
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).isSymbolicLink();
* assertThat(symlinkToNonExistentPath).isSymbolicLink();
* // the following assertion fails because the path does not exist:
* assertThat(nonExistentPath).isSymbolicLink();
* // the following assertions fail because paths exist but are not symbolic links
* assertThat(existingFile).isSymbolicLink();
* assertThat(dir).isSymbolicLink();
* @return self
public S isSymbolicLink() {
paths.assertIsSymbolicLink(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is absolute (the path does not have to exist).
* Note that the fact that a path is absolute does not mean that it is {@link Path#normalize() normalized}:
* {@code /foo/..} is absolute, for instance, but it is not normalized.
* Examples:
* // unixFs is a Unix FileSystem
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(unixFs.getPath("/foo/bar")).isAbsolute();
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(unixFs.getPath("foo/bar")).isAbsolute();
* // windowsFs is a Windows FileSystem
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("c:\\foo")).isAbsolute();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("foo\\bar")).isAbsolute();
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("c:foo")).isAbsolute();
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("\\foo\\bar")).isAbsolute();
* @return self
* @see Path#isAbsolute()
public S isAbsolute() {
paths.assertIsAbsolute(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is relative (opposite to {@link Path#isAbsolute()}).
* Examples:
* // unixFs is a Unix FileSystem
* // The following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(unixFs.getPath("./foo/bar")).isRelative();
* assertThat(unixFs.getPath("foo/bar")).isRelative();
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(unixFs.getPath("/foo/bar")).isRelative();
* // windowsFs is a Windows FileSystem
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("foo\\bar")).isRelative();
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("c:foo")).isRelative();
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("\\foo\\bar")).isRelative();
* // The following assertions fail:
* assertThat(windowsFs.getPath("c:\\foo")).isRelative();
* @return self
* @see Path#isAbsolute()
public S isRelative() {
paths.assertIsRelative(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is normalized.
* A path is normalized if it has no redundant components; typically, on both Unix and Windows, this means that the
* path has no "self" components ({@code .}) and that its only parent components ({@code ..}), if any, are at the
* beginning of the path.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr/lib")).isNormalized();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("a/b/c")).isNormalized();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("../d")).isNormalized();
* // the following assertions fail:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/a/./b")).isNormalized();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("c/b/..")).isNormalized();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/../../e")).isNormalized();
* @return self
public S isNormalized() {
paths.assertIsNormalized(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} is canonical by comparing it to its {@link Path#toRealPath(LinkOption...) real
* path}.
* For Windows users, this assertion is no different than {@link #isAbsolute()} expect that the file must exist. For
* Unix users, this assertion ensures that the tested path is the actual file system resource, that is, it is not a
* {@link Files#isSymbolicLink(Path) symbolic link} to the actual resource, even if the path is absolute.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // Create a directory
* final Path basedir = fs.getPath("/tmp/foo");
* Files.createDirectories(basedir);
* // Create a file in this directory
* final Path existingFile = basedir.resolve("existingFile");
* Files.createFile(existingFile);
* // Create a symbolic link to that file
* final Path symlinkToExistingFile = basedir.resolve("symlinkToExistingFile");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlinkToExistingFile, existingFile);
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(existingFile).isCanonical();
* // The following assertion fails:
* assertThat(symlinkToExistingFile).isCanonical();
* @throws PathsException an I/O error occurred while evaluating the path
* @see Path#toRealPath(LinkOption...)
* @see Files#isSameFile(Path, Path)
public S isCanonical() {
paths.assertIsCanonical(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} last element String representation is equal to the given filename.
* Note that the path does not need to exist to check its file name.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* final Path file = fs.getPath("/foo/foo.txt");
* final Path symlink = fs.getPath("/home/symlink-to-foo");
* Files.createSymbolicLink(symlink, file);
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/dir1/file.txt")).hasFileName("file.txt");
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/dir1/dir2")).hasFileName("dir2");
* // you can check file name on non existent paths
* assertThat(file).hasFileName("foo.txt");
* assertThat(symlink).hasFileName("symlink-to-foo");
* // the following assertions fail:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/dir1/file.txt").hasFileName("other.txt");
* // fail because, last element is "."
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/dir1/.")).hasFileName("dir1");
* // fail because a link filename is not the same as its target filename
* assertThat(symlink).hasFileName("file.txt");
* @param fileName the expected filename
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given fileName is null.
* @see Path#getFileName()
public S hasFileName(final String fileName) {
paths.assertHasFileName(info, actual, fileName);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} has the expected parent path.
* This assertion will perform canonicalization of the tested path and of the given argument before performing the test; see the class
* description for more details. If this is not what you want, use {@link #hasParentRaw(Path)} instead.
* Checks that the tested path has the given parent. This assertion will fail both if the tested path has no parent,
* or has a different parent than what is expected.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* final Path actual = fs.getPath("/dir1/dir2/file");
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(actual).hasParent(fs.getPath("/dir1/dir2/."));
* // this one too as this path will be normalized to "/dir1/dir2":
* assertThat(actual).hasParent(fs.getPath("/dir1/dir3/../dir2/."));
* // the following assertion fails:
* assertThat(actual).hasParent(fs.getPath("/dir1"));
* @param expected the expected parent path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given parent path is null.
* @throws PathsException failed to canonicalize the tested path or the path given as an argument
* @see Path#getParent()
public S hasParent(final Path expected) {
paths.assertHasParent(info, actual, expected);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} has the expected parent path.
* This assertion will not perform any canonicalization of either the tested path or the path given as an argument;
* see class description for more details. If this is not what you want, use {@link #hasParent(Path)} instead.
* This assertion uses {@link Path#getParent()} with no modification, which means the only criterion for this
* assertion's success is the path's components (its root and its name elements).
* This may lead to surprising results if the tested path and the path given as an argument are not normalized. For
* instance, if the tested path is {@code /home/foo/../bar} and the argument is {@code /home}, the assertion will
* fail since the parent of the tested path is not {@code /home} but... {@code /home/foo/..}.
* While this may seem counterintuitive, it has to be recalled here that it is not required for a {@link FileSystem}
* to consider that {@code .} and {@code ..} are name elements for respectively the current directory and the parent
* directory respectively. In fact, it is not even required that a {@link FileSystem} be hierarchical at all.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* final Path actual = fs.getPath("/dir1/dir2/file");
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(actual).hasParentRaw(fs.getPath("/dir1/dir2"));
* // the following assertions fails:
* assertThat(actual).hasParent(fs.getPath("/dir1"));
* // ... and this one too as expected path is not canonicalized.
* assertThat(actual).hasParentRaw(fs.getPath("/dir1/dir3/../dir2"));
* @param expected the expected parent path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given parent path is null.
* @see Path#getParent()
public S hasParentRaw(final Path expected) {
paths.assertHasParentRaw(info, actual, expected);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} has no parent.
* This assertion will first canonicalize the tested path before performing the test; if this is not what you want, use {@link #hasNoParentRaw()} instead.
* Check that the tested path, after canonicalization, has no parent. See the class description for more information
* about canonicalization.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/")).hasNoParent();
* // this one too as path will be normalized to "/"
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr/..")).hasNoParent();
* // the following assertions fail:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr/lib")).hasNoParent();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr")).hasNoParent();
* @return self
* @throws PathsException failed to canonicalize the tested path
* @see Path#getParent()
public S hasNoParent() {
paths.assertHasNoParent(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} has no parent.
* This assertion will not canonicalize the tested path before performing the test;
* if this is not what you want, use {@link #hasNoParent()} instead.
* As canonicalization is not performed, this means the only criterion for this assertion's success is the path's
* components (its root and its name elements).
* This may lead to surprising results. For instance, path {@code /usr/..} does have a parent, and this
* parent is {@code /usr}.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // the following assertions succeed:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/")).hasNoParentRaw();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("foo")).hasNoParentRaw();
* // the following assertions fail:
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr/lib")).hasNoParentRaw();
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr")).hasNoParentRaw();
* // this one fails as canonicalization is not performed, leading to parent being /usr
* assertThat(fs.getPath("/usr/..")).hasNoParent();
* @return self
* @see Path#getParent()
public S hasNoParentRaw() {
paths.assertHasNoParentRaw(info, actual);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} starts with the given path.
* This assertion will perform canonicalization of both the tested path and the path given as an argument;
* see class description for more details. If this is not what you want, use {@link #startsWithRaw(Path)} instead.
* Checks that the given {@link Path} starts with another path. Note that the name components matter, not the string
* representation; this means that, for example, {@code /home/foobar/baz} does not start with
* {@code /home/foo}.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* final Path tested = fs.getPath("/home/joe/myfile");
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(tested).startsWith(fs.getPath("/home"));
* assertThat(tested).startsWith(fs.getPath("/home/"));
* assertThat(tested).startsWith(fs.getPath("/home/."));
* // assertion succeeds because this path will be canonicalized to "/home/joe"
* assertThat(tested).startsWith(fs.getPath("/home/jane/../joe/."));
* // the following assertion fails:
* assertThat(tested).startsWith(fs.getPath("/home/harry"));
* @param other the other path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given path is null.
* @throws PathsException failed to canonicalize the tested path or the path given as an argument
* @see Path#startsWith(Path)
* @see Path#toRealPath(LinkOption...)
public S startsWith(final Path other) {
paths.assertStartsWith(info, actual, other);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} starts with the given path.
* This assertions does not perform canonicalization on either the
* tested path or the path given as an argument; see class description for
* more details. If this is not what you want, use {@link #startsWith(Path)}
* instead.
* Checks that the given {@link Path} starts with another path, without performing canonicalization on its arguments.
* This means that the only criterion to determine whether a path starts with another is the tested path's, and the
* argument's, name elements.
* This may lead to some surprising results: for instance, path {@code /../home/foo} does not start with
* {@code /home} since the first name element of the former ({@code ..}) is different from the first name element of
* the latter ({@code home}).
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* final Path tested = fs.getPath("/home/joe/myfile");
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(tested).startsWithRaw(fs.getPath("/home/joe"));
* // the following assertion fails:
* assertThat(tested).startsWithRaw(fs.getPath("/home/harry"));
* // .... and this one too as given path is not canonicalized
* assertThat(tested).startsWithRaw(fs.getPath("/home/joe/.."));
* @param other the other path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given path is null.
* @see Path#startsWith(Path)
public S startsWithRaw(final Path other) {
paths.assertStartsWithRaw(info, actual, other);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} ends with the given path.
* This assertion will attempt to canonicalize the tested path and normalize the path given as an argument before
* performing the actual test.
* Note that the criterion to determine success is determined by the path's name elements; therefore,
* {@code /home/foobar/baz} does not end with {@code bar/baz}.
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem.
* // the current directory is supposed to be /home.
* final Path tested = fs.getPath("/home/joe/myfile");
* // as tested will be canonicalized, it could have been written: /home/jane/../joe/myfile
* // the following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(tested).endsWith(fs.getPath("joe/myfile"));
* // the following assertions fail:
* assertThat(tested).endsWith(fs.getPath("joe/otherfile"));
* // this path will be normalized to joe/otherfile
* assertThat(tested).endsWith(fs.getPath("joe/myfile/../otherfile"));
* @param other the other path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given path is null.
* @throws PathsException failed to canonicalize the tested path (see class
* description)
* @see Path#endsWith(Path)
* @see Path#toRealPath(LinkOption...)
public S endsWith(final Path other) {
paths.assertEndsWith(info, actual, other);
return myself;
* Assert that the tested {@link Path} ends with the given path.
* This assertion will not perform any canonicalization (on the
* tested path) or normalization (on the path given as an argument); see the
* class description for more details. If this is not what you want, use
* {@link #endsWith(Path)} instead.
* This may lead to some surprising results; for instance, path {@code /home/foo} does not end with
* {@code foo/.} since the last name element of the former ({@code foo}) is different from the last name element of
* the latter ({@code .}).
* Examples:
* // fs is a Unix filesystem
* // the current directory is supposed to be /home.
* final Path tested = fs.getPath("/home/joe/myfile");
* // The following assertion succeeds:
* assertThat(tested).endsWithRaw(fs.getPath("joe/myfile"));
* // But the following assertion fails:
* assertThat(tested).endsWithRaw(fs.getPath("harry/myfile"));
* // and this one too as the given path is not normalized
* assertThat(tested).endsWithRaw(fs.getPath("harry/../joe/myfile"));
* @param other the other path
* @return self
* @throws NullPointerException if the given path is null.
* @see Path#endsWith(Path)
public S endsWithRaw(final Path other) {
paths.assertEndsWithRaw(info, actual, other);
return myself;