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package com.fleeksoft.ksoup.parser
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.UncheckedIOException
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.ported.BufferReader
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.ported.buildString
import okio.IOException
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
* CharacterReader consumes tokens off a string. Used internally by com.fleeksoft.ksoup. API subject to changes.
internal class CharacterReader {
private var charBuf: CharArray?
private var source: BufferReader?
private var bufLength = 0
private var bufSplitPoint = 0
private var bufPos = 0
private var byteDiff = 0
private var readerPos: Int = 0
private var bufMark = -1
private var close: Boolean = false
private var stringCache: Array? =
arrayOfNulls(stringCacheSize) // holds reused strings in this doc, to lessen garbage
// optionally track the pos() position of newlines - scans during bufferUp()
private var newlinePositions: ArrayList? = null
private var lineNumberOffset = 1 // line numbers start at 1; += newlinePosition[indexof(pos)]
constructor(input: String) : this(BufferReader(input), input.toByteArray().size)
constructor(input: BufferReader, sz: Int = maxBufferLen) {
source = input
charBuf = CharArray(min(sz, maxBufferLen))
fun isClosed() = close
fun close() {
close = true
try {
source = null
} catch (ignored: IOException) {
} finally {
charBuf = null
stringCache = null
// if the underlying stream has been completely read, no value in further buffering
private var readFully = false
private fun bufferUp() {
// println("pre => bufSize: ${charBuf?.size} bufLength: $bufLength, readerPos: $readerPos, bufPos: $bufPos, bufSplitPoint: $bufSplitPoint")
if (readFully || bufPos < bufSplitPoint) return
val (pos, offset) =
if (bufMark != -1) {
Pair(bufMark.toLong(), bufPos - bufMark)
} else {
Pair(bufPos.toLong(), 0)
if (pos > 0) {
// source!!.skip(pos + byteDiff)
// skip issue with mix of unicode characters
source!!.readCharArray(CharArray(pos.toInt()), 0, pos.toInt())
byteDiff = 0
val reader: BufferReader = source!!.peek()
var read: Int = 0
while (read <= minReadAheadLen) {
val toReadSize = charBuf!!.size - read
var readBytes = 0
val thisRead =
reader.readCharArray(charArray = charBuf!!, off = read, len = toReadSize) {
readBytes = it
if (thisRead > 0) {
byteDiff += (readBytes - thisRead)
if (thisRead == -1) readFully = true
if (thisRead <= 0) break
read += thisRead
if (read > 0) {
bufLength = read
readerPos += pos.toInt()
bufPos = offset
if (bufMark != -1) bufMark = 0
bufSplitPoint = minOf(bufLength, readAheadLimit)
// println("post => bufSize: ${charBuf?.size} bufLength: $bufLength, readerPos: $readerPos, bufPos: $bufPos, bufSplitPoint: $bufSplitPoint")
scanBufferForNewlines() // if enabled, we index newline positions for line number tracking
lastIcSeq = null // cache for last containsIgnoreCase(seq)
* Gets the position currently read to in the content. Starts at 0.
* @return current position
fun pos(): Int {
return readerPos + bufPos
/** Tests if the buffer has been fully read. */
fun readFully(): Boolean {
return readFully
* Enables or disables line number tracking. By default, will be **off**.Tracking line numbers improves the
* legibility of parser error messages, for example. Tracking should be enabled before any content is read to be of
* use.
* @param track set tracking on|off
fun trackNewlines(track: Boolean) {
if (track && newlinePositions == null) {
newlinePositions =
ArrayList(maxBufferLen / 80) // rough guess of likely count
scanBufferForNewlines() // first pass when enabled; subsequently called during bufferUp
} else if (!track) {
newlinePositions = null
fun isTrackNewlines(): Boolean = newlinePositions != null
* Get the current line number (that the reader has consumed to). Starts at line #1.
* @return the current line number, or 1 if line tracking is not enabled.
* @see .trackNewlines
fun lineNumber(): Int {
return lineNumber(pos())
fun lineNumber(pos: Int): Int {
// note that this impl needs to be called before the next buffer up or line numberoffset will be wrong. if that
// causes issues, can remove the reset of newlinepositions during buffer, at the cost of a larger tracking array
if (!isTrackNewlines()) return 1
val i = lineNumIndex(pos)
return if (i == -1) lineNumberOffset else i + lineNumberOffset + 1 // first line
* Get the current column number (that the reader has consumed to). Starts at column #1.
* @return the current column number
* @see .trackNewlines
fun columnNumber(): Int {
return columnNumber(pos())
fun columnNumber(pos: Int): Int {
if (!isTrackNewlines()) return pos + 1
val i = lineNumIndex(pos)
return if (i == -1) pos + 1 else pos - newlinePositions!![i] + 1
* Get a formatted string representing the current line and column positions. E.g. 5:10
indicating line
* number 5 and column number 10.
* @return line:col position
* @see .trackNewlines
fun posLineCol(): String {
return lineNumber().toString() + ":" + columnNumber()
private fun lineNumIndex(pos: Int): Int {
if (!isTrackNewlines()) return 0
var i: Int = newlinePositions!!.binarySearch(pos)
if (i < -1) i = abs(i) - 2
return i
* Scans the buffer for newline position, and tracks their location in newlinePositions.
private fun scanBufferForNewlines() {
if (!isTrackNewlines()) return
if (newlinePositions!!.size > 0) {
// work out the line number that we have read up to (as we have likely scanned past this point)
var index = lineNumIndex(readerPos)
if (index == -1) index = 0 // first line
val linePos: Int = newlinePositions!![index]
lineNumberOffset += index // the num lines we've read up to
newlinePositions!!.add(linePos) // roll the last read pos to first, for cursor num after buffer
for (i in bufPos until bufLength) {
if (charBuf!![i] == '\n') newlinePositions!!.add(1 + readerPos + i)
fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
return bufPos >= bufLength
private fun isEmptyNoBufferUp(): Boolean = bufPos >= bufLength
* Get the char at the current position.
* @return char
fun current(): Char {
return if (isEmptyNoBufferUp()) EOF else charBuf!![bufPos]
fun consume(): Char {
val value = if (isEmptyNoBufferUp()) EOF else charBuf!![bufPos]
return value
* Unconsume one character (bufPos--). MUST only be called directly after a consume(), and no chance of a bufferUp.
fun unconsume() {
if (bufPos < 1) {
throw UncheckedIOException(
IOException("WTF: No buffer left to unconsume."),
) // a bug if this fires, need to trace it.
* Moves the current position by one.
fun advance() {
fun mark() {
// make sure there is enough look ahead capacity
if (bufLength - bufPos < minReadAheadLen) bufSplitPoint = 0
bufMark = bufPos
fun unmark() {
bufMark = -1
fun rewindToMark() {
if (bufMark == -1) throw UncheckedIOException(IOException("Mark invalid"))
bufPos = bufMark
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input char
* @param c scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
fun nextIndexOf(c: Char): Int {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
for (i in bufPos until bufLength) {
if (c == charBuf!![i]) return i - bufPos
return -1
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input sequence
* @param seq scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
fun nextIndexOf(seq: CharSequence): Int {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
val startChar = seq[0]
var offset = bufPos
while (offset < bufLength) {
// scan to first instance of startChar:
if (startChar != charBuf!![offset]) {
while (++offset < bufLength && startChar != charBuf!![offset]) { // empty
var i = offset + 1
val last = i + seq.length - 1
if (offset < bufLength && last <= bufLength) {
var j = 1
while (i < last && seq[j] == charBuf!![i]) {
if (i == last) {
// found full sequence
return offset - bufPos
return -1
* Reads characters up to the specific char.
* @param c the delimiter
* @return the chars read
fun consumeTo(c: Char): String {
val offset = nextIndexOf(c)
return if (offset != -1) {
val consumed =
bufPos += offset
} else {
fun consumeTo(seq: String): String {
val offset = nextIndexOf(seq)
return if (offset != -1) {
val consumed =
bufPos += offset
} else if (bufLength - bufPos < seq.length) {
// nextIndexOf() did a bufferUp(), so if the buffer is shorter than the search string, we must be at EOF
} else {
// the string we're looking for may be straddling a buffer boundary, so keep (length - 1) characters
// unread in case they contain the beginning of the search string
val endPos = bufLength - seq.length + 1
val consumed =
endPos - bufPos,
bufPos = endPos
* Read characters until the first of any delimiters is found.
* @param chars delimiters to scan for
* @return characters read up to the matched delimiter.
fun consumeToAny(vararg chars: Char): String {
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf
val charLen = chars.size
var i: Int
OUTER@ while (pos < remaining) {
i = 0
while (i < charLen) {
if (value!![pos] == chars[i]) break@OUTER
bufPos = pos
return if (pos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeToAnySorted(vararg chars: Char): String {
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf ?: return ""
while (pos < remaining) {
if (chars.contains(value[pos])) break
bufPos = pos
return if (bufPos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeData(): String {
// &, <, null
// bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf
OUTER@ while (pos < remaining) {
when (value!![pos]) {
'&', '<', TokeniserState.nullChar -> break@OUTER
else -> pos++
bufPos = pos
return if (pos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeAttributeQuoted(single: Boolean): String {
// null, " or ', &
// bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf
OUTER@ while (pos < remaining) {
when (value!![pos]) {
'&', TokeniserState.nullChar -> break@OUTER
'\'' -> if (single) break@OUTER
'"' -> if (!single) break@OUTER
bufPos = pos
return if (pos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeRawData(): String {
// <, null
// bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf
OUTER@ while (pos < remaining) {
when (value!![pos]) {
'<', TokeniserState.nullChar -> break@OUTER
else -> pos++
bufPos = pos
return if (pos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeTagName(): String {
// '\t', '\n', '\r', '\u000c', ' ', '/', '>'
// NOTE: out of spec, added '<' to fix common author bugs; does not stop and append on nullChar but eats
var pos = bufPos
val start = pos
val remaining = bufLength
val value = charBuf ?: return ""
OUTER@ while (pos < remaining) {
when (value[pos]) {
'\t', '\n', '\r', '\u000c', ' ', '/', '>', '<' -> break@OUTER // for form feed '\u000c' to '\u000c'
bufPos = pos
return if (pos > start) cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos - start) else ""
fun consumeToEnd(): String {
val data = cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, bufPos, bufLength - bufPos)
bufPos = bufLength
return data
fun consumeLetterSequence(): String {
val start = bufPos
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
if (c in 'A'..'Z' || c in 'a'..'z' || c.isLetter()) bufPos++ else break
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start)
fun consumeLetterThenDigitSequence(): String {
val start = bufPos
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
if (c in 'A'..'Z' || c in 'a'..'z' || c.isLetter()) bufPos++ else break
while (!isEmptyNoBufferUp()) {
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
if (c in '0'..'9') bufPos++ else break
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start)
fun consumeHexSequence(): String {
val start = bufPos
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
if (c in '0'..'9' || c in 'A'..'F' || c in 'a'..'f') bufPos++ else break
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start)
fun consumeDigitSequence(): String {
val start = bufPos
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
if (c in '0'..'9') bufPos++ else break
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start)
fun matches(c: Char): Boolean {
return !isEmpty() && charBuf!![bufPos] == c
fun matches(seq: String): Boolean {
val scanLength = seq.length
if (scanLength > bufLength - bufPos) return false
for (offset in 0 until scanLength) if (seq[offset] != charBuf!![bufPos + offset]) return false
return true
fun matchesIgnoreCase(seq: String): Boolean {
val scanLength = seq.length
if (scanLength > bufLength - bufPos) return false
for (offset in 0 until scanLength) {
val upScan = seq[offset].uppercaseChar()
val upTarget = charBuf!![bufPos + offset].uppercaseChar()
if (upScan != upTarget) return false
return true
fun matchesAny(vararg seq: Char): Boolean {
if (isEmpty()) return false
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
for (seek in seq) {
if (seek == c) return true
return false
fun matchesAnySorted(seq: CharArray): Boolean {
return !isEmpty() && seq.contains(charBuf!![bufPos])
fun matchesLetter(): Boolean {
if (isEmpty()) return false
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
return c in 'A'..'Z' || c in 'a'..'z' || c.isLetter()
* Checks if the current pos matches an ascii alpha (A-Z a-z) per
* @return if it matches or not
fun matchesAsciiAlpha(): Boolean {
if (isEmpty()) return false
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
return c in 'A'..'Z' || c in 'a'..'z'
fun matchesDigit(): Boolean {
if (isEmpty()) return false
val c = charBuf!![bufPos]
return c in '0'..'9'
fun matchConsume(seq: String): Boolean {
return if (matches(seq)) {
bufPos += seq.length
} else {
fun matchConsumeIgnoreCase(seq: String): Boolean {
return if (matchesIgnoreCase(seq)) {
bufPos += seq.length
} else {
// we maintain a cache of the previously scanned sequence, and return that if applicable on repeated scans.
// that improves the situation where there is a sequence of and we're bashing on the
. Resets in bufferUp()
private var lastIcSeq: String? = null // scan cache
private var lastIcIndex = 0 // nearest found indexOf
/** Used to check presence of , when we're in RCData and see a */
fun containsIgnoreCase(seq: String): Boolean {
if (seq == lastIcSeq) {
if (lastIcIndex == -1) return false
if (lastIcIndex >= bufPos) return true
lastIcSeq = seq
val loScan = seq.lowercase()
val lo = nextIndexOf(loScan)
if (lo > -1) {
lastIcIndex = bufPos + lo
return true
val hiScan = seq.uppercase()
val hi = nextIndexOf(hiScan)
val found = hi > -1
lastIcIndex =
if (found) bufPos + hi else -1 // we don't care about finding the nearest, just that buf contains
return found
override fun toString(): String {
return if (bufLength - bufPos < 0) {
} else {
bufLength - bufPos,
// just used for testing
fun rangeEquals(
start: Int,
count: Int,
cached: String,
): Boolean {
return rangeEquals(charBuf, start, count, cached)
companion object {
const val EOF: Char = (-1).toChar()
private const val maxStringCacheLen = 12
const val maxBufferLen = 1024 * 32 // visible for testing
const val readAheadLimit = (maxBufferLen * 0.75).toInt() // visible for testing
// the minimum mark length supported. No HTML entities can be larger than this.
private const val minReadAheadLen = 1024
private const val stringCacheSize = 512
* Caches short strings, as a flyweight pattern, to reduce GC load. Just for this doc, to prevent leaks.
* Simplistic, and on hash collisions just falls back to creating a new string, vs a full HashMap with Entry list.
* That saves both having to create objects as hash keys, and running through the entry list, at the expense of
* some more duplicates.
private fun cacheString(
charBuf: CharArray?,
stringCache: Array?,
start: Int,
count: Int,
): String {
// limit (no cache):
if (count > maxStringCacheLen) return String.buildString(charBuf!!, start, count)
if (count < 1) return ""
// calculate hash:
var hash = 0
for (i in 0 until count) {
hash = 31 * hash + charBuf!![start + i].code
// get from cache
val index = hash and stringCacheSize - 1
var cached = stringCache!![index]
if (cached != null && rangeEquals(charBuf, start, count, cached)) {
// positive hit
return cached
} else {
cached = String.buildString(charBuf!!, start, count)
stringCache[index] =
cached // add or replace, assuming most recently used are most likely to recur next
return cached
* Check if the value of the provided range equals the string.
fun rangeEquals(
charBuf: CharArray?,
start: Int,
count: Int,
cached: String,
): Boolean {
var loopCount = count
if (loopCount == cached.length) {
var i = start
var j = 0
while (loopCount-- != 0) {
if (charBuf!![i++] != cached[j++]) return false
return true
return false