com.fluidbpm.program.api.ICustomProgram Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.fluidbpm.program.api;
import java.util.List;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.form.Form;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.item.FluidItem;
* The interface to extend when creating
* custom operations in a specific place in the Fluid workflow.
* @author jasonbruwer
* @since v1.0
* @see ICustomScheduledAction
* @see ICustomWebAction
* @see Form
* @see FluidItem
public interface ICustomProgram extends IActionBase {
* Execute Order (2)
* The Task Identifier when selecting the Program to Execute
* at the relevant {@code FlowStep}.
* @return The Fluid Implementation Unique Action Identifier
* @see com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.flow.FlowStep
public abstract String getTaskIdentifier();
* Execute Order (3)
* Execute the custom functionality and change properties on {@code fluidItemParam}.
* @param fluidItemParam The original Fluid workflow item at the Fluid Java Program Step with
* all its properties and states.
* @return A {@code List} that may include new Fluid Items to create or update.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid Workitem will move into an error state.
* @see FluidItem
public abstract List execute(FluidItem fluidItemParam) throws Exception;
* Execute Order (4)
* Generate a {@code UserQuery} {@code String} that may be executed against
* previous data stored in Fluid's workflow.
* This is ideal for identifying and preventing the creation of duplicated data.
* @param fluidItemParam The {@code FluidItem}
* @return The Fluid {@code UserQuery} that will be executed once the {@code execute(FluidItem fluidItemParam)}
* {@code method} has finished.
* The {@code executePerFluidItemQuery} {@code method} will be executed
* for each of the {@code List} items returned from the {@code execute} method.
* The item must be part of the Workflow to qualify.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid workitem will move into an error state.
* @see ICustomProgram#execute(FluidItem)
* @see ICustomProgram#postProcessFluidItem(FluidItem, List)
public abstract String executePerFluidItemQuery(FluidItem fluidItemParam) throws Exception;
* Execute Order (5)
* If a {@code null} is returned, the item will be completely ignored.
* No Create or Update will be performed on return value {@code FluidItem}.
* If the {@code FluidItem.setFlowJob()} is used, the newly created item will be sent to the
* described 'Flow'.
* In addition, if {@code setInCaseOfCreateLinkToParent()} is set to {@code true}, the
* child will be linked to the parent.
* If an attachment is added to the any of the {@code executePerFluidItemQueryResultParam} items, the
* attachment will be added to that item if the type is (Document or Folder).
* The conversion type for {@code this} is called {@code FlowJobItemConverted.ConvertedType.AttachmentAddOnly}.
* This is an easy way to link attachments to {@code Document} items.
* @param fluidItemParam Each of the original items from {@code execute(FluidItem fluidItemParam)}. There is an option to set
* a parent for the Fluid item that most likely would originate from the {@code executePerFluidItemQueryResultParam}.
* This is a way of linking incoming or existing data with existing data in Fluid.
* @param executePerFluidItemQueryResultParam The {@code executePerFluidItemQuery(FluidItem fluidItemParam)} result. Only
* attachments can be added (No updates or creation of new or existing FluidItem's)
* @return {@code null} or {@code fluidItemParam} modified. If the Form id is set, an update will be performed, otherwise a create.
* @throws Exception When a exception is {@code throw}, the Fluid Workitem will move into an error state.
* @see FluidItem
* @see Form
public abstract FluidItem postProcessFluidItem(FluidItem fluidItemParam,
List executePerFluidItemQueryResultParam)
throws Exception;