Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.fleeksoft.ksoup.parser
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.helper.Validate
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.internal.Normalizer
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.internal.StringUtil
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.nodes.*
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.parser.HtmlTreeBuilderState.Constants.InTableFoster
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.parser.HtmlTreeBuilderState.ForeignContent
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.parser.Parser.Companion.NamespaceHtml
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.ported.BufferReader
import com.fleeksoft.ksoup.ported.assert
import kotlin.jvm.JvmOverloads
* HTML Tree Builder; creates a DOM from Tokens.
internal open class HtmlTreeBuilder : TreeBuilder() {
private var state: HtmlTreeBuilderState? = null // the current state
private var originalState: HtmlTreeBuilderState? = null // original / marked state
private var baseUriSetFromDoc = false
private var headElement: Element? = null // the current head element
private var formElement: FormElement? = null // the current form element
private var contextElement: Element? =
null // fragment parse context -- could be null even if fragment parsing
private var formattingElements: ArrayList? =
null // active (open) formatting elements
private var tmplInsertMode: ArrayList? =
null // stack of Template Insertion modes
private var pendingTableCharacters: MutableList? =
null // chars in table to be shifted out
private var emptyEnd: Token.EndTag? = null // reused empty end tag
private var framesetOk = false // if ok to go into frameset
var isFosterInserts = false // if next inserts should be fostered
var isFragmentParsing = false // if parsing a fragment of html
private set
override fun defaultSettings(): ParseSettings? {
return ParseSettings.htmlDefault
override fun newInstance(): HtmlTreeBuilder {
return HtmlTreeBuilder()
override fun initialiseParse(
input: BufferReader,
baseUri: String,
parser: Parser,
) {
super.initialiseParse(input, baseUri, parser)
// this is a bit mucky. todo - probably just create new parser objects to ensure all reset.
state = HtmlTreeBuilderState.Initial
originalState = null
baseUriSetFromDoc = false
headElement = null
formElement = null
contextElement = null
formattingElements = ArrayList()
tmplInsertMode = ArrayList()
pendingTableCharacters = ArrayList()
emptyEnd = Token.EndTag(this)
framesetOk = true
isFosterInserts = false
isFragmentParsing = false
override fun parseFragment(
inputFragment: String,
context: Element?,
baseUri: String?,
parser: Parser,
): List {
// context may be null
state = HtmlTreeBuilderState.Initial
initialiseParse(BufferReader(inputFragment), baseUri ?: "", parser)
contextElement = context
isFragmentParsing = true
var root: Element? = null
if (context != null) {
if (context.ownerDocument() != null) {
// quirks setup:
// initialise the tokeniser state:
val contextTag: String = context.normalName()
when (contextTag) {
"title", "textarea" -> tokeniser!!.transition(TokeniserState.Rcdata)
"iframe", "noembed", "noframes", "style", "xmp" ->
"script" -> tokeniser!!.transition(TokeniserState.ScriptData)
"plaintext" -> tokeniser!!.transition(TokeniserState.PLAINTEXT)
"template" -> {
else -> tokeniser!!.transition(TokeniserState.Data)
root = Element(tagFor(contextTag, settings), baseUri)
// setup form element to nearest form on context (up ancestor chain). ensures form controls are associated
// with form correctly
var formSearch: Element? = context
while (formSearch != null) {
if (formSearch is FormElement) {
formElement = formSearch
formSearch = formSearch.parent()
return if (context != null) {
// depending on context and the input html, content may have been added outside of the root el
// e.g. context=p, input=div, the div will have been pushed out.
val nodes: List = root!!.siblingNodes()
if (nodes.isNotEmpty()) root.insertChildren(-1, nodes)
} else {
public override fun process(token: Token): Boolean {
val dispatch = if (useCurrentOrForeignInsert(token)) this.state else ForeignContent
return dispatch!!.process(token, this)
fun useCurrentOrForeignInsert(token: Token): Boolean {
// If the stack of open elements is empty
if (stack.isEmpty()) return true
val el: Element = currentElement()
val ns: String = el.tag().namespace()
// If the adjusted current node is an element in the HTML namespace
if (NamespaceHtml == ns) return true
// If the adjusted current node is a MathML text integration point and the token is a start tag whose tag name is neither "mglyph" nor "malignmark"
// If the adjusted current node is a MathML text integration point and the token is a character token
if (isMathmlTextIntegration(el)) {
if (token.isStartTag() &&
"mglyph" != token.asStartTag().normalName &&
"malignmark" != token.asStartTag().normalName
) {
return true
if (token.isCharacter()) return true
// If the adjusted current node is a MathML annotation-xml element and the token is a start tag whose tag name is "svg"
if (Parser.NamespaceMathml == ns &&
el.nameIs("annotation-xml") &&
token.isStartTag() && "svg" == token.asStartTag().normalName
) {
return true
// If the adjusted current node is an HTML integration point and the token is a start tag
// If the adjusted current node is an HTML integration point and the token is a character token
return if (isHtmlIntegration(el) &&
(token.isStartTag() || token.isCharacter())
) {
} else {
// If the token is an end-of-file token
fun process(
token: Token,
state: HtmlTreeBuilderState,
): Boolean {
return state.process(token, this)
fun transition(state: HtmlTreeBuilderState?) {
this.state = state
fun state(): HtmlTreeBuilderState? {
return state
fun markInsertionMode() {
originalState = state
fun originalState(): HtmlTreeBuilderState? {
return originalState
fun framesetOk(framesetOk: Boolean) {
this.framesetOk = framesetOk
fun framesetOk(): Boolean {
return framesetOk
val document: Document
get() = doc
fun maybeSetBaseUri(base: Element) {
if (baseUriSetFromDoc) {
// only listen to the first in parse
val href: String = base.absUrl("href")
if (href.isNotEmpty()) { // ignore etc
baseUri = href
baseUriSetFromDoc = true
doc.setBaseUri(href) // set on the doc so doc.createElement(Tag) will get updated base, and to update all descendants
fun error(state: HtmlTreeBuilderState?) {
if (parser.getErrors().canAddError()) {
"Unexpected ${currentToken!!.tokenType()} token [$currentToken] when in state [$state]",
fun createElementFor(
startTag: Token.StartTag,
namespace: String,
forcePreserveCase: Boolean,
): Element {
// dedupe and normalize the attributes:
var attributes = startTag.attributes
if (!forcePreserveCase) attributes = settings!!.normalizeAttributes(attributes)
if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) {
val dupes = attributes.deduplicate(settings!!)
if (dupes > 0) {
error("Dropped duplicate attribute(s) in tag [${startTag.normalName}]")
val tag =
if (forcePreserveCase) ParseSettings.preserveCase else settings,
return if ((tag.normalName() == "form")) {
FormElement(tag, null, attributes)
} else {
/** Inserts an HTML element for the given tag) */
fun insertElementFor(startTag: Token.StartTag): Element {
val el = createElementFor(startTag, NamespaceHtml, false)
doInsertElement(el, startTag)
// handle self-closing tags. when the spec expects an empty tag, will directly hit insertEmpty, so won't generate this fake end tag.
if (startTag.isSelfClosing) {
val tag = el.tag()
if (tag.isKnownTag()) {
if (!tag.isEmpty) tokeniser!!.error("Tag [${tag.normalName()}] cannot be self closing; not a void tag")
// else: ok
} else { // unknown tag: remember this is self-closing, for output
// effectively a pop, but fiddles with the state. handles empty style, title etc which would otherwise leave us in data state
tokeniser!!.transition(TokeniserState.Data) // handles , otherwise needs breakout steps from script data
) // ensure we get out of whatever state we are in. emitted for yielded processing
return el
* Inserts a foreign element. Preserves the case of the tag name and of the attributes.
fun insertForeignElementFor(
startTag: Token.StartTag,
namespace: String,
): Element {
val el = createElementFor(startTag, namespace, true)
doInsertElement(el, startTag)
if (startTag.isSelfClosing) {
el.tag().setSelfClosing() // remember this is self-closing for output
return el
fun insertEmptyElementFor(startTag: Token.StartTag): Element {
val el = createElementFor(startTag, NamespaceHtml, false)
doInsertElement(el, startTag)
return el
fun insertFormElement(
startTag: Token.StartTag,
onStack: Boolean,
checkTemplateStack: Boolean,
): FormElement {
val el = createElementFor(startTag, NamespaceHtml, false) as FormElement
if (checkTemplateStack) {
if (!onStack("template")) setFormElement(el)
} else {
doInsertElement(el, startTag)
if (!onStack) pop()
return el
/** Inserts the Element onto the stack. All element inserts must run through this method. Performs any general
* tests on the Element before insertion.
* @param el the Element to insert and make the current element
* @param token the token this element was parsed from. If null, uses a zero-width current token as intrinsic insert
private fun doInsertElement(
el: Element,
token: Token?,
) {
if (el.tag().isFormListed && formElement != null) {
formElement!!.addElement(el) // connect form controls to their form element
// in HTML, the xmlns attribute if set must match what the parser set the tag's namespace to
if (el.hasAttr("xmlns") &&
el.attr("xmlns") != el.tag().namespace()
) {
error("Invalid xmlns attribute [${el.attr("xmlns")}] on tag [${el.tagName()}]")
if (isFosterInserts &&
) {
} else {
fun insertCommentNode(token: Token.Comment) {
val node = Comment(token.getData())
/** Inserts the provided character token into the current element. */
fun insertCharacterNode(characterToken: Token.Character) {
// will be doc if no current element; allows for whitespace to be inserted into the doc root object (not on the stack)
val el = currentElement()
insertCharacterToElement(characterToken, el)
/** Inserts the provided character token into the provided element. */
fun insertCharacterToElement(
characterToken: Token.Character,
el: Element,
) {
val node: Node
val tagName = el.normalName()
val data: String =!!
node =
if (characterToken.isCData()) {
} else if (isContentForTagData(tagName)) {
} else {
el.appendChild(node) // doesn't use insertNode, because we don't foster these; and will always have a stack.
fun onStack(el: Element): Boolean {
return onStack(stack, el)
/** Checks if there is an HTML element with the given name on the stack. */
fun onStack(elName: String?): Boolean {
return getFromStack(elName) != null
/** Gets the nearest (lowest) HTML element with the given name from the stack. */
fun getFromStack(elName: String?): Element? {
val bottom: Int = stack.size - 1
val upper = if (bottom >= maxQueueDepth) bottom - maxQueueDepth else 0
for (pos in bottom downTo upper) {
val next: Element? = stack[pos]
if (next?.elementIs(elName, NamespaceHtml) == true) {
return next
return null
fun removeFromStack(el: Element): Boolean {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val next: Element = stack[pos]!!
if (next === el) {
return true
return false
/** Pops the stack until the given HTML element is removed. */
fun popStackToClose(elName: String): Element? {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val el: Element = pop()
if (el.elementIs(elName, NamespaceHtml)) {
return el
return null
/** Pops the stack until an element with the supplied name is removed, irrespective of namespace. */
fun popStackToCloseAnyNamespace(elName: String): Element? {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val el: Element = pop()
if (el.nameIs(elName)) {
return el
return null
/** Pops the stack until one of the given HTML elements is removed. */
fun popStackToClose(vararg elNames: String) { // elnames is sorted, comes from Constants
// elnames is sorted, comes from Constants
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val el: Element = pop()
if (StringUtil.inSorted(el.normalName(), elNames) && NamespaceHtml == el.tag().namespace()) {
fun clearStackToTableContext() {
clearStackToContext("table", "template")
fun clearStackToTableBodyContext() {
clearStackToContext("tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "template")
fun clearStackToTableRowContext() {
clearStackToContext("tr", "template")
/** Removes elements from the stack until one of the supplied HTML elements is removed. */
private fun clearStackToContext(vararg nodeNames: String) {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val next: Element? = stack[pos]
if (NamespaceHtml == next?.tag()?.namespace() &&
(StringUtil.isIn(next.normalName(), *nodeNames) || next.nameIs("html"))
) {
} else {
fun aboveOnStack(el: Element): Element? {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val next: Element? = stack[pos]
if (next === el) {
return stack[pos - 1]
return null
fun insertOnStackAfter(
after: Element,
inEl: Element,
) {
val i: Int = stack.lastIndexOf(after)
Validate.isTrue(i != -1)
stack.add(i + 1, inEl)
fun replaceOnStack(
out: Element,
`in`: Element,
) {
replaceInQueue(stack, out, `in`)
* Reset the insertion mode, by searching up the stack for an appropriate insertion mode. The stack search depth
* is limited to [.maxQueueDepth].
* @return true if the insertion mode was actually changed.
fun resetInsertionMode(): Boolean {
var last = false
val bottom: Int = stack.size - 1
val upper = if (bottom >= maxQueueDepth) bottom - maxQueueDepth else 0
val origState: HtmlTreeBuilderState? = state
if (stack.size == 0) { // nothing left of stack, just get to body
LOOP@ for (pos in bottom downTo upper) {
var node: Element? = stack[pos]
if (pos == upper) {
last = true
if (isFragmentParsing) node = contextElement
val name = node?.normalName() ?: ""
if (NamespaceHtml != node!!.tag().namespace()
) {
continue // only looking for HTML elements here
when (name) {
"select" -> {
// todo - should loop up (with some limit) and check for table or template hits
"td", "th" ->
if (!last) {
"tr" -> {
"tbody", "thead", "tfoot" -> {
"caption" -> {
"colgroup" -> {
"table" -> {
"template" -> {
val tmplState: HtmlTreeBuilderState? = currentTemplateMode()
Validate.notNull(tmplState, "Bug: no template insertion mode on stack!")
"head" ->
if (!last) {
"body" -> {
"frameset" -> {
"html" -> {
transition(if (headElement == null) HtmlTreeBuilderState.BeforeHead else HtmlTreeBuilderState.AfterHead)
if (last) {
return state != origState
/** Places the body back onto the stack and moves to InBody, for cases in AfterBody / AfterAfterBody when more content comes */
fun resetBody() {
if (!onStack("body")) {
stack.add(doc.body()) // not onNodeInserted, as already seen
// todo: tidy up in specific scope methods
private val specificScopeTarget = arrayOf("")
private fun inSpecificScope(
targetName: String,
baseTypes: Array,
extraTypes: Array?,
): Boolean {
specificScopeTarget[0] = targetName
return inSpecificScope(specificScopeTarget, baseTypes, extraTypes)
private fun inSpecificScope(
targetNames: Array,
baseTypes: Array,
extraTypes: Array?,
): Boolean {
val bottom: Int = stack.size - 1
val top = if (bottom > MaxScopeSearchDepth) bottom - MaxScopeSearchDepth else 0
// don't walk too far up the tree
for (pos in bottom downTo top) {
val el: Element? = stack[pos]
if (el?.tag()?.namespace() != NamespaceHtml) continue
val elName: String = el.normalName()
if (StringUtil.inSorted(elName, targetNames)) return true
if (StringUtil.inSorted(elName, baseTypes)) return false
if (extraTypes != null && StringUtil.inSorted(elName, extraTypes)) return false
//"Should not be reachable"); // would end up false because hitting 'html' at root (basetypes)
return false
fun inScope(targetNames: Array): Boolean {
return inSpecificScope(targetNames, TagsSearchInScope, null)
fun inScope(
targetName: String,
extras: Array? = null,
): Boolean {
return inSpecificScope(
targetName = targetName,
baseTypes = TagsSearchInScope,
extraTypes = extras,
// todo: in mathml namespace: mi, mo, mn, ms, mtext annotation-xml
// todo: in svg namespace: forignOjbect, desc, title
fun inListItemScope(targetName: String): Boolean {
return inScope(targetName, TagSearchList)
fun inButtonScope(targetName: String): Boolean {
return inScope(targetName, TagSearchButton)
fun inTableScope(targetName: String): Boolean {
return inSpecificScope(targetName, TagSearchTableScope, null)
fun inSelectScope(targetName: String): Boolean {
for (pos in stack.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val el: Element = stack[pos] ?: continue
val elName: String = el.normalName()
if (elName == targetName) return true
if (!StringUtil.inSorted(elName, TagSearchSelectScope)) {
// all elements except
return false
}"Should not be reachable")
return false
/** Tests if there is some element on the stack that is not in the provided set. */
fun onStackNot(allowedTags: Array): Boolean {
val bottom: Int = stack.size - 1
val top = if (bottom > MaxScopeSearchDepth) bottom - MaxScopeSearchDepth else 0
// don't walk too far up the tree
for (pos in bottom downTo top) {
val elName: String = stack[pos]?.normalName() ?: continue
if (!StringUtil.inSorted(elName, allowedTags)) return true
return false
fun setHeadElement(headElement: Element?) {
this.headElement = headElement
fun getHeadElement(): Element? {
return headElement
fun getFormElement(): FormElement? {
return formElement
fun setFormElement(formElement: FormElement?) {
this.formElement = formElement
fun resetPendingTableCharacters() {
fun getPendingTableCharacters(): List? {
return pendingTableCharacters
fun addPendingTableCharacters(c: Token.Character) {
// make a clone of the token to maintain its state (as Tokens are otherwise reset)
val clone: Token.Character = c.clone()
* Closing elements that have implied end tags
* When the steps below require the UA to generate implied end tags, then, while the current node is a dd element, a dt element, an li element, an optgroup element, an option element, a p element, an rb element, an rp element, an rt element, or an rtc element, the UA must pop the current node off the stack of open elements.
* If a step requires the UA to generate implied end tags but lists an element to exclude from the process, then the UA must perform the above steps as if that element was not in the above list.
* When the steps below require the UA to generate all implied end tags thoroughly, then, while the current node is a caption element, a colgroup element, a dd element, a dt element, an li element, an optgroup element, an option element, a p element, an rb element, an rp element, an rt element, an rtc element, a tbody element, a td element, a tfoot element, a th element, a thead element, or a tr element, the UA must pop the current node off the stack of open elements.
* @param excludeTag If a step requires the UA to generate implied end tags but lists an element to exclude from the
* process, then the UA must perform the above steps as if that element was not in the above list.
fun generateImpliedEndTags(excludeTag: String?) {
while (StringUtil.inSorted(currentElement().normalName(), TagSearchEndTags)) {
if (excludeTag != null && currentElementIs(excludeTag)) break
* Pops HTML elements off the stack according to the implied end tag rules
* @param thorough if we are thorough (includes table elements etc) or not
fun generateImpliedEndTags(thorough: Boolean = false) {
val search = if (thorough) TagThoroughSearchEndTags else TagSearchEndTags
while (NamespaceHtml == currentElement().tag().namespace() &&
StringUtil.inSorted(currentElement().normalName(), search)
) {
fun closeElement(name: String) {
if (name != currentElement().normalName()) error(state())
fun lastFormattingElement(): Element? {
return if ((formattingElements?.size ?: 0) > 0) {
formattingElements!![formattingElements!!.size - 1]
} else {
fun positionOfElement(el: Element?): Int {
for (i in formattingElements!!.indices) {
if (el === formattingElements!!.get(i)) return i
return -1
fun removeLastFormattingElement(): Element? {
val size: Int = formattingElements?.size ?: 0
return if (size > 0) formattingElements!!.removeAt(size - 1) else null
// active formatting elements
fun pushActiveFormattingElements(`in`: Element) {
fun pushWithBookmark(
`in`: Element,
bookmark: Int,
) {
// catch any range errors and assume bookmark is incorrect - saves a redundant range check.
try {
formattingElements!!.add(bookmark, `in`)
} catch (e: IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
fun checkActiveFormattingElements(`in`: Element) {
var numSeen = 0
val size: Int = formattingElements!!.size - 1
var ceil = size - maxUsedFormattingElements
if (ceil < 0) ceil = 0
for (pos in size downTo ceil) {
val el: Element = formattingElements?.get(pos) ?: break // marker
if (isSameFormattingElement(`in`, el)) numSeen++
if (numSeen == 3) {
fun reconstructFormattingElements() {
if (stack.size > maxQueueDepth) return
val last: Element? = lastFormattingElement()
if (last == null || onStack(last)) return
var entry: Element? = last
val size: Int = formattingElements?.size ?: 0
var ceil = size - maxUsedFormattingElements
if (ceil < 0) ceil = 0
var pos = size - 1
var skip = false
while (true) {
if (pos == ceil) { // step 4. if none before, skip to 8
skip = true
entry = formattingElements?.get(--pos) // step 5. one earlier than entry
if (entry == null || onStack(entry)) {
// step 6 - neither marker nor on stack
break // jump to 8, else continue back to 4
while (true) {
if (!skip) {
// step 7: on later than entry
entry = formattingElements?.get(++pos)
Validate.notNull(entry) // should not occur, as we break at last element
// 8. create new element from element, 9 insert into current node, onto stack
skip = false // can only skip increment from 4.
val newEl = Element(tagFor(entry!!.normalName(), settings), null, entry.attributes().clone())
doInsertElement(newEl, null)
// 10. replace entry with new entry
formattingElements?.set(pos, newEl)
// 11
if (pos == size - 1) {
// if not last entry in list, jump to 7
fun clearFormattingElementsToLastMarker() {
while (!formattingElements!!.isEmpty()) {
removeLastFormattingElement() ?: break
fun removeFromActiveFormattingElements(el: Element) {
for (pos in formattingElements!!.indices.reversed()) {
val next: Element? = formattingElements?.get(pos)
if (next === el) {
fun isInActiveFormattingElements(el: Element): Boolean {
return onStack(formattingElements?.mapNotNull { it }?.toList() ?: emptyList(), el)
fun getActiveFormattingElement(nodeName: String?): Element? {
for (pos in formattingElements!!.indices.reversed()) {
val next: Element? = formattingElements?.get(pos)
if (next == null) {
// scope marker
} else if (next.nameIs(nodeName)) {
return next
return null
fun replaceActiveFormattingElement(
out: Element,
`in`: Element,
) {
replaceInQueue(formattingElements!!, out, `in`)
fun insertMarkerToFormattingElements() {
fun insertInFosterParent(inNode: Node) {
val fosterParent: Element?
val lastTable: Element? = getFromStack("table")
var isLastTableParent = false
if (lastTable != null) {
if (lastTable.parent() != null) {
fosterParent = lastTable.parent()
isLastTableParent = true
} else {
fosterParent = aboveOnStack(lastTable)
} else { // no table == frag
fosterParent = stack[0]
if (isLastTableParent) {
Validate.notNull(lastTable) // last table cannot be null by this point.
} else {
// Template Insertion Mode stack
fun pushTemplateMode(state: HtmlTreeBuilderState) {
fun popTemplateMode(): HtmlTreeBuilderState? {
return if (!tmplInsertMode.isNullOrEmpty()) {
tmplInsertMode?.removeAt(tmplInsertMode!!.size - 1)
} else {
fun templateModeSize(): Int {
return tmplInsertMode?.size ?: 0
fun currentTemplateMode(): HtmlTreeBuilderState? {
return if (tmplInsertMode!!.size > 0) tmplInsertMode?.get(tmplInsertMode!!.size - 1) else null
override fun toString(): String {
return "TreeBuilder{" +
"currentToken=" + currentToken +
", state=" + state +
", currentElement=" + currentElement() +
override fun isContentForTagData(normalName: String): Boolean {
return normalName == "script" || normalName == "style"
companion object {
// tag searches. must be sorted, used in inSorted. HtmlTreeBuilderTest validates they're sorted.
val TagsSearchInScope: Array =
arrayOf("applet", "caption", "html", "marquee", "object", "table", "td", "th")
val TagSearchList = arrayOf("ol", "ul")
val TagSearchButton = arrayOf("button")
val TagSearchTableScope = arrayOf("html", "table")
val TagSearchSelectScope = arrayOf("optgroup", "option")
val TagSearchEndTags = arrayOf("dd", "dt", "li", "optgroup", "option", "p", "rb", "rp", "rt", "rtc")
val TagThoroughSearchEndTags =
val TagSearchSpecial =
val TagMathMlTextIntegration = arrayOf("mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext")
val TagSvgHtmlIntegration = arrayOf("desc", "foreignObject", "title")
const val MaxScopeSearchDepth =
100 // prevents the parser bogging down in exceptionally broken pages
private const val maxQueueDepth =
256 // an arbitrary tension point between real HTML and crafted pain
private fun onStack(
queue: List,
element: Element,
): Boolean {
val bottom: Int = queue.size - 1
val upper = if (bottom >= maxQueueDepth) bottom - maxQueueDepth else 0
for (pos in bottom downTo upper) {
val next: Element? = queue[pos]
if (next === element) {
return true
return false
private const val maxUsedFormattingElements = 12 // limit how many elements get recreated
fun isMathmlTextIntegration(el: Element): Boolean {
A node is a MathML text integration point if it is one of the following elements:
A MathML mi element
A MathML mo element
A MathML mn element
A MathML ms element
A MathML mtext element
return (
Parser.NamespaceMathml == el.tag().namespace() &&
StringUtil.inSorted(el.normalName(), TagMathMlTextIntegration)
fun isHtmlIntegration(el: Element): Boolean {
A node is an HTML integration point if it is one of the following elements:
A MathML annotation-xml element whose start tag token had an attribute with the name "encoding" whose value was an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "text/html"
A MathML annotation-xml element whose start tag token had an attribute with the name "encoding" whose value was an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "application/xhtml+xml"
An SVG foreignObject element
An SVG desc element
An SVG title element
if (Parser.NamespaceMathml == el.tag().namespace() && el.nameIs("annotation-xml")) {
val encoding: String = Normalizer.normalize(el.attr("encoding"))
if (encoding == "text/html" || encoding == "application/xhtml+xml") return true
return Parser.NamespaceSvg == el.tag().namespace() &&
private fun replaceInQueue(
queue: ArrayList,
out: Element,
inEl: Element,
) {
val i: Int = queue.lastIndexOf(out)
Validate.isTrue(i != -1)
queue[i] = inEl
fun isSpecial(el: Element): Boolean {
// todo: mathml's mi, mo, mn
// todo: svg's foreigObject, desc, title
val name: String = el.normalName()
return StringUtil.inSorted(name, TagSearchSpecial)
private fun isSameFormattingElement(
a: Element,
b: Element,
): Boolean {
// same if: same namespace, tag, and attributes. Element.equals only checks tag, might in future check children
return a.normalName() == b.normalName() && // a.namespace().equals(b.namespace()) &&
a.attributes() == b.attributes()
// todo: namespaces
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