com.fizzgate.stats.ratelimit.ResourceRateLimitConfigService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021 the original author or authors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package com.fizzgate.stats.ratelimit;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.fizzgate.config.AggregateRedisConfig;
import com.fizzgate.util.Consts;
import com.fizzgate.util.JacksonUtils;
import com.fizzgate.util.ReactorUtils;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* @author hongqiaowei
public class ResourceRateLimitConfigService {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceRateLimitConfigService.class);
private static final String fizzRateLimit = "fizz_rate_limit";
private static final String fizzRateLimitChannel = "fizz_rate_limit_channel";
private Map resourceRateLimitConfigMap = new HashMap<>(32);
private Map oldResourceRateLimitConfigMap = new HashMap<>(32);
@Resource(name = AggregateRedisConfig.AGGREGATE_REACTIVE_REDIS_TEMPLATE)
private ReactiveStringRedisTemplate rt;
public void init() throws Throwable {
public void refreshLocalCache() throws Throwable {
private void init(Supplier> doAfterLoadCache) throws Throwable {
Map resourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp = new HashMap<>(32);
Map oldResourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp = new HashMap<>(32);
final Throwable[] throwable = new Throwable[1];
Throwable error = Mono.just(Objects.requireNonNull(rt.opsForHash().entries(fizzRateLimit)
.defaultIfEmpty(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(ReactorUtils.OBJ, ReactorUtils.OBJ)).onErrorStop().doOnError(t -> {, t);
.concatMap(e -> {
Object k = e.getKey();
if (k == ReactorUtils.OBJ) {
return Flux.just(e);
String json = (String) e.getValue();
//"rateLimitConfig: " + json, LogService.BIZ_ID, k.toString());
ThreadContext.put(Consts.TRACE_ID, k.toString());"rateLimitConfig: " + json);
try {
ResourceRateLimitConfig rrlc = JacksonUtils.readValue(json, ResourceRateLimitConfig.class);
oldResourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp.put(, rrlc);
updateResourceRateLimitConfigMap(rrlc, resourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp);
return Flux.just(e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throwable[0] = t;, t);
return Flux.error(t);
e -> {
if (throwable[0] != null) {
return Mono.error(throwable[0]);
if (doAfterLoadCache != null) {
return doAfterLoadCache.get();
} else {
return Mono.just(ReactorUtils.EMPTY_THROWABLE);
if (error != ReactorUtils.EMPTY_THROWABLE) {
throw error;
resourceRateLimitConfigMap = resourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp;
oldResourceRateLimitConfigMap = oldResourceRateLimitConfigMapTmp;
private Mono lsnResourceRateLimitConfigChange() {
final Throwable[] throwable = new Throwable[1];
final boolean[] b = {false};
rt.listenToChannel(fizzRateLimitChannel).doOnError(t -> {
throwable[0] = t;
b[0] = false;
log.error("lsn " + fizzRateLimitChannel, t);
s -> {
b[0] = true;"success to lsn on " + fizzRateLimitChannel);
).doOnNext(msg -> {
String json = msg.getMessage();
//"channel recv rate limit config: " + json, LogService.BIZ_ID, "rrlc" + System.currentTimeMillis());
ThreadContext.put(Consts.TRACE_ID, "rrlc" + System.currentTimeMillis());"channel recv rate limit config: " + json);
try {
ResourceRateLimitConfig rrlc = JacksonUtils.readValue(json, ResourceRateLimitConfig.class);
ResourceRateLimitConfig r = oldResourceRateLimitConfigMap.remove(;
if (!rrlc.isDeleted && r != null) {
updateResourceRateLimitConfigMap(rrlc, resourceRateLimitConfigMap);
if (!rrlc.isDeleted) {
oldResourceRateLimitConfigMap.put(, rrlc);
} catch (Throwable t) {, t);
Throwable t = throwable[0];
while (!b[0]) {
if (t != null) {
return Mono.error(t);
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return Mono.error(e);
return Mono.just(ReactorUtils.EMPTY_THROWABLE);
private void updateResourceRateLimitConfigMap(ResourceRateLimitConfig rrlc,
Map resourceRateLimitConfigMap) {
if (rrlc.isDeleted) {
ResourceRateLimitConfig removedRrlc = resourceRateLimitConfigMap.remove(rrlc.getResourceId());"remove " + removedRrlc);
} else {
ResourceRateLimitConfig existRrlc = resourceRateLimitConfigMap.get(rrlc.getResourceId());
resourceRateLimitConfigMap.put(rrlc.getResourceId(), rrlc);
if (existRrlc == null) {"add " + rrlc);
} else {"update " + existRrlc + " with " + rrlc);
public void setReactiveStringRedisTemplate(ReactiveStringRedisTemplate rt) {
this.rt = rt;
public ResourceRateLimitConfig getResourceRateLimitConfig(String resource) {
return resourceRateLimitConfigMap.get(resource);
public Map getResourceRateLimitConfigMap() {
return resourceRateLimitConfigMap;
// _global, service, app, app+service, ip, ip+service
// public void getParentsTo(String resource, List parentList) {
// String app = null, ip = null, node = null, service = null, path = null;
// ResourceRateLimitConfig c = resourceRateLimitConfigMap.get(resource);
// if (c == null) {
// node = ResourceRateLimitConfig.getNode(resource);
// if (node != null && node.equals(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE)) {
// } else {
// service = ResourceRateLimitConfig.getService(resource);
// app = ResourceRateLimitConfig.getApp(resource);
// ip = ResourceRateLimitConfig.getIp(resource);
// if (service == null) { // or app ip
// parentList.add(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE_RESOURCE);
// } else {
// if (app == null && ip == null) {
// parentList.add(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE_RESOURCE);
// } else {
// String r = null;
// if (app == null) {
// r = ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceId(null, ip, null, null, null);
// } else {
// r = ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceId(app, null, null, null, null);
// }
// parentList.add(r);
// parentList.add( ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceId(null, null, null, service, null) );
// parentList.add(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE_RESOURCE);
// }
// }
// }
// return;
// } else {
// if (c.type == ResourceRateLimitConfig.Type.NODE) {
// return;
// }
// if (c.type == ResourceRateLimitConfig.Type.SERVICE) {
// parentList.add(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE_RESOURCE);
// return;
// }
// app =;
// ip = c.ip;
// service = c.service;
// path = c.path;
// }
// StringBuilder b = ThreadContext.getStringBuilder();
// if (app != null) {
// if (path != null) {
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, app, null, null, service, null);
// checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, app, null, null, null, null);
// // checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// to(parentList, b);
// } else if (service != null) {
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, app, null, null, null, null);
// checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// }
// }
// if (ip != null) {
// if (path != null) {
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, null, ip, null, service, null);
// // checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// to(parentList, b);
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, null, ip, null, null, null);
// // checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// to(parentList, b);
// } else if (service != null) {
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, null, ip, null, null, null);
// checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(b, parentList);
// }
// }
// if (path != null) {
// ResourceRateLimitConfig.buildResourceIdTo(b, null, null, null, service, null);
// to(parentList, b);
// }
// parentList.add(ResourceRateLimitConfig.NODE_RESOURCE);
// }
private void to(List parentList, StringBuilder b) {
b.delete(0, b.length());
private void checkRateLimitConfigAndAddTo(StringBuilder resourceStringBuilder, List resourceList) {
String r = resourceStringBuilder.toString();
ResourceRateLimitConfig c = resourceRateLimitConfigMap.get(r);
if (c != null) {
resourceStringBuilder.delete(0, resourceStringBuilder.length());
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