com.fluidbpm.program.api.util.UtilGlobal Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* [2012] - [2017] Koekiebox (Pty) Ltd
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property
* of Koekiebox and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and
* technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Koekiebox
* and its suppliers and may be covered by South African and Foreign Patents,
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* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly
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package com.fluidbpm.program.api.util;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.field.Field;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.field.MultiChoice;
import com.fluidbpm.program.api.vo.field.TableField;
* Global utility class for the {@code com.fluidbpm.program.api.util} package.
* @author jasonbruwer on 2016/03/09.
* @since 1.0
public class UtilGlobal {
* Raygun API key for error tracking.
public static final class Raygun {
public static String API_KEY = null;
public static final String EMPTY = "";
public static final String PIPE = "|";
public static final String COMMA = ",";
public static final String COMMA_SPACE = ", ";
public static final String FORWARD_SLASH = "/";
public static final String REG_EX_COMMA = "\\,";
public static final String REG_EX_PIPE = "\\|";
public static final String ZERO = "0";
public static final String ENCODING_UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
* The field type id mappings.
public static class FieldTypeId {
public static final int _1_TEXT = 1;
public static final int _2_TRUE_FALSE = 2;
public static final int _3_PARAGRAPH_TEXT = 3;
public static final int _4_MULTI_CHOICE = 4;
public static final int _5_DATE_TIME = 5;
public static final int _6_DECIMAL = 6;
public static final int _7_TABLE_FIELD = 7;
public static final int _8_TEXT_ENCRYPTED = 8;
public static final int _9_LABEL = 9;
* Utility method for creating camel-case-upper from {@code inputParam}
* @param inputParam The input to convert.
* @return The converted value.
public String toCamelUpperCase(String inputParam) {
if (inputParam == null) {
return null;
if (inputParam.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY;
char[] original = inputParam.toCharArray();
StringBuilder returnBuffer =
new StringBuilder(Character.toString(
boolean nextTitleCase = false;
for (int index = 1;index < original.length;index++) {
char c = original[index];
if (Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {
nextTitleCase = true;
} else if (nextTitleCase) {
c = Character.toTitleCase(c);
nextTitleCase = false;
return returnBuffer.toString();
* Extract and returns Latitude from {@code textToCheckParam} applicable to
* Fluid.
* @param textToCheckParam The Latitude and Longitude to extract Latitude from.
* @return Geo Latitude from {@code textToCheckParam}.
public String getLatitudeFromFluidText(String textToCheckParam) {
if (textToCheckParam == null || textToCheckParam.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY;
String[] latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_PIPE);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length < 2) {
latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_COMMA);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length == 0) {
return ZERO;
if (latitudeAndLongitude.length > 1)
return toGoeSafe(latitudeAndLongitude[0]);
return ZERO;
* Extract and returns Longitude from {@code textToCheckParam}
* applicable to ElasticSearch.
* @param textToCheckParam The Latitude and Longitude to extract Longitude from.
* @return Geo Longitude from {@code textToCheckParam}.
public String getLongitudeFromFluidText(String textToCheckParam) {
if (textToCheckParam == null || textToCheckParam.trim().isEmpty())
return EMPTY;
String[] latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_PIPE);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length < 2) {
latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_COMMA);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length == 0) {
return ZERO;
if (latitudeAndLongitude.length > 1) {
return this.toGoeSafe(latitudeAndLongitude[1]);
return ZERO;
* Extract and returns Latitude from {@code textToCheckParam}
* applicable to ElasticSearch.
* @param textToCheckParam The Latitude and Longitude to extract Latitude from.
* @return Geo Latitude from {@code textToCheckParam}.
public double getLatitudeFromElasticSearchText(String textToCheckParam)
if (textToCheckParam == null || textToCheckParam.isEmpty()) {
return 0.0;
String[] latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_COMMA);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length < 2) {
latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_PIPE);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length == 0) {
return 0.0;
if (latitudeAndLongitude.length > 1) {
return toDoubleSafe(latitudeAndLongitude[0]);
return 0.0;
* Extract and returns Longitude from {@code textToCheckParam}
* applicable to ElasticSearch.
* @param textToCheckParam The Latitude and Longitude to extract Longitude from.
* @return Geo Longitude from {@code textToCheckParam}.
public double getLongitudeFromElasticSearchText(String textToCheckParam)
if (textToCheckParam == null || textToCheckParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
return 0.0;
String[] latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_COMMA);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length < 2) {
latitudeAndLongitude = textToCheckParam.split(REG_EX_PIPE);
if (latitudeAndLongitude == null || latitudeAndLongitude.length == 0) {
return 0.0;
if (latitudeAndLongitude.length > 1) {
return this.toDoubleSafe(latitudeAndLongitude[1]);
return 0.0;
* Convert the {@code toParseParam} to a double.
* @param toParseParam The {@code String} value to convert to {@code double}.
* @return {@code toParseParam} converted to a {@code double}.
public final double toDoubleSafe(String toParseParam) {
if (toParseParam == null || toParseParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
return 0D;
try {
return Double.parseDouble(toParseParam);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 0D;
* Convert the {@code toParseParam} to a double.
* @param toParseParam The {@code String} value to convert to {@code double}.
* @return {@code toParseParam} converted to a {@code double}.
public final String toGoeSafe(String toParseParam) {
if (toParseParam == null || toParseParam.trim().isEmpty()) {
return ZERO;
try {
for (char charToCheck : toParseParam.toCharArray()){
if (!Character.isDigit(charToCheck) && '.' != charToCheck){
return ZERO;
if (toParseParam.length() > 12){
return toParseParam.substring(0,12);
return toParseParam;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return ZERO;
* Decodes the {@code base64StringParam} as {@code byte[]}.
* @param base64StringParam String to convert to {@code byte[]}.
* @return byte[].
public static byte[] decodeBase64(String base64StringParam) {
if (base64StringParam == null) {
return null;
if (base64StringParam.isEmpty()) {
return new byte[]{};
return BaseEncoding.base64().decode(base64StringParam);
* Encodes the {@code bytesParam} as {@code java.lang.String}.
* @param bytesParam bytes to convert to Hex.
* @return Hex String in upper case.
public static String encodeBase16(byte[] bytesParam) {
if (bytesParam == null)
return null;
if (bytesParam.length == 0)
return UtilGlobal.EMPTY;
return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(bytesParam).toUpperCase();
* Encodes the {@code stringParam} as {@code byte[]}.
* @param stringParam to convert to bytes.
* @return bytes from {@code stringParam}.
public static byte[] decodeBase16(String stringParam) {
if (stringParam == null) {
return null;
if (stringParam.trim().isEmpty())
return new byte[]{};
int len = stringParam.length();
byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(stringParam.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
+ Character.digit(stringParam.charAt(i+1), 16));
return data;
* Encodes the {@code bytesParam} as {@code java.lang.String}.
* @param bytesParam bytes to convert to Base64.
* @return Base64 String.
public static String encodeBase64(byte[] bytesParam) {
if (bytesParam == null) {
return null;
if (bytesParam.length == 0) {
return UtilGlobal.EMPTY;
return BaseEncoding.base64().encode(bytesParam);
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new byte[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static byte[] addAll(final byte[] array1, final byte... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final byte[] joinedArray = new byte[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling
* {@code null}.
* This method returns {@code null} for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to clone, may be {@code null}
* @return the cloned array, {@code null} if {@code null} input
public static byte[] clone(final byte[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
* Sets the flat value on the {@code objectToSetFieldOnParam} JSON object.
* If the {@code fieldToExtractFromParam} is not provided, nothing will be set.
* If {@code fieldNamePrefixParam} or {@code fieldNameIdPrefixParam} is not set, an
* {@link NullPointerException} will be thrown.
* @param fieldNamePrefixParam The prefix field name.
* @param fieldNameIdPrefixParam The prefix field name for id.
* @param fieldToExtractFromParam The field to extract the value from.
* @param objectToSetFieldOnParam The JSON object to set the field value on.
* @see JSONObject
* @see Field
public void setFlatFieldOnJSONObj(
String fieldNamePrefixParam,
String fieldNameIdPrefixParam,
Field fieldToExtractFromParam,
JSONObject objectToSetFieldOnParam)
if (fieldToExtractFromParam == null)
String fieldName = fieldToExtractFromParam.getFieldNameAsUpperCamel();
if (fieldName == null || fieldName.trim().isEmpty())
String completeFieldName = fieldNamePrefixParam.concat(fieldName);
String completeFieldNameId = fieldNameIdPrefixParam.concat(fieldName);
Object fieldValue = fieldToExtractFromParam.getFieldValue();
if (fieldValue == null) {
} else if (fieldValue instanceof TableField) {
//Table field...
} else if (fieldValue instanceof MultiChoice) {
//Multiple Choice...
MultiChoice multiChoice = (MultiChoice) fieldValue;
//Nothing provided...
if (multiChoice.getSelectedMultiChoices() == null ||
multiChoice.getSelectedMultiChoices().isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
multiChoice.getSelectedMultiChoices().forEach(selectedChoice ->
builder.append(", ");
String selectVal = builder.toString();
if (selectVal != null && !selectVal.trim().isEmpty()) {
selectVal = selectVal.substring(0, selectVal.length() - 2);
objectToSetFieldOnParam.put(completeFieldName, selectVal);
} else if((fieldValue instanceof Number || fieldValue instanceof Boolean) ||
fieldValue instanceof String) {
//Other valid types...
if ((fieldValue instanceof String) &&
fieldToExtractFromParam.getTypeMetaData())) {
String formFieldValueStr = fieldValue.toString();
String latitudeTxt = this.getLatitudeFromFluidText(formFieldValueStr);
String longitudeTxt = this.getLongitudeFromFluidText(formFieldValueStr);
fieldValue = (latitudeTxt.concat(UtilGlobal.COMMA).concat(longitudeTxt));
objectToSetFieldOnParam.put(completeFieldName, fieldValue);
} else if (fieldValue instanceof Date) {
objectToSetFieldOnParam.put(completeFieldName, ((Date)fieldValue).getTime());
* Create a random UUID using {@code UUID.randomUUID()}.
* Example; 91e4da00-b858-4ccc-a0c3-7acad7415911
* @return Random 36 character string.
public static String randomUUID() {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
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